The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1268 The Emperor of Heavenly Demons, the Tyrannical King

Chapter 1268 The Emperor of Heavenly Demons, the Tyrannical King

Shihu?Chaos Demon?
Both are somewhat unfamiliar names, but anyone who has heard of these two names can't help feeling numb all over.

Chaos Heavenly Demon, the real king of all demons on this planet.

Unlike Yuan Zu Tianmo who is foreign, he is a life born from thousands of turbid qi in this world.Before one yuan, Tianzhu came, and the Chaos Heavenly Demon thought that he had advanced magic, so he stood up to fight against Tianzhu. After seven days and seven nights of fighting, he was destroyed by Tianzhu.

Only to end up with a dead end.

Shi Hu, the post-Sixteen Kingdoms period Zhao Jun, Shi Le's nephew, is also a very cruel big devil.

Compared with him, Bai Qi, the God of Killing, can only be regarded as being principled, and Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, is even more of a good boy!

Shi Hu, who is cruel by nature, liked to hit people with a slingshot for fun when he was young.At that time, because of his extraordinary martial arts and bravery, he was favored by Shi Le and was named General Zhenglu.Later, Shi Le hired General Guo Rong's younger sister as his wife for Shi Hu, but Shi Hu's favorite was Zheng Cherry, a famous acrobat at that time.So he killed Guo Shi and married Zheng Shi.After that, Shi Hu married Cui again, and finally died in Shi Hu's hands because of Zheng's provocation.

In the army, Shi Hu would try to kill anyone who was more talented or martial than Shi Hu, and countless people died at his hands.Shihu is a man who is easy to kill. Every time he captures a city, he will kill both men and women.Once, after Shihu captured Qingzhou, he ordered the massacre of the city.In this bloody massacre, only more than 700 people survived.

Before Shi Le died, Shi Hu threatened Prince Shi Hong to arrest and imprison the ministers Cheng Xia and Xu Guang who had advised Shi Le to get rid of him.He also ordered his son Shi Sui to lead the troops into the guards. The civil and military officials were terrified, and the crown prince Shi Hong was so frightened that he told Shi Hu that he was not capable of ruling the world, but that Shi Hu was the real emperor.But Shi Hu understood that Shi Le's bones were not yet cold, and he would only betray his relatives and be reviled by later generations if he forcibly ascended to the emperor like this.Therefore, I would rather be a little patient and perform Cao Cao's play of "holding the emperor to order the princes", and let this prince ascend the throne.

After Shi Hong sat on the treasure seat, he became the puppet emperor.After Shi Hong ascended the throne, he was forced by Shi Hu to make him Prime Minister, King of Wei, Great Chanyu, and then seal the land.And his three sons were all appointed to positions with military power. As for his relatives and cronies, they were all placed in powerful positions, while the civil and military officials who were Shi Le before were placed in idle positions with no power.At this time, Hou Zhao had truly formed a situation of "holding the emperor to order the princes".In the ninth year of Xianhe in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Shi Hu tore off his mask to force Shi Hong to abdicate, and put Shi Hong and his relatives under house arrest, and immediately killed them.

After Shi Hu proclaimed himself emperor, he made Shi Sui the crown prince and began his extremely extravagant rule.Shi Hu disregarded the people's burdens and expropriated and slaughtered everywhere, which made the people's military service and forced service very heavy. He also ordered that any family with the privilege of exempting military service would take two out of five people and two out of four people, while families without privileges would get all three people. All strong men need to serve.In order to attack the Eastern Jin Dynasty, soldiers were recruited from all over the country with items: one vehicle for every five people, two heads of cattle, fifty dendrobium of rice grains, and ten copies of silk.Countless people had to sell their children for safety.

In the second year after Zhao Jianwu, Shi Hu ordered Yamen General Zhang Mi to transport Zhongyu, Jiulong, Weng Zhong, Tongtuo, Feilian and other relatives from Luoyang to Yecheng in order to decorate Yecheng.During the transportation, a Zhong Yu submerged in the Yellow River, so Zhang Mi ordered more than 300 people to dive into the water, tie Zhong Yu to a rope, and then use more than a hundred oxen and many pulleys to pull Zhong Yu up, and then he was on the spot. He built a big ship that could hold ten thousand dendrobiums and transported them across the Yellow River.Afterwards, an extra-large cart was made to transport Xiangsheng to Yecheng. This operation alone used the labor and sweat of tens of thousands of people.

