The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 77 Chapter 176

Chapter 77 1.76 Whispers of the First Christmas Day
Return to Shelter, Day 14.

The sky was dimly bright, and the "First Peaceful Day" that swept away the future came as scheduled.

The biochemical robot Vitrix and the cyber banshee Perry walked out of their respective living rooms in no particular order.As a former cocktail waitress, Kurtel Waitress has a good culinary skill.It was Wu Chen's first female companion when he arrived in Broken City, so he was nicknamed "First Lady of 0326 Base" among his companions.Vitris is in full charge of Wu Chen's daily life.Perry, the cyber banshee, is also good at housekeeping and is the right-hand man of Waitress.

After the cancellation of the Mocha package, all three meals at the base will be cooked by two people.Perry's favorite Perrier water has also been successfully replaced by "Shangri-La Serenity" formulated with eternal spring water.Fairy dew is also gradually becoming the base drinking water.Facts have proved that the benefits of Shangri-La Secret Realm are far more than the daily output of 5 coins.Fruits, vegetables, rice, and grains are nourished by spiritual energy and are unparalleled in taste.According to the estimation of the brain, the rich products in the secret realm are enough to feed a metropolis.It is more than enough to meet the daily needs of the 0326 base, and it is not worth mentioning.

Because of the lack of sci-fi exclusive land.All the female companions of the science fiction department are not allowed to enter and exit the telephone booth freely.The work of fetching water and delivering food was handed over to Yuan Daban.Of course, as the guard of the secret realm of the 5-star exclusive land, it is also for the sake of safety that the witch Zi Yuan will go back and forth in person.

Zhinao reminded Wu Chen that the cursed witch who was sleeping in the regeneration cocoon was still waiting for him to wake up the memory.In addition, the follow-up plot of Shangri-La Secret Realm also needs to be unfolded by Wu Chen himself.In addition, there is the intake of the most important Major Asylum card, and the acquisition of the 5-star sci-fi exclusive Xingang City.Wu Chen decided to complete each item one by one within the next 12 safe days.

When Zi Yuan asked Wu Chen if he could convert a "Beaufighter" single-seat twin-engine heavy bomber from World War II in the secret realm for transportation.It was only then that Wu Chen discovered that the magic of the Shangri-La secret realm was much more than that.

Although it belongs to the exclusive place of fantasy, it seems to be able to accommodate technological creations.It's just that because the plot hasn't unfolded, the technology line only goes to the 20s.That is, before and after World War II.Even so, as long as it is a black technology that appeared in World War II, it stands to reason that it should be able to enter and exit the secret realm.Even the cyber banshee in the Pansidong nightclub can pass through without hindrance.According to Yang Lan, a senior media person, the entire plot line of Transformers is closely related to the history of Western science and technology.Almost directly or indirectly involved in the human industrial revolution, mechanical production, electronic technology, digital network, all technological history.

A World War II bomber that came with the Secret Realm immediately aroused Wu Chen's interest.There is no player involved who can maintain the stability of the plot line better than transforming the original.

Wu Chen immediately entered the secret realm and rushed to the handsome warrior who made an emergency landing in the rice field.

It is also an improved version of the handsome fighter Mk.21 belonging to the Royal Australian Air Force.Matched with two new World War II 14-cylinder radial air-cooled engines: "Hercules" VI (Hercules), maximum power 1500 × 2 horsepower; airborne radar: AI Mk.IV microwave radar, power 10 kilowatts, the longest detection distance is 5.4 kilometers About; fuel tank capacity is 2500 liters, the maximum fuel capacity can reach 3100 liters with the addition of auxiliary fuel tanks; wingspan is 17.64 meters, length is 12.59 meters, height is 4.84 meters; empty weight is 7072 kilograms, maximum take-off weight is 11521 kilograms; maximum cruise speed is 514 kilometers m/h, a ceiling of 5800 meters, and a maximum combat radius of 2800 kilometers; four 4mm Hispano cannons under the belly, and four 20mm Browning aviation machine guns on the left and right wings, further upgrading the firepower.

In the South Pacific theater, Australian pilots used the aircraft to attack Japanese ships with remarkable success.Because the engine noise of this aircraft is relatively low, often the enemy ship has just heard the sound of the aircraft, and the attack has already arrived in the air, so the Japanese army also called it: "Whispering Death (Whispering Death)".

As the last glory of the propeller fighter.Whispering death, shined in World War II until his retirement.

Then the question arises, is it worth Wu Chen to feed an incomparably precious miniature seed capsule that can bring all human technological creations back to life.

