The Two Hundred and Eighty Pound Fat Girl and Her Five Husbands

Chapter 327: Cliff Jumping

Chapter 327

Looking at the ferocious little brat biting her, Lin Zaozao instantly superimposed his image with that of her younger brother Lin Luoluo.

That little brat Lin Luoluo, when she first met him at the orphanage, without saying a word, he immediately bit her arm fiercely.

Now she had time-traveled, and this little brat who looked exactly like Lin Luoluo, without saying a word, bit her just like Lin Luoluo did.

Damn it, she was caught off guard the first time he bit her. But biting her twice, that bastard Lin Luoluo really thought Lin Zaozao was made of dough!

In her anger, Lin Zaozao grabbed the little brat's arm and bit him back on his arm.

Damn it, let's hurt each other!

"Mmm mmm..."

The little brat had a mouthful of blood, but didn't forget to glare at Lin Zaozao with a whimper.

"Humph humph..."

Lin Zaozao bit down hard on the little brat's arm, her eyes almost spewing fire.

"I won't bite anymore, let go of me."

The little brat released Lin Zaozao's arm and said pitifully.

Meeting the little brat's pitiful golden eyes, Lin Zaozao was reminded of her annoying younger brother Lin Luoluo.

That bastard Lin Luoluo never uttered a single fart. But this little brat, he actually pleaded for mercy.

So the soft-hearted Lin Zaozao had just loosened her mouth when the little brat charged into her chest, and as he ran away, he cursed her.

"I curse you to have diarrhea right now."

After saying that, the little brat disappeared in front of Lin Zaozao like a wolf cub.

"You said diarrhea and I'll get diarrhea? Is it that effective, you little brat?"

Lin Zaozao angrily roared at the little brat's retreating back.

The next second...

"Oh my god, my stomach hurts so much!"

Lin Zaozao clutched her rumbling stomach and looked around. It was only then that she realized she was standing at the edge of a cliff.

Looking around and seeing no one, Lin Zaozao quickly went under a big tree to relieve herself.

After a deafening burst of farts, Lin Zaozao finally emerged from behind the tree, clutching her stomach.

As soon as she came out, the stomach cramps forced her to go back behind the tree again.

The deafening farts coming from behind the big tree made the little brat standing far away laugh uncontrollably.

Humph! Dare to bite him!

Just as the little brat was rolling on the ground laughing, several giant wolf-like creatures as big as small elephants appeared behind him.

"Big Rice Grain, Small Rice Grain, did you lure those people away?"

The little brat stroked the giant wolves' heads and whispered.

The giant wolves answered by nodding their heads in unison.

"Are Big Fruit and Small Fruit back yet?"

As soon as the little brat's words fell, a black and a white wolf cub were brought before him by the giant wolves.

"Big Fruit, Small Fruit, why didn't you come back after getting out of trouble?"

The little boy tugged at the wolf cubs' ears.

But as soon as the little boy let go, the two black and white wolf cubs ran towards where Lin Zaozao was.

"Big Fruit, Small Fruit, where are you two running? Aren't you disgusted by the stench?"

It was only when the little boy quickly caught the two wolf cubs that he asked in surprise.

"You two, have you accepted a new master? Or have you accepted that hateful Little Priest as your master?"

Watching the two squirming wolf cubs in his hands, the little boy was so angry his teeth were almost grinding.

"I curse that Little Priest to have diarrhea until dawn! And I curse her to try to take my Big Fruit and Small Fruit away from me!"

With the little boy's curse, Lin Zaozao, hiding behind the big tree, felt her stomach cramp even more painfully.

By now, her stomach was rumbling loud enough to perform an opera. Accompanied by the deafening farts, Lin Zaozao was enveloped in a foul stench.

The stomach pain and foul smell almost made Lin Zaozao pass out.

Until dawn, Lin Zaozao, wearing only a simple undergarment, slowly emerged from behind the big tree.

As for her outer garment, she had—well, used it as toilet paper.

Shivering and shaking, she leaned against the big tree and walked out unsteadily.

When Lin Zaozao, leaning on the tree, saw the little brat standing bare-bottomed at the edge of the cliff watching the sunrise, a surge of anger welled up in her heart.

"Lin Luoluo, you little dog cub, how dare you curse me..."

Incensed, Lin Zaozao's stomach no longer hurt, and her feet were no longer weak. She pounced on the bare-bottomed little boy, pinning him beneath her.

"Lin Luoluo, I'm going to strangle you to death... I had diarrhea all night, and you didn't even care about me!"

Lin Zaozao grabbed the little boy's white hair and roared angrily.

"Ugly monster, I'm not Lin Luoluo, I'm the Wolf-born Child! Open your dog eyes and look, do I look like your Lin Luoluo?"

