The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 4

Generally, people feel a reluctance to take a life if it exceeds a certain size.

Especially if it’s their first time.

But to carry it out without hesitation?

That in itself can be considered a talent.

“So, it’s your first time, right?”


Sowol slightly frowned, starting to look at her hands.

What is she thinking right now? Feelings of guilt for taking a life?

The thrill of having killed a monster?

A sense of accomplishment for crossing the line between life and death?

“How was it?”

“Not much…? It just felt like I knocked something down.”

“Good. Keep that feeling.”

The best state is muneom (no thought).

You shouldn’t feel special about taking a life.

No guilt, no pride. Only by not experiencing those emotions can you truly grow stronger.

If you feel guilt, it becomes a burden that holds you back from growing stronger.

If you feel pride, you might find yourself enjoying slaughter more and become a crazy murderer.

That’s why muneom is important. It allows you to kill when necessary but also gives you the patience to let things go when it isn’t needed.

In that sense, Sowol’s talent is truly impressive.

“So, what’s next?”

“Today’s physical training is over. The rest is up to you; either do personal training or take a break.”

“Is that all I get for my dad’s paycheck?”

Seems like my answer didn’t sit well with her. But what can I do?

If I start off hardcore, we’ll both just end up tired.


“Then I’ll head out, so follow me, okay? I need help shopping.”

“Whoa. You’re gonna use me as a pack mule?”

After I said that, Sowol shoved her wooden sword into the ground and put her hands on her face.

What is she going to do in that position?

“I’m cute, right? What if a pretty girl like me gets kidnapped while wandering around alone?”

Can you at least smile when you say that?

I wasn’t really planning to refuse, and since I had nothing else to do, I decided to tag along for Sowol’s shopping.

And only after entering the Eastern Trading Company mansion did I understand why she made that suggestion.

“Oh no! Miss! If you go out alone again, we’ll get scolded by the Master!”

As Sowol tried to go out, a bunch of warriors, including Baekmusar, rushed out to surround her.

So, Sowol pointed at me.

“That uncle is coming with me.”

“Ugh. This Master? Then…”

Did my just going with them make everyone uneasy? They all stepped back reluctantly.

That was proof that my skills were recognized in the Eastern Trading Company.

“Grateful for your help, Master.”

“Ha ha. Don’t worry.”

Sowol must grow up just fine for my sake.

Of course, I planned to throw her into training I could control, but there was no way I’d let her be kidnapped or encounter real danger.

“By the way, shopping? What could the daughter of the Eastern Trading Company want to buy elsewhere?”

“Uh, just some snacks or accessories.”

“Can’t you just use what’s at the trading company?”

“There could be things outside that I like besides the ones at the company. Speaking of which, you’ve never been to the market in our territory, have you?”

True. I entered the estate as soon as I got here.

But I was curious if there’s really anything special about a market.

As I was thinking, Sowol grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

“Let’s go. It’s this way.”

Sowol seemed to know the way, striding confidently as if she had been there before.

The interior of the territory looked perfectly normal.

Walking through a busy market alley of an ordinary territory that could easily show up in a game as a mid-game town, Sowol strode confidently to one side.

“What is this?”

“Tanghulu. Never seen it before?”

“I didn’t ask because I didn’t know what it was.”

It’s one of the snacks from the game. Consuming it would restore a bit of stamina and mana.

However, while the game had only one type of Tanghulu, there were quite a variety here.

“I want strawberry Tanghulu. What about you?”

“Are you going to buy it for me?”

“Having come all this way with you, wouldn’t I at least get you this much?”

“Then I want grape.”

Sowol nodded and took her wallet out of her bag. Just as she was about to open it to pay with a few coins…


A shady-looking guy reached out to snatch Sowol’s wallet.

There was no way I was going to let that slide, so I grabbed his hand. When the surprised guy looked at me, I just smiled.



I broke his arm.

