The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 565 1564 1 Some people were saved.Others were sacrificed.this is clockwork city

Chapter 565 1.564 Some people were saved.Others were sacrificed.this is clockwork city

"The Regulator Luciana's Diary Volume Three":
Date: 1E 2722 (?) 16th of Gaoyang month.

A year has passed and Sousa Hill has yet to return from Central Gear.Marius' health continued to deteriorate.He spends most of his time in his room studying or performing alchemical experiments.I'm glad to hear he has a rare gift for potions and tinctures.He likes to forage for ingredients.Of course, finding organic ingredients in the Ladis wilderness just outside the city is difficult.I limited his herbal adventures to one hour a day.He resented it, but he was wise enough to know why he couldn't stay outside the walls of the Brass Keep for long.

The machine told me that Marius' condition was getting worse day by day.I hope King Seth will show up soon.

Date: 1E 2724 (?) 5th Bud.

Three years have passed, and there is still no sign of Sousa Hill.Other Clockwork Apostles told me it might be decades or centuries before he returns.Obviously, Marius and I don't have that much time.

Nevertheless, we have long settled into a comfortable routine.While I attend to the keep and help tame some of Ladis' mechs, Marius will be fiddling with his flasks and stills—to the glory of Sotha Sil.He kept pestering me to replace my flesh and blood with a prosthetic, saying that the brass hand would help improve the accuracy of sensitive measurements.I keep telling him "maybe next year" but not sure how much longer.He is strong-willed, even like a bull.Can't imagine where he got this character.

His experiments continue to astound.To everyone's surprise, he devised a conservative treatment that would slow his heartbeat to a quarter of its natural rate without any noticeable side effects.The Mechanic estimated that this might increase his life expectancy at a corresponding rate.But (like no medical expectations report), again, nothing is certain.Sousa Hill's direct intervention remains his best chance for recovery.If the Clockwork God doesn't come out of her seclusion soon, I'm afraid I'll have to do it myself.

Date: 1E 2728 (?) Sun Moon 14th.

Marius is 16 years old today.At least 16 I think.Time flows in a strange way in Clockwork City.We head to the top of the Clockwork Temple to celebrate.I had to carry him on my back most of the way because he lost his stamina for the long walks.

I've never actually been to the top of a tower before. Wide vistas (over the city) are for poets and lovers - I'm neither.I spent my time in the dusty streets and brightly lit corridors of the sanctuary—escaping the raw sprawl of the city.But when I watched Marius marvel at the spiral frieze made by King Seth sliding along the glass of the celestial sphere, and the harsh desert stretching out from the miniature of Ladis below, something moved inside of me .I truly consider this city my home - more so than Cyrodiil ever was.Now I know I will never return to Tamriel.I will live and die here in Clockwork City.

Date: 1E 2730 (?) 22th Bud.

The situation deteriorated rapidly.This morning I found Marius slumped beside his alchemy table—barely responding.I moved him to bed, summoned the most famous clinician and a few mechanical bodies to attend to him, and prepared to go to the central gear.

The older apostles advised me to think carefully, but patience was a luxury I could no longer afford.Only Sotha Sil can save Marius.If King Seth can be awakened from his dream, I know he will take the necessary measures to save my son.May King Seth bless these honest laborers.I have to go now.

"The Regulator Luciana's Diary Volume 4":
Date: 1E 2750 (?) 31st of Last Arya.

I'm not sure why I'm writing this.I wrote this diary for Marius, but now he is dead.It has been more than 20 years.Time is said to bring solace and ease pain.But my grief is now deeper than ever.

Busy.Order.These help.I put my heart and soul into the work - marshalling the Apostles into a stronger, leaner, more efficient organization.I fought crime, published a treatise on Marius' alchemical experiments, and devoted myself to my magical skills; but these achievements were far from filling the great void left by the loss of my son.

For years, I never told anyone what happened in the central gear.People are right to be afraid to talk about this topic.Because even now, 20 years later, my anger is still hot.

Betrayal - that's the only word I can think of.I passed through the central gear as fast as I could, destroying all the hostile mechs, mechanoids, and mech traps that stood between me and King Seth.Upon reaching the Throne of Calibration, I found Sotha Sil sitting on the steps leading to his throne of power.He didn't even look up.

"I know why you came," he said.

I was so naive and ran towards him laughing like a kid. "Great," I cried. "We must hurry. Marius is dying."

But Sousa Hill didn't stand up.He didn't even look me in the eye. "I'm sorry," he said, "I cannot give you what you seek."

I was speechless for a moment, trying to understand what he was saying.I just repeated like an idiot, thinking he hadn't heard: "Marius is dying. We have to go back and see him soon!"

He stood up, pursed his lips, and finally said, "I'm sorry." It was his only reply.

We stood there quietly, as if time had stopped.Finally, I shook my head and whispered, "I don't understand. My body was destroyed and you healed me. Marius only had his heart to mend (which you couldn't)."

Seth came over and put a brass hand on my shoulder, "You are mistaken. I have the ability to heal Marius, but the reality makes it impossible (this is your fate, Luciana ). My condolences are with you, Luciana."

I looked up and saw tears in his eyes.I felt a great anger rising from my heart.I took the hammer, raised it above my head, and King Seth whispered a banishing spell, sending me flying back to the surface.

Marius died two days later.Sousa Hill remains on central gear to this day.

Other apostles offered platitudes of comfort, like those I spoke to the grieving parents of my men in the Imperial Legion after they died in battle. "This is his time." "He lived an excellent and honorable life." And so on.But in my heart, I will never forgive Sosa Hill.forever.I will still serve as Overseer of the Apostles.I will always guard the city I love, the order and traditions of the community.But my worship of the Clockwork God has dried up.

This is the last entry in my diary.Those who choose to read this diary need only know this: "Southa Hill gives and takes without negotiation or mercy.Never mistake his interest for empathy (empathy).Never mistake his aid for genuine acts of kindness.Some people were saved.Others were sacrificed.This is Clockwork City".

 May the mountains and rivers be safe, and wish the motherland eternal prosperity.

(End of this chapter)

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