The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 50 149 Don't worry, it's just a minor operation

Chapter 50 1.49 Don't worry, it's just a minor operation
"Wu Chen?" Shao Zuo seemed to be speeding on the road forever.

"I'm here." Wu Chen lifted his watch with a smile, and took in the holographic avatar.

"The exclusion period has passed, can we start?" Major's voice was soft.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Broken City took 1 day, and the plot fragments took 60 days.It took half a day for Wu Chen to return, and a month for the Shao Zuo.The newly implanted organs are an exact match to the full body prosthesis.It is possible to collect and store the germ cells of the only human body.

This is obviously the main line of the plot derived from Wu Chen's intervention.Without further ado, Wu Chen immediately took the four female warriors into the fragments in the Viper Skyhunter.

The Major's position signal appeared soon.

Today is the most common rainy day in Xingang City.The ruins of skyscrapers still stand stubbornly on the skyline.The prosthetic eyes wandering around in the sun are all dormant in the eye sockets of the remains of the prosthetic body today, rolling around idly under the half-opened and half-closed eyelids.If it weren't for the occasional glimmer of light passing through the slits of the eyes, no one would be able to detect their existence in the dense pile of prosthetic corpses.

The Viper Sky Hunter pursued the coordinates and landed vertically on the court surrounded by skyscrapers where the Major met for the first time.

When the female soldier protects Wu Chen, he arrives at the underground prosthetic black clinic.

The major has been waiting for a long time.

"Are you okay?" Wu Chen asked first.

"As usual, what about you?" The major stood up from the operating table.

"Me too." Wu Chen smiled.

The major used actions to cover up his panic: "Then let's... let's get started."

"What should I do." Wu Chen looked at the operating table behind Major Zuo, which was used for implanting prosthetic bodies.Randomly piled up instruments and messy cables are full of the unique atmosphere of cyberpunk.It also meets the definition of an underground black clinic.

Zhinao told Wu Chen that in order to prevent misappropriation, all Hanhua prosthetic organs are connected to the Internet at all times, displaying the user's registration information.Once disconnected, it will shut itself off.Therefore, both daily maintenance and replacement of prostheses must be carried out in clinics authorized by Hanhua Machinery.There is only one purpose to do this, to prevent the prosthesis from being abused.But for example, no matter how advanced the anti-piracy technology of genuine software is, there are also floods of cracked versions.Many civilians who cannot afford the high maintenance costs in the later period will choose to go to underground clinics to replace cracked prosthetic organs without genuine authorization.Just like the Viper Airhunter who violently flashed the phone, these prosthetic organs that flowed into the second-hand market were all flashed twice and cracked artificially.Therefore, the prosthetic doctors in underground black clinics are often highly skilled hackers.

"You come to the stage." Shao Zuo secretly stabilized his mind.

"Okay." Wu Chen walked over and sat on the edge of the bed with the Shao Zuo.As Zhinao said, collecting germ cells is just a minimally invasive operation.Wu Chen can rest assured.

Before lying on the operating table, Wu Chen raised his camera: "Can I take a picture?"

"As long as you like." Shao Zuo got up and took off his coat, revealing his whole prosthetic body.

A white light flashed, and the second frame took in: the whole body prosthesis.

The Major didn't seem to be feeling well.This also confirms Zhinao's previous judgment that the short-term amnesia during ingestion is closely related to the resistance of the characters in the plot.Shao Zuo didn't object to Wu Chen's filming at all, so he had almost no stress reaction.

Wu Chen lay down contentedly, waiting for the operation.

The major quietly turned on the optical camouflage to hide his figure.

The light and shadow changed, Wu Chen's figure also disappeared on the flickering operating table.

Zhinao told the four armored female warriors that everything was as usual.Wu Chen was only covered by the major's optical camouflage, he was still lying on the operating table, and did not disappear.But Vitris was eager to protect the Lord, and switched the infrared thermal imaging angle of view by herself.Just caught a fleeting picture.Ai Yi, the intelligent brain, used administrator privileges to turn off the female warrior's visual prying.

Rest assured, this is just a minor operation.

Arcs of consciousness swirled through tangled cables.Activate the instruments one by one, and drive the robotic arm that stretches its teeth and claws.Then it recoils into the brain along the circuit and merges into the starlight universe.Penetrating through all the new nodes, the arc light ascended to the extreme, and blasted out a swirl nebula before exploding.The white light is dazzling, sweeping away everything outside the body.The entire operating table was glowing brightly.

