The Ultimate Breeder (DXD)

Chapter 1: A Date for the Supreme Overlord of Ice

A familiar argument could be heard within the halls of Kuoh Academy. Those who attended the school had gotten used to the sound of these two voices, one loud and abrasive, the other stern and collected. It seemed like the two people would never reach a compromise, their two personalities were just too diametrically opposed.

"Tanaka, pets are not allowed on school grounds," a bespectacled girl of average height, her short hair styled in a bob with violet eyes said. She was dressed in the Kuoh Academy female uniform, with a pair of glasses on her face which she adjusted as the only physical sign of her irritation.

"And as I have told you, the Four Dark Devas of Destruction are no mere pet. You simply do not possess the spirit vision necessary to discern their true form," the other participant in the conversation replied. He was a tall young man with pale grey skin and black hair with light grey streaks running through it, the top section slicked back into a single curl. One of his eyes was grey while the other was red, and he had a scar that ran through his left eye. He was also wearing the Kuoh Academy uniform but had a long purple scarf wrapped around his neck and an earring hanging from his right ear.

These two were Sona Shitori, the student council president at Kuoh Academy, and Gundham Tanaka, another student who argued with her over his flagrant disregard for school rules, including the ban on pets and his modifications to the uniform. 

The students watching the debacle couldn't help but comment in amusement.

"There they go again. You would think the Student Council President would give up already. He's been bringing those hamsters in his scarf since the first day of school."

"Yeah, but listen to how he talks. You'd think he'd have grown out of that phase by now."

"His hamsters are pretty cute though."

The hamsters they were speaking of, Gundham's Four Dark Devas of Destruction, were peeking their heads off his scarf as they looked at the frustrated girl across from them.

"If that was all Dark Priestess, I must attend to other duties," Gundham said and turned to walk away from Sona. For her part, Sona just sighed and watched as he left. At this point, she was resigned to the hamster's continued presence in the school, but she couldn't be seen allowing him to break the rules and get away with it, so she still had to berate him.

"They are pretty cute," Tsubaki Shinra, her vice president, muttered under her breath. She had long black hair that fell past her lower back and a pair of glasses on her face, behind which sat a pair of heterochromatic eyes; one violet and the other light brown.

Sona gave her a brief glare before the two stalked off down the halls back to the student council room. When they entered, they found the rest of the student council going about their business as usual. It only took a single look at their president for them to realize who she had been dealing with. 

One member, a blonde boy with grey eyes, walked up to the pair. "Was it that damn Tanaka again? I'll go find him, just let me handle it."

Sona sighed, long used to the boy's attitude. "Saji, go back to work."

"Of course President!" Saji replied, his voice loud as he hurried to do as she asked.

Sona made her way to her desk and sat down behind it. She pulled out a chess board and set it down, Tsubaki sliding into place across from her without a word. They both knew she didn't stand a chance against Sona, but it was a form of relaxation for the girl and right now she could use it.


"Do not worry, I shall never let that fiend beat me. As my Four Dark Devas, you must accompany me wherever I may go."

Gundham walked out of the school gates while muttering to the hamsters in his scarf. The hamsters, whose names were San-D, Jum-P, Maga-Z, and Cham-P, poked their heads out and nodded in reply to his claim. They then crawled out of the scarf and along his shoulders before doing a pose, their front legs raised in the air as they looked prepared to fight.

"Yes, humans are simply too dull compared to you."

The school was used to his behavior at this point, so other than the odd amused smile nobody reacted all that much to Gundham and the Devas' behavior. Once he'd left the school grounds, he was surprised to find a girl blocking his path. 

She was a pretty girl with violet eyes and long black hair that reached down to her hips. She was wearing a school uniform, but it wasn't the Kuoh Academy one and Gundham didn't recognize it. As he continued to walk towards her, the girl didn't move out of the way but instead seemed to be waiting for him.

"You're Gundham Tanaka right?" 

"Who is it that speaks the Supreme Overlord of Ice's name so casually?" Gundham's deep voice questioned.

The girl seemed unbothered by his attitude as she replied. "My name's Yuuma Amano, I was sort of wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?"

Gundham blinked for a moment, confusion overtaking him as this girl he had never met before asked him out. He coughed into his hand to hide the awkward feeling, as he'd never been asked out before, and then replied.

"A girl I've never met before asking me out. This must be a plot by a shadowy organization meant to kill me." Unknown to Gundham, when he made that comment, Yuuma's eyes narrowed slightly. "However, it is simple child's play before me. I shall entertain your plot, this Sunday show me just how skilled you truly are assassin."

The tension in Yuuma when he'd made his comment relaxed as he finished his sentence, her brows furrowing slightly in confusion as she sifted through his nonsense before a bright smile appeared on her face. "Great, then I'll see you Sunday."

Gundham watched as the girl left down the street and he began to walk home. "I've never even been on a date before," he muttered softly.


While Gundham was walking through the grounds of Kuoh Academy, one girl, in particular, was watching him with an amused smile on her face. Her long crimson hair and light blue eyes stood out among the crowd, along with her well-endowed figure. 

