The villain also has spring 2

113 Chapter 1112

113 Chapter 1.112

"Dust." Accompanied by the flashing mosaic light and shadow, AE86 lifted the optical camouflage.

"Mila." Wu Chen opened the car door with a smile.

"Let's go see Dr. Dai Lin." After exchanging pleasantries, the major got straight to the point.

"En." Wu Chen closed the car door casually.

Throughout the laboratory, there are pipelines similar to the mutant nerve bundles.One end of the pipeline is connected to rows of large matrix cabinets that can be seen everywhere, and the other end goes deep into the wall and disappears.Even though it is secretly connected to the city's underground pipe network, and a circulating water cooling device is buried on the seabed, the base is still scorching hot like midsummer.

Major Mira, who has a full-body prosthetic body, can't feel it at all.Wu Chen, who hadn't walked a few steps, was already sweating profusely.

"What's wrong?" the major asked hurriedly.

"It's okay, it's just too hot." Wu Chen smiled.

"Oh." A trace of sadness suddenly flashed in Major Zuo's eyes.This is the warmth and coldness of human beings.

Shao Zuo opened the elevator, and the cold wind blowing in his face made Wu Chen feel refreshed.

The elevator speeds down.Not surprisingly, the electronic supercomputer with the most core database installed must be hidden deep underground.This is also in line with Wu Chen's prediction.

"Is your home okay?" There were only two people in the elevator, and the major asked first.

"It's all good, how about you?" The seemingly meaningless conversation can narrow the distance between each other.Questions and answers that are too purposeful are never liked by people.Like no one likes being taken advantage of.

"It's still the same." The major said with a smile: "Sneak among the ruins, looking for the secrets of Mutant Day. From time to time, return to the nearest refugee camp to recharge and rest."

Major's full-body prosthetic body needs to be recharged.But when she first saw it, the NM4 deformed motorcycle printed by Zhinao came with a micro-nuclear battery and a wireless charger function.As long as Shao Zuo rides all the way, he can charge at all times.Therefore, the "charging" mentioned by Shao Zuo is actually more used by human beings: it is a metaphor for cultivating energy, enriching abilities, or increasing knowledge and enriching knowledge.When used on Shao Zuo, it is more like a metaphor to blend into the crowd and taint popularity.

So it is not difficult to see from this point.Although the major has a prosthetic body, he still has a human mind.

The core plot of Ghost in the Shell is actually always discussing the definition of new humans.When science and technology help humans get rid of the shackles of birth, old age, sickness and death, and the spirit lives forever in the electronic world, human beings are still not human beings.The answer to the question is a matter of opinion.In Wu Chen's view, Shao Zuo is like her prosthetic body, and she is also a complete human being: an imperfect intelligent creature that always pursues perfection.

This is his personal definition of a human being.

"There is a proverb in my hometown." Wu Chen comforted with a smile.

"How to say?" The major turned around.

"No news is good news." Wu Chen made a pun.He not only comforted Shao Zuo that his life was plain, but also said that he didn't have to worry about getting in and out of the debris.

"I seem to have heard of it too." The major nodded with a smile.

The elevator opened, and Dr. Dai Lin, who was wearing Hanka's pure white general-purpose scientific research uniform, greeted him with a smile.

"Long time no see, Wu Chen."

"Good day, doctor." Wu Chen greeted with a smile.

The huge spherical space is the core device in the No. 3 laboratory: the electronic super brain.

Wu Chen saw at a glance that the centrally located polymer tank filled with cooling fluid was a gigantic ultra-brain central processing unit.

Once upon a time, Wu Chen also saw an even bigger biochemical super brain in the submarine base of the umbrella company.That shape, which is almost identical to the structure of the human brain, once deeply shocked Wu Chen.Looking at the mass of flowing ink in front of him, there seems to be an electronic super brain hidden in it by a giant squid. Even if his memory is erased, Wu Chen still feels normal.There was no shock in my heart.

