The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness (WN)

Chapter 38: Tranquil Part II

“There are a few methods employed while tracking undead. Armed with that knowledge, we will only need to outsmart those…”

The morning arrived in Cemeserra and Senri had changed into something much simpler than the same set of clothes she had on all along. She examined the map spread out in front of her and spoke solemnly.

Although her actions meant that she was using her knowledge of tracking undead to help the target itself, Senri did not falter.

However, there was something else that had me more curious.

“Senri… why are you wearing glasses…”

“… Disguise. It’s fake though… my hair and eye color stand out too much, you see.”

Senri had on brown-framed glasses and a very solemn pair of purple eyes peered at me from behind the thin lens.

Maybe because the glasses were of good quality, there was hardly any change in her appearance from before. Moreover, you cannot really hide your hair and eye color by simply donning on a pair of glasses in the first place.

Although, it does suit her… I am not sure if she is being serious. I want to feed on her.

Granted that we cannot really go around wearing a thick, hooded robe all the time as it would invite suspicion, I do not think the Death Knights really know what a disguise is.

Senri had bought a gray cloak for my use. I would have preferred black, but it seems that is exactly what a vampire would prefer as well, and gray also serves as camouflage in the area we are going to be passing. As an outsider who knows nothing about the area, I can do nothing but comply.

Senri displayed the route we would take to get us past the river near Cemeserra. It was a path I could not have taken alone.

The river ran rapid and it was a few meters deep and a thick, stone bridge had been built over it.

I gulped lightly as Senri nervously looked for my approval.

“Do you trust me?”

“We… have been in the same boat for quite some time now. I truly am grateful to you.”

This world is simply too harsh for a single, ignorant vampire to survive all by oneself.

When Senri first offered me her blood, I had the choice of running away on my own. Considering how much she was discomposed then, she may not have chased after me.

However, I am really glad I made the decision to negotiate with Epée and chose to bring Senri to my side.

I was not even aware that only human blood was capable of satiating a vampire’s thirst then.

Right now, I am choosing the path best suited for my survival.

“… It’s okay. I consider this also to be the duty of a Death Knight.”

Senri replied with her eyes cast down. However, her voice displayed slight undertones of gentleness and melancholy.

Senri is still undecided. As smart as she is, I am sure she is well aware.

That, no matter how well we get along or no matter how much of a good person I am right now, the moment I cause harm to a human, I would become a monster that cannot be allowed to live.

If Senri was no longer by my side, I would have to look for someone else to feed on.

Time is irrelevant to me now. So there will eventually come a time when I take the wrong turn. That is why, I need to keep deceiving her using any and all means.

She has nothing really to gain from helping me. I should not think that any pleasure derived from my feeding on her could really be taken into account….

I wish there was some other way I could survive without having to ingest blood.

“How are we going to get across? On my back?”

I can just about barely cross running water since I am a lesser vampire. I imagine it would be very difficult for a true vampire.

However, it is probably impossible to cross such a long bridge in a condition where I could collapse any minute.

I could hold on to Senri, but she is shorter than me. It may look unnatural. Not to mention, we have our things to carry as well.

Senri shook her head at my question.

“Nah… I will carry you and fly. It shouldn’t be conspicuous if we take off at the foot of the bridge, and considering the size of the river, we should be able to manage.”

It was a pretty wild idea. However, I reckon Epée and the others would have never imagined Senri to be so willing to help. Things are going good.

I squinted at her nape and replied humorously.

“If your intention is to drop me in the water while we’re airborne, I’d like you to let me drink my fill first.”

“Don’t worry. Even if you do fall, considering you don’t really need to breathe and the currents in the river, you should eventually wash up on the bank… probably.”

“I guess a sinker belongs under the sea. Since I can’t really gather any strength, I should not be able to gouge out my heart myself.”

What a horrifying image. I have no problem showering or entering a bath but I am completely put out of commission over running water. Truly what strange creatures vampires are.

Senri’s eyes widened and she clasped her hands together.

“Ohh… that’s a very good idea. I never thought of it since the Death Knights make sure to kill the undead, but it might be the best way to confine them alive.”

“… Please don’t. It’s not particularly painful to stay underwater, but that doesn’t make it any better.”

“Then stop being absurd. Here you are, I’ll give you… some food.”

That irked me.

Senri uttered hesitantly and offered a finger that was as soft and smooth as an ice fish.

The cycle of blood lust comes around once every ten days.I could probably hold off twice that if I bore with it, but any longer than that and I would lose my abilities and eventually my sanity.

My thirst is satiated and the cycle is reset once I take Senri’s blood. And the amount of blood necessary for that to happen is not that much I should think.

Even when blood lust had taken over me, I was able to regain myself after ingesting just a few drops of her blood from her finger. The only time I needed a lot of blood was the very first time I drank from her neck as I had to regenerate most of my body.