Rias Gremory watched as Gundham interacted with his hamsters, finding his entire personality entertaining. 

'I know he gets on Sona's nerves, but he's pretty funny at least.'

As far as they were aware, Gundham didn't have a Sacred Gear or any knowledge of the supernatural in general, but he'd made a couple of comments that almost implied he knew the truth if it wasn't for the fact that he immediately followed it up with a stream of bullshit that couldn't possibly be the case.

'Still, somehow he almost hits the nail on the head at times.'


The walk home was mostly mundane, the only thing of note being a pretty girl giving him a pamphlet with a demonic circle on it. Gundham recognized it as such having drawn many of his own circles, although his mom had eventually asked him to stop as he had been tearing up the yard with the stick he was using. He'd ended up storing the pamphlet in his pocket, finding it interesting as he'd never considered making a symbol small enough to summon a demon on the go.

Once Gundham reached his house, he opened the front door and walked inside. His mom worked as a nurse and wouldn't be home until a lot later. Weaving his way through the halls, he eventually came to the garage. It was rather spacious, with the floor having been replaced with grass. Inside were an array of animals, from birds to cats to even a small brown bear. When he walked in, they all made their way towards him and clambered for attention, while the Devas climbed up on Gundham's shoulders and waved their arms to direct the animals in line.

Quickly, they organized themselves and stood at attention in front of Gundham. "My dark army, the time has come. I shall provide sustenance to all those who follow me, so they can be prepared for whatever enemy appears."

He went around feeding each animal the correct type of food and then spent some time playing with them. The garage had a side door that went out into the backyard, which was fenced off and allowed the animals even more room to move around.

After some time, he made his way back inside and began to cook dinner. The Devas helped him, and after some time he finished cooking and sat down at the table to eat. Halfway through his meal, he heard the front door open and close again as his mother came home.

Mrs. Tanaka had black hair and pale skin much like her son and a youthful face belied by signs of exhaustion. Gundham quickly got up, made his way over to her, and took her bag.

"The matriarch has returned and I have a feast prepared in her honor."

Mrs. Tanaka looked at her son, a fond smile on her face as she hugged him. "Thank you Gundham."

A small smile appeared on his face as he led her into the kitchen. "Of course, mom."

Once she'd had a chance to eat, she took a look at her son, who she'd long learned to read through his behavior. "Did something interesting happen today?"

Gundham looked at his mom. "I got asked out."

A bright smile appeared on Mrs. Tanaka's face. She was well aware her son's eccentricities tended to scare people away from him, and he'd only ever really had two friends, both of which had moved away. This would be her son's first date, so she had to ensure he planned it properly.


Sunday came before he knew it and Gundham found himself waiting by the fountain in the park for Yuuma to show up. His mom had made him plan out a series of things to do on the date, and he'd listened to her advice. He was wearing a light grey crewneck and black jeans, his everpresent scarf still around his neck, the Four Dark Devas concealed within. He'd never leave home without them, even for a date.

"Did you wait long?" Yuuma asked as she walked up to him. She was dressed nicely, with a pretty white dress. A smile was present on her face as she stopped in front of him.

Gundham coughed lightly to clear his throat. "I spent the time ruminating on...I mean no, I didn't wait long." His mom had suggested that he try to act more reserved on the date, as most girls dislike if you are too exuberant. He'd promised her he'd give it a try but was feeling a little bit leery of the idea.

"Well then, come along," Gundham said and the two began to walk towards the various shops in the city as the first destination.

Throughout the day, Gundham did his best to act calm, although glimpses of his normal behavior inevitably slipped through. Yuuma seemed to go along with whatever he wanted to do, and for the most part, he found himself enjoying the date a lot, even if he didn't like having to restrain himself.

Eventually, the sun began to set and they made their way back to the park fountain where they'd begun.

"I had a good time today," Yuuma said.

Gundham had a small smile on his face, the only sign showing how much he'd enjoyed his first date. "Yes, it was most pleasurable."

He shuffled somewhat awkwardly but nodded his head in response. Yuuma looked at him, and her grin turned more sadistic as she said "Then, would you please die for me?"

Gundham had to take a moment to process her words, which was when two large, black feathered wings emerged from her back. Yuuma floated into the air, a scowl on her face as she looked down at him.

"Do you even have any idea how miserable it was having to go on a date with someone like you? I've lived for centuries, and somehow you are still the most immature, infantile individual I've ever had the displeasure of spending time with. So please, just go ahead and die for me."

He stood frozen, the positive feelings from the day being replaced with a tight feeling in his chest. He'd done his best on the date to act as calmly as he could. His mother had drilled him on how to act, even staying up late when she should've gone to bed after her shift at the hospital just to make sure this date went as well as it possibly could for him. All of that, his effort, his mother's time, acting differently than he normally, all of it led to this, how could he not be hurting?

It was only when the Dark Devas emerged from his scarf and tugged lightly that he was broken out of it. Yuuma reared her hand back, a spear of light forming, before she threw her hand forward and it flew towards him. 

