The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 15 Brainstorming and the shocked Boss Xu (four thousand chapters)

Nanjing, Xiyin Group Headquarters.

Boss Xu has not been having a good time recently. He often feels his temples pounding and suffers from panic and headaches.

For this reason, he spent a lot of money to invite an old Chinese doctor who was famous all over the world. After taking Boss Xu's pulse, the old man prescribed a prescription to drink more mung bean soup.

The reason why Boss Xu has a headache is actually this.

Since 2016, Shein, a fast fashion brand owned by the group, has been gaining momentum. After winning the North American market, it was a logical move to Europe.

However, in the European continent, Xiyin Group and several recently emerged Chinese fast fashion companies have been frantically blocked by international giants led by Zara and H.M.

In recent months, the battle has become more intense than ever before. Both sides have resorted to price wars and fought tooth and nail. The headquarters allocates huge amounts of funds every week to launch advertising campaigns and subsidize the serious losses caused by the price war.

"This is not the way to go." Boss Xu frowned and paced back and forth in the office.

He couldn't help but think of the phone call he received two nights ago. The caller was an authoritative person in the imperial capital. The caller made his heart flutter with just one sentence.

"Western giants have dominated the global market for many years, and are backed by international capital. They don't want to fight a price war, but if it does, they won't necessarily be afraid. I know you've been having a hard time recently. If you don't mind, I'll give you a support. Recruit." The authority said.

"Please give me some guidance." Boss Xu agreed hurriedly and respectfully.

"Maybe it's time to add a little bit of technology to your products."

"Technology content?"

"Yes, a domestic company has recently developed a new type of fiber with very powerful performance and is looking for partners. If you are interested, please try to contact us."

So after Boss Xu hung up the phone, he immediately made inquiries and easily found Director Qin of the National Laboratory.

Director Qin was full of praise for X-fiber, so he met Gao Yuan.

At this moment, the car sent by Boss Xu had picked up Gao Yuan and Xu Qingzhou at Nanjing South Railway Station and was on its way back to the company.

Soon after, Gao Yuan and Xu Qingzhou were led by their escorts into Boss Xu's office.

Boss Xu was slightly startled. He had never expected that the two of them were so young. Gao Yuan was in his early twenties, and even though Xu Qingzhou was slightly older, he was only in his mid-twenties.

Boss Xu instinctively walked towards Xu Qingzhou. After all, Gao Yuan was too young. He wore a pair of Wade No. 8 basketball shoes and had no airs as a boss.

"Mr. Xu, this is Boss Gao."

Fortunately, the accompanying person reminded him that Boss Xu didn't make a joke.

After the two parties sat down, Boss Xu soon discovered that the routine he was used to was not applicable here at Gao Yuan. Without too many false politeness, Gao Yuan directly started talking about the technical issues of X-fiber, and asked Xu Qingzhou to take out what he had prepared. Good samples and information.

"Let's talk about cooperation next." Gao Yuan said very frankly: "The supply price of X1 fiber is 30,000 yuan per ton. The specific weaving process and printing and dyeing process will be determined based on your needs..."

What Gao Yuan said was very practical, but Boss Xu started playing Tai Chi with him.

"Boss Xiao Gao and Dr. Xu have come a long way. Why don't we go have a meal first and have a good night's rest. When we are full of energy tomorrow, it won't be too late for us to discuss the contract in detail." Boss Xu said with a smile.

It's not that Boss Xu is hypocritical or anything, he's just a standard businessman. He doesn't make decisions in a hurry, but tests the other party's bottom line first. Gao Yuan grew up in a businessman's family, so he is quite familiar with these routines.

To be honest, a lot of hypocrisy and compromise in the business world are really boring.

It's a pity that Gao Yuan is too weak now and does not have the ability to change the rules. With Boss Xu's worth and status in the world, entertaining Gao Yuan and Xu Qingzhou like this is already considered a good deal.

"That's okay." Gao Yuan said helplessly, but still smiled: "Then let's go back and rest first. Let's talk about anything tomorrow."