Three miles west of Yecheng, there is Sangzi Garden built by Shihu. In the garden, many luxurious palaces were built near Zhangshui, filled with beautiful women.They even killed their husbands when selecting beautiful women.There are rare and rare animals of famous species in the garden, and Shihu often plays and holds banquets here.Within [-] miles from Xiangguo to Yecheng, a line of palaces was built every [-] miles. Each palace had a wife and dozens of maidservants living in it, and the gates were guarded by officials from the Yellow Gate.

And in the bathroom, it is even more ingenious: in the queen's bathroom, the doors and windows are all carved out of wood with perforated patterns, and Shihu is here to wash up with the queen.And on April 4th every year, the statue of the Prince of Kowloon spit water bath is manufactured here.In front of Taiwu Hall, there are multiple layers of "filters" such as yarn in the middle of the ditch.

"Fengzhao" is also one of Shihu's inventions. When Shihu handles political affairs, he will sit with the queen on the tall building, write down the edict on five-color paper, and put the edict on a wooden carving In the mouth of "Phoenix" with lacquer painting and golden legs.The golden phoenix is ​​tied to the rope pulled by the potter's wheel.When the edict is issued, wait for someone to shake the potter's wheel, and the "phoenix" seems to fly down from the sky, and the ministers all kneel down to receive the edict.

Every so often, Shi Hu would hold a meeting of his ministers. Every time, he would wear a heavenly crown on his head, wear a jade seal on his body, perform rituals and music according to the rules of the Zhou rituals, and then watch acrobatic performances. Almost all the ministers would have fine wines and fine wines for himself and himself at the general meeting. The ministers drink it.There are 120 large iron lamps hanging on the hall.Thousands of court ladies and stone tigers wearing gold and silver ornaments watched the performance under the lamp.Outside the hall, thirty drums were played at the same time, and the drum music shook the sky, and the scene was extremely shocking.

Shihu was good at shooting and hunting, but he couldn't ride a horse because of his fat body, so he used a hunting chariot instead.And his hunting chariot is equipped with a luxurious canopy and feathers, which are pushed by 20 people. There is a rotating shaft device under the seat, which can rotate according to the location of the prey.When hunting, Shihu will wear a hat and trousers made of golden carvings, and hold a bow and arrow in his hand.For the convenience of hunting, Shihu set up a large piece of fertile land north of the Yellow River as a hunting area, and sent a censor to supervise it. If anyone hunts animals in the hunting area, he will be sentenced to "beast crime" and punished with a large punishment, which is the death penalty.And the criminal law of "offending beasts" is used by various officials to oppress the people. If the people have beautiful women or good cattle and horses in their homes, and the officials ask not to give them, they will frame them as "criminal beasts". Therefore, many people have been sentenced to death. .

Shi Hu believed in Buddhism again, and heard a rumor from a monk named Wu Jin, saying that the Hu people's spirits had declined, and the Jin people's spirits began to recover, and the Jin people must be forced to work hard to suppress their spirits.As a result, Shi Hu ordered the forced confiscation of more than 16 men and women from the counties near Yecheng, and [-] vehicles to build Hualin Garden in the east of Yecheng, and built a long wall for tens of miles around the garden.

After ascending the throne, Shi Hu often did cruel and licentious things.He would lead a hundred riders to the homes of his subordinates at night to rape their wives and concubines.It will also let beautiful women such as court ladies dress up first, then behead, wash the blood from the head, put it on a plate, and share it with others.If any beautiful nuns are found, they will kill their empresses, cook their meat together with beef and mutton, and give it to their subordinates to taste.

In history, it is also recorded that Shihu father and son killed each other.

