The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 107 1106 The powerful bond of the plot symbiosis

Chapter 107 1.106 The powerful bond of the plot symbiosis
Forging workshop F-005C section, flat plate maintenance center.

After listening to Wu Chen's request, the VIP reception robot replied: "The VIP needs to file back for the symbiont."

"Yes." Wu Chen nodded heavily.

"Although there is a certain plot fragment and there is a strong plot bond, the (maintenance) center cannot guarantee whether the VIP will be able to fulfill his wish." The VIP receives the robot and is vaccinated first: "And the success or failure cannot be previewed."

"I understand." Wu Chen had already thought it through when he came: "What is the rebate price?"

"The price varies from person to person. You can refer to your first file transfer." The VIP reception robot answers all questions.

"Okay." Wu Chen immediately felt relieved.In other words, only 1 coin.

Let Ahsoka Tano, who came with him, hand over a lightsaber first.The robot is received by the VIP and sent to the No. 003 maintenance port in person.As mentioned above, the maintenance port is like a square cone funnel, with a square frame groove, which shrinks from top to bottom.Tablets of different sizes can be perfectly embedded in it.

For the first retracement, only 1 coin is required.One price per person has already been set.Wu Chen is the only Zijin VIP with exclusive benefits.

Pay 1 coin.The square groove in the tapered funnel turns up and down like a gear.Located in the funnel, the lightsaber remained motionless, but light dust appeared in the surrounding time and space. The VIP reception robot told Wu Chen: This is a good sign.

Wu Chen asked what Guangchen was?
The VIP reception robot replied: plot clues, flash points of memory.

When the light and dust gather more and more, the light and shadow begin to change.What appears to be the final scene of the lightsaber owner's life: dying in a dastardly rear attack.After waiting for the characters to be vaguely discernible, it finally freezes suddenly.The master of the lightsaber was shot to death and fell to the ground.

"Master, hurry back to the base, there is still rescue." Zhinao Aiyi also rushed over.

"No." Looking at Ahsoka Tano, who was stunned and lost his soul, Wu Chen said to the VIP reception robot, "Go back to the second gear."

"As you wish." The VIP reception robot responds to every request.

The groove of the square frame turns up and down like a gear.When the light and shadow solidified, the Jedi Master holding a lightsaber had already appeared alive.

"Ella Secura!" Ahsoka Tano has already opened his arms and galloped away.

Aayla Secura (Aayla Secura), a Twi'lek of the Luqin tribe, a Jedi Knight.Born into a prominent clan in Ryloth.He studied under Quinlan Voss at a very young age and was trained as a Jedi.Like most Twi'leks, Ayla is well-built and graceful.Her exotic blue complexion makes her particularly eye-catching.And she is very understanding, smart and impulsive, but never loses her temper.She has a naughty sense of humor, so she can be mischievous at times.Despite her proficiency with the lightsaber, she prefers to wield it in a strictly defensive stance; like most of her brethren, she prefers trickery to violence.Along with his fellow Jedi, Secura became a general during the Clone Wars before being killed by Order 66.The exclusive lightsaber became a trophy and was collected by General Grievous.

Look at the two Jedi Masters, hugging each other tightly.

Wu Chen, who added a fourth-level star to the marginal galaxy, couldn't hide his ecstasy.

"11 coins." Zhinao Aiyi admired it extremely.As the only major Zijin VIP player, Wu Chen's price for winning two ranks in a row is only 11 coins!
"Master." Ahsoka Tano pulled Ella Secura and rushed to meet Wu Chen: "There are three lightsabers."

"Well, okay." Wu Chen took the second lightsaber and handed it to the VIP reception robot.

After paying another 11 coins and going back to two gears in a row, the owner of the second lightsaber, a very exotic, tall and fit human woman wearing a strange headdress (Tolos headdress) composed of many organic tentacles, The Broken City has risen from the dead.

Adi Gallia (Tholothian), Jedi Master, 1 meters tall, member of the Jedi Council, known for his unbiased intuition and Jedi research skills.The daughter of a high ranking Corellian diplomat, Gallia grew up understanding the intricacies of Republic politics.Through an elaborate network of informants, she learned of suspicious Trade Federation activities in the outer galaxies.Gallia is an excellent pilot and deft fighter.Unlike most Jedi, Gallia adopts an unorthodox stance when wielding the lightsaber—holding the sword backwards with one hand.

"It's also 4 stars." Wu Chen pointed to his forehead.The fringe galaxies continue to grow.

"It's still 11 coins." Zhinao Aiyi couldn't add more admiration.

Follow the same pattern.After paying another 11 coins and going back to two gears in a row, the owner of the third lightsaber, a silent woman with a special mark (Charakta's Enlightenment Mark) on the center of her eyebrows and on the bridge of her nose, followed her back to life in the Broken City.

Depa Billaba, Chalactan, Jedi Master, 1 meters tall, member of the Jedi Council, Billaba is an orphan, her family died at the hands of space pirates, is a respectable Jedi Master Mace Windu rescued her from pirates.Sensing Bilaba's Force potential, Windu took the 68-month-old baby back to Coruscant for training.On Coruscant, Depar learned to use his special abilities to benefit the galaxy.In memory of her parents who died, she inherited the traditional culture of Charakta.In the council chamber, the Jedi Master and his companions were especially attuned to their minds and personalities.Perhaps influenced by her teenage years, she was one of the few Jedi who fell to the dark side during the Clone Wars.

"Master, hurry up, there is one more." Zhinao Ai couldn't help urging.

After paying another 11 coins and returning to two gears in a row, the owner of the fourth lightsaber, a strange female with soft Lieku horns on her head and colorful patterns all over her face, was resurrected in the Broken City.

Shaak Ti, Togruta, Jedi Master, 1 meters tall (not counting corners), member of the Jedi Council, Togruta live in dense In the tribe, the chaotic skin patterns are used to confuse the dull beasts.Togruta have a strong sense of community, but Shaq Ti is an obvious exception, preferring to act alone.When she walks through and fights among the chaotic crowd, the accuracy and agility she displays undoubtedly comes from her tribe.She has a keen sense of the environment, and her hollow montreal horn can also collect ultrasonic information.Although she has spent a lot of energy in training in the Force, she still can't hide her talent in lightsaber fighting.Mace Windu once described her as "beautiful as a flower; deadly as a viper." Both he and Master Yoda believed that Shaak Ti was one of the most powerful swordsmen since the founding of the Jedi Order.

Ella Secura, Eddie Gallia, Ahsoka Tano, Depa Birabha, Shaq Ti.Five more female companions were added to the base, making a total of 5.And there are activation cards, a total of 68 cards.

The five great masters approached hand in hand and said in unison: "May the Force be with you, my master (May the Force be with you, my master)."

"Together, to be together." Wu Chen was already stunned.

Five 4-star Jedi masters spent a total of 44 coins!

OMG what a bargain... WOW!

(End of this chapter)

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