The villain also has spring 2

156 Chapter 1155

156 Chapter 1.155
The furnace has five flat panels, enough to build five ancillary buildings.Previously, only the genetic modification institute and the medical center were built, and most of the remaining flat space was vacant, serving as the take-off runway for the Blackbird SR-71.Zhinao has reserved plans to build a wave removal studio, which is specially used to remove debris infection and end plot parasitism.But after weighing again and again, Wu Chen did not act rashly.

Taking advantage of the construction of an advanced robot factory, Zhinao revised the design plan of the Chubo Studio again, and moved it to the next door to the Genetic Modification Institute as a whole.In the new plan, there are two auxiliary buildings on the left and right sides of the Luhuo five-shaped slab, leaving a long airstrip in the middle, which is called the "intermediate airway"; along both sides of the avenue, there are multi-storey "vertical berths". It can berth for various player vehicles with less than 10 passengers.

In addition to wave photo studio, leave it blank for now.First build the genetic modification institute, medical center, robot factory, and the "intermediate channel" and "vertical berth" that are auxiliary facilities.Waiting for the newly hatched cyber spiders to join the nightclub girls, there will be enough manpower to add second-floor private seats and third-floor boxes, and all the berths around the nightclub will be changed to "drop-off platforms."It is only used as a temporary stop. After the guests arrive, the vehicle will fly to the vertical berth by itself.Before the guests leave, fly back to the drop-off platform from the vertical berth to meet them.

When the nightclub Sanchonghua Building is fully open, the vertical berths will also be opened at the same time, which will completely solve the embarrassment of "difficult to find a person" inside and outside the nightclub.Of course, this is just an imaginary idea.If you get something else later, it is not too late to make corresponding revisions.

"Master, the female player 1007 sent a letter saying that the 'Cosmic Key' is on the way." Zhinao will show the watch by email.

"It's still the same, and the defense circle is set up in the hangar on the first floor." Now that Wu Chen has accepted the commission, he must complete it as soon as possible.

No one is trustworthy, especially for the players of Broken City, reputation is equivalent to credibility.What's more, Wu Chen also took a female ghost card from the female player, which cannot be returned.Speaking of the deal with Wu Chen, the female player who is a member of the outlaw speeding party has performed sufficiently professionally.What happens in the play is in the play.It is also the player consensus determined by the symbiotic relationship of Broken City that grievances do not enter the city.

Facing the clean-up day every 12th, if players can't hold together to keep warm, they can only wait for the fate of being completely wiped out.

"Follow the order." Zhinao immediately controlled the drone group and rushed to the central hangar.

Witness swarms of drones whizzing past the satellite slab.The nearby female companion responded immediately.The three transforming armored teams, the five Jedi sisters, and the new iron-blooded ninja were all armed in place.

Soon, a delivery drone specially designed for intruders with a completely different shape from the previous ones delivered a small container to Base 0326.

Such as chemical, highly toxic, infection, radioactive and other warning signs.There are also eye-catching "debris warnings" on the container.This is the unique sign that the drama creation is infected.All vehicles along the way, avoid fear.Like the plague, 100% fear.

After the confirmation is correct, the delivery drone will return immediately after signing the order.I heard that after returning home, it should be cleaned immediately without harm, and dismantled immediately if there is any abnormality.Only after confirming that it is correct can it be activated for the second time.In short, almost all the players in the four-series spiral will feel like they are facing a big enemy when dealing with the broken rain and meteors that strike on the sweeping day.

Of course, there are always exceptions.

For example, Wu Chen, the owner of 0326 base, and Ai Yi, the brain, are regarded as the wave-removing task that others regard as a scourge, but they are regarded as a blind box of plot treasures.

The drone stepped forward to unpack it, revealing the cosmic key placed on the base and shrouded in the light of the spire.

The hideous and terrifying infected wounds are creepy.Almost the entire key is covered.As long as the "peak light bubble" is punctured, the plot isolation will be lifted.The infection will instantly parasitize Wu Chen's exclusive 0326 branch plot line, deriving subsequent plots.

Realized scene: "Mosaic spot" will pounce on Wu Chen, like a blooming poisonous flower of time and space, quickly extending the invasion picture.The plot characters and destruction events (plot nodes) it carries will also be displayed together.