Wu Chen thought for a second, the Cybertronian's deformation template was just a disguise.Could it be that the Hornet lost its thermal weapon when it became a World War II vehicle?Obviously not.

The Whispering Death Mk.21, which was quite well preserved, was dragged out of the secret realm intact and transferred to the garage on the first floor of the main base.

Ai Yi, the intelligent brain, controls the drone to restore it to its original state.Wu Chen was about to activate a capsule and throw it into the cabin.But it was stopped by the brain in time: "Master, use the source energy warlock."

"You mean, use the staff of origin energy to give birth?" Wu Chen suddenly came to his senses.

"That's right." Zhinao made a judgment: "Since the master can give birth to the SNG satellite car into a five-eyed mad lion, it should not fail this time."

Wu Chen nodded lightly: "How is this different from transforming with capsules?"

"The capsule is used to transform the cyber banshee. The staff is used to give birth to the iron-blooded team's source energy clone." Zhinao gave a reasonable explanation: "The cyber banshee can separate the soul from the flesh. The source energy clone needs to be combined with a humanoid Only when life reaches a 'symbiosis' can it have wisdom."

Wu Chen understood: "The capsule is supplemented with eternal life spring water, which can help the banshee realize the separation of body and soul during transformation. The real body is condensed into a human being, and the original form is transformed into Cybertron's 'primitive beast body'. Therefore, the cyber banshee, in fact It's the 'Cybertron Banshee'.

And the source energy clone spawned by the fragments of the fire source embedded in the fallen staff has an "independent autonomous consciousness" similar to the source energy variant.But in the 'personality data entry', the source energy clone will read and copy the memory of the 'drama symbiont'.Complete the most important 'symbiosis personality shaping'. "

Symbiont (Symbiotic System) is a biological term.That is, several organisms benefit from each other under the symbiotic conditions of organic connection, and some even reach the level of being inseparable from each other, or if they are separated forcibly, they will grow poorly and eventually die.

Plot Symbiosis, in short, is a person or thing in a play that comes from the same plot fragment and is closely connected with each other's exclusive branch plot lines.

"The master said so." Ai Yi, the brain brain, entered "drama symbiont" as an exclusive noun into the database.

Refer to the conversion of senior media person Yang Lan and SNG satellite car.The SNG hit by the source energy pulse ray drags Yang Lan, who comes from the same plot fragment and is closely connected with each other's branch plot lines, into the body, copies Yang Lan's memory, and completes the final fusion transformation.It is what Wu Chen called "symbiosis personality shaping".

Or simply call it: "symbiosis shaping".

In this way, the difference is very clear.A cyberbanshee transformed by a capsule, apparently "split".The source energy symbiotic clone spawned by the staff is "aggregation" instead.

"So, the most accurate name for the 'Five Iron-Blooded Little' of the 0326 base version is: Cybertronic Origin Energy Symbiosis Clone." Wu Chen laughed.

"New Hong Kong's symbiotic clones." Zhinao Aiyi corrected: "It can also be called 0326 base symbiotic clones. After all, they are the third faction of exclusive masters."

"Well, it makes sense." Wu Chen was convinced.

In fact, Lord Lord's 'energy symbiosis technology' also comes from Mistress Sark, the 7-star giant scorpion goddess.

The technology originates from the "leader warrior" technology and the evolved "two-in-one" project.The basic premise of this technology is to make the carbon-based life have the property of deformation after being strengthened, and become the head of the Transformer.Later, due to the intervention of the nebula stars, the leader warrior became the product of the combination of biomechanical engineering and fusion technology.The head of the Transformer was removed, and the body was redesigned to be a humanoid partner, leaving a control interface.The humanoid's body is heavily modified to allow extreme twisting for shapeshifting, and reinforced with metal components and armor.The humanoid can pilot the mechanical form of the Transformers sidekick, or transform into a head to fit with it in robot form.

but.Humans and Cybertronians, the connection of two intelligent brains, has obvious disadvantages.In particular, the stream-of-consciousness conflicts caused by different cognitions will damage each other's brains and even endanger their lives.

And Wu Chen's unique Ω Brain Wave Screen Network perfectly solves the problem of stream-of-consciousness conflicts.All female companions who have become nodes and their spiritual cores have turned into stars in the small universe can live in perfect symbiosis with the source energy clones.

So obvious.As the guard of the secret realm, the witch Ziyuan and the whispering death Mk.21 are a symbiosis of each other.

(End of this chapter)

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