The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 335 Go all out to develop technology! The earth is unanimously open to the outside world!

As the deep space camera zoomed in, it was revealed to be a piece of metal debris with many mysterious and complex lines on it, forming strange geometric figures.


Gao Yuan took a breath. There is no doubt that the code-named 7737 is a flying object created by some kind of intelligent life. It came with an ulterior purpose and discovered the home of human beings on Earth in the solar system. It also tried to observe it at close range. The earth, or even directly destroy the earth.

As for the purpose of code name 7737, Gao Yuan is actually not sure.

After all, it was approaching the Earth at twelve times the speed of light. Even if it was possible to slow down and avoid the Earth at the last moment without causing harm to the Earth, Takayahara did not dare to take the risk.

The speed is too fast. If code number 7737 really wants to target the earth, the outcome will inevitably be a huge tragedy.

Therefore, Gao Yuan's only choice is to destroy the code-named 7737. Although this will miss the best opportunity to investigate and contact the opponent, it can ensure that every person on earth can see the sun tomorrow.

"Salvage quickly and bring all the fragments back to the base." Gao Yuan locked his eyes and said in a deep voice.

A few days later, the Chinese Imperial Capital.

Gao Yuan walked into a conference room filled with old people, smiling and looking straight.

Gao Yuan has never been a talent cultivated within the system, so he doesn't understand the so-called rules within the system at all. He simply nodded lightly to the elders, and he started his speech without being too humble or arrogant.

The content of the speech was nothing more than code-named 7737. The huge threat posed by this UFO to the earth has attracted unprecedented attention from all over the world. At this moment, not only the big guys from all parties gathered in the conference room, but their attitudes were also extremely dignified. , as if facing a formidable enemy.

"In short." Gao Yuan cleared his throat and said: "Code-named 7737 is undoubtedly an advanced intelligent civilization from outside the solar system. According to the structure and mass analysis of the wreckage, it should be some kind of unmanned detection tracker, with a shell made of advanced synthetic metal. The driving method is likely to be warp drive, remote sensing and data transmission, using quantum entanglement communication technology similar to ours."

"No matter where the civilization behind code name 7737 is, its technological level should surpass ours, and twelve times the speed of light is probably not the opponent's limit speed. Judging from the fact that code name 7737 is full of interest in the earth, the opponent is very likely. Send follow-up probes, or even fleets, to the solar system again..."

Gao Yuan's analysis and summary made the big bosses' faces become more and more serious, and the atmosphere in the conference room reached freezing point. The only sound in the air was Gao Yuan's voice and his increasingly heavy breathing.

"So, what do you think we should do?"

After a long time, an old and thick voice finally came from deep in the conference room.

Gao Yuan smiled slightly, "If my guess is correct, in this world, the first thing most countries and nations think of is to pray to gods for protection, hoping that gods can save them."

Hum ~

There was a soft sneer in the conference room, which was very disrespectful, but this is the traditional attitude of the Chinese nation towards the existence of gods.

And Gao Yuan was not wrong. Since the code-named incident 7737, the religious craze around the world has indeed reached a new high. And the result is naturally that the magicians take the opportunity to make money, collect the belongings of believers, and make a lot of money.

Gao Yuan paused and continued: "We are also helpless about this. It is Kunlun Zenith that protects the earth, but they want to thank their own gods. If you reason with them, they will say, build Kunlun Zenith." It is also God's will. There is such a group of pig teammates on the earth. This is the main reason why I proposed that China should lead the era of stars and seas. Even if I speculate with the best intentions, they are really unreliable."

"At this point, the solution is already obvious. There is no second way except to seek truth from facts and insist on science as the only belief of the Chinese nation."

"For now, research and development on quantum computers is in full swing, but it is still not enough. We are still not invested enough, and we are still not crazy enough, because we obviously don't have much time."

After Gao Yuan finished speaking, there was silence in the conference room.

In the face of a real crisis, it is useless to pray to God, and it is useless to put on airs about qualifications. The only way is to promote the development of science and technology at a faster speed. All factors that hinder the development of science and technology, regardless of people or rules, must ruthlessly eradicated.

I think back then, when the Corona virus broke out, all kinds of ghosts and monsters jumped out. Isatis root prevents and cures pneumonia, Cordyceps prevents and cures pneumonia, and so on.

But in the end, they failed to control the situation.

Facts have proven countless times that only science is the only direction for human progress. All anti-science people, regardless of their age, wealth or status, are complete idiots.

That's what Gao Yuan thought, and that's what he said to the big guys. He didn't hold back at all, and he wasn't afraid of offending anyone or any group. It was really unseemly to curse the villain in the conference room for harming the country, but he also showed his true feelings.

Perhaps only the most loyal believers of Scientology would express such a strong stance.

In any case, Gao Yuan succeeded in the end and received unprecedented support from the entire China.

Around the world, almost everyone on earth knows about the Kunlun Zenith Defense System's firing of thousands of arrows, because the scene was so shocking, with white light bursting out and piercing the sky.

But the strange thing is that no country or authoritative organization has come forward to speak out.

Martial law is still maintained on the Internet. All discussions about the code name 7737, videos recorded by ordinary people when thousands of arrows were fired, etc. are all blocked. The entire Internet on the earth is completely silent.

Even the Western authorities, who have always not dealt with China, have chosen to cooperate. After all, this is a major event related to the life and death of the earth. No one dares to bet on the fate of the earth.

All manpower and material resources are concentrated in the direction of the Tarim Basin, where the Sky City is located.

In this regard, Gao Yuan is quite pleased. Perhaps only when encountering a major life-and-death event can the people of the earth truly unite. Regardless of whether it is true or false, at least public opinion is calm now and the West has not jumped out to hold us back. This is enough. .

The time soon came to July 20th. This was not a regular live broadcast time, but due to the emergency, Gao Yuan could no longer wait. He wanted to complete the quantum computer task as soon as possible and obtain new knowledge from the system.

So, early in the morning, major live broadcast rooms around the world opened on time.

Officials around the world also expressed their support for Gao Yuan. Although many authorities could not figure out why Gao Yuan was obsessed with live broadcasting with new technologies, out of trust in him, they had no choice but to accept it silently and contribute to Gao Yuan's live broadcasts from the sidelines.

With the participation of global officials, the live broadcast this time is unprecedented, and all network resources, computing resources, and publicity resources are all tilted towards the plateau.

At 9:30 a.m. China time, the live broadcast room had just opened, and the number of people reached a record-breaking 300 million. Almost one in every twenty people in the world was waiting in the live broadcast room on the plateau.

"If anything goes wrong, there must be a monster. Boss Gao chooses to live broadcast at an unconventional time. Maybe something big will happen!"

"Do you think it has something to do with the incident in early summer?"

"Shh, it's better not to talk about this kind of thing, or you'll be banned."

“My big and small accounts have been blocked, so I can only watch the live broadcast with my small account.”

"In any case, we believe that Boss Gao is right. There must be a reason behind such strict official control."

After the audience entered the live broadcast room, they discussed and complained wildly. Since the incident related to the code name 7737 is not allowed to be discussed on the Internet, many enthusiastic netizens have long been suppressed for fear of causing panic and turmoil.

This discussion continued until exactly ten o'clock in the morning, when Gao Yuan appeared in front of the camera on time.

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