The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 20 119 Can file as well as file

Chapter 20 1.19 Can be moved up and back down

Return to Shelter, Day 4.

The drone delivered the Mocha coffee package on time.Wu Chen washed and changed his clothes, and walked out of the living room.Kurtel Waitress, the table has been set in advance.

"Master, good morning." Connected with the base's intelligence brain at all times, the underlying source code and core database of Ketel Weitris have been continuously optimized, knowledge and action have doubled, and everything has become more handy.

"Good morning, Vitrix." Wu Chen was in a good mood.

It's a pity that Wu Chen no longer remembers his own exclusive main world - Flurry Millennium New Hong Kong, which is recognized by players as a breeding ground for AI life.Whether it is the ψ (Pussy) brainwaves of Mistress Sark at the core of the city covering the entire planet, or the super biochemical brain of the White Queen, the administrator of the submarine base, or even the small nano-worms that can be seen everywhere in the city, They are all nodes of digital life, giving birth to super intelligent life all the time.

As the brain-brain Ai Yi who arrived at Wu Chen's side first when he was promoted for the first time, he is destined to be placed with high hopes by everyone.Used to manage the tablet base, it is really overkill.

As we all know, artificial intelligence and digital life have always been very different.The former has only intelligence, the latter has wisdom.

Wei CuiSi takes care of Wu Chen's daily necessities full-time.There are many things that she does not need to do by herself. After core code optimization and hardware modification, the "Panshi III drone group" is enough to take care of the base, large and small, and all kinds of trivial matters.

Regardless of the main board or sub-board, the drone station is standard.Just complete the assembly of the Tidal sub-board, and Wu Chen will get an additional "Tide II Drone Station".There is also a set of vector magnetic levitation engine, space folding module, self-circulation system, wireless communication module, etc.It can be perfectly matched with each system of the motherboard.Give full play to the cluster effect after system integration.

In particular, there are two UAV stations, which rotate day and night, and are on duty 7×24 hours, making daily maintenance more convenient.As mentioned earlier, the various panels and the systems they carry are taken from the unfinished spaceship hull.Part of the Broken City Original.It can be seen from this that the drone swarm is also made of the original.Comes with "Guardian Memory".All kinds of polymer consumable tanks are also made of original materials.Nested according to the rules of the shelter, the creations printed by the drone swarm also have the memory of the guardian.

Disengage from the floating cube at the outfitting workshop campsite. Flat base No. 0326, along the flight trajectory reported in advance yesterday, headed for the flat maintenance center.

In the track extending in all directions of the traveler's camp, floating flat panels and flying vehicles criss-cross and intersect.Walking through the giant floating cubes of different shapes, there are drone groups from time to time, coming and going like the wind, whizzing back and forth.Most of them are delivery drones.It can be seen that the camp has gathered a lot of popularity.

The F-005C section of the forging workshop, the broken traveler's camp, and the tablet repair center.

The maintenance center navigates the drone and uploads the passcode. Flat base No. 0326 immediately executed the code, entered orbit by itself and spliced ​​with the main building of the maintenance center.The giant robotic arm removes the tidal sub-board and sends it to maintenance port No. 013.The maintenance port looks like a square tapered funnel.The square-shaped groove shrinks from top to bottom.Such a design allows tablets of different sizes to be perfectly embedded in a certain frame.

The first retracement is also one coin.One price per person has already been set.Wu Chen is the only Zijin VIP, and there must be exclusive discounts.

Pay 1 coin.The box-shaped grooves that make up the conical funnel turn up and down like gears.The tidal plate located in the funnel seems to be motionless, but the aquaculture building built by the fat house player can be seen by the naked eye to quickly disintegrate and disperse into a ball of light dust.When all the buildings on the tablet disappeared, the light and dust recondensed into the outline of the previous archived building.

After comparing it with the tablet data stored in the newly built database, Aiyi, the base brain brain, quickly concluded: "The previous archive was a tidal power station." In other words, before the fat house transformed the tablet into an aquaculture farm, the former owner of the tablet Built a tidal power station on the slab.

"Is there any change to that stubborn code?" Wu Chen asked hurriedly.

"No change." Zhinao informed.

Since it is the original code, it must be archived more than once.It is impossible to succeed once.Wu Chen said again: "Go back to second gear."

The price rose to ten coins.After the full payment, the 013 maintenance port will be activated again.

Light and shadow freeze.A hydrogen fuel cell factory, and then the original scene reappeared.Hydrogen fuel cells can be used to drive biochemical robots, energy weapons and vehicles.The talent market T850 trader is powered by 2 hydrogen fuel cells.Compared with the small nuclear fuel cell used in T-800, the energy output is stronger and more stable.