"What is ink?"

"The micro-mechanical army in the electronic super brain." Dr. Dai Lin replied.

After microns come nanometers.Therefore, the "micro-mechanical legion" mentioned by Dr. Dai Lin can be regarded as the predecessor of the nano-worm swarm.The micro-mechanical legion evolves another generation, and has a good chance to become a nano-worm swarm.Based on this, it can be seen that the technology tree of New Hong Kong should be at least one generation higher than that of New Kong City.

"Doctor, what do you gain?" After visiting the Ultrain laboratory, Wu Chen got straight to the point.

"There are three things that are difficult: rescue Dr. Ollette who is under house arrest in the base camp, shut down the main server of the Hanhua Machinery server, and destroy the core of the mutant prosthesis." Dr. Dai Lin has no need to hide.

Needless to say, this must be the main plot.

"Three difficult things, where should we start?" This is the task that Wu Chen must take on.

"It's best to do it at the same time." This is the conclusion that Dr. Dai Lin came to with the help of electronic ultra-brain scientific calculations.

"What should I do specifically?" Wu Chen asked again.

"The three of us split up. You and the family soldiers go to the offshore platform to rescue Dr. Ollette. Mira goes to the skyscraper of Hanhua Headquarters to shut down the server host. I go to Public Security Section [-] to destroy the core of the mutant prosthesis."

"Sea platform, Hanhua headquarters, Public Security Section 3." Wu Chen thought for a while and said, "This time I brought 10 Air Hunters, each with a team of [-] people in transforming armor. There are also several elite warriors from the family. Dr. If you can trust me, I will do the three things together."

"This..." Wu Chen's family's combat strength was obviously beyond Dr. Dai Lin's expectations.

"Chen, there are 30 transformed Ghost in the Shell fighters, right?" Major Zuo, as a user of the NM4 Transformer motorcycle, naturally knows the fighting power of the Ghost in the Shell.

"Yes." Wu Chen nodded slightly.

"The three of us each lead a team to raid the offshore platform, Hanhua's headquarters, and Section [-] of the Public Security Bureau." The major gave a compromise suggestion.

"I have no objection." This was also the result Wu Chen wanted.

"I agree." Dr. Dai Lin said happily.

"Okay, when will we act?" Wu Chen asked carefully.

"Wait for the major to complete the collection." Dr. Dai Lin said bluntly: "It's better to get back the attack-in-the-shell test subjects in the No. 02 laboratory."

"Alright." Wu Chen had expected it.

As the last human body known in Xingang City.Collecting as many germ cells of Wu Chen as possible is necessary for the continuation of human existence.

This was the last mission entrusted to Major before Dr. Ollette disappeared.Now the battle is imminent.In order to prevent Wu Chen from dying on the battlefield, collecting in advance is also the right choice.

But is it really all that?

Wu Chen had doubts and ended the conversation.

Shao Zuo led Wu Chen to a sterile laboratory to complete the last collection.

"Dust?" Major asked softly before removing the lab coat.

"I'll leave it to you, okay?"

"it is good."

AE03 parked in the lobby of the 86 base.The large central control screen quietly lights up.

Aiyi, the brain brain, sends the tactical briefing to the female warrior who is invisible in the cloud.

The AI ​​on board the Air Hunter quickly identified the target.

Above the clouds, the combat readiness cabin of the Viper Skyhunter.

"What did Master say?" Chief of Staff Perry asked Captain Kurtel Waitress.

"The master told us to act according to the plan and wait for the opportunity." Cotel Vitris briefly informed the tactics.

"What is the specific task?" Deputy Captain Rose asked again.As the eldest sister of the former road killer sister group, the fighting spirit in Rose's heart has long been unbearable.

"The master didn't say anything, so please wait patiently." As the first female soldier at Base 0326, Kotel Vitris gradually had the demeanor of a matron.

"Yes." The female soldiers said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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