The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 197: Dianna's Round 3 in 1

Pandora was just asking. She didn't actually care if Dark had other appointments.

Although the two got along well, it was still not to the extent that she would be jealous.

Dark was an excellent student. It would be strange if no one wanted to invite him to the Christmas ball.

Perhaps, in order to accept her invitation, he had turned down countless other people's invitations.

But Pandora could also guess that there were some people who Dark couldn't turn down.

For example the little girl named Dianna who always liked to cling to Dark.

Probably, in the second half of the ball, he needs to deal with that clingy little girl.

So pitiful.


In the face of Pandora-senpai's question, Dark did not hide it: "Yes, I have to dance with Dianna later."

Senior Sister Pandora smiled and said, "Then let's go back, I'm actually feeling a little cold as well."

The dress on her body wasn't really warm, and she would feel cold once she stopped moving.

Earlier on, it was because she was chatting with Dark that she didn't pay much attention to it.

Dark couldn't help feeling guilty: "I'm sorry, it was my fault."

Pandora raised her hand and seemed to want to poke Dark's forehead, but she stopped halfway. She nodded and said, "Don't talk like you're trying to look after me. I'm older than you."

"Okay, senpai." Dark lifted one of his arms to invite Pandora.

Pandora hooked his arm and went downstairs with him.


When they returned to the great hall, there were at least a third of the people left.

But not all of those who that left were couples

Some people just couldn't stand the romantic atmosphere of the dance and wanted to go out for a walk, but they would still bump into other student couples outside from time to time. This made them very frustrated.

There were also some people who took advantage of the atmosphere to invite people they liked out to confess.

If they succeeded, they probably wouldn't come back.

But if they failed, they probably wouldn't come back even more.


The first half of the dance was from nine to ten.

The second half was from eleven to twelve.

In terms of one hour between the two sessions, it was like a break time.

During this time, most students would find a quiet corner to chat with each other happily.

But there were also those who were restless and couldn't find joy in it.

White Gawd was one of them,

He and Robert were playing magic chess on the table, and a few classmates were watching them play.

But White frequently made mistakes while playing chess. He would always be distracted when there was movement at the door. Obviously, his mind was not on magic chess at all.

Robert felt that White's chess skills plummeted, and was very disappointed with his close friend who didn't take magic chess seriously.

When White made an extremely stupid mistake again, Robert finally couldn't help but criticized: "Magic chess has a soul, if your heart is not here, then don't play it!"

It was the first time that White was criticized by Robert. He couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

He withdrew his hand and sighed, "I want to be alone for a while."

Robert shook his head. "Don't panic, White. They're three years apart!"

White originally wanted to agree with him, but when he thought that he was also part of the "three years apart", he couldn't help but be speechless again.

For the first time in his life, he spent most of his Christmas ball in the midst of worrying about gains and losses.

It wasn't until the second half of the dance was about to start that White finally saw Pandora-senpai and Dark walk in from the front door.

The two held hands, following the common etiquette.

Dark was dressed in black and Pandora was dressed in white; their outfits seemed to match each other extremely well.

But White's eyes noticed the height difference between the two, which reassured him a little.

He had heard more than once that girls wouldn't like boys who were shorter than themselves.

Maybe the relationship between Pandora-senpai and Dark is slightly different from what I think?

"As Robert said, I shouldn't think of the worst all the time."

White patted his cheek to wake himself up.

Then he saw Dark and Pandora walk to Dianna and Rose.


Pandora generously sat down on the other side of Rose.

And Dark sat on the other side of Dianna.

Four people sat in a row.

Dianna beamed with joy when she saw Dark's return.

Rose became very nervous after Pandora sat down.

Pandora reached out and introduced herself, "Hello, I'm Pandora Doragon, fourth year Magister House student."

Rose quickly took her hand and introduced herself as well: "Rose Rothrock, Noble House, first year."

Not to be outdone, Dianna leaned over: "And me, Dianna Great Bayer, Noble House, first year!"

So the three got to know each other.

It was hard to imagine from this scene how withdrawn Pandora used to be.

In the last three years, she had grown a lot.

This was both thanks to Ms. Bella's care and her work as a librarian, which gave her the opportunity to connect with people.

Although she usually didn't talk to people, she was actually very talkative.

So after just a few words, she and the two little girls hit it off right away.

