The Third Reich: I Became Emperor

Chapter 18

On the other side of the ocean, in the presidential palace, Rommel was holding a meeting with his staff.

The purpose of this meeting was to find the best landing plan. After two years of fierce fighting, the elite German troops were surrounded. The

Russians on the Eastern Front also began to counterattack. Now is the best time to attack Europe.

The outcome of the North African campaign has been decided. Rommel has been transferred back to the country. The remaining remnants of the Italian army are not to be feared at all. They can be wiped out in a week at most.

The next step is to land in Europe and completely defeat the German army.

At this time, they are considering which country to use as a breakthrough point, because there are not many options for them at present.

Sicily in Italy, southern France, Greece, and Turkey are all in their alternative plans.

Of course, there is also a direct attack from the north of the German army.

However, this plan was directly rejected. The German army still has more than 300,000 elite troops in the north. These are really elite troops. It is difficult to land successfully.

"Mr. President, I suggest that we launch landing operations in these countries at the same time, so that the German army will be too busy to deal with it, and we have a great chance of landing."Someone stood up and said.

After all, the United States is now on the trend of becoming the world's boss, so they speak very proudly.

"No, let's break through from the nearest route, the English Channel."

These people have received benefits from France. After all, Charles de Gaulle has always wanted to counterattack France.

Luo Yizhi naturally knew what these people were thinking. He did not rush to express his opinion, but quietly listened to the arguments of his staff.

"I think we should attack Sicily and Italy's homeland, force Italy to withdraw from the battlefield, and relieve the pressure on the Eastern Front." Hull stood up and said.

Unfortunately, just as he finished speaking, General Marshall, the Chief of Staff of the Army, strongly retorted:"Attacking Italy will create a vacuum zone in the entire Mediterranean, which will affect our supplies in other theaters of war, and once we get stuck in Sicily, it will be very unfavorable for our subsequent strategic deployment."

"In addition, if we force Italy to withdraw from the battlefield, then the Italian civilians will need us to airlift supplies to feed them, which will completely increase the Allied forces' consumption of supplies."

At this time, America's production capacity has also reached its limit. It is absolutely very difficult to support another Italy. After all, the world's tens of millions of troops and millions of tons of warships are already very difficult for them. Adding another burden at this time will definitely be a disaster.

"The most important point is that there are not enough ports in southern Italy to support the Allied forces into Europe."

"In addition, the Mediterranean has always been the core interest of the British Isles. If we intervene rashly, it will hurt the feelings of the Allies and have an adverse impact on our subsequent actions."

Admiral Marshall's analysis resonated with many people. At this point, many people have already seen that the balance of the war is gradually leaning towards the Allies. Many people are considering the distribution of interests after the war.

"Admiral, if Italy is defeated, the German Empire will lose an important ally, which will be a huge blow to their morale. Without Italy's seaport, those smuggled materials will not be able to enter the German Empire. At that time, the morale of the German army will be further deteriorated. We can concentrate our strength to defeat the German army in one go, and the war will be over soon."This is the view of the optimists.

The two sides quarreled fiercely, and everyone had their own opinions. Luo Yizhi just watched and said nothing.

He was thinking more about the post-war division. Now that the Russian bear has begun to counterattack, it is only a matter of time before the German army fails, but what about defeating the German army?

You must know that the ideologies of the two sides are completely different, and coexistence is impossible, so he must consider the future.

"We have to reduce the supply of bears. Luo's words startled many people, but some smart people reacted quickly.

"The outcome of the war can already be seen, but Europe must be in our hands and must not fall into the hands of the Russian bear. We cannot coexist with the Russian bear, so from now on, we must consciously control the supply of the Russian bear."

"The president is wise. Admiral Marshall immediately came to his senses and flattered him.

"Wise President!"

"Wise President!"

"The President is wise!"

At this moment, the secretary came in with a telegram and said to Luo Yiche:

"Mr. President, the German army has taken Malta. Admiral Patton requested reinforcements."

"What? What are the British troops doing? There is almost a division on the island, but they can't beat 3,000 German troops?" Luo Yizhi screamed.

Admiral Marshall also took the telegram, glanced at it, frowned and asked:"What's the situation? Why didn't Patton send support?"

PS My scalp is tingling! 40 chapters are urging you to update, are you a devil?

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