The villain of Xianwu world

Chapter 1247 Demon Extermination Conference, Great Wall Dating

Chapter 1247 Demon Extermination Conference, Great Wall Dating

Demon Extermination Conference!

Shi Feixuan appeared again.

Hold the demon extermination meeting in the Sovereign Fort in Central Shu!

Distributing hero posts widely and inviting people from all corners of the martial arts world to participate is the most lively event in the martial arts world in recent decades.And the so-called demon extermination conference will naturally eliminate the so-called demons!


Many people don't understand what it means, and they don't know what kind of medicine Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Temple sell in the gourd.

But any real old Jianghu can be seen at a glance.

The devil is Yu Wentuo!
After the true lord chosen by the family suffered a crushing defeat, and all the five strongest masters of the Buddhist sect died in the hands of Yu Wentuo, the Buddhist sect finally tore its face completely.Decided to end in person, and launched their most valuable thing: the terrifying influence of Buddhism, trying to hit Gu Xiao in this way.

The influence of religion is very scary!

Since the formation of Buddhism and Taoism, their truly terrifying place has never been their martial arts, but their terrifying influence.The influence of Buddhism and Taoism is wide enough to spread throughout the world. In today's era, many people will subconsciously respect some people with status and knowledge. In this way, they can further motivate the people of the world. Make them all follow the faith.

Yang Guang is obviously a tyrant, why did he become a faint king among the people of the world?It is because of his series of measures that they have greatly offended the interests of today's aristocratic families and Buddhist sects, causing them to use their terrifying influence to beat the other party into a faint king!

Just like the Donglin Party in later generations, black people can be called white, and white people can be called black.

Don't be ashamed at all, anything can only be passed with their approval.

Otherwise, there is no way to stick to it!



Dominion Castle.

These days, Xie Hui, the lord of the Sovereign Castle, the martial arts judge Xie Hui, is proud of himself.

Ever since he met Fan Qinghui once when he was young, he has been astonished by Fan Qinghui as a heavenly being, and regards Fan Qinghui as the goddess in his heart, as long as Fan Qinghui says a word, he can do anything.Even if he lost this exclusive castle, he would never frown.

And this is also what Buddhism, and even the black hands who are really hiding behind the scenes, need.Martial arts judge Xie Hui, this name can be regarded as big or small in the world, although no one who is really capable will show the dog that Tiandao Song Que raised in Sichuan In my eyes, but the four characters of martial arts judge still have a certain reputation in the martial arts.At least, quite a few people will sell his face.And this is what Xie Hui is most proud of.Although in the eyes of the world, he is just Song Que's little brother, but in his heart, Xie Hui has never been reconciled to being only Song Que's little brother.Instead, I hope that one day, the four words of martial arts judge can overwhelm the two words of Tiandao!

Because of this, when Shi Feixuan found him and asked to hold a demon extermination meeting in the Sovereign Fort to denounce Yu Wentuo, he immediately agreed.

The three major powers in Bashu: Duzunbao, Chuanbang, and Bameng.

Among them, relying on the help of Lingnan Song Que, he is the most powerful one.

It can be said that he is the uncrowned emperor of Sichuan, and he is a first-class figure in the world.

No matter what outsiders think, but in Xie Hui's own heart, he thinks that he already has the power and qualifications to be on an equal footing with Tiandao Song Que.

As long as this matter is done, then Fan Qinghui's heart might not fall on him!
Even if he could only be seen by Fanqing Huigao, he was very happy in his heart.Fan Qinghui, this name is the goddess in his heart, outsiders can't touch it, let alone imagine what kind of status she has in his heart!

At the invitation of the martial arts judge, all the influential forces in Sichuan were invited to participate in this demon slaying conference.Outside of central Sichuan, many people also sent people to participate, such as Du Fuwei from Jianghuai, Wang Shichong from Luoyang, and Emperor Yang Guang from Jiangdu.

Almost everything that should come and what should not come has come.Even if you can't come in person, send a representative!
Even the arrogant and domineering reincarnated overlord Yang Xuangan sent people to participate in this martial arts conference.

And all of this made Xie Hui intoxicated by his own fame.


Dominion Castle.

A castle located within the city of Chengdu.

After the three major forces in Bashu united to expel the local officials sent by Yang Guang and declared the independence of Bashu, this exclusive castle has almost become the center of all military and political affairs in Bashu.On this day, countless martial arts people from all over the world, even as far as Lingnan Great Wall, flocked towards the Sovereign Fort.

Today is the day for the Extermination Demon Conference.

These martial arts people either wanted to join in the fun, or wanted to fish in troubled waters, and there were even some people who had blood feuds with Gu Xiao, all of them headed towards the Sovereign Fort to participate in this martial arts conference.

After entering the Sovereign Castle, a vacant space has already been cleared in the castle.

At the very front of the open space, there was a row of chairs with their names pasted on them, almost all of them were well-known figures in the rivers and lakes who were invited to come.Ordinary martial arts people can only be invited to one side. Naturally, they are greeted with good wine and good food, and they are all invited to sit down.

At noon, when the scorching sun at noon reached its peak, the master of the demon extermination conference finally showed his face!

Xie Hui, a martial arts judge, Cihang Jingzhai, the concubine Xuan, the contemporary saint, and Li Shimin, the second son of the Li Clan.

Finally, a most unexpected person appeared!

Sanren Ning Daoqi!
Middle-earth No.1, the well-deserved number one master of Taoism.

Although Ning Daoqi's so-called Middle-earth No. 1 title has become a joke now that the era of martial arts has begun again, but he is after all a senior celebrity who has been famous for many years, and a first-class master in the world.Even if the scenery is gone, no one dares to underestimate him.

After all three of them show up, boom!There was a muffled sound.

This marks the official start of the demon slaying conference!


Great Wall.

This day, the sun is shining brightly.

Gu Xiao came here, and he was still wearing the Xuanyuan Sword that had been with him for many years on his waist.Standing on the tower of the Great Wall, Gu Xiao closed his eyes tightly, and his mind was empty.He completely let go of himself, trying to adjust his state to the best and keep himself at the peak.

Today, he has a date.

No, it should be said to be a duel.

Someone invited him to a duel here today.

According to his heart, he didn't want to come, but he had to.

Just because, some things have come to the present, and it's time to make a break!

(End of this chapter)

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