Dianna was a born socialiser. After a while, she forgot the hostility and asked the question she had been holding back for a long time: "Senpai, where have you been just now?"

Pandora knew she was asking about the whereabouts of her and Dark, so she said, "We sat outside for a while, and then went to the third floor where we can see the bridges."

Dianna: "Is that so?"

Pandora gave a gentle smile; "Otherwise?"

Dianna: "No, no otherwise!"

Rose was caught in the middle, with three black lines hanging from her forehead.

It was eleven o'clock in the blink of an eye

In the second half, the dance started with the sudden sound of the piano.

Dianna jumped up excitedly: "Next is Dianna's round!"

Dark, who had been listening just now, also slowly stood up at this time.

He felt a little helpless about Dianna's energy.

In fact he was a little tired.

But he still let Dianna take his arm and walked towards the stage.

There were quite a few students waiting for this moment.

Almost at the same moment, the students in pairs entered the stage.

Dianna's excitement was beyond words.

She could feel the atmosphere was different this time from Halloween.

Because of the break between the first half and the second half, the feeling of "jealousy" was also reduced.

Seemingly affected by the atmosphere, her cheeks flushed slightly, and her hands holding Dark's palm trembled.

She was nervous!


This meant that she was more worried about her dance with Dark this evening than on Halloween!

Sometimes, some couples would get tired after staying with each other day and night.

But other times, it would only strengthen their feelings for each other even more.

Dianna was clearly the latter, and all her worries were clearly revealed on the surface.

Lifting his spirit, Dark tried his best to guide Dianna to the correct dance steps, but the heels under her feet became a hindrance.

After that, Dark no longer cared about the dance steps at all, but followed Dianna's rhythm to dance slowly in circles.

Dianna was a careless and energetic person, but when she danced, her dance moves were very slow.

Time slipped away slowly like flowing water.

The two gradually developed some feeling in the slow and leisurely dance.

They danced, one song after another.

After the third song, Dianna's dance steps became seriously deformed, and her heels looked like they could be broken at any time.

Dark could only help her down the stage, leaving the stage to those who needed it more.

Dianna, who stepped off the stage, gradually regained her senses. In addition to excitement, her eyes still had endless aftertastes.

Tonight's Christmas ball would definitely become one of the most memorable balls in her memory.


The two returned to their previous seats.

Dianna played with Rose contentedly.

Dark looked past them, his gaze met with Pandora-senpai's, and saw the sympathetic look in her eyes.

It was actually not that bad.

If Dianna could change her shoes, he might have been able to enjoy the slow dance even more.

It was really different than the feeling given by the dance with Pandora


After sitting down this time, Dark thought he could finally have a long rest.

But it didn't take long before he saw another girl walking towards him.

It was Emma.

She lowered her head, her lips moving quickly.

If one got close enough, one should be able to hear her whining repeatedly.

"It took me so much effort to put on this makeup, wouldn't it be a waste if I don't put it to good use?"

"Just once! If he rejects me, there will be no next time!"

She was acting bashfully, not showing the usual decisiveness at all.

Pandora glanced at Dark: "You have another dance partner coming."

Dark scratched his head.

This was another dance that he couldn't avoid.


"Don't get me wrong, I just wanted to try dancing at a Christmas ball, and I couldn't find the right partner..." Emma explained.

Dark smiled and said, "okay, lady, it's my honor to be chosen by you."

The two then stepped onto the stage at the same time.

The second half of the ball without the swan princess and the human prince made people feel like something was missing.

But that didn't stop the students from immersing themselves in the dance.

Emma's dance steps were very accurate.

Dark danced one song with Emma as she wished.

At the end of the song, Emma still couldn't extricate herself from the pleasant feeling she had when dancing with Dark. She wanted to dance with Dark again, but she didn't want to bother the other party too much.

Just as she was thinking about how to ask Dark to dance another song with her, Dark had already walked off the stage.


The second half of the dance came to an end in a blink of an eye.

After Emma stepped down, a big rock that seemed to be pressing her chest suddenly disappeared. Instead of returning to the crowd of Knight House, she sat down on the other side of the Dark.

The bells of twelve o'clock then came and went quietly in their chat.


Before they knew it, Christmas Eve had passed.


