The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 55 154 Every Twinkling Star

Chapter 55 1.54 Every twinkling star
"Defend the base!" Wu Chen ordered, regardless of whether it is science fiction or not!

Female warriors came from all directions.The two Skyhunters in the hangar also flew down from the hole pierced by the incoming debris, and the ion cannon fired at full power, attacking the Nordic dragon ship.But without exception, they were all blocked by the lightning barrier that came with the dragon boat.

The two Skyhunters circled, unleashing ion cannonballs.Try to penetrate the defense with a saturation attack.

The two teams of female fighters are not far behind.Ride in line armor and charge towards the Vikings.

The pirates held up their shields to resist, but were easily torn apart by the rain of bullets.

"Huh?" The one-sided massacre made Ai Yi, the brain brain, bewildered.It stands to reason that the plot fragments that can break through the protective shield of the base should not be so weak.

While speaking, the two teams of armored female warriors passed by like butterflies wearing flowers, smashing the Viking pirates into pieces.

No flesh and blood flying, no howling ghosts and wolves.The crystal wreckage of Viking warriors all over the ground is turning into billowing smoke.With the disappearance of the crystal debris visible to the naked eye, the purple smoke gathered from all directions, like clusters of swaying will-o'-the-wisps.The will-o'-the-wisps quickly turned into ghosts, and the ghosts solidified into lifelike armored female warriors.No more, no less, 20 people.The figure and appearance are indistinguishable from the real and the fake; the weapons and armor are exactly the same.

"This is the real level." Zhinao quickly marked the value of the transfigured female warrior on the window.

The Viking dragon boat also soared into the sky in the surging mist, its sails deflected and its tail turned, and the laser cannons on both sides of the hull fired intensively.Shot against two Skyhunters.

"It turned out to be a spaceship!" Zhinao Aiyi couldn't help complaining: "It really is... science fiction."

Gauss machine gun fire lines crossed, and both sides hit each other.The armor of the female warrior shattered and fell to the ground.The Nordic female warriors were blown to pieces, including people and cars.And scattered into a glistening slag.Then mist again.

Wu Chen has been summoned to repair the drone and repair the armor for the female warrior.Fortunately, only the armor was damaged, and the female soldier was fine except for a slight concussion.After the maintenance drone repaired the deformed armor, the Nordic female warrior on the opposite side also completed solidification again.

The war is imminent.Wu Chen slammed on the switch, and the AE86 moved across the front of the formation, blocking the enemy's first bullets for the female warrior.The vehicle-mounted weapon swept everything and crushed the Nordic female warrior.

"Master, if the masterminds in the dragon boat are not resolved, they will continue to be reborn." Ai Yi, the brain brain, calculated the result: "And it will become stronger and stronger."

"What exactly are these purple red crystals?" Wu Chen seemed familiar but didn't know where they came from.

"A very special energy fluctuation, which seems to be very similar to the master's omega brain wave." Zhinao also discovered: "But it is not mental solidification. To be precise, it is a very special substance. It seems to be able to transform into a shape at will. No Good! Master, the purple red crystal is transforming into you!"

It can be seen from the window of AE86 that behind the Nordic female warrior who is constantly being shot and broken, an AE86 is rapidly condensing in the turbulent fog.

"Huh!" Wu Chen turned around, and AE86 drifted around.The vehicle-mounted machine gun shoots 360° to death without corners, smashing the pursuers from front, back, left, and right.The moment the front of the car was aligned, the slack switch was stepped on again. The AE86 accelerated in a straight line and collided head-on with the just-started imitation version.

With a loud bang, the imitation version was torn apart and exploded into pieces.

The speed of the AE86 does not decrease, and it passes through the enemy's line.Shoot the line of fire all the way and kill all the enemy soldiers along the way. AE86's super alloy body has obvious advantages.The two file upgrades brought crushing technological advantages, which were concentrated and magnified by the brain.This Nordic dragon ship, which came from unknown plot fragments, chose the wrong opponent from the very beginning.

However, the fuchsia crystal that was crushed by AE86 repeated the same trick.Atomization reunion, solidification and reorganization.Obviously not easy to admit defeat.

"Master, look at the dragon boat!" Zhinao projected the air combat screen to the screen window.

