The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1624 Three worlds change, the wrath of thunder

Chapter 1624 Changes in the Three Realms, Thunder Fury

There is nothing I can do to worship the new sound, and send a letter to the guest and master Xi Nu.In the spring of injury, the moon is endless, and Shenhua will be born next month, and the youth will be too poor.Pay attention to the vastness of green apples.When the red room is painted wrong for a long time, don't learn to flow like a dream.The wind in Tianze moves emeraldly, and the sound of wearing the eyes is slight.

Time passed, gone forever.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed. During these hundreds of years, great changes have taken place in the heavens, and even the entire Three Realms.The Western religion, which was renamed Buddhism, has replaced the nearly lost Jujiao and the severely damaged Chanjiao in just a hundred years, and has become the largest sect in the Three Realms!
In the end, among the three Qings, it was Jieyin and Zhunti who had watched the fire from the other side and had the last laugh.

During this series of changes, in order to weaken Buddhism, Taishang Laozi reincarnated Taoist Duobao who was taken away by him in the battle of conferred gods, and became a prince in the west. He hoped Taoist Duobao could set up another sect Weaken the luck of the West.However, Taoist Duobao has already hated the interpretation and teaching of human beings after he experienced the conferment of gods.

In addition, after Duobao was reincarnated, Jieyin and Zhunti discovered Lao Tzu's plot, and simply passed on the position of Buddhist leader to him, making him the current Buddha among the past, future, and present Buddhas of the three generations of Buddhism. Lantern Buddha, the future Buddha Maitreya Buddha, jointly rule the Buddhist gate!

In this way, instead of diverting the luck of the Buddhist sect by joining the Buddhist sect, Duobao greatly increased the fortune of the Buddhist sect.Lao Tzu's conspiracy ended in failure after all.But in the human world, dynasties change, emperors change, generations of emperors rotate in the past, and each dynasty prospers and then falls.

In this continuous transformation, Buddha and Tao gradually became beliefs, and mortals almost never had contact with immortals. The emperor who used to be equal to the emperor of heaven, did not know when, but also became the son of heaven , although he is the son of heaven, he is still a lower level after all.

And amidst these constant changes, a Great Sage Equaling Heaven who is fearless and fearless emerges from the Three Realms!

He was conceived from the fairy stone since the beginning of the world, and became the king of monkeys because he led a group of monkeys into the water curtain cave, known as the "Monkey King".Later, in Hezhou, Xiniu, he worshiped the Bodhi ancestor as a teacher and learned art, named Sun Wukong, and learned superb spells such as 72 earth transformations and somersaulting clouds.

Sun Wukong, who had just achieved supernatural powers, made troubles in the underworld and the Dragon Palace successively, and was later recruited by the heavens and named Bi Mawen.Feeling that his position was low, he returned to Huaguo Mountain and proclaimed himself the Monkey King and forced the Heavenly Court to recognize the title.Because of drunkenness, disturbing the heavenly palace, disrupting the peach feast of the Queen Mother, stealing the golden pill of the Supreme Lord, refining it into a body of King Kong, and accidentally refining it in the alchemy furnace of the Supreme Lord, to have a golden eye.Afterwards, there was a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, and a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals could not defeat it. Later, he lost in the battle with the Tathagata Buddha and was suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years to repent and rehabilitate.Inspired by Guanyin Bodhisattva, he was rescued by Tang Monk. He was a Dharma practitioner and protected Tang Monk from the west to learn scriptures.After going through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships, he finally obtained the true scriptures and achieved positive results, and was named the Buddha of Fighting and Conquering.

This is his original fate!
But when there is one more variable in the Three Realms, Sun Wukong, this monkey grandson, can no longer be so beautiful!

On Huaguo Mountain, a monkey with a hairy face and a thunderous mouth was holding a golden cudgel, and swung the stick in his hand airtightly. The shadow of the stick was crushed in the void, causing the void to crackle and let out a sound. The sound is crisp.The whole person fit together and hit the man in white in front of him!

The stick technique is extremely powerful. The stick weighing [-] jin seems to be the most common weapon in his hands. General, it is so painful that I can't resist it at all!
In desperation, the Jade Emperor could only choose to use the last trump card in his hand, the real number one master in the heavens, and maybe even the number one master in the three worlds—Judicial God Baiyang Taoist!
Boom!Facing Sun Houzi's fierce stick technique, Taoist Baiyang flashed a golden light in his hand, and a cold and gleaming divine sword appeared. With a flick of the divine sword, he greeted Sun Houzi.The swords and sticks intersected, and in an instant, the fairy sword slashed out countless times, and the shaking Monkey King could no longer hold the golden cudgel in his hand!

The whole person felt as if facing the surging waves that would not stop at all, he was blown away on the spot and hit his own Huaguo Mountain heavily, and the shaking Huaguo Mountain trembled for a while. Shan Yao rolled his eyes and passed out!