When the grand bell rang, the couples snuggling in the corners, the heartbroken people who were crying in the shadows, and the boys and girls who were taking a leisurely walk and having sole fresh air all returned to the great hall one after another.

The final event of the Christmas party began when Principal Arte stepped onto the stage.

Many little magical spirits flew out of her hands, sending all kinds of Christmas socks to everyone.

This was a prayer tool unique to the academy.

It was said that if the students could hold back their urges to open the socks until 5am on Christmas morning, they would get this year's Christmas present - and it would usually be a pleasant surprise!

Dark looked at the zebra-striped sock in his hand, resisting the urge to open it immediately.

"It's almost time."

Pandora-senpai shook her sock and said to Dark, "I have to go now."

Dark blurted out, "I'll see you off."


There were no unnecessary speeches at the end of the Christmas ball, and the party simply ended after the principal gave out gifts.

The students who received the socks walked out of the great hall one after another, and many of them were actually quite sleepy.

When they got back to their dormitory, they would definitely fall asleep immediately.

Dark also felt physically and mentally exhausted, but he still insisted on sending Pandora-senpai back to the Magister House.

"Have a safe trip!"

Looking at Pandora-senpai who was running across the bridge holding her skirt, Dark took a breath and shouted.

The air on winter nights was cold, it was as icy as water.

Pandora-senpai turned around abruptly and said, "See you in the new semester!"


Dark waved his hand, turned around and then went back to his dormitory.

On the only way back to the Noble House, he met Dianna and Rose, who were waiting for him.

A soft smile appeared on Dark's face, and he said gently, "Let's go."

So Dianna and Rose giggled and walked to his sides.

Then the three walked towards the tower of the Noble House together.


Let's push the time back a little to the time when the bell of twelve o'clock was about to strike.

In an unknown place deep inside the secret path.

There was a bloody magic circle on the ground. Countless bats were rushing towards the magic circle like a swarm of bees, crashing into the magic circle one by one, even the splashed blood was swallowed by it.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-red light emerged from the magic circle.


Everything was going on quietly.

In the beginning, it was just one bat that got into the secret passage.

That bat was not Vampire Count, the boss of the Halloween event, but just one of the thousands of bats he had turned into!

The Vampire Count could theoretically be reborn from any bat. This was the trickiest part of dealing with the Vampire Count, and the main reason why no one could catch it in the end during the event.

However, at the moment when the event ended, the Vampire Count would normally be wiped out.

After all, it was just a one-time magical spirit card made by Professor Cazer, and the annihilation of the vampire Count card would make all the bats disappear one by one.

But for some reason, the bat that strayed into the secret passage survived.


As time passed, the news of the secret passage began to spread wild among students.

Many students rushed into the secret passage one after another.

The lower year students who lacked awareness became its target, and the students who were bitten by it would become tired, which also led to them arriving late in the class.

The bat that successfully absorbed the blood of the students then began to change. It gradually learned how to split, and soon more bats appeared in the secret passage.


From the first victim until now, the bats have even absorbed the blood of the son of the hero!

It was also because of the blood of the hero's son that resulted in its final change.

The bat that absorbed White's blood went from an instinctual predator to a vampire with a true self!

It also restored some of its shattered memories.



When the bell rang at twelve o'clock, a bloody human body emerged from the bloody magic circle.


When Dark returned to the dormitory.

White Gawd was still outside.

He and Robert got into a bit of an argument, and they didn't go back to the dorm together after the party ended.

White walked inside the castle alone, subconsciously choosing not to go back immediately.

There was no curfew during the holidays, so golem wouldn't issue a warning.

Even if he hung out until one or two o'clock, no one would ask him to go back.

He gradually walked over to the familiar external bridge, where the pink mist that had slumbered in "Into the Abyss" was awakened.

This made him take out [Forbidden Love] subconsciously.

He looked at the blurred human figure on the card, and wanted to turn this human figure into the appearance of Pandora-senpai just like using a flower card.

But when the silhouette of the human figure began to change with the infusion of magic energy, he retracted his fingers again.

It was meaningless!

There was no point doing this kind of thing.

Instead, even he himself could feel how pathetic this kind of action was!

He remembered that he had thought about using [Forbidden Love] to check Pandora-senpai's favorability a long time ago, but then for various reasons he never had a chance to do it.

Because of that, he almost forgot about it.