The Nordic dragon boats dealt with the two Skyhunters with one against two.Actual combat has proved that Gauss kinetic energy weapons are more powerful against fuchsia crystals than plasma energy weapons.It's a pity that the front and rear cannons of the two Air Hunters are all plasma.Limited damage to Nordic spaceships.

What's more, as the machine guns of the two sides exchanged fire, the air was filled with fog.The two Air Hunters shuttled back and forth, and contamination was inevitable.Like condensed frost, the nose and wingtips were gradually covered by crystals, which continued to expand and spread like a spider web.

"Plot invasion?" Wu Chen frowned slightly.

"Yes, the mastermind in the Nordic Dragon spacecraft seems to be...alive." A logical paradox appeared in the intellectual brain: "But the special structure of the purple crystal is simply a forbidden area for life."

"Has the Space Hunter ever detected what's going on inside the spaceship?" Wu Chen wanted to find out.

"Shrouded by the cyclone, it cannot be detected." Zhinao has tried many times without success.

"Go up and have a look." Wu Chen switched the flight mode with one click.Before colliding with the imitation version, AE86 flew into the air in an instant and took the Nordic Dragon spacecraft directly.

Seemingly feeling the crisis, dense clouds rolled in, covering AE86.The front of the car quickly crystallized, and all the on-board weapons of the AE86 were fully output.The angry lines of fire converged into two headlights, leading Wu Chen straight to the Dragon Spaceship.

The closer you get, the greater the resistance.There are granular crystals all over the dense clouds, like ice crystals covering the clouds. AE86, together with the time and space where it is located, can be seen by the naked eye to be solidifying at an accelerated rate.

"Attack with all your strength." Wu Chen stepped on the switch at a constant speed to the end.

The vehicle-mounted cannon spewed out fire, and AE86 smashed through layers of crystals. Unfortunately, when it was one step away from the dragon ship, time and space together with AE86 solidified into a huge purple-red crystal.Immediately afterwards, it was invaded by an invisible foreign object.I saw tiny cracks in the constantly thickening crystal body moving away quickly.The invisible intrusion from the dragon boat owner's consciousness is penetrating into the body of AE86 from all directions.

"Interesting." Wu Chen's Ω screen was immediately touched.The experience of the lord-level big players solidified into intuition made him calm down.

The exclusive shelter attribute of AE86 keeps everything in the car as before.Generally speaking, before Wu Chen's "0326 exclusive branch plot line" is terminated, AE86, which is part of the exclusive shelter, will not be easily destroyed.Just like the red phone booth that still stands after the struggle.

"Master, be careful." The intellectual brain used the shortest time to construct a countdown to the mental invasion.

The invisible pressure beyond time and space is rolling towards every pore of Wu Chen.

Wu Chen held his breath, and slowly closed his eyes.

On the edge of the small universe, the nodes of the latest 33 female warriors connected to the Broken City are lit up sequentially.The gloomy small universe suddenly had light.

Be motivated by this. The Ω brain wave screen network then strengthened and released, anti-invading the frozen AE86 crystal, and countless tiny ice cracks.

The two strands of thinking meet in the cracks, and they simply test each other, and then they are glued together like paint, and the threads are hooked.

After all, Wu Chen first arrived after being broken, and the small universe did not wake up.Mental power is far inferior to the owner of the dragon boat.After the spiritual connection, Wu Chen had almost no resistance.He was counterattacked by the owner of the dragon boat.The surging spiritual power poured fiercely into Wu Chen's gloomy small universe like huge waves.

Break through one vulnerable node after another.

When Wu Chen was mentally invaded, all the female fighters in the base who were fighting fiercely with the enemy lost control.Consciousness is chaotic and self-lost.It was also invaded by the pervasive purple mist.And through the spiritual link, they continuously invaded Wu Chen's small universe.Converging into terrifying spiritual (heresy) vortexes.

as previously known.Every twinkling star in the small universe is the solidified spiritual core of the female partner.Once the brightest objects were constellations, then galaxies.There are also beautiful meteorite rings and meteor showers, those are clots of spiritual power, and are also important raw materials for forming a new star.

Also very unexpected.The invasion of foreign heretical spirits actually touched the meteorite ring floating on the edge of Wu Chen's small universe.

The clots of spiritual power drifted towards the vortex of heresy one after another, as if they were attracted by the gravity of the earth!
(End of this chapter)

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