The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 587 May the shadow accompany you

Chapter 587 May the shadow accompany you

Evergloam is the realm of oblivion created and ruled by Nocturnal, goddess of the night.It is a realm of eternal twilight, and the "Cradle of Shadows".Eternal Dusk consists of a main realm and several subrealms, including "Shade Perilous" and "Crow's Wood".These areas are believed to be in flux and perceived differently by different people.Among them, the shadowy danger that can only be entered from the battle spire was captured when Mehrunes Dagon attacked the battle spire, and was later given to the frost demons and flame demons as gifts.

"Ebonmere", also known as "Ebonmere", connects the eternal twilight and the passage of the world, and the Ebonmere is located in the Twilight Sepulcher in Skyrim.It is filled with the ethereal subjects of Nocturnal, bathed in eternal twilight.The Ebony Swamp can only be opened by the Skeleton Key. Although this magical artifact is often stolen from the cemetery by mortals, it seems that it will always return to the embrace of the cemetery after a period of time.This "cat-and-mouse game" among thieves is said to please Nocturnal.

The Nightingales are a secret organization of the Thieves Guild who pledge their souls to Nocturnal and keep the Ebony Marsh and Skeleton Key safe.When nightingales die, it is believed that their spirits merge with the shadows.As long as the Ebony Bog remains open, the spirits of dead nightingales can "walk with the shadows" and bring good luck to thieves.As Nocturnal's agents in Mundus, the nightingales were allowed to drink from the pools of ebony to gain powerful magic.

The Skull Key is undoubtedly a favorite of Tamriel thieves.This magic artifact is an unbreakable lock pick, and according to the Nightingale Society, this key can not only unlock locks, but also open everything, including the endless potential in the depths of the human soul.Another artifact of Nocturnal is less known, that is, the Bow of shadows (The Bow of shadows), which can make the user invisible and increase speed. Nerevarine owns it.

"Few professions require a practitioner to be more self-reliant and independent than a thief. A thief is a loner at heart. He trusts no one, and is trusted by no one. He doesn't commit himself to being a master thief. Apprentice, and no one to collect and codify his art of theft. Alone in the darkness of night, he performed his crimes cautiously. Even in daylight, he was careful not to be arrested.

Nocturnal is the only Patronus recognized by thieves.But she is not really a goddess, the Daedra Lord is unquestionably a powerful figure.She is the master of shadows, of secrets and concealment.She asks nothing of her admirers, and does not necessarily bring blessings to those who know her.In fact, there is no temple dedicated to her in Cyrodiil, though there are rumors of a forgotten temple connected to her.In other words, the stealth she represents perfectly matches the criminal mind of a thief.

In general, thieves are atheists.They trust only their own craft and their own cunning.However, due to the presence and undeniable influence of the gods and daedric gods on the real world, the Rogue has a volatile relationship with Nocturnal.While some rogues do adore her, most choose to offer their respect and homage rather than loyalty.

These criminals realize that if they offend the master of the shadows, it will be bad for them.However, there are no known benefits to true worship and devotion.The classic blessing among thieves is "May the shadow walk with you".This is an indirect reference to Nocturnal.However, this statement can also be interpreted as an objective statement of a thief hiding in the shadows.

Thieves tend to wear black or dark night clothes.While this is great for their crimes, it becomes unnecessary during the day.However, many rogues still wear these colors during the day to silently pay their respects to Nocturnal and wish to be blessed.

The most shocking connection between the thieves' obscure culture and the daedric Nocturnal is the legend of the gray fox.Gray Fox is the fictional king of thieves.In this legend, the gray fox stole Nocturnal's mask.Apparently, this is just a story fabricated centuries ago to bolster the thieves' sense of self-worth.However, it also shows Nocturnal's ongoing relationship with Imperial criminals. "—Hiding with the Shadow.

"Good day, my lord." Nightingale Kalia, who traveled day and night, couldn't hide her exhaustion and excitement.

"Good day, Kalia." The lord saw that she had fulfilled the agreement: "So you found the skeleton key."

"And the Shadow Bow, The Shade Sickle, and The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal and The Eye of Nocturnal." Nightingale Ka Leah deserves her name.

"Wow..." Even the lord couldn't hide his surprise: "You have found all the magic artifacts related to Nocturnal."

"Yes, my lord." Nightingale Kalia said the key point: "I heard the goddess' raving, so I found all the artifacts, because this is related to the goddess's coming."

Looking at each other tacitly with the housekeeper, the lord smiled and asked: "So, Nocturnal wants to be my "Ring Goddess"?"

"That's right, my lord." As he spoke, Nightingale Kalia recited the famous quote related to Nocturnal: "'The song is still there, but the song is gone. There is no tune, no melody , only rhythmic whispers echoing in my ears. Serve her, be a shadow, be a whisper. Quiet, slow, but unable to escape. I am trapped in the dark, the shadow sticks to my clothes. I speak but Silent, I see but blind. Blind, so blind, nothing but her will.'”

For Nocturnal, the most famous title is "Ur-dra", which means she is "the oldest and most powerful Daedric king", and was given by the Empire Surveys by the Geographical Society have concluded that this is a title recognized by almost all Oblivion Kings.The Khajiit of the past also used this title to describe Namira.Although the meaning of this title conflicts with Nocturnal's will to a certain extent, it also explains why Nocturnal claims to be part of the primordial void. Nocturnal comes from Lohaj (Rockhan) A piece of black blood in the heart of darkness (Black Blood, also known as 'Godsblood' or 'Ebony', the familiar ebony/black sandalwood flowed from the heart of darkness in Khajiit mythology), that is, a piece of "primordial A piece of primal void".The Khajiit claim that "Before Oblivion, there was Nocturnal".Hemoeus Mora was also known as "Ur-Daedra", which means "older than our ancestors".

Nocturnal has a close relationship with crows, and people often describe Nocturnal with crows. It is said that the crows around Nocturnal can even talk.Nocturnal's summoning day is the third of Hearthfire, but she can be summoned at any time in the shrine dedicated to her.Nocturnal's enemies are the God of War Reymon Ebonarm, Meridia, Mehrunes Dagon, and Azura.

"How can Nocturnal come to this world?" In fact, what the lord asked was: Why did Nocturnal volunteer to serve the lord's dragon breaking the law.

Nightingale Kalia gave a convincing answer: "My lord, it's all about the Heart of Darkness."

(End of this chapter)

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