The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 104 1103 We may be on the wrong team

Chapter 104 1.103 We may be on the wrong team
The E-50 smuggling shuttle forcibly docked with the Consul-class space cruiser, and the auxiliary robot opened the hatch to confirm that it was correct.Wu Chen and Bailiyan both broke into the cruiser.

The auxiliary machine locked the hatch, and the E-50 disengaged by itself, carrying the player couple to chase the escape cabin.

Fortunately, the space cruiser was not completely powered off.Life support facilities and artificial gravity are functioning normally and appear to be normal.Bailiyan and Wu Chen took off their breathing masks and walked towards the bridge.Wu Chen tried, but the perspective of the spirit body from the matrix has not been restored.Otherwise, the problem of this space cruiser can be seen at a glance.In this way, the two can go straight to their destination without having to detour to the bridge to check the status of the entire ship.

"Wu Chen, are you wearing a nanosuit?" Bailiyan saw the clue.

"Yes." The 0326 base has a set of nanosuits from New Hong Kong, and Wu Chen is no exception.Changeable material and style, blending into the environment.So it seems that both Wu Chen and Bailiyan are permanent residents of the Star Wars plot world.

"Other than that?" Bailiyan asked again.

"I didn't bring anything." Wu Chen said with a smile, "With Jedi knights escorting us all the way, I don't need to bother."

"That's right." Baili Yan was not polite to him: "The escaped Diplomatic Salon Pod was installed at the front of the spaceship, under the bridge. In order to strengthen the security of the diplomatic mission, the crew configuration was controlled at At a minimum, many tasks are performed by robots."

"Understood." There is so much background information about this ship, it is worthy of A-level plot fragments.

No combat damage or remains of the crew were found along the way.Why the salon pod escaped can only be known by going to the bridge.

The captain of the Consul-class cruiser is 115 meters, and the internal space is not too large.Baili and Wu Chen soon arrived at the bridge.

As we all know, the AI ​​intelligence in the Star Wars plot world can only be considered average.Even many spaceships are equipped with navigation computers and do not have on-board intelligence brains.The same goes for the Consul Cruiser.Such as accessing the flight log, retrieving the passenger and cargo manifest, and checking the monitoring in the cabin, all need to be done by yourself.Very time consuming.Far from being like Wu Chen in his own base, as long as he commands the brain, he can complete it in minutes.

So Wu Chen and Bailiyan acted separately.Baili consulted the log and retrieved the list, and Wu Chen checked the monitoring.

Comparing the voyage log with the passenger and cargo manifests, Baili Yan was the first to discover: "I found it."

"This ship has entered and exited hyperspace twice." Wu Chen also noticed the abnormality.Generally speaking, after setting the destination, the navigation computer will calculate the optimal route.Especially when starting a hyperdrive, it consumes a lot of energy.Therefore, it is generally used only once per voyage.This consular cruiser departed from Coruscant, the capital of the Republic, but jumped out of hyperspace on the way, apparently to take the passengers on the way.As long as you compare the list of passengers and freight, it should be clear at a glance.

"There are no passengers boarding the ship. There is only one transfer container numbered '492727ZED-A9'." Bailiyan passed the information to Wu Chen.

Wu Chen also found the video in the cabin at that time.I saw a transfer container, which was much smaller than a standard container, flying into the cabin by itself.Guarded by the guard robot all the way, enter the 8-person escape pod on the starboard deck.The next door to the eight-person escape pod is the Droid hold.

"The transfer container was sent directly into the escape pod." Before Bailiyan could read the log, Wu Chen called out the monitoring in the escape pod: "The transfer container is still there."

"So, the entrusted object didn't escape." Baili Yan let out a sigh of relief: "I'll send a message right now."

"Wait." Wu Chen's heart skipped a beat: "Baili, what if it was you who saw the diplomatic salon pod escape?"

"I will definitely catch up." Baili Yan suddenly realized: "Tune the tiger away from the mountain."

"They are in danger." If Wu Chen's deduction is correct, the player couple will definitely meet the attacker: "So Baili, don't send any information related to the entrusted object, just remind them to return as soon as possible."

"I understand." Bailiyan used the common language of the players, implying that the couple of the players should return to the voyage as soon as possible.After confirming that the player and his wife received the message, they and Wu Chen rushed to the eight-person escape cabin on the starboard deck.

"Wait." As soon as he got off the bridge, Wu Chen stopped abruptly: "The diplomatic salon pod can escape by itself, so the eight-person escape pod must be prepared for the crew members."

"That's right." Baili Yan nodded quickly: "What's wrong?"

"But there is only the '492727ZED-A9' transfer container in the eight-person escape pod, but there is no trace of the crew members. What does this mean?"

"There are two possibilities, the crew escaped with the saloon pod, or they were forcibly wiped out by the invaders." Baili Yan thought of the two biggest possibilities.

"There is a third possibility." Wu Chen quietly raised his finger and said softly, "The crew members and the invaders are all robots."

"You mean..." Baili Yan suddenly became alert: "Since we boarded the ship, we have been secretly watched by robots."

"I have a hunch." Wu Chen said meaningfully: "We may be on the wrong team."

"You mean, the client is actually the 'bad guy'." Baili Yan deliberately lowered his voice.

"Otherwise, why hire smugglers." Wu Chen nodded slightly.

"Then what should we do now?"

"Go to the escape pod..." Wu Chen whispered.

"Okay." Baili Yan quietly took the lightsaber from his waist.

The two, one behind the other, passed through the lower deck tunnel (Tunnel from lower deck), passed through the escape pod access (Escape pod access), and arrived at the door of the eight-person escape pod.

"The access control is locked and cannot be authorized." The access control card Bailiyan got from the bridge could not be opened.

"Let me try it." Wu Chen stretched out his fingers to touch the gate, leading the penetration of Ω brain waves.

In Bailiyan's anxious expectation, the escape hatch opened successfully: "How did you do that?"

"Exclusive ability." Wu Chen pointed to his head.

"0326. You are really extraordinary." Baili Yan couldn't wait to use his lightsaber to forcibly break it down.

Entering the capsule escape cabin, the two saw the 492727ZED-A9 transfer container that was quietly put aside.Bailiyan raised the watch detector to make sure that the entrusted item was right in front of him.

After signaling Bailiyan to protect the hatch, Wu Chen walked to the transfer container alone.Reaching out and flicking it lightly, the hidden system on the box was activated: "This is an advanced dormancy cabin."

"It's rare that the entrusted object is a dormant human being?" Baili Yan couldn't help frowning.

"The life support system shows that the vital signs are stable." Wu Chen turned on the automatic transfer mode of the dormant cabin again: "Go, go to the bridge."

The dormant cabin slowly floated up, and the automatic transfer began according to the route set by Wu Chen.

Returning to the bridge, Wu Chen said: "Send the signal again, just say, 'The entrusted object has been obtained, and it is in the eight-person escape cabin'."

"Okay." Bailiyan signaled to the player couple.

"Got it, we'll be back right away." The male player was relieved: "There is no one in the escape pod. We were just about to ask you if you found anything."

Facing Wu Chen's eyes, Bailiyan replied: "The bridge is also empty. So this is probably a spaceship fully controlled by robots."

"In that case, what's the purpose of releasing the escape pod?" the female player asked again.

"Release the bait to lure the pursuers away," Bailiyan explained.

"Well, it makes sense." Knowing the seriousness of the situation, the female player's tone suddenly became tense: "Be careful, we will be there soon."

"Okay." Bailiyan disconnected.

(End of this chapter)

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