The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 9 18 This is a Fragmented World

Chapter 9 1.8 This is a Fragmented World

"Okay." Wu Chen informed Bailiyan and the others.

Along the way, there are many skyscrapers.

Seems to be densely arranged, see every stitch.However, the energy shield fluctuations similar to customs clearance are everywhere.The fluctuations are especially noticeable when crossing the street between two skyscrapers.Intellectual judgment.Although it is also on the spiral plot belt of the sci-fi faction.However, each skyscraper has its own distinct branch plot line.Realistically speaking, each skyscraper is a plot fragment carried by a player.

Although they are seamlessly spliced ​​together, they form the main line of the plot - the sci-fi spiral belt.However, each skyscraper belongs to its own player and is an independent plot fragment.

The Broken City lives up to its name.It looks like a whole, but the whole world is actually composed of "fragments" carried by the player.

Later, Intellectual Brain searched and found out.The so-called "skyscraper".Without exception, they are all vehicles from various sci-fi worlds.

Or a land aircraft, or an aerospace shuttle, more spaceships, space warships.As a shelter creation, "skyscrapers" also have a common name: exclusive shelter.

as previously known.In the shelter world, the exclusive shelter is the prerequisite for all activities of the player.With the help of exclusive shelters to travel through various story worlds, you can obtain rule protection and punishment immunity.

Whether trading, communicating, obtaining intelligence, information, or even recruiting and firing plot characters, it can all be carried out in the exclusive shelter.The process of obtaining an exclusive shelter is called "homogenization".To put it simply, it is to transfer the creation of the plot world to the world of shelter.The transfer process is also commonly called by players as "removal".Master Zero, the builder, would describe it very poetically as "turning into stars".

The definition of exclusive shelter is very broad.It can be a car, a cruise ship, a hotel, a castle, or even a continent, a planet.Because in the eyes of Master Zero, the builder of the high-dimensional creation world-"Shelter", there is no difference in the length, width, height, or even the three-dimensionality itself.

In short, the gathering place for redemption players in front of you is a fragmented world.

The team parks in temporary parking spaces on the side of the street.After the four people got off the car, a group of parking drones lifted the team's vehicles onto the skyscraper apron.

In front of the four of them, the skyscraper with the street sign "No. 9 Nathan Road" is 1600 meters high. From bottom to top, it forms a perfect isosceles triangle:

装有Taim & Bak XX-9重型增压雷射炮×60、布罗斯特NK-7离子炮×60、费龙Q7牵引光束×10等各式武器,船员编制多达3万6千余众,及可容纳72架TIE/IN太空优势星际战斗机、8架拉姆达级T-4A穿梭机、20台AT-AT步行机、30台AT-ST或AT-DP步行机,以及15辆帝国运兵艇的帝国I型歼星舰,正来自《星球大战》剧情世界。被某个大玩家摘除,转化为专属庇护所。又在破碎之城,成功提档。垂直排列在弥敦道9号,变成一座摩天楼。

In order to save space, the thinnest ridge faces the street.The various cabins in the hull have also undergone vertical transformation.Match the existing pose.

That's right, just as the brain judged previously.Almost all the skyscrapers in the sci-fi spiral are spaceships and space battleships from various plot worlds!They all have a common name: exclusive shelter!

Look up at the ubiquitous rental advertisements on the skyscrapers of the Imperial Type I Star Destroyer.Wu Chen had a question: "As for?"

Aiyi, the intelligent brain, gave a convincing answer through fuzzy calculations: "Master, like the protective light shield on the 404 road of destruction, as long as he enters this world, he must always fight against fragmentation and annihilation. That means, all the time Consume protection coins. Even big players need to earn enough protection coins in order to maintain this skyscraper and not shatter along with the plot.”

"It makes sense." Wu Chen understood.To put it simply, the seemingly complete four-series spiral and the broken city are actually made up of small pieces of "player fragments".The fragments carried by the player are carried by the exclusive shelter.The skyscrapers that Wu Chen and others saw were actually pieces of debris.

