The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 170 1169 Major Mira's Body Regeneration

Chapter 170 1.169 Major Mira's Body Regeneration

The robotic arm injects the super regenerative cells into selected parts of the brain.

Dr. Hayden also tried to awaken the consciousness of the Major who had fallen into a deep sleep through the virtual reality connection of the VR headset.This is the key to "using artificial cerebral cortex functional reorganization method" to guide cell repair and regeneration of limbs through phantom limb pain.

Therefore, it is actually Major Mira who controls the super cells to repair his body.During the whole process, Dr. Hayden was just "the guide".

Wu Chen provides strong emotional support for Major Mira, and undertakes the important task of awakening Major Mira's consciousness.

Compared with building a virtual reality network with the help of peripherals, digital awareness can be realized.Wu Chen can directly interact with the star belonging to Major Mira's spiritual core in the small universe through the Ω screen network.

This is also the first time Wu Chen, who has partially recovered his spiritual abilities, tries to communicate with his online female partner alone.

"Mira? Mira?" Following Wu Chen's spiritual call, waves of gentle fluctuations continued to superimpose and magnify among the stars in the marginal galaxies, spreading rapidly.

Ever since completing the final redemption and rebuilding Cybertronic City, the exhausted Major Mira's remaining human brain has fallen into a deep sleep.Consciousness is deeply dormant, almost unresponsive to external stimuli.That's why Dr. Hayden decided to let Wu Chen connect through the screen network of the small universe, and start directly from the spiritual level.The intellectual brain has also determined that this is more direct and effective than the conventional treatment of "substance first and then spirit" through the body acting on the spirit.

"The master is valid, please continue." Dr. Hayden, who was wearing a VR headset, immediately noticed the fluctuation of Major Mira's consciousness.

On the first clean-up day after arriving, when the amethyst cone broke through the protective cover and the plot invaded the critical moment of the counterattack, Wu Chen once absorbed the spiritual energy of the small universe to activate his innate skill: Skeleton Grip.In one fell swoop, it exploded the space-time prison of ether particles, and landed on the cremation dragon boat of Queen Frigga of Asgard.

According to this, it can be seen that all the spiritual power of the female partner whose spiritual core is solidified in the small universe and becomes the node of the Ω curtain network can be absorbed by Wu Chen to open the high-dimensional ability.

Of course, Wu Chen needs extremely precise mind control.Too much is too late.If you draw too little skill, you can't activate it, and if you draw too much, your female partner will be mentally exhausted, and there will be endless troubles.This time is no exception.All the nodes in the curtain network repeatedly overlap and strengthen the resonance wave, just like shaking a sleeping companion in the bed while calling in the ear: "Wake up, wake up."

As the "strength" gradually increases, the amplitude becomes larger and louder, and the sound becomes louder until the companion is awakened.The difference is that the "shake" on the object is changed to the "wave" in the mind.Acting directly on the spirit, the effect is more significant.

In fact, as each independent individual, the female companions who form a spiritual network with Wu Chen each have their own beliefs and thoughts.Many are common, and many are contradictory or even diametrically opposed.Therefore, when these opposing and conflicting thoughts are merged into the screen of spiritual power and finally merged into the small universe, they become the "spiritual impurities" that Wu Chen must bear.The role of nodes is to classify the curtain network: first level, second level, third level, fourth level... The connection between levels is called 'node'.Its most prominent role is "emotional regulator" and "spiritual filter".It can buffer strong mental impulses layer by layer and filter out negative spiritual impurities.Filtered layer by layer to make the incoming spiritual power more pure.It is also easier to reach a consensus with Wu Chen.

Sure enough, the superposition of the entire marginal galaxy finally awakened the dim star belonging to the major.

"...Master?" The voice that entered the mind almost shocked all the female companions.Wu Chen was also taken aback.

This is the 10th fire injection. After arriving in the Broken City, Wu Chen received the "spiritual babble" from his female partner very clearly for the first time.

This is what is commonly referred to as "spiritual communication."When Wu Chen opened the demigod-level small universe, the spiritual communication with his female companion can even ignore time and space.Far more powerful than the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Technique.

