The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 133

Broke my nose bone in my ass?!

Okay. First alchemy class this afternoon!! Face to face!! and bravely moved to the alchemy discipline building, the freshman was put through to the school building located ‘on the ground’.

The school building, which burned in the fire, was only back to normal in appearance, but when I went inside, it was a large space like a gym, and the hydroponics were growing large quantities of herbs.

Apparently it is a school building that will be destroyed every event, so it would be good in the Halibote school building without completely restoring it. That’s why they got the conversation together at the staff meeting.

He said other disciplines are restoring only appearance as haribotes.

“Even before it burned, Ursh, you blew up the school building. But this herbalization is unexpected”

I’ll stand beside you, Ursh. I’ll talk to you cosolitically. Ursh, you harvested the dizzying herb and answered as you packed it into the inside pocket of your robe.

“They keep giant athletics made by warrior students in the school buildings of the Magic Warrior family.”

“No, wait, Mr. Ursh… what are you harvesting on your own? Are you all right? are other students harvesting?!

Ursh, surprised by your herbal thief, looked around softly and some of the other students were snobbing at the herbal thief because of it.

“Can Isabella help me, too? It’s a precious herb to be flowering in the shape of white grapes around there… wondering if you could collect it in the closet for each foundation you’re growing?

While I’m surprised at you for trying to make me help a herbal thief, as a matter of course, Ursh, I’m sure what you do makes sense. In accordance with honesty, the designated medicinal herbs will be stored in the closet for each base of hydroponics.

Hi, there. This is Isabella, the villain’s warrant lady, who is instructed by her fiancée to steal the school’s medicinal herbs by equipment.

“What? Um… Mr. Ursh? I’ll help, but I’m helping, but can you tell me why?

“Every event is raided and destroyed by other disciplines… This School’s Subject Building”

I rushed so fast to steal the herb.

Undirected herbs and equipment were also hastily stored in the closet.

Freshmen who didn’t understand the situation well also helped me with a question mark on my head, tilting my neck.

You’re good kids. But look out for the future because it seems to trick you.

The school building turned into a gallant gymnasium-like state. Immediately afterwards, the sound of shelling was heard and the ground sounded coming from outside the school building.

Apparently one hair in crisis, the medicinal herbs were protected (?) Seems.

The freshmen who were gathering bragged about the fussy returns of the freshmen’s welcome party opening.

When the confusion spread and freshmen began to behave suspiciously, a few seniors finally jumped out of the ‘underground’ school building.

“Damn it! The Rookie Battle has already begun! Unlike the Warrior and Mage disciplines, freshmen over here can be instant warriors, but you relentless bastards!!

“I mean, we do the herb collection!! You don’t have any equipment?

I don’t feel like the ‘rookie fight’ that some senior is talking about is what I know of. I mean, definitely not.

And then I recovered the herbs from every piece of equipment, almost me. I’m sorry.

In the meantime, the evacuation induction of freshmen began.

Divide into two hands and descend one after the other into the underground school building. One is a stairway passage. The other was a passage down the ladder or pole. Actually, I’ve had it for a long time, but I only knew the stairway passage.

This, getting off at the pole sounds more fun, like a firefighter on the move.

Without hesitation, I chose Paul’s passage and lined it up, and Ursh tied my skirt up with a belt from you.

I looked up at you in confusion when I saw a skirt that in a way turned out to be like a balloon skirt.

Then you, Ursh, laugh bitterly and explain why you tied your skirt.

“If I slipped down with a pole while I was skirting, I might see the inside of the skirt from someone downstairs, huh? I’m going down first, and then you’re not coming down. You don’t have to worry about landing.”

“Uh… Wolsh, I can’t say this is tied up and hard to move… or I can’t get my feet tangled by Paul…”

“It’s okay. Isabella can get off just because of her arm strength. And when Paul wraps his legs around me, it’s so irritating that I can’t sleep at night, so stop it.”

What’s so exciting about that? Is this about the shock? You mean Paul got a vibration, Ursh, and you’re having a hard time getting off?

I don’t know, I’m pretty sure I can just get off with my arm, and well, I guess.

When the order comes around and jumps and moves with Piompion to Paul, Ursh, after you, he grabs Paul and tells Paul to go down.

I gained too much momentum and almost got off to the second basement floor, but as promised, Ursh, you drew me in, so I could land on the first floor safely.

As the two of them lined up and away from Paul to stay out of the way of the next person coming down, several students already rushed down to the first basement floor to wait.

“Ah, Mr. Ursh. The dean was looking for you. He’s waiting on the bottom floor for something to do with starting the golem and unloading it outside.”

“Really? I hope it’s time we did something ourselves. Isabella, I’m sorry, I’m just gonna ask you a few questions. I’ll be right back. I’m not waiting.”

With that said, Ursh, you peek over Paul and slip down to make sure there’s no one coming down from the top.

Uh-huh. They told me to wait, but you want to be with you a little more, Ursh.

If I didn’t interrupt your conversation with the dean, could I stay nearby? Let’s keep up.

“Wait, Mr. Ursh. I’m coming with you.”

Piong Piong and I rush after you, Ursh, and slip down at the pole.

Speaking of which, how many floors underground is the alchemy school building?

The bottom floor, how far down do I have to go?

In the meantime, Ursh, I’m downstairs. I’m going down sultry with my feet up so I don’t hit you.

Ursh raised his voice, apparently realizing that I was coming down from above.

“Huh? Isabella? Ah!! Wait!! Stop!!”

Ursh, I was stopped by you, but I didn’t make it a little bit and my butt landed Poughn on ‘Something’.

No, you can’t escape reality.

It’s not “something”. It’s ‘Your Head, Ursh’ for sure.

Yikes! Ursh, my butt landed on your head!!

Ursh with an unexplained attribute, saying belly-black pure boy, got his butt on your head!!

As it were, Ursh, with the shameful system of putting your butt on your head, I reached downstairs with Shrew.

If you think calmly later, you should have let your arm say things and stopped on the way to Paul and let your butt off your head, Ursh. But it seemed like I was panicking then, and I didn’t think of it that far, Ursh, and I slipped down to the bottom with my butt on your head.

Arriving silently on the lowest floor, Ulsh, you were on your knees (knees) with Gakuri the moment you landed.

I’ll land beside you in a hurry, Ursh, and I’ll kneel beside you to see how you’re doing.

Ursh, you were turning your ears bright red, leaning down and holding your face with one hand.

“Um, sorry, Mr. Ursh!! I can’t slow down, land on my head and I’m sorry!!

Then the seniors with the tools came close to Walla Walla and told the shocking truth.

“Uh-huh. The young lady was landing, not Urshboy’s head, but her face.”

“The moment Ursch Boy looks up, he’s got a posoon on his face. Young lady’s ass!!

At the feet of the laughing seniors, Ursh, you keep coming round!! Getting small and compact!!

Sorry, Mr. Ursh!! I’m so sorry!!

Somebody give me a shovel or tuluhashi right now. Yikes!! I just have to dig a hole to fill now!!

And Mr. Ursh, is it even a curse that increases the lucky skebe encounter rate if it’s inside the alchemy school building?!

No, I’m sorry. This time it’s all about my immorality!!

“Sorry, Mr. Ursh!! Because I didn’t check the bottom properly.”

Ursh, as I peered in to see how you were, my blood was dripping from the gap in my hand that held me around my nose.

“Wolsh, you!! Blood from the nose!! Sorry!! I had a bad face beating?! Could my butt have broken my nose bone?!

“Young lady, that’s probably a nosebleed with blood on your head with a sketchy heart, so don’t worry about it.”

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