"Brother Meishan, put Sun Monkey through the lute bone and take him to heaven!" Gu Xiao took down Monkey King with one move, which lifted the spirits of the seven monsters in Meishan. He jumped on him, pierced his lute bone with an iron chain, and restrained his mana.


Another hundred years have passed.

After Sun Houzi was taken to heaven, he was ordered by the Jade Emperor to be thrown into the Bagua furnace of the Supreme Lord to be calcined into a golden elixir.But after 49 days, he became sharp-eyed and escaped from the gossip furnace. He wanted to make trouble in the heavenly palace again, but he was defeated by the judicial god who defeated him—Jade Emperor's son-in-law Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun. Lay down the mortal world.

Taoist Baiyang condensed the vitality of heaven and earth and infinite sword energy, and turned it into a mountain of swords, suppressing Sun Houzi under the mountain of swords, and he could never escape again.It was not until 500 years later that he was released from the foot of the mountain and followed the Tang monk to learn scriptures in the West. At the price of joining Buddhism, he got half-true freedom!

And in this series of changes, a small Huashan, a Huashan Sanshengmu, is nothing at all.The long years have passed, and the Three Holy Mothers, Yang Chan, stood alone on the Huashan Mountain, becoming more and more lonely, until this day, a failed scholar came to the Holy Mother Temple!
This scholar has a dignified appearance and a gentle manner, but there is always a trace of obscenity in the depths of his eyes. After seeing the statue of the Three Virgins, he became more poetic and wrote a poem on the wall: "Red Red Green Green One God, made of clay sculpture, wood carving and gold, if there is three points of breath in the throat, it is worthy of being a bedmate!

Compared with the obscene poem mentioned by King Zhou on the statue of Nuwa back then, this poem is almost eight blocks away.At the very least, King Zhou's poems still have some momentum, but this poem by this scholar can only be described as doggerel.And it's not an ordinary doggerel, it's the obscene poem among the doggerel!
In ordinary people's minds, seeing this kind of thing, San ShengMu would definitely be furious and beat this scholar to ashes in order to vent her hatred.But unexpectedly, Sanshengmu was moved by this kind of poem and was overwhelmed by the talent of scholar Liu Yanchang.

A man and a woman soon fell in love, and even Sanshengmu invited his good sisters, the four princesses of the East China Sea, Chang'e Fairy, Baihua Fairy and others to attend his wedding together, and decided that with the blessings of the sisters, Marry Liu Yanchang and be a fairy couple with him!
But these silly girls have all forgotten one thing, and that is that there is a position in the world, called—Judicial God!

The wedding ceremony between Liu Yanchang and the Three Virgins had just begun, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and a figure appeared in the endless lightning and thunderbolts, and it was reflected in the eyes of everyone including Liu Yanchang. Behind Dao's figure, thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals appeared!

"Three Holy Mother, Yang Chan, you are guilty!" the God of War in black and silver armor shouted coldly above the sky.

When Yang Chan saw the other party, a pained look first appeared in her beautiful eyes, and then she became firm, and said loudly, "Yang Chan is innocent!"

"Innocent?" Gu Xiao said coldly, "You dare to say that you are innocent if you combine with a mortal without authorization!"

Crash!While speaking, Gu Xiao flicked his hands, and a mirror appeared in front of him, and on top of this mirror, a somewhat dilapidated house appeared, in which a three-dimensional man could be seen indistinctly. A young woman around ten days old is holding a five or six-year-old boy!
"Ah!" Seeing this scene, Liu Yanchang, who was already trembling with fright, exclaimed.

Gu Xiao looked at Yang Chan in front of him, and said with a sneer, "Do you know what kind of person you are, Ruyi Langjun? He already has a wife and children in his hometown. It's just a concubine!"

"What?" All the fairies were shocked, and Liu Yanchang was so frightened that his face turned pale and he couldn't say anything.And seeing his performance, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals don't know that what Zhen Jun said is true!Thinking of the love poem that Zhenjun said to the San Shengmu by Liu Yanchang before departure, the eyes they looked at the San Shengmu became more and more strange!
This kind of man can be seen, what kind of vision is this?
"The mortal Liu Yanchang seduces the fairies, he is rebellious, and his body and spirit are destroyed!" The true face of Liu Yanchang was revealed mercilessly in front of the public, and the judicial god then began to perform his duties, "The three saints, Yang Chan, violated the rules of heaven and acted recklessly. Ao Tingxin, the fourth princess of the East China Sea, suppressed Haiyan in the East China Sea for 20 years without reporting; Baihua Fairy was dismissed from her position and demoted to Peony Fairy without reporting; If you dare to step into the human world without authorization, you will enter reincarnation and suffer reincarnation again!"

The sky is ruthless, and the judicial god is also ruthless. Under the fury of Thunder, all the people related to this incident were all subjected to the most terrible punishment!

(End of this chapter)

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