I have been wanting to feed from her neck for the longest time but it does not look like she has made up her mind yet.

I gratefully accepted that which was offered, caressed her soft finger and guided it into my mouth.

Senri’s eyebrows raised ever so slightly. It is nothing but pleasant to have her finger stroke my tongue.

I slurped on her finger as I bit down hard with my canine tooth. There is no pain associated with the act of feeding. Probably feels like a mosquito bite at most.

I reckon the pleasure associated with the act is to facilitate the whole process. According to folklore, a person who has once experienced the pleasure would voluntarily offer their necks the second time.

However, that did not happen with Senri, which only goes to show how tenacious she is.

The delicious blood melted away my anger. The pleasant feeling that spread through my brain made me puff out hot breaths.

Although it does feel like I am missing a little something, I cannot really put into words the sensation of ingesting blood. It looked to me like Senri’s eyes had grown a little gentler and her cheeks somewhat red.

I examined her face as I carefully sucked on her finger. I ran a finger along the back of her hand and extended my arm to invade hers. When her silky smooth skin came in contact with mine, I felt like I gained more energy than usual.

If all I needed was blood, then ingesting it from anywhere should feel the same. However, I clearly gained more energy when I fed from her neck .

Considering what Senri mentioned about vampires taking their own sweet time with their victims as they slowly drained them of all blood, there may be a direct link between the satisfaction obtained from the act of feeding and the amount of energy gained.

I just gave into the pleasure and closed my eyes as I sucked on her finger. At the same time, my fingers reached Senri’s elbow.

When I extended my arm even further, Senri suddenly withdrew her hand from my mouth. She cradled her fingers still glistening with saliva and lightly slapped away my arm that held her own.

A bite mark was left behind on her pale finger, but it did not bleed. And that mark should soon disappear as well.

“… We’re done here. You’ve had enough, haven’t you?”


I did not answer her as I reveled in the aftertaste of her blood.

Of course, I have not had enough. However, I had more than enough to keep my blood lust in check.

The feeling of dissatisfaction only just adds spice to the whole thing. I am not weak enough to lose to urges of this level.

With my enhanced hearing abilities, I could hear Senri’s usually calm heart beat a little faster than normal.

She thoroughly wiped her fingers and awkwardly pushed her glasses up her nose. Almost as if she was trying to revert the mood back to how it was before.

“Once… we get past the river, we should head towards the north. There’s a small town in that direction. There is a bigger town towards the east, but we are least likely to bump into the Death Knights in a smaller town.”

“… Got it. I’ll follow your instructions.”

Senri’s words brought on a temporary peace of mind. I think the Death Knights could pop up even in a smaller town and they might already expect us to select the option of crossing the bridge. However, voicing those concerns is of no use now.

After staying the night in the inn and shower later, Senri had changed into cleaner clothes and shined beautifully.

We cannot live like nomads forever. Either way, as long as we are alive, there will come a time when we will run into our enemies.

I had already steeled my resolve to sweep aside any sparks that threaten me when I laid plans to defeat the Lord.

Blood is making me stronger. I am heading towards the next stage of evolution. I realize that my existence is rapidly degenerating further and further.

And the rate at which that is happening is probably much faster than Senri thinks.

☠☠ ☠

We left the town behind and headed towards the bridge. It was made of stone and a few meters wide, enough for a carriage to pass through.

The day was almost at an end, and there was nearly no one waiting to cross the firm, huge structure. However, maybe as a countermeasure against monsters that could attack at night, the bridge was illuminated by light from a tower erected on it.

Senri was fully equipped. A plain, brown overcoat with a sling that a poor traveler pulling a horse or carriage might lug around unwillingly. She looked very different from when she had on the white Death Knight attire.

The fake glasses, though meaningless, did give her a very different air coupled with the rest of the ensemble.

I did not carry anything. Because it takes all of my strength just to make it past the bridge.

We avoided human eyes as we sneaked towards the foot of the bridge.

“The Wings of Light are made of the power of blessing. Be careful not to touch them.”

“I don’t think I will have the energy to do that.”

It really does feel awful over running water. As I stood there with my face stiff, Senri softly hugged me from behind.

Maybe if I had been human, I would have yearned for her in a situation such as this, but unfortunately all that came to me was the smell of her blood.

Please for the love of God, do not trigger my thirst.

“I’ll carry you and fly across. You don’t need to worry about anything.”

“Sure… I’ll leave it all up you.”

Senri lifted me by the armpits and carried me in her arms. She then gathered her strength and kicked off from the ground.

I could feel all strength escape my body. I entrusted my whole being to Senri.

Reflected in the dark surface of the river, were the crescent moon and a translucent me.

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