After all, it is a traveler's camp where sci-fi players gather.The income of hydrogen fuel cell factories far exceeds that of aquaculture factories.Players' choices really vary from person to person.The exclusive main world for fat house players is not "Terminator".Regardless of the importance of "hydrogen fuel cell factory" or "tidal power station", Fat House is not strong.On the contrary, a feast of seafood is more attractive to Fat House.So the tidal power station was knocked down and rebuilt into an aquaculture farm.

Seeing Wu Chen's silence, Ai Yi, the brain brain, reported by himself: "The code segment has not changed."

"Go back to the third gear." 100 coins is not a small amount.However, there are only three things.Wu Chen felt that this was the only time he was away from the truth.The money that should be spent must be spent.

100 coins were paid, and the 013 maintenance port operated at full capacity for the third time.

The hydrogen battery factory scattered into light dust and condensed again.

"Master, the code is being restored!" Zhinao Yutou was pleasantly surprised.

Three retracements, each time more time-consuming.For stubborn codes that cannot be cleared, keep refreshing and completing them by yourself.Brain Aiyi scans the whole process, lest there will be mistakes.

Time passed by, and the light dust finally solidified.

"This is..." Wu Chen was shocked by the "alien aquarium" in front of him.

It's a pity that most of the giant tanks have been broken.There is only accumulated water in the half of the tank, and there are no alien creatures.Zhinao reproduced the simulation of the aquarium environment and found that the tank body was crushed from the inside by the alien creatures that were reared by them.Exactly what happened at that time, you need to read the aquarium database.

"The firewall has been bypassed." The hacker skills can't help Ai, the smart brain, and soon the record of the last moment of the alien aquarium reappeared on the watch: "Master, it's cleaning day!"

The final image of the aquarium, distorted, flickering and broken.Especially when the attack happened, the picture was directly frozen into a mosaic, and when it returned to normal, the alien aquarium had fallen apart from the inside out, and the ground was in a mess.From the beginning to the end, Wu Chen didn't see a single enemy, let alone where the attack came from.

The only certainty is that it was attacked by an unknown source during the cleaning day.And the original owner of the tablet also fell during the sweeping day.The exclusive branch plot line carried was completely forgotten.This aquarium was preserved because it was built on top of the original and had its own guardian memory.After being recovered by the camp, it was sold for the second and third times, and changed owners several times.In the end, it became the entrustment reward, which was obtained by Wu Chen.

"Master, there is a message from the 013 maintenance port: the tidal tablet can no longer be restored."

"That is to say, this is the original memory of Tidal Plate." Wu Chen was thoughtful.

"Yes. The cleaning day will clear all previous archives. Theoretically, each tablet base has a maximum of 12 days of archives between two cleaning days. However, the same memory will not be repeatedly extracted. This tablet can be easily retrieved three times. Lord, that's why the master can go back to the third file." Zhinao has another insight into the memory rule of the Broken City: "With each cleaning day as a new 'memory point', the previous old files will be cleared. That is to say , For "Shelter Creation", "Broken City Original", and "Story Memory Fragments", only the latest 12 archives are kept at most."

"This is the price of the cleanup day. All previous old files will be cleared. If the cleanup day cannot be passed, it means 'there will be no old files, and no new files will be created'. forgotten." Wu Chen understood.

"The master is right. It's like being caught in the 'cracks of memory': no ​​old memories and no new memories."

Wu Chen asked: "What should we do now?"

Who would be willing to spend 111 coins and revert three times, but only exchanged for a broken base.

"Master, wait a moment. I'm simulating the newly restored code." Zhinao spoke quickly.

"What is it?" Wu Chen looked forward to it.

"It's like a 'quantum beacon', which is used to open a specific 'quantum channel'." Zhinao didn't disappoint Wu Chen.

Quantum channel, shelter players are also commonly known as quantum channel.Use the quantum of entangled state to carry out quantum transmission beyond time and space.Wu Chen is easy to understand: "One-way portal."

"That's right." During the speech, Zhinao has completed the simulation and completed the code optimization.

"Master, you need to find a 'quantum generator' or 'space-time shuttle' or 'artificial wormhole instrument'. Enter the above beacon code to open the portal." Brain input the simulated screen into the watch: "The reason why the stubborn code cannot be cleared and overwritten is because it has its own hyperspace remnants. Or it is called 'broken memory', which cannot be easily erased."

"Who in the camp has a 'quantum generator', or a 'space-time shuttle', or an 'artificial wormhole instrument'?" Wu Chen can always grasp the key points.

"0427, Ren Shifei."

(End of this chapter)

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