The villain also has spring 2

168 Chapter 1167 Wandering on the Edge of Light and Darkness

168 Chapter 1.167 Wandering on the Edge of Light and Darkness

The living area on the second floor of the base.Left hanging (arm bridge) corridor in the air.

When Wu Chen arrived with the dinner plate, Sumi, who turned into Xi Rui, was sitting on the guardrail, overlooking the city in the sunset.

Basking in the last rays of the sun, her long hair flows like gold.

A day in Broken City is really long.Even so, the new and old players in the city are working day and night, with no time to care about others.Even a moment of laziness feels like a luxury.

"Su Mi." Wu Chen brought her a full-bodied Shangri-La Secret Realm dinner.

"Thank you." Su Mi took it naturally: "By the way, master, I'm Xi Rui."

"Okay, Su Mi." Wu Chen smiled and blinked.

"As you wish, Master." Wu Chen's little deliberation was easy for Su Mi to understand.

"Vitrix's craftsmanship is awesome." Incarnate as Ciri, her appetite also increased.

"The aura in the secret realm is full of zero pollution. It nourishes all things, and the lush greenery is all high-grade ingredients." Wu Chen laughed.

"By the way, Master. Ciri or Seaman, who is stronger?" Ciri also smiled and blinked.

"It should be... Ximan?" Wu Chen replied casually.

"I think it's Ciri." Sumi said while eating, "I remember one episode where Heman struggled to tug of war with the spaceship with a rope, but Ciri was able to handle it with ease. In another episode, Ciri raised a lake with a sword, And then it's effortless to lift."

"I remember that at the end of an episode of "Schman the Giant of the Universe", Seaman threw a huge nuclear reactor that was about to explode directly out of outer space?" Speaking of anime, this is a warm childhood memory.

"And this episode?" Su Mi's appetite was not affected at all.

"Leaving aside the question of who is stronger, I think Ciri has several dazzling magical skills that Heman does not possess. For example, she can turn the holy sword in her hand into magic creations such as ropes and shields, and she can also serve as human beings." Healing and talking to animals..."

Zhinao Aiyi quietly listened to the conversation between the two, and seemed to relax inadvertently.

Shortly after sending out the cosmic key, the client confirmed the completion.The delivery drone delivered the second female ghost card to the 0326 base as scheduled.Wu Chen asked the intelligence brain to be temporarily sealed, and it needs to be read again.

Just talking, suddenly saw an owl?Fly out from the base.It circled several times around the flat base, and landed gently beside Wu Chen.

"Huh?" Ciri tried to feed it a grain of rice, but the owl shook its head and avoided it.

"Ahsoka?" Wu Chen knew every female partner's mental fluctuations like the back of his hand.

"It's me." Wearing a nanosuit of Base 0326, Jedi Master Ahsoka Tano, who is well-proportioned and graceful, also walked onto the aerial corridor.

"Your pet?" Ciri asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's called Murray, my pet bird. Created with the force of force." Ahsoka Tano walked to the other side of Wu Chen.

"Which branch of force skills?" Wu Chen's focus has not changed.

"Create Force Wraith's mutant skill." Ahsoka Tano laughed.

"Master, this is an extremely evil dark side skill." The intelligence brain copied all the knowledge of General Grievous, so he knew the Force well.

"Use with caution." Wu Chen kindly reminded.

"Master, please rest assured. It is because of Murray that I can walk between light and darkness." Ahsoka Tano's light smile was full of unspeakable vicissitudes.Her unknown past must be extraordinary.

"Since it's a mutant skill for creating Force Spirits..." Wu Chen thought for a while and said, "Let's call it "Force Spirit-pet". "

"Or call it 'Force Spirit-beast'." Ahsoka Tano corrected with a smile.

"Pet" means pet, and "Force Spirit-pet", to be precise, is "Force Spirit-pet". "Beast" means wild beast, and "Force Spirit-beast" is a more aggressive "Force Spirit Beast".It's just that this owl named Murray doesn't seem to have anything to do with beasts anyway.

"Alright." Wu Chen nodded and smiled, "So, the Force Soul Beast is a Jedi Master's special skill?"

"It's not the Jedi Master, but the exclusive skill of the Force controller." Ahsoka Tano corrected again.

"The master of the force..." Wu Chen thought for a while and said, "There is no distinction between light and darkness, right?"