“What the hell, you crazy bastard! What do you think you’re doing?!”

“That’s what I’d like to ask. I never expected there would be someone wanting to lay hands on the precious daughter of the Eastern Trading Company. Are you out of your mind?”

I had no idea where this scummy guy came from, but there was no way I’d let a pickpocket touch me.

I smiled at him as he howled in agony, trying to rise with his uninjured arm to attack me with a dagger.

Of course, I wasn’t about to get hit by such a sluggish attack.


My punch hit his jaw. As he collapsed to the ground, Sowol stared at him and then tilted her head.

“I think that guy is a member of the Skull Gang.”

Skull Gang? What’s that?

When I looked puzzled, Sowol stared at me incredulously, letting out a sigh.

“No one in this territory doesn’t know about the Skull Gang except you. They’re a famous group of thieves around here. Their leader, the Skull Warrior Longbeat, is said to be strong enough to use aura. That’s why even the lord’s guards can’t recklessly touch them.”

“Is the Eastern Trading Company just letting that slide?”

Regarding the trading company, having troublesome bandits around wouldn’t be ideal.

Sowol shrugged.

Does she not know that part either?


“It’s just foolish to challenge me for revenge against a mere drifter like that.”

“You have some confidence, huh?”

“What do you think? Isn’t it cool? This is your master.”

I boasted to Sowol, who then shifted her gaze away and called to the store.

“Two strawberry Tanghulus and one grape Tanghulu.”

Who are you talking to right now?!

We bought the Tanghulu, but we didn’t head back just yet.

Looks like there was more to buy. Some thin fabric, jerky, and odds and ends.

After picking up a bunch of unnecessary stuff, we returned to find Baekmusar and a few other warriors wearing serious expressions.

“Is something wrong?”

“Oh, you’re back. Did you hear the news? One of the Skull Gang members was caught in the market today.”

“Yeah, I heard.”

I actually saw it. As Sowol and I nodded, Baekmusar sighed heavily.

“Because of that, the Skull Gang turned furious. They said if they don’t get the guy who touched one of their own, they’ll double the tolls…”

“What are you going to do, Uncle?”

“Doubling the tolls, huh? Where are they holed up?”

“At a place called Wolasan. It’s not too far from here.”

Wolasan is the mountain on the opposite side from where I came. So they’re planning to control that road leading to the big city for collecting tolls?

“The lord is getting more sensitive over this, and talks of going to hunt them down alongside our trading company have come up.”

“So that’s why you guys are so busy.”

“Yeah. So, um… can that Master help us out a bit?”

“Of course I’ll help. That goes without saying.”

Hearing that I’d join them, they seemed greatly relieved.

The previous serious expressions were likely because they were anxious I would refuse.

How can they survive in this tough world with such fragile hearts?

I patted Baekmusar and the other warriors on the shoulder.

“When are we going?”

“We’re planning to go in three days, as per the orders from the leader.”

If we take down the Skull Gang here, the Eastern Trading Company will become even stronger.

Taking control of the path leading to the big city will help the company develop further.

Plus, it’s a good opportunity for me too.

“It was supposed to be a break, but the schedule has changed. Let’s start training from now.”

“I don’t mind, but why?”

Why, you ask?

“Because we need training to prepare for field lessons.”

With so many real-life teaching materials showing up, there’s no way I can skip field lessons.

“So what kind of training should we do?”

I led Sowol to the garden behind the mansion.

As she stood perplexed in the open spacious garden, I grabbed the wooden sword and threw it to her.

“Another cutting and stabbing training?”

“No. It’s endurance training.”

I swung the wooden sword quickly, and seeing Sowol barely block it, I said leisurely.

“This training is about properly defending against my attacks. If you can endure well, there’s a little reward.”

“What kind of reward?”

“A sticker of praise. Collect ten, and I’ll grant you a wish.”

“…That doesn’t sound very useful.”

Don’t be surprised when I give it to you later and you regret it.

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