The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 80 179 The first initiative to intervene in the plot

Chapter 80 1.79 The first time to take the initiative to intervene in the plot

"Understood, master." Zhinao obeyed.

In Wu Chen's view, the periodic commissions issued by prosthetic doctors only for newcomers are actually not friendly.Especially a private shooting task.Although the ingestion is fixed to the prosthetic organs of Hanhua scattered all over the city, it needs to pass through the city in the complex zone, and if you are not careful, you will be besieged by mutant prosthetics.

Because of this, the entrustment of prosthetic doctors is often neglected.Fortunately, the number of prosthetic organs ingested at one time is considerable.As long as there are players who complete the entrustment before the inventory is exhausted, the prosthetic doctor can continue to make profits.So just after the cleaning day, the prosthetic doctor's private shooting task was updated again.

Zhinao followed Wu Chen's instructions and did not immediately accept the commission.Instead, send an email first to ask for details.In Wu Chen's tone, he asked the prosthetic doctor about the criminal speeding party, and mentioned bluntly that he was worried that the private auction would cause conflicts with the player organization.The loss outweighs the gain.

as expected.The prosthetic doctor's reply was full of complaints between the lines.He also said that although the Outlaw Speeders are the largest group of players, he also has access to "Ghost in the Shell A-level story fragments".And every time a player accepts a commission, he uses one-time teleportation glasses to enter and exit the fragments, which does not affect the plot of the criminals' harvesting, and so on.Finally, he encouraged Wu Chen, as long as he moved in and out quickly, it would never cause unnecessary trouble.

Zhinao replied, think about it.

The purpose of the email exchange is actually to patch up the fragments of Wu Chen's follow-up shuttle drama in advance.Not surprisingly, outlaw players will definitely ask the client who released the private shooting task for details.At that time, the prosthetic doctor can testify for Wu Chen.Confirm the identity of his novice client.Let the criminals not turn against Wu Chen in advance.As for how long it can be delayed, even the brain cannot judge.But no matter how long it can be delayed, even if it can only be delayed for a day, it will be the greatest benefit for Wu Chen.

The reason is also very simple.The time flow rate of reference base and debris 1:60.Wu Chen spent 1 day in the base, and Major has spent 60 days in the debris.During the period, information from time and space was sent back continuously.According to the previous plan, Shao Zuo has completed system upgrades for the hosts of several refugee camp bases with the help of the CDs burned by his brain.Not only the host AI function is more powerful, but also the firewall is stronger.It is almost wishful thinking to attack the base host by conventional means such as uploading viruses.What's more, once the firewall alarm is issued, the host's counterattack program will be activated, starting the virus invasion counterattack.The consequences are self-evident.Instead, the intruder is elevated by the host and becomes a puppet of the base host, and all the secret information stored in its core database will be obtained by the host.Then it was transmitted over time and space to the intelligent brain Ai Yi of the 0326 base.

Wu Chen can obtain first-hand consultations on refugee camps without leaving home.

This is also the reason why Wu Chen sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and was not in a hurry.

"The problem is, only Vitrice, Linda, Anna, and Perry were able to enter the Fragment with me before. Lin Baiyu has not undergone cyber transformation, nor is she a biochemical robot. Can she successfully enter?" Wu Chen also doubt.

"As long as you wear femme fatale power armor, it shouldn't affect the 'plot access judgment'." The intelligent brain that collects, organizes, and calculates big data all the time gives accurate judgments.

That is to say, when Lin Baiyu, who is wearing femme fatale power armor, follows Wu Chen into the plot fragments, the plot access will judge her as a "mechanical life form".Will not be turned away.

"Understood." Wu Chen nodded happily.

After lunch, Zhinao sent good news.Pansidong nightclub has been remodeled.There are three floors up and down, majestic and gorgeous.The first floor is the most popular nightclub hall.Center stage, surrounded by dance floor.Crystal light balls are hung high above the head, surrounded by neon lights, and the high and scattered platforms are distributed during the period.There are booths on the second floor, private rooms on the third floor, and a large singing and dancing theater with overall shape.Upstairs VIP guests can overlook the audience and have an excellent viewing experience.

In addition, there are bars, lockers, panoramic monitoring, parking platforms, etc., all of which are necessary for nightclubs.

With Qi Qinshi as the leader, cyber spiders are skilled, with a little practice, they are quite competent.Business hours are no earlier than 8:00 and no later than 2:00 the next day.Although carnival all night, all night long.But nightclubs never stay overnight, remember.Before closing, all guests must leave the venue by themselves, or be cleared by the Cyber ​​Spider.

The first three days are trial operation.Wu Chen has advertised on the intranet of the camp.Be sure to open up tonight.As for the performance, Wu Chen didn't expect too much.In other words, the daily output of a 5-star exclusive land is only 5 coins.As long as the Pansidong nightclub can make a profit, Wu Chen is satisfied.

Just in case, Wu Chen ordered Yuan Daban, the guard of the secret realm, to hold the line.

The overwhelmed nightclub executives and the soul-stirring cyber spider spirits are looking forward to it, waiting for you. It is difficult for the Pansidong nightclub to not be popular.

"Master, I received a message from the major." Zhinao showed his watch: "I invite you to meet."

"Okay." In the afternoon of the first Christmas day, Wu Chen was destined to have a rare free time: "Reply to the prosthetic doctor, three times the price, and accept the commission."

"Yes." Without further ado, Zhinao immediately sent a bargaining email.

The initial reward of the prosthetic doctor is always 68 coins + 12 star cards.Seeing that the cleaning day is approaching, no one cares.So directly doubled, 136 coins + 12 star cards.Only then did Wu Chen accept the commission.Moreover, Wu Chen took the entire underground clinic's prosthetic body storage into flash cards.The results far exceeded expectations.It is natural and reasonable to ask for three times the remuneration for taking on the flight attendant for the second time.As the saying goes, "Under a heavy reward, there must be a brave man."What's more, Wu Chen has already expressed his concerns about the criminal speeding party in advance.If you venture in again, of course you have to increase the price.

really.The prosthetic doctor quickly replied, although he still insisted that the reward of 68 coins would not change, he replaced the 12-star card with a 2.5-star Cyber ​​Banshee card.

According to the prosthetic doctor's explanation, she is one of the few spider spirits, and she is also a slick proprietress.However, after being transformed into a cyber banshee, she has been useless.I heard that Wu Chen opened the Pansidong nightclub, which is "the only one, no other place". This 2.5-star cyber banshee, who has been neglected for a long time, is justified.

I have to say that the prosthetic doctor's words hit the point. The price of 2.5 star cards is around 500 coins.If it was a talent market, most of the price would be 9% off, and Wu Chen would be given a 360% discount, 136 coins can be purchased.The prosthetic doctor resold Wu Chen for only 3.8 coins.The cabbage price of less than [-]% off is indeed full of sincerity.

"Master, do you want to answer?" Seeing that Wu Chen was silent, Zhinao couldn't help asking.

"Accept." Wu Chen said again: "Send an email to the client and ask for a list of cyber banshees that can be traded."

"Understood." Zhinao understands that this is a necessary part of bargaining.If Wu Chen agrees too simply, it will make the client reluctant.Asking for the Cyber ​​Banshee catalog meant that Wu Chen was not very satisfied with this 2.5-star Cyber ​​Banshee card.Forget it this time, next time he accepts the mission, Wu Chen has to choose the Cyber ​​Banshee by himself.

Wu Chen thought again, where did the prosthetic doctor get so many cyber banshees?
(End of this chapter)

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