The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 96 The Eye of the Galaxy appears! What a genius! (1)

The dinner was very enjoyable. Gu Xiaoyu told Gao Yuan about her knowledge and experience of mountain climbing. This girl has really climbed many mountains. In addition to the famous mountains and rivers, she also likes to climb the wild mountains that no one cares about.

Gu Xiaoyu said that she only climbed the mountain because she was interested in the mountain itself, and did not care whether there were poems by famous people or Taoist temples on the mountain.

Gu Xiaoyu was obsessed with the feeling of climbing hard along the winding path, and finally standing on the top of the mountain, with a panoramic view of the great mountains and rivers at his feet.

So whenever she sees a mountain with a unique shape, regardless of whether it is famous or not, Gu Xiaoyu will try to climb to the top. In the past three years of school, she has climbed the mountains of all sizes outside Hangzhou more than once.

Gao Yuan nodded repeatedly, looking at Gu Xiaoyu's round legs and healthy and upright posture, it seemed that mountain climbing was quite beneficial.

In fact, Gao Yuan doesn't really like the white and skinny people that are popular nowadays. His aesthetics still tend to be thin where they should be thin, bulging where they should be, bulging forward and backward, and having an excellent hand feel.

After dinner, Gao Yuan drove Gu Xiaoyu back to school.

"I'm free tomorrow, would you like to go to the lake for a cup of coffee together?" Gu Xiaoyu asked very proactively.

Gao Yuan thought for a while and finally shook his head, "Next time, there is still a lot of work to be done tomorrow."

Gu Xiaoyu shrugged, looking a little disappointed.

Time has come to the end of May in a blink of an eye.

Lu Changzheng skillfully packed the bedding, tied it tightly with nylon rope, and temporarily placed it on the bed, and then went to sort out his clothes.

"Huh? Lao Lu, you are going to Kunlun Company to report, what are you bringing these things for?" the roommate asked curiously.

Lu Changzheng smiled honestly, "We'll live in a dormitory when we get there. Maybe we can still use the bedding. They're quite new. It would be a pity to throw them away."

"Stop being ridiculous, that's the famous Kunlun Company! If you single-handedly overthrow countless global fiber giants, will they still miss your quilt?"

"That's right, Kunlun Company gives you a starting salary of 10,000 yuan, so why would you care about a small amount of money for a quilt."

"Don't take it with you, or you'll have to buy a new one."

His roommates tried to persuade him, but Lu Changzheng stubbornly picked up the quilt and waved goodbye to his roommates.


Seeing that they couldn't persuade this stubborn donkey, the roommates had no choice but to hug him passionately. They had been classmates for four years and had seen each other day and night. This time they said goodbye, and they didn't know what year or month they would see each other again.

Li Changzheng set out on the road from the north to the south of the Yangtze River with large and small bags.

In fact, Li Changzheng was not so poor that he couldn't take the blame. He was just educated by his family since he was a child. He had long been accustomed to frugality. His parents worked outside to earn money for his education. It was really not easy. He should save money if he could.

When Li Changzheng arrived in Jiangnan, it was already dark, but when he walked out of the train station with some worry, he was surprised to see a huge banner.

"Kunlun Company's new employee reporting point." Li Changzheng muttered, with a sincere smile on his face.

He recalled the scene when he went to the university to report. When he walked out of the train station, he also saw a similar banner. He seemed to have found an organization and a backbone.

The minibus took Li Changzheng to his dormitory. The bed, furniture, water heater, and washing machine were all brand new, and the plastic film on them had not yet been removed.

In addition, the roommates were right. Kunlun Company had indeed prepared new bedding, and Li Changzheng had carried the old bedding all this way in vain.

After a while, a colleague from the dormitory next door came and shouted, "You just got off the train. You must be hungry, right? The company has a free canteen. Let's eat together?"

Li Changzheng looked at his two roommates. They were also young people from rural areas with simple personalities.

We were indeed a little hungry, and with shyness and unfamiliarity, a few people walked towards the elevator together with the senior who had arrived a few days earlier.

"Is it really free room and board?"

"There is still a day off. The cafeteria is open 24 hours a day. There is plenty of fish and meat. You can drink milk and eat fruit as much as you want. You can eat as much as you want."

"I heard there is a gym?"

"Yes, strength training, basketball, tennis, table tennis, and even a swimming pool is planned. Anyway, everything you can think of is included."

"Shuttle bus to the city?"


"It is said that the company is also responsible for issuing girlfriends?"

"Uh...there's really no such thing. Buy an inflatable doll and handle it yourself."

"I can't afford it. It's very expensive."

"I can buy it when my salary is paid. The monthly salary starts from 10,000 yuan. I really didn't expect that an ordinary undergraduate student could find such a high-paying job. Let alone 996, I can get 724 without any problem!"

"What does 724 mean?"

"It means twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week."


Everyone laughed happily.

"Isn't that exhausting?"

"I'm not afraid of being tired. As long as my parents can relax and support my two younger sisters, it's not too late for me to be proud. Tiredness doesn't matter."

