The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 181 1180 Advanced plots are common

Chapter 181 1.180 Advanced plots are common
"Of course, this is the most perfect result. It must be very difficult to achieve." Wisdom Brain said realistically: "However, as the owner of New Hong Kong, which is deeply integrated with the plot of Cybertron and known as the 'Crossroads of the Plot World' , the owner of the only purple-gold VIP in the golden age of the sanctuary. You must shoulder the important task of continuing the memory of Cybertron."

Zhinao used a metaphor that Broken City players only understand: "Continue (Cybertron) memory".Memory is proof of (Cybertron's) existence.If you want to tenaciously derive follow-up plot lines after the plot world is shattered together with the shelter today, the intervention of players and the promotion of exclusive branch plot lines are essential.

Wu Chen, who is almost certain to be the biggest profiteer from the Cybertron plot, does have an inescapable responsibility: "How do we start with an encrypted interstellar broadcast?"

"Master, as an advanced mechanical life form, the Cybertronian's broadcast has almost all the information elements we need." The intelligent brain worked hard to decode this interstellar broadcast in depth.

Soon, the interstellar coordinates Wu Chen needed were successfully located by the brain.This is apparently the origin of interstellar broadcasting.According to the rule that the broken plot must be fixed.No matter how long it has passed, as long as there is no player to intervene first, Wu Chen can reach the origin of this interstellar broadcast, and rely on the 0326 exclusive branch plot line he carries to break the freeze frame and derive subsequent plots.

Almost instantly, Wu Chen thought of the follow-up main plot of the player couple.It is said that it is also a commission record refreshed after the exclusive shelter was uploaded.

It's just that after Wu Chen raised the file, he didn't refresh it directly.Instead, it becomes a hidden entry that must meet established conditions to be activated.So cautious, removing Wu Chen's identity as the ultimate villain may also be because the Cybertron plot line is too important to Wu Chen's exclusive main world, New Hong Kong.

Because in the lower subdirectory of the unlocked hidden entries, in addition to the picture of "Planet Cybertron is torn apart", Zhinao also found the picture of "Earth with horns everywhere".According to the plot background of Transformers, the earth is transformed by the universe emperor.Also because of the continuous intervention of the Autobots and Decepticons, and the rapid advancement of the scientific and technological civilization of the 60 billion people on earth, the sleeping Emperor of the Universe is being awakened.

well known.The soul is the carrier of consciousness, and consciousness is the container of memory.Therefore, the prerequisite for the birth of consciousness is to have memory.And the role of personality is to shape the soul.Shelter players who have experienced the plot of the Matrix and have seen Thunderbolt [-] know it well.It is the human beings swimming in the endless virtual reality network, the countless "thinking logic" in the root server, and the massive "memory data" stored in the data host, which together become the source of fire for the awakening of AI.

According to the high-dimensional rules of the shelter, "one can be used for all purposes, one can be used for all purposes".

The rapid advancement of the scientific and technological civilization of the 60 billion people on earth has also inevitably produced countless "thinking logic" in and out of the root server, as well as a large amount of "memory data" stored in the data host.These digitized information have become the thinking nutrients absorbed by the universe emperor.Help him ignite the "spark of thinking", thus awakening the fire core that has been dormant for hundreds of millions of years.

In the matrix, the common thinking of human beings gave birth to machine life.In Transformers, the common thinking of human beings will awaken the universe emperor.

Sure enough, the advanced plots are all in common (just ask if you are convinced).

What's more, human science and technology all come from the planet Cybertron, that is, the universe king who transformed into the earth.

Think again.As the crossroads of the plot world, it is also located in New Hong Kong on Earth.It must be inevitable to participate in the recovery of the universe emperor.Think about the Sark Giant and Sark Mistress who are the core of the new Hong Kong city, and the ψ (Pussy) brainwaves covering the entire planet must also be the main force that ignites the "spark of thinking" and awakens the emperor of the universe.It is more likely to be the most crucial "spiritual spark plug".

It is even very possible that, because of the connection of brain waves, Matron Sark will no longer suffer from the thought invasion from the universe emperor all the time.And because of Wu Chen's departure, New Hong Kong lacks the ability to promote the plot line.

In other words, only by deriving a follow-up plot as soon as possible can the crisis that New Hong Kong may face be resolved once and for all.

"Master, the plot in the fragments is fixed, and it's not too late for us to start this plot." Understanding Wu Chen's worry, Zhinao comforted at the right time.

"Okay." Wu Chen completely understood.It's just that the relationship is chaotic, and things can't be controlled by others.

Speaking of which, this was the 19th day since Wu Chen arrived in the Broken City.Moreover, Wu Chen has worked hard enough to move up to fourth gear.There is really no need to worry too much.As the old saying goes, there is a limit to relaxation, and too much is too much.

"Master, do you need to buy another aircraft for the Predator team?" Zhinao changed the subject at the right time.

"No need." Wu Chen thought for a while and said, "As a symbiont, the source energy clone itself is a vehicle. Moreover, the full-scale deformed mech is huge in size. It cannot be accommodated by ordinary aircraft. Under the current conditions, unless you buy a A starship. However, the starship does not match our near-future attributes. It is most convenient to enter and exit the story fragments through the alien space-time gate.”

"Okay, master." Seeing that Wu Chen's thoughts were tight, the purpose of his brain to divert the topic had obviously been achieved.

As a symbiote team, Jagged Ninja also has a super sense similar to "telepathy".According to the analysis of the brain, there is a high probability that it is the unique digital information chain between the clones of the source energy.However, it cannot be ruled out that there is a phenomenon that the female ninjas who are human symbionts can interact with each other even without the help of source energy clones.

After all, this is a high-dimensional world beyond the plot.Like Wu Chen, thinking is also a dimension.

After setting up the three newcomers, Wu Chen drove the AE86 back to the tail compartment of the Blackbird SR-71.Then I went to the advanced medical room at the front of the tail cabin to visit Major Kusanagi who was sleeping.

"Huh?" Through the full-function medical cabin, Wu Chen found that Major Kusanagi's appearance seemed to have changed back to the former Major Mira overnight: "How could this be?"

"Master, this is 'cell memory'." Dr. Hayden answered Wu Chen's question.

The so-called "cellular memory" is actually a hypothesis to be verified.

Gary Schwartz, a psychologist at the University of Arizona, calls the phenomenon of changes after organ transplantation "cellular memory."The general theory is that since cells contain the body's entire set of "genetic material," patients undergoing organ transplants must "inherit" certain genes from the donor's organ.Similar to the conditioned reflex of cells forming memory, many events are getting closer and closer to proving that cells may have memory phenomena.

Gary Schwartz's research proves that at least 10% of the major human organ transplant patients -- including heart, lung, kidney and liver transplant patients, will more or less "inherit" the personality and hobbies of the organ donors, some people Even inherited the wisdom and "talent" of organ donors.

From this, Gary Schwartz came to an astonishing conclusion: Human (partial) personality can be completely transferred to other people through organ transplantation.

These are ordinary cells of ordinary human beings.

After super regenerative cells and extreme love strengthening drugs, the super human cells produced by superimposing twice positively amplified the memory ability of the cells to the real memory.

To put it simply, Major Mira's memory is guiding the super cells to correct their own genes.Let Motoko Kusanagi and Mira Killian, become one.

"I never thought that the human body would be so miraculous." Wu Chen expressed his feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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