The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 80 - 80: Both Gods and Demons Fear

Chapter 80: Chapter 80: Both Gods and Demons Fear

Translator: 549690339

A magnificent, wide robe enveloped Feng Qing’an’s steaming body, faint purple light shimmering on the fabric. A scene similar to the splendid jungles that Feng Qing’an had seen before emerged, with delicate vines that seemed to be carved out of purple jade, stretching down like creeping snakes, latching on to Feng Qing’an’s body.

The light flickered, the indescribable spiritual Qi from it diffusing in all directions, seeping into Feng Qing’an’s flesh. With the pressure of these vines, Feng Qing’an’s previously furrowed brow due to agony started to relax a little, easing his discomfort.

“Feng Qing’an, you will be fine!”

The young girl held Feng Qing’an’s head tightly against her chest, trying to alleviate his pain with her own body, even if it was only for a moment.

Despite being exquisitely aware of everything happening around him, the seductive contact could not distract Feng Qing’an momentarily; he had no spare energy to care about it now.

“I will definitely protect you too!”

The girl, keenly aware of how frail Feng Qing’an is, took just one look around them. It’s clearly insufficient to merely wrap him in her robe, she realized.

Nan knew her capabilities, but what allowed her to dare and step onto earth was not her own power, but the purple Xuanxian skirt that her sister had specially found for her.

Upon the girl’s thought, the dazzling robe burst into an endless purple glow, the radiance infiltrating through the roof of Feng Qing’an’s dwelling, overshadowing the Feng family mansion.

But this was not the end, it was only the beginning. Magnificent and resplendent purple light floated over the mansion, subsequently spreading in all directions. The entirety of Shili Fengjiagang was enveloped, and this ray of light did not stop there; it continued to expand and curl under the night sky.

The grand and layered vision of the jungle then emerged in the night sky, like a painting gradually unfolding under the dusk.

However, the fear displayed by this rapidly unfolding scroll stunned countless spirits and demons who were able to observe this spectacle.

The moon, the stars, everything was eclipsed by this purple scroll of light. This horrifying scene, where even the heavens are obscured, stirred fear and apprehension in the spirits on their nightly patrol around Yongning County.

“What is that?”

“That’s towards Feng Family Hill!”

“A great calamity! ” “Quickly report to the City God!”

“Let the City God decide!”

This abnormal phenomenon bursting out in the region of Yongning resulted in the patrolling spirits unanimously rushing towards the City God Temple in the county town, all other thoughts cast aside.

At this moment, with such an event occurring, there was no need for patrolling. Any slightly sensible demons and ghosts wanting to take advantage of the night would now retract their claws and wait patiently to see what happens.

By the time those spirits arrived back at the Yongning City God Temple, they discovered that the erstwhile City God who had always been seated high on the judgement platform, was now standing at the front of the temple, surrounded and attended by shrine officials.

Such a grand phenomenon would be truly peculiar if it went unnoticed by the City God of Yongning. The careful spirits could see that the jade pen used for signing was broken into several pieces at the feet of the City God, indicating his surprise.

“City God, this phenomenon does not look propitious. I fear a great disaster may befall us. Please allow me to go investigate!”

Amidst the spirits, unnerved by the peculiar sight and unconsciously gathered to discuss countermeasures, a golden armoured divine person stepped forward and requested permission from the City God of Yongning.

“Mister Xu, do you know where this is?”

The City God of Yongning looked at the pleading Military Judge with inscrutable expressions behind the divine light shrouding his majestic face.

“It’s Shili Feng Family Hill!”

The Military Judge answered without hesitation, considering how he visited the village every now and then, making it familiar to him.

He could roughly guess that the source of the phenomenon was likely the home of the provincial scholar, but he was puzzled that such a thing could occur at a place suppressed by an aura of righteousness.

“Since you know, why seek trouble?”

The City God said leisurely,

“Although the phenomenon is great and eclipses both day and night, there’s no sign of disasters or any evil aura. On the contrary, it’s vast and solemn, surely belonging to the righteous path.”

“It’s my duty!”

The Military Judge resolutely responded.

“Even if it’s not a demon causing trouble, such an event can affect the mortal world!”

“Mister Xu, you…”

The Civil Judge who had never been fond of the Military Judge was speechless. Unsure of what to say, he only felt that the divine glow emitted from his body paled in comparison to that of the Military Judge.

“Military Judge His Lordship, rushing there unpreparedly could cost you your life!”

A Yaksha who was accompanying Xu Wupan couldn’t resist offering a warning.

“It’s just death. What is there to fear?”

The Military Judge replied calmly, eliciting sidelong glances from the gathered spirits.

“I seek permission from the City God!”


The City God of Yongning, staring at the turbulent purple light in the sky, bluntly refused.

He saw that the purple light had no intentions of aggression. It was displaying its presence, warning all directions. Mortals may ignore it, but if any of the roaming spirits stepped within its range, they likely wouldn’t meet a pleasant end.

“City God ! ”

Xu Wupan lifted his head in astonishment.

“Beware sight, beware hearing, beware speaking, beware acting.”

The City God of Yongning replied, extending his hand, a divine grandeur emerged and all, including the Military Judge, Civil Judge, Shrine Officials, rovers, Yakshas, were swept up helplessly by it.

Then, the City God of Yongning glanced one last time at the still-rotating scroll of purple light, turned around and headed back into the precinct, completely sealing it off from the external world.

Meanwhile, in the mountains covered with bright white snow, a slight tremor occurred. The dragon-snake that had become one with the mountain after winding around it for numerous years began to regain consciousness.

A muffled heartbeat echoed, resonating, as if a war drum made of Kui cattle hide was being beaten, shaking the mountains and rivers. This resurrection was totally different from the previous one. The mountain god intuitively sensed danger, realizing that he needed to fully awaken from his deep slumber to prepare for any possible threats.

This change outside and on the mountain startled the goblins within. These goblins, nurtured by Green Python Mountain, gathered under the mountain unanimously.

They were seeking refuge, to quell the unrest in their hearts and minds! “Mountain God His Highness, what on earth is happening outside the mountain?”

The tall white wolf leading the group arrived on a cloud and inquired of the elegant gentleman of the Green Mountain who had appeared at the peak..

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