The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 163 Scientific research trap! March to the bottom of the sea! (1)

In March, spring comes.

After Gao Yuan returned from Hainan, he did not arrange any follow-up live broadcasts. He devoted all his energy to work and directed the Milky Way Eye to run wildly.

In fact, during the recent live broadcasts, Gao Yuan was suspected of using too much force.

As the Kunlun Group masters more and more scientific and technological achievements, Gao Yuan is finally able to use his imagination to do shocking things.

For example, pure carbon materials are boring and ordinary audiences don't like to listen to them at all. However, if carbon materials are used to build Antarctic bases and undersea bridges, it will cause madness and sensation around the world.

This is the huge power of technology to change life.

As far as Gao Yuan knows, the world's top laboratories actually hide research results that are kept under wraps.

However, these research results have never been able to enter people's lives due to factors such as high costs or scarcity of raw materials.

This is like a princess living in an ivory tower. It doesn't matter whether you say she is a princess or a boar, no one knows anyway.

Gao Yuan tried his best to prevent Kunlun Group from being separated from the masses. Whenever a new technology came out, Gao Yuan would personally take charge and supervise the R\u0026D department to realize the scientific research results.

Although Plateau did not start live broadcasting, throughout March, the live broadcast promotion related to Kunlun Technology not only showed no sign of stopping, but intensified.

After all, Kunlun Company is taking the strategic partnership route. Wuling Group’s electric vehicles have been replaced with the latest Aurora engine, and their performance has been greatly improved. They have to promote it, right?

China’s knowledgeable people have long hated the excessive entertainment phenomenon in society. Popular searches on Baidu and Weibo are always filled with celebrity scandals and gossip. The scientific community has devoted all its efforts to achieve research breakthroughs, but the popularity cannot be compared. Cats raised by celebrities.

This time, they were fooled. The Antarctic scientific research base caused a sensation in society. The Polar Research Center simply launched a 24-hour live broadcast to show the construction process of the new Kunlun base to netizens around the world.

Seeing the rapid completion of the huge dome and polymer insulation layer, the self-confidence of Chinese netizens has been greatly improved, and at the same time, it also made the Western scientific research community lament.

After all, human beings are most afraid of comparison.

There is no harm without comparison. Seeing the completion of China's huge base with a diameter of 1,200 meters, polar scientific expedition teams from other countries couldn't sit still and started making crazy complaints.

To sum it up, there are actually only two words, "make money!"

Look at the conditions of the Chinese people, and then look at ours, don’t say anything, just make money quickly!

As a result, the astonishing Antarctic infrastructure competition quickly kicked off.

Although various countries cannot build a dome with a diameter of 1,200 meters, they have made every effort to expand the scale of the Antarctic base. In order to complete it before the heavy snowfall, there are now a large number of transport aircraft over Antarctica every day, and 20 hours of continuous Airdrop operation.

"As expected, after the textile and clothing industry, automobile industry, and energy industry, Boss Gao has drawn the West into the polar scientific research competition."

"What kind of competition is this? It's obviously a trap dug by Boss Gao! He just wants to bring the whole world together to compete for scientific research hegemony. If you don't believe it, you can look at the funding of major universities and government departments around the world. They are all growing crazily."

"That's right. It's hard for ordinary people to understand the cruelty of scientific research competitions. It's really like a general's success and the death of thousands of bones."

"Look at Intel. The former semiconductor overlord has been beaten by AMD and Apple just because it was a few years behind in scientific research. Is this because Intel didn't spend money? No, it's just that they encountered a technical bottleneck. .”

"That's what technology is like. Once a breakthrough is made, the world will be brighter, otherwise it will be doomed."

"Lithography machines cannot even be manufactured in North America. At the end of the competition, North American companies and Japanese companies all fell. Only ASML of the Netherlands is left in the world."

"This is cruel technological competition. There is no such thing as a hundred flowers blooming in the technological world. It has always been a matter of life and death."

Netizens are talking a lot, and many people have begun to realize that the reason why Gao Yuan is so persistent in building the academic website Kunlun Wendao actually has an ulterior secret behind it.

As a private company, Plateau can keep its technology absolutely confidential and not publish research papers.

However, Gao Yuan did the opposite. Not only did he publish papers regularly, but he also promoted it vigorously. Today, Kunlun Wendao has become the best-selling academic journal in the world. Although it has only a Chinese version so far, foreigners will completely read it even if they get it. I don’t understand, but researchers all over the world still flock to it and buy it through mail order.

Now it seems that Plateau is not a conspiracy at all, but a typical conspiracy!

He published the paper, provided enough data and information, and conducted research on this basis. Anyone could achieve the achievements of Kunlun Group, or he could achieve nothing.

Plateau did not have any black-box operations throughout the process. He used live broadcasts to demonstrate the technology live to the world. The theory and data were written into papers for researchers around the world to learn from.

The results and papers are out there. If you want to get them, don’t hesitate to invest heavily in research.

If you can't research it, it can only mean that you are unlucky or not good enough. No wonder Gao Yuan, he didn't force you with a knife and let you spend money on research. Everything is voluntary on your part.

Under such conspiracy and inducement, the global science and technology competition is in full swing. If North America is unwilling to fall behind, will the surrendering countries be willing to do so? The Germans wanted to compete with China, and the Yamato people were also eager to try.

Some people may wonder, scientific research is all about spending money.

There is no country in the world that spends money on education and ends up getting poorer and poorer. In the long history of mankind, all nations that take education seriously have risen without any surprise and left a mark in history. .

In contrast, the barbarians sent the final blow. Although they destroyed the powerful Rome, no one will remember the barbarians. People will only remember the strength and prosperity of the Roman Empire.

Secondly, there is no nation in the world that spends money on scientific research, only to become more and more backward.

Thinking back then, why did I, the Great Huaxia, suddenly fall into a situation of being bullied?

Isn't it because they missed the industrial revolution and couldn't keep up with science and technology? The decadent feudal dynasty was stuck in its ways and refused to learn the science and technology of the small barbarian countries, so it was brutally beaten.

Many good people use this to prove that Plateau is actually doing something stupid. Sooner or later, it will arouse the strong desire for scientific research in the West, causing them to shoot themselves in the foot.

Gao Yuan dismissed this.

The scientific research power of any country is limited. Tens of thousands of scientific researchers are invested in the research of the Kunlun Group's scientific and technological power. As a result, their power to carry out scientific and technological innovation will be reduced. This is called a trade-off. .

What's more, Plateau is absolutely sure that the West cannot fully understand its own technology.

The situation is developing in a direction that Plateau would like to see. However, after entering mid-to-late March, more and more information shows that things are changing.

The world's major R\u0026D institutions are uniting at an alarming speed to form a force against China.

Once they realize technology sharing and personnel circulation among themselves, and Plateau uses scientific research traps to defeat the Western conspiracy, they are likely to go bankrupt.

The current situation is that polymer fiber research is being done in North America, Japan and South Korea, Germany, France and the UK. There are hundreds of teams of various sizes around the world, all engaged in polymer fiber research.

Assuming that a scientific research community is established, these research institutions with repeated investments will be merged and eliminated in large numbers, and the money and manpower wasted in scientific research in the West will be effectively controlled.

However, one step ahead and one step ahead, time is Plateau's best friend. Before the establishment of the Western scientific research community is completed, time is already approaching April 1, the day when Plateau's press conference will be broadcast live.

New black technology is about to emerge.

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