The little boy pulled at Lin Zaozao's hair, trying to push her off him.

"If you're not Lin Luoluo, how come you look exactly like him. Hmph! I've time-traveled and even popped out of a tree, and you dyed your hair silver, so what's so special about that."

As soon as Lin Zaozao finished speaking, the little boy flipped her over and mounted her.

"You blind Little Priest. I'm the Wolf-born Child, how can any Lin Luoluo compare to me?"

"You fart, my Luoluo is the best in the universe, a million of you can't compare to him."

Lin Zaozao flipped over again, pinning the little boy beneath her, and grabbed his hair forcefully.

So the two little brats, one wearing only undergarments, the other bare-bottomed, wrestled and grappled with each other.

Until they were too exhausted, they collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

After catching their breath, Lin Zaozao touched her lower abdomen and sighed. That damn System, taking away her fertility in exchange for encyclopedic knowledge.

Although she was destined to be a lifelong single woman, the feeling of being manipulated by that damn System was truly hateful to her.

Even though the Little Mountain Monk could deal with that dead System, it always caught them off guard when it appeared.

Today it took away her fertility, but what about the future?

Her heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, one by one were taken away by that damned System as sacrifices, only to let her live a half-dead life?

No way? She'd rather be dead.

Lin Zaozao turned her head back, looking at the little face that resembled her younger brother Lin Luoluo's. Her lifeless eyes couldn't help but feel a tinge of nostalgia.

At least she could see a little boy who looked exactly like her brother before she died.

She, Lin Zaozao, was content.

She no longer wanted to be controlled by that damned System.

Rather than dying such a tragic death later, she'd rather seize the chance to free herself early. Everything in this world would no longer have anything to do with her.

With that thought, Lin Zaozao reached out and pinched the little boy's cheek, smiling lightly.

"Little brat, it was nice to meet you. But now, I'm going home."

Under the shocked gaze of the little boy, Lin Zaozao turned and leapt towards the cliff's edge.

As long as she jumped and was smashed into a bloody pulp, let's see how that damned System would revive her.

Making her a sacrifice for it!

Hmph! Dream on.

With a resolute expression, just as Lin Zaozao leapt out, her arm was grabbed by someone.

She looked up in surprise.

Hey! What a joke! Dangling beside her was a string of sugar-coated hawthorn berries.

No, it was a string of people.

She was firmly held by the Wolf-born Child, who looked just like Lin Luoluo. Han Ye was holding onto the Wolf-born Child's leg, Han Xibei, Ji Fantian, Dashan...

While Gu Shan had one hand gripping the cliff's edge and the other hand tightly grasping Dashan's ankle.

"Pearl, quickly climb up along the Wolf-born Child's arm, hurry!"

Han Ye shouted desperately at Lin Zaozao while holding onto the Wolf-born Child's leg.

"Zaozao, hurry and climb up, we can't hold on much longer."

Little Xibei pleaded with a flushed face, gripping Han Ye's leg tightly.

"Little Priest Zaozao, you're so young, why would you want to end it all? If you're sick, I'll cure you!"

Ji Fantian said firmly word by word as he held onto Han Xibei's leg.

"Little Priest, come up quickly. The little doctor's feet stink!"

Dashan exclaimed with a twisted expression.

"You farted!"

Ji Fantian retorted.

"You stepped in shit, of course it stinks!"

Dashan said resentfully.

"Zaozao, hurry up and come. If you dare die, I'll let go right now and throw them all down for you to have company in death."

Gu Shan's eyes were red as his gaze fixed intently on Lin Zaozao. Although his words were severe, his tone was pleading.

Lin Zaozao, who had just resolved to end her life, looked at the string of people dangling from the cliff. Her desire to die vanished.

Forget it, it's better to live than to die so miserably. More importantly, there was a Wolf-born Child by her side who looked remarkably like her brother Lin Luoluo.

"Little brat, pull me up."

"You're so heavy, I can't pull you up."

The Wolf-born Child said fiercely.

"You're so tall but so weak!"

Lin Zaozao scoffed.

"You're fat!"

The Wolf-born Child retorted. "Fart! I'm so thin now, all skin and bones, you little weakling!"

"Little meat ball!"

"Zaozao, stop arguing and hurry up and climb!"

Han Ye urged anxiously as he held onto the Wolf-born Child's foot.

"Brother Han Ye, I can't climb up. Why don't you just let go? Let the little silver-haired one accompany me in death."

"I'm not dying, you evil little fat ball."

The Wolf-born Child insulted her verbally, but his hands held tightly onto Lin Zaozao's arm.

Just as the string of people was about to fall from the cliff, a tremendous force pulled the entire string up from the edge.

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