"I'm here." Wu Chen continued to communicate with the major.

"Where am I?" After finishing the final redemption of "Ghost in the Shell", the major had his brain removed and fell into a deep sleep.I have never experienced the three views of the Broken City.So I don't know anything about the situation in front of me.

"You're at my base..." Wu Chen tried to be as simple as possible.

"Is that the base in the air?" What the Major said to Wu Chen is still fresh in his memory.

"Yes, this is it." Wu Chen signaled Dr. Hayden to intervene.

"Okay." The major finally felt relieved.

"Do you remember what happened before?" Wu Chen carefully asked for confirmation.

"...Of course." The major's last memory picture kept flashing back and reorganized into a flowing memory: "I gave you my brain."

"Yes, you are now lying in the full-featured medical cabin, and Dr. Hayden next to me is preparing to rebuild a body for you." Just as he was speaking, the starry sky of the small universe gradually faded, and the virtual reality bridge was completed, and Xiang Shaozuo woke up Consciousness loads real-time images.

The Major saw Wu Chen standing next to the medical cabin and a lady wearing a VR headset.

"Hello, Major Mira." With a flash of light, the VR disappeared, revealing Dr. Hayden's friendly face.Here's a little trick in virtual reality.In reality, Dr. Hayden did not remove the VR headset, but removed it virtually with digital technology.It's like the option of "display helmet" can be clicked in the game.

"Hello, doctor." Major Mira, who is the "only fitter for the whole body prosthesis", is very familiar with the virtual reality world.

"We will use super regenerative cells to completely repair your body. But we need your cooperation..." Dr. Hayden told the general principle of the "artificial cerebral cortex functional reorganization method" to guide cells to repair the body through phantom limb pain. Major.

"Prosthetics that project virtual phantom pain into reality." Major Mira understood: "A great idea."

"But the phantom pain will be very strong. And in order to maintain consciousness and guide the repair of super cells, anesthesia cannot be used to relieve the pain." Dr. Hayden warned: "Major Mira, you must be patient. During the operation, thousands of Don't fall into a coma."

"I know." Major Mira naturally knew that being in a coma meant losing control.Super cells that lose the guidance of phantom pain are likely to proliferate disorderly and form a disgusting mass of sarcoma.Even stunted parasitic fetuses, things like that.

The reason why super regenerative cells are super is because compared with ordinary cells, super cells possess terrifying group intelligence.Can "understand" and "execute" the commands sent by the brain.Keeping awake in the phantom pain is the key to the success of the "Artificial Cerebral Cortex Reorganization Method".

"I'm ready, doctor. Please start." Major Mira's will was extremely firm.

"Master?" Dr. Hayden reconfirmed.

"Let's start, doctor." The silence of the intellectual brain showed that there would be no major surprises in the result of the operation.

Wu Chen gave an order, and the operation started immediately.

Compared with Dr. Qilian's organ suitcase, Major Mira doesn't even have eyes, heart, and hands.All that remains is a complete human brain.The difficulty of repair can be seen.But don't all living organisms, including human beings, start to divide from one cell?
This is the most fundamental reason why super cells can regenerate a complete human body.

Everything is as Wu Chen expected.

When the spinal cord connected to the brainstem began to rapidly extend out of the spine, ribs, chest cavity, arms, leg bones, and a complete skeleton, Wu Chen's intuition told him that he had succeeded.

"What a miraculous super cell." Even Dr. Hayden couldn't help but marvel.

"Doctor, regeneration is just the first step." Wu Chen said softly to the biochemical storage cabinet placed next to the cabin wall: "The next genetic enhancement is the key to Major Mira's recovery."

"Understood, master." Dr. Hayden understood.In the biochemical storage cabinet, there is a dose of "Extreme Love Enhancement Potion" from New Hong Kong.

Just as Wu Chen thought.When Major Mira regained his human body, Wu Chen immediately asked the operator Ai Yi to check the Major card on the all-in-one machine.Only the first two of the five frames have returned to color.Obviously, the major who retrieved the human body is not enough to take on the heavy responsibility of the 5-star guardian.

This also means that genetic enhancement is imperative.

(End of this chapter)

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