The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 185 1184 Jagged Ninja Back Door Camp

Chapter 185 1.184 Jagged Ninja Back Door Camp
"Master." Immediately after, another eight clones of origin energy came to greet him.The similar facial features indicate that they are all clones of Serpenta.Just like the Decepticon hermit warrior who landed on the earth, he can scan the appearance that is almost identical to that of a human being.

Another example is the 8 + 8 = 16 energized female ninjas in front of me, who are really beautiful and delicious.

As we all know, there is another fact about the three sisters of Alcie: when they are accompanied by Wu Chen day and night, the metamorphic particles that make up the body have a phenomenon similar to "returning to ancestors".The metal body of Cybertron is almost as delicate as that of humans on Earth.Even while absorbing inorganic energy sources, the energy needed by the body can be obtained by eating organic matter.

It can be seen from this that the ability of metamorphic particles is far beyond the imagination of the three sisters of Arcee.I thought it was just a lifeless simulation, but when the heart began to thump, when the blood flowed in the blood vessels, when the gastric juice began to secrete acid capable of digesting organic matter, when the endometrium collapsed and fell off, accompanied by periodic changes in bleeding, The three sisters were all stunned.

Based on this, Wu Chen deduced that life on Cybertron must have undergone genetic evolution or mutation from organic to inorganic, and the metamorphic particles faithfully remembered that period of ancient times.While it seems like everything that happened to the sisters, the most plausible explanation is atavism.However, it is more like a high-dimensional evolution where the spirit and matter of the three sisters of Arcee are unified after becoming a node in Wu Chen's Ω Curtain Network.

It's like the real body condensed after drinking a scoop of Cyber ​​Spider Essence.Flesh and blood are completely indistinguishable from human beings.But at the same time, it has the attributes of immortals and demons (high-dimensional) far surpassing human beings.

The magic of the symbiont lies in the fact that there is a perfect fit of commonality and full of individuality.As a source energy symbiosis nested inside and outside, the relationship between the source energy clone body armor and their respective human female warriors can be visualized as two intersecting rings.As the outer shell, the full-scale Transformers source energy clone is not the third ring that intersects with the double rings, but the outer ring that envelops the double rings.

The spiritual core of the symbiosis of the Trinity only gathers together to form a star in Wu Chen's small universe, and there is only one node in the Ω Curtain Network, which can prove this point.

Just like fraternal twins (Dizygotic twins), also known as dizygotic twins.That means, even if the virtual appearance is removed and the metal appearance of the Cybertronians is restored, the Ninja Ninja clones are almost exactly the same as their respective human symbionts: Metal Lin Baiyu, Metal Yang Lan, Metal Xu Weiwei, Metal Serpentine , Metal Sun Li, metal Liu Yan, metal Guli Nazha, and so on.

"The layout is very warm." Along the way, Wu Chen has a good feeling for the back door camp.

"Thank you master." The same frown and smile as Lin Baiyu, almost made it impossible for Wu Chen to tell the difference.

It is the biggest difference from the source energy variant that has independent consciousness but no personality entry.The Ninja Ninja clone has independent consciousness and symbiotic personality.Apparently, it transcends humans and Cybertronians, and transcends organic and inorganic advanced life forms.

"Master, what's the matter?" "Metal Lin Baiyu" asked softly.

"We'll wait until you finish training." After all, it's tomorrow's game, and Wu Chen has plenty of time.

"Okay, master." It was rare for the female companions to gather around the male master.The bond created by this indescribable intimacy is subtly exerting an unknown positive influence.As source energy clones, they do not have their own independent single living room in the living area on the second floor.Moreover, compared to the huge full-size source energy clone shell, the source energy female ninja is more convenient to move around, living in the back door camp, taking care of both inside and outside.

With nothing to do, they simulated the battlefield through the "symbiosis network" they formed by themselves.And with the help of Zhinao Aiyi, the underlying code is continuously improved.Keep improving and gain a lot.

Soon, Lin Baiyu and others completed today's simulation training and got out of their respective vehicles.

"Master?" Seeing Wu Chen talking and laughing with his identical self.Lin Baiyu and others also feel sorry for each other.

"Master, wait a moment." Saying that, Yuanneng Nvren walked towards their respective symbiotes.It quickly merged into one and became a ninja armor.In response to that sentence, when combined, it is a hollow power armor, and after separation, it is an image metaphor of a solid robot.

"Master?" Ai, who had been silent all this time, seemed to have something to say.

"What's wrong?" Wu Chen didn't care at all.

"The source energy female ninja also has a germ cell collector."

"Ai Yi." Wu Chen subconsciously covered the watch, covering the internal structure of the collector that was amplified by the brain itself.

Wu Chen's refusal, the brain couldn't disobey.In a blink of an eye, the holographic screen was hidden.

"Sit down." Wu Chen stretched out his hand to signal.

"Master, what's the matter?" Lin Baiyu asked with a meaningful smile.

"Yes, there will be a 24-hour team endurance race tomorrow, and I have signed up for it." Wu Chen briefly explained his purpose.

"The master wants our sisters to compete?" the female driver Liu Yan was eager to try.

"Yes." Wu Chen looked at Serpentine, "Use the International Lone Star Highway Train."

"No problem." Serpenta smiled happily: "The GSM cab has just been upgraded, which is just right for the 24-hour endurance race."

"So, master doesn't intend to be the first to cross the finish line." The intellectual beauty Yang Lan already understood the deep meaning of Wu Chen's move.

"Completing the race is a victory." Wu Chen said with a smile.

With the user rights of their respective super brain matrix, the eight female ninja sisters quickly collected enough information from the internal and external networks: "The master is to collect cards."

"This is one of the purposes." Wu Chen nodded lightly: "In addition, I also want to see the tip of the spiral with my own eyes."

"Understood." Wu Chen's aggressiveness also infected the female ninja sisters: "Then why not, let's form a team by ourselves."

"Huh?" Wu Chen was also taken aback: "Is it okay not to use the name of the traveler's camp?"

"It's absolutely possible." Yang Lan has compiled detailed information while speaking: "The traveler camp team is also formed spontaneously by the players in the camp. It seems that there is no direct participation of the camp management committee. Moreover, there are some veteran players in the camp, and there are also individual players. A precedent for team formation."

"That's good." Wu Chen immediately changed his mind: "Let's form a team alone."

"At least 5 racing cars are required, regardless of the model." Yang Lan, a senior media professional, showed his collection and editing capabilities: "Refer to the previous model combinations of the traveler camp team, and take into account breaking obstacles, racing, maintenance, and team battles."

"What's everyone's opinion?" Wu Chen's meaning was obvious. The five racing cars were all selected among the eight sisters.

"International Lone Star, Knight XV, E450 RV, SNG, Wrangler." After the eight sisters discussed, Yang Lan still gave the answer: "Knight XV broke through obstacles and cleared the way, E450 RV logistical support, International Lone Star team battle to destroy the enemy , SNG information confrontation, the Wrangler and the master's AE86 are responsible for the flank guerrilla."

And because the three fit together, so if you have an E450 RV, you must bring a Wrangler.

"Okay." Wu Chen has no objection: "Ai Yi, create a virtual reality track and load it into the winning teams in the past. Today, we must simulate the entire course."

"Understood, master." Zhinao Ai immediately acted.Edit and summarize massive data to build a virtual reality track.Then render the video data of the previous winning teams into a virtual reality.Let the newly formed 0326 base team compete with them and strive to complete the race on the simulated track.

Gain experience for tomorrow's upcoming Spiral Tip 24 Hours Team Endurance Race.

(End of this chapter)

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