The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 158 1157 This is not Etania, but Broken City

Chapter 158 1.157 This is not Etania, but Broken City
The poisonous mist pouring into the hangar like a huge wave pushed Wu Chen and his female soldiers away wave after wave.It can be seen with the naked eye that the time and space gate opened by the key of the universe is getting farther and farther away.

"Master, this is due to the extension of the plot!" The intelligent brain quickly made a judgment: "Just like before, the garage continued to expand with the dragon spacecraft. It also comes from the high-dimensional attributes carried by the exclusive shelter."

"So, they are grabbing territory?" With the help of the source energy warlock's optical mirror, through the source energy shield that cuts off the poisonous fog, Wu Chen saw the Snake Mountain army continuously rushing out of the time and space gate.There are also huge alien monsters and giant machines full of brutal styles.The conflict and coexistence of magic and technology, and the strong atmosphere of medieval barbarism are the most fascinating plot settings of Etania.

Armed with hot and cold weapons, or stepping on the classic single-player frisbee, or driving a multi-person airship, and even riding various alien beasts, they came out uninvited and broke out.

On the multiplayer airship, blaster fighters wearing armor that resembled the black warrior fired lasers indiscriminately.Fight fiercely with the five Jedi sisters who fly the Eta-2 fighter.It even has the momentum and scale not weaker than a small Star Wars.

Explosions resounded over the hangar.The Eta-2 Jedi fighter equipped with a deflector shield, with its super high maneuverability and powerful firepower, destroyed one Snake Mountain airship after another.The snake mountain airship decorated with fangs and bones is very similar to Seaman's Wind Raider Attack.This instantly revived Wu Chen's long-standing comic memory: "Snake Ring!"

"Master?" Zhinao failed to find relevant entries from the massive database.

"The drama version of the 'Snake Ring'." Wu Chen pointed to the wave of poison coming from the Snake Mountain: "The humanoid creatures that can infect Etania can induce genetic mutations to become snakes."

Zhinao understood in seconds: "So, the poisonous tide is the snake ring."

"That's it." Through the optical mirror, Wu Chen saw it clearly: "The witch, Evil Lin, is using the snake ring to create mutant soldiers on a large scale."

"Master, look quickly." Zhinao zoomed in on a picture.The mutant soldier who was shot down turned into a colorful poisonous snake and got out of the armor.With the help of the cover of the poisonous tide, he quietly swam back to Snake Mountain.

"So it is." Wu Chen's intuition flashed, "Evil Lin's spell is actually a dark sacrifice. The mutated poisonous snake that swims back to Snake Mountain along the boulder python path is nothing more than a self-given sacrifice."

"That's why these so-called Snake Mountain warriors are not even considered cannon fodder in the eyes of the evil witch." The brain is calculating quickly based on the battle situation.

"However, Evil Lynn forgot that this is not Etania, but the Broken City!" The primordial magician disappeared in a flash.

Reappeared in the hideout of Evil Lynn.Before the witch drew her gun and shot, a white light flashed.


Xie Lin was stunned, her whole body seemed to be petrified.

The second frame was perfectly ingested, Wu Chen grinned and hid in the cockpit.

"No—" Although she couldn't understand the situation at all, the evil Lin, whose glass heart was shattered into pieces, almost ran away.As previously known, the more obvious the ingestion with the player cameraman's plot divergence line, the stronger the aftereffect.It can also be simply understood as "opposition of camps".Faced with Wu Chen's ingestion, unstoppable evil thoughts arose in his heart, just like the Snake Mountain Witch at this time.

"I understand the master." The brain has already calculated the answer: "The heroine of this parasitic plot is obviously Evil Lin. As long as she is sealed as a guardian memory, the divergent plot line of the invasion can be eliminated! End the debris invasion , Eliminate the plot infection!"