In the evening, the reception staff sent Gao Yuan and Xu Qingzhou to the reserved hotel. As for the business banquet, a group of people flattering each other and other unproductive arrangements, Gao Yuan directly declined.

This was his first time in Nanjing. Instead of getting drunk at night, he might as well take this opportunity to see the night view on the Qinhuai River.

"Although he has the same surname as me, I don't like Boss Xu very much."

Xu Qingzhou is indeed a sweet-tempered person. While eating salted duck in a street restaurant, he said to Gao Yuan: "That guy has no sincerity at all. We brought a full set of technical information and samples, and a very competitive quotation. But he resisted, as if we were begging him."

Gao Yuan smiled and said, "It's not that he's pushy, but he doesn't understand our key points. This is how business is done. Let alone our quotation of 30,000 yuan, even if we quote 20,000 yuan or 10,000 yuan, Boss Xu will still bargain. After all, he pursues Profit is the common denominator of all capital.”

"The basis for bargaining is an understanding of the product. I'm sure that Boss Xu's technical team will be very busy tonight. With the caution of a businessman, he doesn't believe our technical indicators. He must test it himself. "

"And in order to lower our prices, he will also look for competing products with similar performance among imported goods. Then he will talk to us, look at Mitsubishi Chemical's fabrics only cost 32,000 yuan, but your domestically produced ones cost less. Why? Can it be sold for thirty thousand?"


Gao Yuan's performance was quite vivid.

Xu Qingzhou muttered: "Anyway, I just don't like this person very much, he's too shrewd."

Gao Yuan laughed loudly after hearing this, "It's a good thing to be smart. How could he have done such a big business if he wasn't smart?"

"And if he is shrewd and cunning, he has to decide who to target. If he uses his shrewdness and cunning to deal with Western companies, not only will I have no objection at all, but I will also strongly support him."

"Today, the peak battle in the field of fast fashion is in full swing. The two warring parties are Chinese forces led by Shein Group, and European forces headed by Spain's Zara Group. This is not only a battle between upstarts and traditional giants in the field of fast fashion. The contest is also a life-and-death showdown between Eastern and Western business groups.”

"We in China already have the largest textile and clothing supply chain in the world. If we also include retail terminals, this will have a huge impact on the traditional forces of Europe and the United States."

“After all, according to the white people’s design, they only need to own the brand and design, and cover the highest value and easiest part of the industrial chain, and leave the hard work of production and manufacturing to the hard-working Asians. "

"So every time an Asian force breaks into the Western stronghold, it will be met with unprecedented backlash. Huawei and ZTE are the most typical examples of this. Instead of working honestly for the West, they actually want to make their own brands. Develop your own technology? Such rebellious behavior must be completely banned."

"Before Huawei and ZTE, there were Japanese companies. At the end of the last century, North America's methods of suppressing Japan were no worse than today. I went over the wall a while ago to see that since the trade war between us and North America broke out, many Japanese people remembered The forum was full of sorrow for my own humiliation, but the scene was quite interesting."

"NND." Dr. Xu, who has always been gentle and gentle, couldn't help but cursed, "It turns out that I only knew that it was very difficult for our technology companies to survive. I never thought that even ordinary companies would be targeted? The whole of Asia was suppressed? They are so Domineering, why?”

Gao Yuan said calmly: "In 1441 AD, a Portuguese named Antao Goncalves captured ten black slaves from near Cape Brown in Africa and brought them to the Portuguese capital Lisbon for sale. This started a decades-long chain of events. Hundreds of years, the beginning of the evil slave trade in the West.”

“Today, although visible slavery has disappeared, invisible slavery and colonialism still exist. The currency of West Africa is called the CFA franc. The national foreign exchange reserves are kept by the Bank of France. The French nuclear power giant Areva, With 70% of the uranium mines in Africa, even those African countries that are poor and starving to death still use equipment imported from France, and even small things such as wires and switches must use French Schneider."

"Of course, as we continue to march into Africa, the situation has improved somewhat. But unfortunately, our help in Africa's development can only result in the West becoming more hostile and slanderous towards us."

