The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 571 1570 You will taste it soon

Chapter 571 1.570 You will taste it soon

Walking into Lord Gaoyue's longhouse, which was obviously much more gorgeous than Wu Chen's memory, he immediately smelled the unique fragrance of whale oil emanating from the blazing horn chandelier.The number of horn lamps lit shows that Mosar's always-stretched finances have improved a lot.

Along the bright chandelier, the long table is filled with delicious food and wine. A huge mammoth head with a long mammoth trunk (Mammoth Snout) is elevated in the center of the long table by layers of fresh fruits and vegetables.Around this expensive main dish, the whole plate of mammoth steak grilled to golden brown is piled up on the whole plate.Inside the small plate is the appetizer dessert Mammoth Cheese Bowl (Mammoth Cheese Bowl).

Being able to exchange a whole mammoth from a nearby giant tribe also confirmed Wu Chen's judgment just now.Mosar did have money.

"A toast to the Baron Ximu who came from afar." The female lord Igorod Yapo, who was sitting in the main seat, raised his glass boldly.

"Cheers—" the diners at the long table warmly invited.

Wu Chen took the cup of mead from Lord Igorod Raven's housekeeper husband Arthur Fall, and drank it without hesitation.

"Be the first to respect." Wu Chen turned over the empty cup and held it high to show others.

"Hahaha..." Soon some people were drinking on the spot, and the rest of them were also unable to stand steadily, staggering to and fro.Before Wu Chen arrived, many people were already half drunk, and if they drank down a large glass of honey wine, they would get drunk on the spot.

Today's banquet was specially held by Lord Igorod Raven for Thane Bryling, the female lord who came from Solitude.

Tarn Braling is one of the lords of Havengar, and unlike Wu Chen, who is also the lord of Tarn, who chose to live in his own Ximu collar, she settled in Solitary City.And spend most of the time in the Blue Palace.Rarely seen in her fief Stonehills (Stonehills).

This time I came to Mosar, obviously also for the "Gaoyue Potion" that can regain youth for a short time.It is said that he wants to use half of the ownership of the Rockwallow Mine in Rockwallow Mine to purchase the exclusive agent of "Gaoyue Potion".

This transaction is also enough to make Igorod Raven leader take the initiative.After all, the output of ore is extremely important to every lord.Just like Wu Chen, who owns the Coal Mine and Bingxi Mine, whether it is forging, smelting, heating or bulk trade, the territory's finances have benefited a lot.

This grand banquet shows that the matter is half done.

Tarn Bralin, leader of Hafengar, introduced the members of the entourage to the well-known leader of Xueman, Tarn Wuchen.

Sorli the Builder lives in Stone Mountain with her husband and son.She and her husband jointly manage the Rolling Stone Mine for the lord Bralin, and are also the steward of Stone Mountain Town.

The Prophet Argi Farseer who served as the middleman for this transaction, the younger sister of Lord Ygorod Raven, now also lives in Stone Mountain Town.Lord Idgrod the Younger, daughter of Lord Idgrod the Younger, was also in attendance as heir to Lord High Moon's longhouse.

Of course, Falion, the court wizard of Mothar, the developer of "High Moon Potion" is also indispensable.

When Wu Chen exchanged greetings with everyone in turn, Lord Ygorod Raven's butler husband Arthur Fur had already prepared a table for him.Right next to Lady Braling.

"Please take a seat, Baron Ximu." Lord Igorod Raven warmly invited.She is satisfied with her housekeeper husband from the bottom of her heart.Especially when receiving people and things, he never loses the dignity of the lord.

"Thank you for your invitation. My lord." Of course Wu Chen would not be rude.

"It's my honor, Baron Ximu." Lord Igorod Raven continued his good mood.

Everything related to Ximu is the freshest and most interesting topic of conversation in Skyrim.In particular, his adventures to Southheim, and the deal to buy Raven Rock back from the Redoran family were widely circulated among the lords of Skyrim.Although I don't understand why the lord would spend huge sums of money to buy an overseas territory far away from Ximu.But how to say, since it is the deal decided by Baron Ximu, there must be potential value that outsiders cannot discover.It's like he gave up a valuable house in Xueman and chose the seemingly useless Baihe Mountain.

Since I was lucky enough to have dinner at the same table today, I just took the opportunity to ask for clarification.

The lord is also open and honest, speaking clearly.After a question and answer session, the atmosphere became more enthusiastic.Of course, Wu Chen deliberately concealed the details about the brass giant and Vivec's second attack on the Red Mountain.

"I salute you, Baron Ximu." Even so, Lord Igorod Raven, who intermittently pieced together an epic adventure from Wu Chen's mouth, was still full of admiration.

"I salute you too, my lord." As one of the nine lords of Skyrim, Wu Chen abided by due etiquette.

"Then what new adventure are you here for?" Lord Igorod Raven asked the key point.

"On Hawke Island next to Southerheim, I met Mehrunes Dagon in the ancient tomb of the pirate king Harknir Deathbrand..." The lord tried to lower his voice, but soon At the long table that fell silent, everyone held their breath and listened attentively.For fear of missing any detail.

"Oh my God..." Hearing the critical point, the female lord Bralin who was sitting next to Wu Chen exclaimed, "Do you want to fight an honor duel with the Demon God?"

"Actually, I don't need myself. As long as a warrior can defeat his champion fighter instead of me, it's fine to complete this honor duel." Wu Chen explained with a smile.

"Have you found the warrior who can defeat Mehrunes Dagon?" Lord Igorod Crowpo will of course ask, "I want to go to the realm of annihilating the demon gods of the plane to complete this fateful duel. It is a height that is difficult for ordinary people to reach, and an epic hero is necessary."

"As you said, my lord. This is a duel of fate." Wu Chen raised his glass with a smile.

Just like not long ago, the Nord Legion belonging to the Empire and the former comrade-in-arms Stormcloak fought in an honorary duel of the "Civil War Champion" that determined the ownership of Windhelm City.Honor duels are an ancient Nord tradition.Because of this, the lord will resolutely accept Mehrunes Dagon's invitation.Everyone present can understand and fully agree with the lord's courageous choice.

Lord Ygorod Raven asked again: "So, have you found someone who can replace you?"

"To tell you the truth, my lord. I've already thought of it." After finishing the cup, Wu Chen said the most suitable candidate in his mind: "'Everything I do is for love'."

This sentence seems to be correct here.The guests at the long table nodded one after another.The lord really loves Skyrim deeply.

However, only Lord Igorod Raven said meaningfully: "'This is the sword that splits Lai Ji's blade reforged with bitter blood, and you will taste it soon (his is the sword that split Leki's blade reforged in bitter blood. You will taste it soon.)'."

"My lord, I need your help." Wu Chen's eyes were full of light.

"It seems that you must know." Lord Igorod Raven smiled and said, "Which one in Orphan Rock Castle told 'our secret'?"

"Isobel, the chief elder of the Lone Rock Witches Association." Wu Chen didn't hide anything: "She just told you about your whereabouts. But I thought it was you, Mother Sinette."

As soon as the lord lord finished speaking, he felt a chill in his throat.Looking down, it was the sharp ice pick that the female lord Bralin, who was talking and laughing with him just a second ago, had condensed with the honey wine in the cup.

"So, everyone here is the last ice-touched witch group." The lord's face was completely fearless, and his smile did not decrease at all.

However, the atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly dropped to freezing point (my lord, is this another hidden plot of hidden characters?!).

(End of this chapter)

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