For example, the No. 9 Nathan Road skyscraper in front of you is a piece of fragments (Star Destroyer) in the recycling bin (Broken City).Players who own it can only maintain their existence by accumulating and consuming resource points, and will not be deleted by the system (architect).

And the protection currency is the only manifestation of resource points.

Think again.The fragmented world structure can ensure that the broken city will not be destroyed to the greatest extent.

The principle is like a gecko "docking its tail to survive".Whenever destruction comes.The first player to run out of protection coins will be separated from the city and destroyed first, along with the (branch plot) fragments he carries.Specifically, if the big player occupying this place runs out of shelter coins and breaks up along with the Empire Star Destroyer I, then the vacated position at No. 9 Nathan Road will be filled by the new player with their exclusive shelter.and so on.

This is also the true meaning of "fragmentation".It can be regarded as the shelter version of "natural selection, survival of the fittest".The weakest "shards" are eliminated first.Such continuous rotation does not harm the main body of the city.

What Wu Chen had to do was actually very simple.Settle down first, and then make continuous progress until you reach the top.Break out of your doomed shattered destiny and return to Sanctuary.Complete redemption.To make an inappropriate analogy: as long as you are faster than your companions, you can escape from the tiger's mouth.

As for when he will be able to return to the shelter, Wu Chen still doesn't know.

Four people sat around the bar, and the waitress was very attentive: "Okay, 4 servings of Hawker barbecue, 4 servings of Baluru spring rolls, and 4 cups of Mocha coffee." The young and beautiful waitress said with a smile: "Do you want to try it?" Traveler package'. Only 1 coin."

"Alright." Wu Chenke did as he pleased.

The minimum consumption for a meal is 1 coin.

When the set meal was delivered, the waitress told everyone that it only cost ten coins to book a one-month set meal.And on call, meals are delivered to your door.However, the four of them are shy, and the limited protection coins need to be used wisely.Only decline.

The waitress just smiled and didn't force it.

After a good meal, he asked about the affairs of the city.The waitress then led everyone up to the second floor: "Master, here is a new guest."

The second floor is more like a player salon.Looking around, the booths on the first floor are replaced by groups of circular sofas. There are only vending machines in the service area of ​​the 404 roundabout expressway, and you can see them everywhere on the second floor.At the corner of the stairs, inside the enveloping bar facing the holographic streetscape curtain wall of Nathan Road.A handsome young man first smiled at everyone and said, "Good day, everyone."

"Good day, Boss Chu." Wu Chen had already learned the name of the owner of the coffee shop from his brain.What he didn't know was that the entire Mocha Coffee House was the center bridge of the vertically standing Imperial Type I Star Destroyer.

Young people who can rent the entire bridge are either rich or expensive.

"May I ask Boss Chu, where should we start?" Facing the owner of the coffee shop in front of him who seemed to be about the same age as himself, Wu Chen felt a natural intimacy.

"Start with basic necessities of life." Similar issues, coffee shop owners have already been familiar with it.For the novice players of the Broken City, Boss Chu almost completely replaced Master Zero, the builder, and took over the important task of guiding the newcomers: "'Broken City, fragments gather; all the time, no coins can't do it'. Earn as much protection coins as possible , Maintaining daily consumption is almost the only way to ensure that when the "cleaning day" comes, it will not be cleared."

"Cleaning day?" Baili Yan couldn't help frowning.

"As you can see, this 'broken city' in front of you has long been torn apart. Every twelve days of sanctuary (safety days), there will be a purge. Every 120 days of sanctuary, there will be a big purge. Players call it 'clearing day'. Those players who have exhausted their protection coins and cannot maintain their respective branch plot lines will be cleared first."

"It's like Judgment Day." The male player understood.

"You can also say that." Boss Chu nodded slightly.

"So everyone, the first pot of gold is very important." The waitress beside her smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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