"The so-called human community is of course a beautiful wish, but before building a human community, there is a prerequisite, that is, Western hegemony must be completely liquidated."

After a pause, Gao Yuan continued: "If you start from this point, you will find that the character of Boss Xu and whether he is cunning in business is not a problem at all, or it is not a big problem."

"This is just like we all know that the screen quality of Huawei's mobile phones has always been problematic. Since there are problems, should we criticize it?"

"Of course it should be, but if you want Huawei to die quickly because of this problem, then you are stupid and bad."


Xu Qingzhou took a deep breath and stared at Gao Yuan with strange eyes for more than ten seconds, "I learned another lesson from you today. Sometimes I really wonder if you spend all your spare time thinking. Those deep social issues.”

Gao Yuan smiled and said, "That's not true. I occasionally think about women."

"I just think it's not a bad idea to cooperate with a company like Xiyin to combat Western hegemony and make some money at the same time."

"We have to earn money. The only question is, should we earn it standing or kneeling."

Between Gao Yuan and Xu Qingzhou, similar discussions take place every day, which is equivalent to brainstorming again and again. Many wonderful thoughts and ideas are generated during the collision and exchange of their minds.

Gao Yuan likes to chat with people like Xu Qingzhou, who are smart and have similar views, because they can inspire inspiration.

Late at night, when they returned to the hotel after visiting the Qinhuai River together, ideas about business cooperation, and even the direction of development in the next few years, gradually took shape in Gao Yuan's mind.

As the saying goes, if the light is not turned on, it will not turn on, and if the reason is not argued, it will not be clear. This is probably what it means.

Early the next morning, Boss Xu summoned the company's technical director Zhang Guangling in the office.

After a whole night of intense testing and analysis, Zhang Guangling's eyes were red at this moment, but he was energetic and bright, as if he had been greatly stimulated.

"Talk like a human being." Boss Xu frowned slightly and complained: "I haven't been to school very much, so I can't understand your professional terms, so just tell me the performance. If you can achieve the same results as DuPont's COOLMAX fabric, that's it."

Zhang Guangling wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a trembling voice: "It's not a matter of percentage, but it's nearly three times more than DuPont!"

"Three times?" Boss Xu was immediately excited, "Three times you said!?"

Zhang Guangling said quickly: "It can't be wrong. The technical department has already blown up. No one expected that the quality of Kunlun Company's products is so awesome!"

"It stands to reason that most manufacturers will always add water to technical indicators and falsely mark some parameters to facilitate product promotion."

"However, this Kunlun company not only did not have any false claims, but also underreported a lot. I have been working in the industry for decades and I have never seen anything like this!"

Boss Xu suddenly remembered what the authoritative person in the Imperial Capital said. Blindly competing on price is not the answer. Maybe you can try to improve the technological content of the product...

Technological content!

science and technology!

Boss Xu's expression became very solemn, and he quickly asked Zhang Guangling to continue the introduction.

As Zhang Guangling described the extraordinary performance of X-fiber in the simplest possible language, Boss Xu's eyes gradually began to shine.

The current era is the era of technology!

Take the field of sportswear as an example. Ever since Nike Group launched the incredible high-tech running shoes, ZoomX Vaporfly NEXT, which helped Kipchoge break the two-hour marathon barrier, the track and field world has gone crazy!

All sports-loving people around the world went crazy!

Nike Group's sales surge!

And their old rival Adidas Group suffered a huge loss of 5.6 billion in the second quarter alone!

The reasons for such huge losses are of course complicated, but in recent years the Adidas Group has been at a technical disadvantage and has an unshirkable responsibility.

The three stripes and clover logo are still cool, but unfortunately from a technological perspective, Adidas is no longer a rival to Nike.

"Go quickly and invite that little boss Gao here."

"No, prepare a car and I'll go to the hotel to buy it myself!"

Thinking of this, Boss Xu gritted his teeth and hurriedly left the office.

Oh my gosh, it’s already half past one in the morning after writing and uploading. What kind of efficiency is this?

Please recommend! Please collect it! Please give me a reward!

At 10:30, a message came from the background that this chapter had been blocked and it was requested to be revised.


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