The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 149 Beating! Freak! Genius girl! The boss is awesome! (2)


Gao Yuan was stunned at the time. Anyone who could write about aircraft control was already a super expert. But this senior brother Chu Hongfei actually wrote about rocket control and spacecraft control?

At this time, Su Jiuzhou added, "Chu Hongfei and two other experts work together on the underlying architecture and route logic of aerospace software. It is really important in the group. Otherwise, I would have fired him for his bad temper." ”

Let me go, feelings are still system architects! ?


Gao Yuan sighed again, giving a thumbs up in his heart.

There are several communities around the Aerospace City, all of which are prepared for employees of the Aerospace Group.

Chu Hongfei lived in one of the communities. Song Yuewen called him, but Chu Hongfei didn't answer, so Song Yuewen suggested going directly to his home.

He had just called the group, and the person in charge said that Chu Hongfei did not go to work today. The tone seemed helpless, and the person in charge was not sure who was the leader, between him and Chu Hongfei.

Han Chang drove straight in and arrived at the downstairs of Chu Hongfei's house.

Song Yuewen thought for a moment and said, "In this case, the boss and I will go up. Senior Brother Chu doesn't like crowds."

Su Jiuzhou originally didn't want to see his prickly subordinate, so he immediately nodded and agreed. Gao Yuan asked Cao Feiyu to stay with Mr. Su and Han Chang, then walked out of the carriage and got into the elevator with Song Yuewen.

Bang bang bang~

Song Yuewen knocked on a door. Soon, the door opened and the head of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl popped out. She had a ponytail and fair skin. It seemed that she rarely saw the sun. Her skin was so white that it almost glowed. .

"Luoluo, I am your father's colleague. Is he at home?" Song Yuewen said to the girl.

The girl shook her head slightly, opened the door and said, "Father has gone swimming. You can come in and wait for him."


Song Yuewen agreed and entered the living room with Gao Yuan.

Contrary to imagination, perhaps because of the relationship between the girl Chu Luoluo, the home was extremely clean, but there was no place to sit in the huge living room, only a blanket in the middle.

Looking around, there are white boards all around, filled with complicated and mysterious numbers and formulas. If you don't have enough mathematical skills, you may get dizzy just by looking at them twice.

After the girl let Gao Yuan and Song Yuewen in, she returned to the room, minding her own business and no longer caring about them.

Song Yuewen sighed and said, "It's not easy for Senior Brother Chu. He had a childhood sweetheart, but she got cancer not long after giving birth to Luo Luo, and she passed away within a few months. Senior Brother also became mentally unstable because of this. "

"It turns out she is Senior Brother Chu's daughter. She has grown so big." Gao Yuan sighed with emotion.

Song Yuewen said: "Senior brother Chu is different from us singles. There are a lot of people in their thirties and forties who are not yet married. Senior brother has been in love with his wife since he was in elementary school, and got married and had children right after graduating from college."

"I'm accustomed to the bird in the cage, raising its feathers to touch the corners, and the people in the poor alleys, holding their shadows to guard the empty houses."

"This poem is the origin of Chu Luoluo's name. Senior brother and his wife are both rare geniuses. They have no regard for anyone except each other. It's a pity that fate has its way with people."

Gao Yuan nodded slightly, as if he saw two geniuses who were childhood sweethearts. They had high IQs and grew up together. They had the same feelings for each other and talked about everything. However, in the end they had to face the tragic situation of separation and death. This kind of blow may not be experienced by everyone. Can withstand it.

Gao Yuan wandered around the living room, looking at the whiteboards one after another.

"Is this calculating satellite orbits?"

"Oh, it turns out it's the attitude control of the aircraft..."

Gao Yuan was very excited. After receiving system knowledge three times in a row, his personal abilities were no longer what they used to be. Although he had never set foot in the field of aerospace exploration, he could actually understand seven to eight points of the formulas and numbers written by Chu Hongfei. .


Gao Yuan stopped and stared at a whiteboard in the corner.

What was written on the whiteboard was a deduction, but it was not in Chinese or English, but in an extremely ancient and rare script, so much so that even Gao Yuan, who had the ability to know all languages, did not react for a long time.

"Senior brother Chu Hongfei still understands Sumerian?" Gao Yuan asked Song Yuewen suspiciously.

"What language?"

"Sumerian, the main language in Mesopotamia in 3500 BC." Gao Yuan explained.