The burst of brainwave pulse even affected the optical camouflage.Major's flawless full-body prosthetic body flashed.

The LCD screen flickered wildly, and the mechanical arm trembled wildly.

Sizzling, sizzling, sizzling——

The sound of overloaded current came and went, accompanied by the flashing optical camouflage, and gradually disappeared.

After the extreme discharge of the brain, Wu Chen was exhausted and sank back on the operating table.

Ai Yi, the intelligent brain who recorded the whole process, immediately confirmed: "The master is fine."

The four female warriors felt relieved.

When Wu Chen woke up, the major had already left.

"Master, you are awake." The watch lights up.

"Hmm." After removing the nerve wires attached to his forehead one by one, Wu Chen sat up from the operating table.

No need to ask.All the indicators of Wu Chen's body are well understood by his brain: "Congratulations, master, you have taken two frames. If you take three more frames, you will be able to get the exclusive card of the major."

"Okay." Wu Chen stood up with arms stretched, and walked out of the clinic.

Walking out of the ground, I saw a brand-new huge complex lying on the central high platform of the ring court, sleeping deeply.

"Mutated tumor." Zhinao said a new vocabulary: "It is the 'chaotic convergence' of prosthetic mutations."

"So, no matter how many times it is ingested by us, it will be born again." Wu Chen expressed his understanding.

"Yes master, if you want to completely eradicate the cancer, the only way is to eliminate the mutant original body and clear the core heterogeneous code." Zhinao displayed the holographic map of the entire Xingang City on the watch: "Preliminary judgment, the core is here."

A venue building with a strange shape: the headquarters of the Ninth Division of Public Security.

"Not in a hurry." After a short period of exhaustion from the operation, Wu Chen was refreshed: "Follow the main line of the plot."

"Understood." Zhinao reminded Wu Chen: "Master, you can read the card again."

"Okay." Returning to the base in the Viper Skyhunter, Wu Chen entered the phone booth alone, took out the Major's card from the Mc-2 camera, and inserted it into the card reader.

After the card was re-entered, the black sugar cube embedded in the gate of the different dimension turned into a translucent crystal out of thin air.This means that the rules of story fragments have been enhanced.It also indicates that Wu Chen's exclusive branch plot line is more deeply involved in the main plot of Ghost in the Shell.

After the mutation day, the prosthesis mutates.Xingang City was reduced to a purgatory on earth, where it died silently.Not surprisingly, how the fragments of the plot come back to life, and how the characters in the play save themselves, are a natural derivative of the main line.Especially Wu Chen has always chosen to stand on the opposite side of the players.

Watch as the Viper Skyhunter soars upwards into the clouds.There was a light and shadow change in the corner of the ring court, and NM4's deformation attack slowly unfolded.Carrying the major, he quietly passed through the rain curtain and drove into the underground passage.



"Have you collected it yet?"


"How many active cells are there?"


"Very good, keep it carefully."


The rain falling on the locomotive made ripples. NM4 left the string like an arrow and disappeared into the rainy night full of corpses.

Returning to the base in the Viper Hunter, Wu Chen fell asleep.

The mental pressure was released during the brain wave connection with the major.In the second half of the operation, Wu Chen's small universe fed back to the major's brain, achieving a nearly perfect spiritual resonance wave.In addition, the rule that the major has been taken into two-fifths of the asylum card is superimposed.So the spiritual force field from Shao Zuo condensed into a swirling nebula in Wu Chen's small universe.This is the core of the abode that has not yet solidified.

Just like the mutant prosthetic nerve bundle, it can open the door of different time and space.The powerful microcosm that Wu Chen releases in the form of Ω brain waves belongs to a higher spiritual dimension.It is also Wu Chen's exclusive high-dimensional ability to merge all the plot characters intertwined with the plot line of the 0326 branch into the curtain network in the form of resonance waves.

Manifestation in the Broken City.All exclusive card characters will form the core of the Abode in Wu Chen's brain, resonate with each other, and turn into stars.When the stars of adjacent nodes are strong enough, constellations will be bred, merged into the gods, and the gods will be born.For example, the chimeric protoss and electronic protoss were once the most powerful guardians of the world in Wu Chen's small universe.

With the shattering of the shelter, Wu Chen's small universe was also dimmed.Those powerful protoss who once guarded the exclusive main world of 0326 also fell with it.Until arriving at the Broken City, incorporating 22 female warriors and 2/5 of the majors, Wu Chen's small universe began to regain its brilliance.

Whether he can regain the glory of the past and save his former partner still needs Wu Chen's continued efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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