In a surprising display of athleticism, Gundham flipped backward and out of the way of the spear, a cold look on his face as he settled back into his normal behavior. Never again would he hide his true personality between a thinly veiled facade to appeal to those who could not understand him.

"Thou dare to strike at the Supreme Overlord of Ice. You have no idea what true furies of the underworld you have unleashed."

"Will you just shut up and die already."

Gundham had spent his childhood training in a dojo and was surprisingly well-versed in martial arts. His body moved with fluidity as he dodged side to side, but it wouldn't be long before one of the spears finally hit him.

Despite that, suddenly his body began to speed up, the spot on the middle of his chest began to glow, which drew both Gundham and Yuuma's attention. From the glow, a pendant emerged on a chord and settled on his chest. It was intricately designed, with symbols that seemed to shift and writhe like they were alive, carved out of a type of wood he'd never seen before.

From his scarf, the Devas emerged and began to glow alongside the pendant. 

"I feel strong, Boss."

"Yes, our true power has awakened."

"Form up to help the Boss."

"Together, make sure the pose is good."

Gundham listened to these four voices while trying to puzzle out who was speaking. It was only when the Four Dark Devas moved along his arms and struck a pose that he realized he was somehow hearing the voice of his four hamsters.

"Dammit, of course the immature brat awakens his Sacred Gear now," Yuuma spoke.

He didn't have the chance to process what was going on, instead Gundham felt like his body had grown much faster. He could feel the connection between himself and the Devas, alongside all the animals he had in his Dark Army at home.

"Come Dark Devas, we shall show this fallen angel the true majesty of the Supreme Overlord of Ice and his Heralds."

""Yes Sir!""

Gundham listened to the affirmation from the Four Devas and couldn't help the grin that came over his face. Even without knowing what was going on, the ability to hear them was something he couldn't help but feel joyful about.

"An angel fallen from heaven cannot see the true expanse of darkness before her." Reaching in his pocket, Gundham removed the paper with the devil summoning circle on it. "Watch, as I summon a devil from the underworld to assist us in disposing of you pest."

He held the paper out in one hand while the other formed a hand sign with his fingers raised. Surprisingly to Gundham, and worryingly for Yuuma, the paper actually did begin to glow a red color as a magic circle formed on the ground.

"Why do you have a Gremory summoning paper?" 

'Gremory as in Rias Gremory?'

"It matters not, fiend, that is but one of my many tricks to stop you. Watch, as my Four Dark Devas of Destruction and I smite thee from existence."

From the magic circle emerged a figure anyone from Kuoh Academy would recognize. Rias Gremory emerged from the circle still dressed in her uniform and took in the sight of Gundham and his Devas standing across from a fallen angel flying in the air with a light spear formed. It only took her a moment to process the situation before she raised her hand and summoned the Power of Destruction, the energy crackling in her hand.

"You will leave, or I'll erase you and inform your faction that you attacked a human in my territory."

Yuuma looked between Rias and Gundham for a moment before she screwed her face up in frustration and turned to fly away. "Fine Gremory, brat, consider yourself lucky."

She began to fly away, but just as Rias was going to sigh in relief at the avoided incident between their two factions, Gundham spoke.

"Daring to attack me, don't think you can escape without leaving your life behind! Dark Devas, devil servant, come we will ensure that this pigeon and her flock are thoroughly taught a lesson for daring to take action against me."

Yuuma began to fly faster away and was already in the distance, yet Gundham began to run. He and his Devas flipped through the air in a leap of strength and agility that would have been impossible for him previously, and began to spring from tree branch to tree branch as they chased after the fallen angel.

Rias stood there for a moment, attempting to comprehend what had just happened. She'd just scared the fallen angel off, avoided causing an incident by killing someone from another faction during the cold war, yet now the person she was trying to protect was chasing after her on his own.

"Dammit, Gundham come back here." Rias' tone was very unlike her, but with how surreal the situation was she couldn't help herself. Wings sprouted from her back and she took off flying after the two, while summoning a magic circle in her hand. Akeno Himejima, dressed in her school uniform that seemed almost bursting at the seams from her well-endowed figure, appeared as an image. Her long black hair was tied up by an orange ribbon and her violet eyes looked at Rias with confusion.

"Akeno, get Kiba and Koneko and meet me at the abandoned church, Gundham Tanaka awakened a Sacred Gear and is chasing after a fallen. We need to stop him before he gets himself killed."

Akeno listened intently, but to Rias it was clear all she heard was fallen as a sadistic grin appeared on her face. "Of course Buchou, we'll be along shortly. We can't let our underclassmen die from those disgusting birds."

The image in Rias' hand disappeared and she sped up her flying as she rushed to catch up to Gundham. Despite having just awakened his Sacred Gear, its effects were apparently good as he moved with an agility much like a knight would get.

Now she just had to hope she could avoid an international incident between the devils and fallen while making sure her silly underclassman didn't get himself killed.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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