"Yes, master." As for the Force, Ahsoka Tano has his own profound insights: "As a force-sensitive person, one should not only embrace the light, nor should he reject the darkness. As the master said: 'Whether good or bad Bad, it’s all harvest.’ What’s more, apart from the force itself, our five sisters have a ‘stronger bond’ and ‘the strongest bond’ with each other. We will never be swallowed by the out-of-control force.”

"Ω Brainwave Screen Network." Wu Chen nodded happily.As a high-dimensional attribute that was also born in the shelter, in Wu Chen's view, Ω Brainwave Screen is a powerful ability second only to the innate attribute of high-dimensional grasp.Of course, "Quantum Bloodline" is the most widely known terrifying ability of Lord Lord.

Hearing this, Ciri smiled and asked, "So, why is it called the Force Soul Beast?"

Ahsoka Tano finally explained why he came here: "I think, since the Holy Sword of Huike can transform the swamp poisonous dragon into a four-winged deep space dragon. I don't know if it can transform the original force soul beast into a more powerful existence."

"It's not good." Wu Chen declined Ahsoka Tano's proposal on behalf of Ciri: "It's like 'cleaning up', you are likely to be weakened or even lose part of the plot attributes. It is even more weakened and "Star Wars" fragments It’s a messy attempt that doesn’t pay off.”

Ahsoka Tano thought for a while and said: "So, this is why the master bought Jedi fighters for us and used the technology and materials of this world to upgrade them as much as possible?"

"That's right." Wu Chen thought of the witch fairy who turned into a parrot fairy: "Because you five sisters, the interests involved behind it are difficult to estimate. Unlike the fairy girl who was born in fantasy fragments, because of the conflict of sex in the sci-fi spiral, so Unable to reap profits."

"Okay, Master." It was a convincing answer, and Ahsoka Tano didn't insist anymore.

"Ella, Eddie, Depa, Shaq, can the four Jedi masters also create their own force soul beasts?" Ciri asked with a smile.

"Now only I can." Ahsoka replied: "Depa should not be difficult."

Master Depa Birabha was one of the few Jedi who fell to the dark side during the Clone Wars.In other words, only by being unbiased and walking on the edge of light and darkness can one become the master of the force and obtain his own spirit beast of the force.

"I heard that the force skills of the dark department are also very powerful." Apparently, Zhinao secretly told Wu Chen.

"Yes, master. The Sith Lord possesses powerful dark force skills."

A Sith Lord is a title given to those who are sensitive to the Dark Side Force in the Sith tradition.Sith Lords draw on the dark side of the Force, using it to gain power.

Refer to the brief history of the Star Wars plot: In the era of the Old Republic, many people sensitive to the dark side of the Force inherited the mantle of Sith and fought countless wars with the Jedi Order.However, due to infighting and massacres, the number of Sith dwindled.Later, Darth Bane established the "Rule of Two" and accepted Darth Shanna as an apprentice.The law states that there can be only two Sith Lords at any one time, a Master and an Apprentice, and from then on there have been only two Sith, both known as Sith Lords.In the nearly 1000 years that followed, there were more than 30 Sith Lords in Bain Pasis.They lurked in the territory of the Republic and slowly accumulated strength, planning and implementing the "big plan" aimed at promoting the Sith's comeback.Until Shiv Palpatine (Sith title: Darth Sidious), finally completed the goal of destroying the Jedi Order, Palpatine transformed the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire.However, this short-lived victory lasted only more than 20 years. When Anakin Skywalker (Sith Lord: Darth Vader) was redeemed by his son Luke Skywalker, he destroyed the last Sith Lord, Bringing the force balance again.

It is believed that in ancient times, there was an even more powerful Dark Lord of the Sith.

Just like the eternal conflict and opposition between light and darkness.Jedi Knights and Sith Lords represent the light and dark sides of the Force, respectively.And between the two, the force-sensitive person who walks on the edge of light and darkness is what Ahsoka calls the master of the force.Corresponding to black and white, light and dark, it may be called "gray area".

The corresponding camp should be absolutely neutral: ""Absolutely neutral characters believe in the power of absolute balance, therefore, they refuse to take any actions that are considered evil and violent. Absolutely neutral people will try their best to avoid conflicts with good or evil, order or Rebellious forces converge. Sometimes they find themselves forced to ally themselves with one faction. In order to maintain balance, these people will deliberately change sides and cooperate with the weaker. However, when the strong and weak powers are reversed, they will not hesitate. Hesitantly follow suit to change positions." "

(End of this chapter)

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