"After giving the Christmas gift, then I'll think of a way to take a peek. After all, I also gave the gift, so the favorability should not be too low..."

As he thought about it, White became more and more frustrated.

In the second half of the ball, he could have mustered up the courage to invite Pandora-senpai to dance with him, but in the end he just watched.

And Dark Demon. He clearly got the opportunity to dance with senpai, but he was still not satisfied. In the second half of the dance, he even invited other girls to dance.

That is so enviable... no, so disgusting!

White was indignant, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

If it weren't for the lack of alcohol in his hands, he would’ve used it as an opportunity to evolve into a drunkard.

As the emotions gradually accumulated to the extreme, White laid on the railing of the bridge, and roared at the sky!

When he stopped to breathe, a palm suddenly appeared on his shoulder.


Noble House tower.

After Dark returned to the dormitory, he forced himself to take a bath with his mental and physical exhaustion, but eventually, he fell asleep directly in the bathtub.

Half an hour later, he was suddenly woken up by the cold. He quickly got up and took a quick shower before getting into the warm bed.

Early the next morning.

Dark woke up naturally.

He stared at the wall clock on the opposite wall for a long time after he opened his eyes and then said, "It's finally Christmas."

Christmas was finally here.

He couldn’t help wondering if Pandora-senpai’s journey was smooth, and how did Claire and Alvette spend Christmas Eve last night.

The mixed thoughts were cleared one by one, then Dark suddenly remembered the Christmas sock hanging at the end of the bed!

Even though Dark knew there wouldn't be anything too expensive in the sock, he still opened the Christmas sock in anticipation.

After opening the Christmas sock, Dark noticed that there was an apple in it!

"It turns out to be an apple." Dark was speechless.

The apple was not valuable, but the one-off Christmas sock could still be kept as a collection.



DemiDevimon, who was awakened by Dark's actions, suddenly jumped up after a brief moment of daze!

"Damn it, it's Christmas!"

"This great DemiDevimon actually forgot that today is Christmas!"

It quickly crawled out of the bed, flapped its wings and flew to the corner full of gifts.

After suffering for so long, it was finally time to unwrap the gift!

DemiDevimon had long been aware of where its Christmas gift was, since it would look at it once or twice a day.

It directly grabbed the gift box with its claws and dragged it outside, tearing the packaging bag quickly!

Then it closed its eyes and prayed for a while, and then tore the packaging open with all its strength.

Suddenly, a thick brown scarf appeared in the field of vision.

DemiDevimon grabbed the scarf with its claws and flew to Dark. It then pointed to the scarf with its other claw and stared at Dark.

Dark took the apple out of the Christmas sock and put it on the table. He then turned to take the scarf from DemiDevimon's claws, using the base of its wings as support, wrapping the scarf around its chin.

Although wearing a scarf like this could cause inconvenience to the wings, DemiDevimon clearly prefered the scarf and didn’t care about the inconvenience of the wings at all.

It then started strutting in front of cat grass, fox grass and cow grass in a scarf, walking around and around like an old general showing off his new knife.


"Okay, don't make trouble."

Dark reached out from behind and picked DemiDevimon up.

"Next, the job of delivering the chocolates will be left to you."

After hearing what the task was, DemiDevimon not only did not reject it, but its eyes lit up. It nodded quickly: "No problem, leave it to me!"

This is obviously a great opportunity to show off my scarf!


In addition to a chocolate gift box for each of the Noble House classmates, there were also other gifts that Dark had to give out.

But he was not in a hurry to give them all out as soon as possible.

Instead, he finished breakfast in the dormitory and rested for a while before going out.

It was eight o'clock in the morning when he left his room, and most people would be awake if he knocked on their door at this time.

Dark held the "Christmas Candy gift pack" that he bought at the candy store last time, the beautifully packed signed edition of Claire's Travel Diary, and the "Muppet Bear's Button Eye" and quickly came to the door of Dianna's dormitory to knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Dianna asked, half-sitting on the bed. She had just been woken up by DemiDevimon who came to give her a chocolate gift box, and she was about to go back to sleep again...

When she finally opened the door with a pair of sleepy eyes, it was already a few minutes later.

"Huh? Dark!"

Dianna, who was only wearing bear pajamas, wanted to close the door subconsciously.

But Dark quickly stretched out one of his feet to block the door.

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