If the treasure is opened, everyone will be happy.If a trap is set, the harm is unpredictable.If it is unfortunate to destroy the world, it is an unwarranted disaster.

In other words, the female partner of the base still remembers the double crisis of "the alien queen is in the front and the Serpentine is in the back".

If it wasn't for Wu Chen's surprise, there would be a consonance.Use the fallen vajra scepter to catalyze half of the starship into a clone of the source energy, and engulf Serpenta to form a symbiosis.Then the alien evil queen, which comes from the A-level plot fragments and can multiply infinitely, will be the most painful lesson for the 0326 base.

Of course, after becoming Jagged Ninja, her rating is as high as 5 stars, and she is also the most powerful guardian of the 0326 base.Just in response to the old saying, "When misfortune comes, blessings depend on it, and when blessings come, misfortune rests on it."

"Master." Snake Lianna and Yuan Dapan brought their respective origin energy symbiosis bodies, and both entered.

Previously, the intellectual brain successfully read the incomplete log of the "half starship".Only then did it determine that the "half starship" was the UD-4L Cheyenne Drop-ship with a broken tail on the Conner Stoja-class space combat/transport ship "Sulaco Ship". ).

According to the data, this machine is an improved model of the UD4 landing machine. It serves as a transport vehicle in the Space Colonial Marine Corps (USCM). In addition, it can also play the role of a melee gunboat.The fuselage is made of superplastic materials and metal matrix composites (MMC), with triangular landing gear installed on the bottom.The carrying space is 9.5 meters long, 2.4 meters high, and the 3.92-meter-wide cargo deck can drop from the rear to the front. The cargo deck can easily carry an M577 armored infantry fighting vehicle (Armoured Personnel Carrier, referred to as 'APC').

The reason why Wu Chen mistook the Xia'an landing machine for a half-starship was precisely because the M577 armored infantry fighting vehicle loaded in the landing cabin fell off from the break in the tail.He was facing Wu Chen again.So at first glance, it visually greatly extends the length of the landing machine.Reached the size of an interstellar shuttle.

The front of the Cheyenne landing aircraft has a two-seat cockpit, corresponding to the pilot and the weapon operator respectively. Both seats are equipped with ejection seats, allowing the crew to escape when the altitude is lower than 1000 meters and the speed is lower than Mach 1.The fuselage has mounting points for the main weapon bay and the secondary weapon bay, where the main weapon bay is fixed on the cross cantilever in front of the ramjet engine air intake. The UD4L lander uses two power systems to maintain its navigation, which can maintain high propulsion while maintaining low fuel consumption. It can not only take off and land vertically, hover in the air, but also cross the atmosphere at supersonic speed.

It is believed that the UD-4LCA lander is the exclusive vehicle of space colonizing marines.It is used to land on the target planet and carry out ground missions.Also used for emergency evacuation.

Zhinao deduced from the logs of the Xia'an landing machine that it was the Sulaco that was first invaded by the plot.So the crew abandoned the ship and escaped. In order to avoid Serpenta, even the alien queen who was raised on the Sulaco squeezed into the landing machine.It was also frozen because the shelter was broken.Sweep Day throws into Broken City, infected organ suitcases.Being eliminated by Wu Chen again, the frozen plot will continue to develop.In the end, the divergent plots were successfully eliminated and merged into Wu Chen's exclusive 0326 branch plot bus.

The so-called "turning hostility into friendship" also said "join if you can't beat it".The way to resolve the differences is very simple. Snake Lena merged into the Ω brain wave screen network and joined the 0326 base.It means the complete bridging of differences.If not, it can only be completely wiped out and forgotten by the entire city.

And as a by-product of the wave removal task. All the construction technologies of "UD-4L Cheyenne Landing Machine" and "M577 Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle" were also obtained by the reverse research of Zhinao.Whether it is the deformation phantom of the source energy clone, or the corresponding vehicle is manufactured separately.It can be easily realized by using the existing technology of the base.In the future, a deformed armored team will be formed. The carrying space is 9.5 meters long, 2.4 meters high, and the 3.92-meter wide cargo deck can easily load a UD-577L Cheyenne landing machine with an M4 armored infantry fighting vehicle.No need to outsource the Skyhunter.

As Wu Chen said, these seemingly insignificant secondary scientific and technological creations accumulate little and become more, and quantitative changes will eventually lead to qualitative changes.

(End of this chapter)

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