It happened that Shi Hu's son, Shi Sui, was dissatisfied with his father's doting on his other two sons, Shi Xuan and Shi Tao. Gradually, this dissatisfaction turned into hatred, and he hated his father Shi Hu deeply, wishing to kill his father and seize the throne.After Shi Hu learned about it, he arrested Li Yan, Shi Sui's subordinate, for interrogation. Li Yan was so frightened that he didn't know what to do, so he told Shi Hu everything: killing Shi Xuan and killing Shi Hu to seize the throne.When Shi Hu learned about it, he beheaded and executed Li Yan and more than 30 members of his family, and then imprisoned Shi Xi in the East Palace.Shi Xi was imprisoned and still defiant. In a rage, Shi Hu ordered Shi Xi, his wife and family to be killed, and then stuffed into a coffin. At the same time, more than 200 of Shi Xi's followers were killed.

After Shi Sui's death, Shi Xuan became the Crown Prince, Shi Xuan's mother Du Zhaoyi became the Queen of Heaven, and Zheng Cherry was abolished as the Princess of the East China Sea.At this time, the fratricide between the Shi family has not ended, but has become more intense.

Later, Shi Xuan wanted to get rid of Shi Tao because he was dissatisfied that his father Shi Hu favored Shi Tao more.Soon after, the two brothers often clashed, so Shi Xuan cut off Shi Tao's limbs, stabbed his eyes, and died tragically.Shi Xuan also planned to kill his father at Shi Tao's funeral in order to seize the throne.

Shi Hu learned that his beloved son Shi Tao died, and fell into a coma for a long time. He wanted to attend his son's funeral, but luckily the minister reminded him that he did not attend the funeral.Later, Shi Hu got a report from an insider and learned that Crown Prince Shi Xuan had killed Shi Tao.Shi Hu, who was extremely angry and forgiving, ordered an iron ring to penetrate Shi Xuan's forehead and lock them, and then poured his food into a large wooden trough, making Shi Xuan eat like a pig and dog.Shi Hu licked the blood on the sword that killed Shi Tao with his tongue, making a weak sound that shook the palace.So he ordered to bury a pile of firewood in the north of Yecheng, set up a wooden pole on it, and installed a potter's wheel on the pole to tattoo him.And let Shi Tao's favorite eunuchs, Hao Zhi and Liu Ba, pull Shi Xuan's tongue and hair, and pull Shi Xuan up the firewood pile along the ladder, then tattoo him with a pulley, and then use the exact same method Sentenced to Shi Xuan.When Shi Xuan was dying, he lit fires around the pyre, and Shi Xuan was burned to ashes.This has not yet quelled Shihu's anger, and then he ordered the ashes to be scattered among famous families, and was trampled by people, horses, and carriages, and Shi Xuan's wife and nine children were killed, and Shi Xuan's guards, Hundreds of people, including the eunuch, tore apart their carts and threw their bodies into the Zhang River.

Decades later, the Xianbei people replaced the Jie people as the new overlord in the north.

But the new owner of Yecheng—Emperor Murong Jun of Yan couldn't sleep peacefully. He was always bitten by Shihu in his dreams, so he ordered people to open Shihu's tomb.Due to the rush of burial during the turmoil, the cremation could not be done according to Hu people's customs, and the body did not rot.Murong Jun had the huge corpse whipped and humiliated, and then thrown into the Zhang River.The corpse was floating in the torrent, and was immediately stopped by the bridge pillars, and refused to go along the water again.The dead Shihu is still nostalgic for this city that belongs to him.The people of Murong Xianbei did not dare to approach the bridge again.Thus, Shi Hu accompanied Yecheng like a curse.

Twenty years later, the 20-year-old Fu Jian conquered the country of Yan and came to Yecheng again.At this time, he was already the former Qin emperor, ruling a territory even wider than that of Shihu.Fu Jian restrained the huge corpse of the stone tiger, gave it a decent funeral, and then led the captives back to the west.

Watched by the lonely city, the descendants of the Murong royal family were escorted in a procession to Chang'an, the ancient capital of the West.Yecheng returned to sleep until the glory and nightmare of the next century.

Now, Gu Xiao actually said that the blood-clothed man who appeared in front of them was Shi Hu and Chaos Demon, which was unbelievable.

But the blood-clothed man himself laughed loudly and said, "It's not bad at all, I am Shihu, but I still prefer others to call me Chaos Demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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