"That's right. As long as the evil Lin is sealed into the card, she has her own guardian memory. Even if it does not become my memory link (exclusive card), it will eliminate the divergent plot lines parasitized by the invasion fragments. The crisis of the base will be resolved. .” Wu Chen found the most effective solution from the rule level.

"Evil Lynn's skills, master, do you still remember?" The intelligent brain is ready to bring in key data and calculate the best shooting time.

"No, Ai. I now feel that what we need to absorb is not actually 'skills', but 'behaviors' that determine the direction of the plot. Although the attack skills released by the characters in the plot often affect the direction of the plot. But it is not absolute. .” Wu Chen had a deeper understanding of the rules.

"The key plot points are not necessarily action movies." Zhinao found the answer from Wu Chen's past commissions.

For example, the plot exploration of Wu Chen's development-like game that Wu Chen just completed is completely driven by dialogue.As an ordinary person, Su Mi has no special "skills" in the usual sense.

While speaking, the intellectual brain suddenly caught a trace of audio that was different from the battlefield: "Master, someone is playing the key of the universe at a long distance."

"It must be Evil Lin." Wu Chen prepared to ingest the third frame: "Lock her position."

"Yes." Zhinao quickly completed the lock.

The source energy warlock flashed twice.

A huge black shadow came through the air.Xie Lin was caught off guard, her whole body tensed up, and she was ingested again.


"Photography is like a soul-stirring".The evil Lin, who was hiding in the dark and playing cosmic music through holographic imaging, was fully absorbed into the third frame.

"Master, there is a high probability that the music she plays will open the time-space channel of Fort Whitk." Zhinao has completely recorded the audio.As mentioned earlier, the cosmic key is actually a musical instrument.Or called "spell generator", by playing specific tunes (spells), open the door to different worlds.This is one of the core plot settings.So existence is truth.

The intelligent brain is multitasking, assisting Wu Chen throughout the whole process, and at the same time controlling the battlefield at all times.The sky and the ground, the lines of fire intertwined, and the guns roared.Explosions sounded one after another, and the shattered enemies were as bright as fireworks.The Snake Mountain Flying Troops were chased and killed by Jedi fighters all the way, and they had no power to fight back.The armored female warriors on the ground fired with full firepower.It seems that they shuttle around and do their own thing, but in fact they can be retracted freely and harvested efficiently.

The Gauss machine gun combined with the plasma cannon defeated the ground troops of Snake Mountain.The strong mutant body and the thick space armor were blasted in the barrage full of holes.Amid the splattered flesh and debris, the unbearable mutant warrior turned into a colorful poisonous snake after being baptized by the rain of bullets. He abandoned his heavy body and fled.

In a blink of an eye, the empty armor that lost its support landed heavily.Soon, the ground was littered with randomly discarded turtle shells.

"According to the setting of the plot, Snake Mountain was originally the ancient temple of the Snake Clan. Later, it was taken over by the Skeleton King as the lair. I am afraid that even the Skeleton King can't know all the secrets of the Snake Clan hidden in it." Wu Chen has been paying attention to being beaten. Mutant poisonous snakes that returned to their original form and returned to their nests one after another.

"Huh?" Taking advantage of the interval between the two poisonous tides, Zhinao detected more details: "Master, look, these mutant poisonous snakes swimming back to Snake Mountain along the 'Giant Stone Python Path', fell down one after another before reaching the foot of the mountain. magma."

"Switch 'Energy Particle Imaging'." Wu Chen gave an order, and the Primordial Warlock immediately switched the optical lens.I saw the mutated poisonous snake crawling, and the life energy carried by it was continuously pouring into the boulder python path in the form of particle flow.

"So, all the energy was given to the stone python." Wu Chen was thoughtful.

"Could it be to revive the stone python?"

Zhinao reminded Wu Chen: "No, she borrowed the ancient sacrificial magic from the ancient temple of the Snake Clan to resurrect her master."

"Skeleton King!" Brain figured out the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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