Lu Changzheng looked at his colleague who said this, and suddenly felt like-minded.

Looking around, the company dormitories and canteens are full of simple and excited faces. Their common characteristic is that they are very satisfied with being an ordinary screw. They are not afraid of overtime and hard work, and just hope that through their hard work , to change the situation of life.

"Look, it's Mr. Gao!"

"The CEO who invented X-fiber?"


"That's the one eating dumplings in the corner. Sitting opposite him is Cao Feiyu, the general manager of the company. Except for R\u0026D, he doesn't care about anything else."

"As expected of a genius, Mr. Gao is so young!"

The new employees were talking. They had just arrived and everything about the company was new to them.

Cao Feiyu looked around and said to Gao Yuan with some confusion: "Why do I feel that these newcomers in the company have similar temperaments?"

Gao Yuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "The reasons are complicated. The main reason is that in our society, diligence is becoming cheaper and cheaper."

"The workers on Foxconn's assembly line are hardworking enough, but they work day and night, but they cannot get a rise in class."

"The same goes for studying. You and the students at Shijia Hutong Primary School have similar talents. You are both hard-working, but the resources behind you are far different. The sports meetings of other primary schools are held in the Bird's Nest, and their teachers are all Peking University and Renmin University. Graduated Ph.D.”

"To use another analogy, you and students from impoverished mountainous areas in Guizhou have similar talents. You are both hard-working, but you have lived in the Jiangnan water town since you were a child. You have no worries about food and clothing. Students in mountainous areas eat rice from the school pot, cabbage stewed with radish, and your teacher He is a professional teacher who graduated from a normal school, and the teacher of the children in the mountainous area is a substitute teacher. He cannot even speak Mandarin well, but he is responsible for teaching the children Chinese. The gap is really huge."

"According to data from the Ministry of Education, in 2020, Tsinghua University broke the historical record since the founding of the People's Republic of China, enrolling a total of 2,744 urban students and 656 rural students."

"This shows what?"

"It shows that the path for rural students to go to prestigious schools has basically been cut off. Even among these 656 rural students, I am afraid that most of them were educated in cities and finally returned to rural college entrance examinations. If we really want to count them as pure rural candidates, there should be very few One."

"As the saying goes, great teachers make great disciples. First-rate schools can send second-rate students to prestigious schools, but second-rate schools can only send first-rate students to ordinary undergraduate schools. This is the gap caused by unfair educational resources."

"Most of the new employees we are recruiting this time come from ordinary families and come from small cities or villages. Their temperaments are somewhat similar."


Cao Feiyu felt incredible after hearing Gao Yuan's words, but at the same time he was convinced because the data was there.

After a pause, Gao Yuan said: "Actually, this is also our luck."

"Lucky?" Cao Feiyu looked puzzled.

Gao Yuan looked into the distance and said, "Look at the smiles on their faces, how satisfied and happy they are."

"Don't they know the work is going to be hard?"

"Of course they know the work is hard, but they don't care because it's difficult for ordinary college graduates to get the salary we provide elsewhere. They are willing to put in some hard work in exchange for high returns."

“Aren’t we lucky to have a group of hard-working employees?”

Time flies by the end of May. With the addition of more than 8,000 new employees, the number of people in Kunlun Company has rapidly expanded to about 10,000.

The company also held its first general meeting. Gao Yuan stepped onto the podium with a smile on his face, welcomed everyone, and also told a very interesting joke.

"This joke is about Huawei." Gao Yuan said: "It is said that once, Huawei hired a Japanese expert with a high salary. On the first day he took office, the expert introduced himself at the meeting and said very proudly that we Japanese are dedicated and love our jobs. , all of them are workaholics and often work overtime. Please try your best to cooperate with me in my work! After saying this, I bowed deeply."

"Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, three months later, the Japanese expert, with red eyes and a livid face, ran to find Mr. Ren to resign. He gave the resignation letter to Mr. Ren and said with grief and anger: I want to protest! You guys are working overtime like this. Inhuman!"


After Gao Yuan finished telling this joke, everyone in the audience laughed wildly, almost crying with laughter.

At this time, Gao Yuan turned serious and said: "I actually don't recommend the overtime system. 996 is anti-human. There's no denying this."

"But sometimes I feel helpless. The cruel reality is before us. Facing countless talented opponents, if we want to defeat them, we can only work harder than them."

"Let me make a statement here."

"In the days to come, I have only one principle, which is to talk less about feelings and give more money. You must work overtime because the research and development tasks are heavy, but you must give enough money! Never let everyone pay for it in vain!"

Gao Yuan's speech to welcome new colleagues was simple and crude, but deeply rooted in people's hearts.

"That's very well said!"

"It can be seen that Mr. Gao is also a sweetheart. This statement is really heartwarming!"

"With tears in my eyes, I looked for several jobs before, and the highest they offered me was 5,000 yuan. It's not easy for ordinary undergraduates to find a job."

"President Gao is a real person. Now that I have said so, I will also express my position. As long as the money is enough, I am willing to work overtime! It's okay to make the company your home!"

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