Song Yuewen looked confused, "It's impossible. Senior Brother Chu is a prodigy in mathematics, but his language skills are quite mediocre. He probably only knows some English. It's impossible for him to know anything about Sumerian."

"But my senior brother's wife is a language genius. She once performed Shakespeare's masterpiece King Lear in Latin at the Computer Science Institute's New Year's Party."

At this time, Chu Luoluo also came to the living room at some point. She looked at Gao Yuan curiously, and then at the ghostly writing on the whiteboard.

"I wrote this." Chu Luoluo said lightly.

"Awesome! It turns out that you not only inherited Senior Brother Chu's mathematical talent, but also your mother's language..."

Song Yuewen was excited for a moment and blurted out. He wanted to praise Chu Luoluo for inheriting his parents' language talent, but suddenly he remembered that this poor child was only two years old and his mother left. Then he got choked up in his throat and could no longer speak.

Chu Luoluo said generously: "I did learn several languages ​​​​in my spare time as a pastime in life."

Does anyone use the language of 3500 BC for entertainment?

Song Yuewen scratched his head, suddenly feeling that life was meaningless.

Chu Luoluo raised her little head and stared at Gao Yuan seriously, "Can Mr. Gao understand these words?"

After hearing this, Song Yuewen, who was originally depressed, cheered up and said, "Yes, boss, how do you know Sumerian?"

Gao Yuan smiled and said to Chu Luoluo: "Actually, I'm similar to you. I also learn some languages ​​in my spare time to relax my mind. In addition, I also think that if I travel abroad in the future, it will be convenient to know a few more languages."

"Teach yourself Sumerian just to relax your mind?"


"So, you can understand what I wrote?"

"Absolutely." Gao Yuan shrugged.

"Can you please translate it?" Chu Luoluo said to Gao Yuan very politely: "It is very rare to meet people who understand Sumerian. I am a little excited now, so I took the liberty."

Gao Yuan said disapprovingly: "What's this? Listen."

"Suppose one day the sun suddenly disappears. Twelve hours later, the average temperature on the earth's surface will drop from 14.7°C to 14.3°C."

"A week later, the surface temperature drops to 12.2°C, and most of China will be frozen."

"Half a year later, the average surface temperature was -5.01°C, and all land was covered with ice and snow."

"Two years later, the average surface temperature will be -41.1°C, the earth will be completely frozen, and humans will be completely extinct."

After a pause, Gao Yuan frowned and said, "Just now it was a climate check. Next, you simulated a scene in which a mysterious alien celestial body suddenly appeared in the earth-moon system after the sun disappeared, causing a huge disaster."

"Due to the huge gravity and mass, the moon and the mysterious star collided first, and then fell towards the earth together."

"The earth was violently impacted and began to burn hotly. The average surface temperature reached a maximum of 1473°C, the mass dropped from 1.00earth to 57.4moon, the diameter slimmed down from 6373km to 6319km, and further collapsed to 5734km, and the density dropped from 5.51g/cm^3 It loosens to 3.99g/cm^3, and due to collapse, finally returns to 5.34g/cm^3..."

At this point, Gao Yuan shook his head and said to himself: "Classmate Chu Luoluo, your imagination is really big. Even if the sun disappears, why is there still a star with a mass equal to the moon? How about a place only 40,000 kilometers away from the earth?”

With that said, Gao Yuan turned to look at Chu Luoluo, only to see an embarrassing scene for him.

I saw the girl clenching her fists, her starry eyes shining, all she could see in her eyes, her snow-white face flushed, and she said excitedly: "Mr. Gao, it turns out that you not only understand Sumerian, but also celestial mechanics! Take my I also understand calculations!”

What's happening here?

Gao Yuan was a little nervous, why was the girl who was so generous just now so excited now, as if she was about to pounce on him at any moment when he met his idol's little crush.

So he hurriedly said to Song Yuewen: "How about you call Senior Brother Chu and see if he will be back soon. If he is too busy, let's come back to visit another day."

However, when Gao Yuan saw Song Yuewen's expression clearly, he was shocked again and saw that this guy also looked excited.

"Boss is awesome!" Song Yuewen said excitedly: "Sumerian plus celestial mechanics! Boss, you are so awesome! You know so much!"

Gao Yuan Takuma: " seems like the pretense is a bit too much..."

Chu Luoluo said shyly: "Um, may I ask, apart from Sumerian, has Mr. Gao taught himself any other languages?"

Gao Yuan frowned, "Did you just speak Latin?"

Chu Luoluo was suddenly startled, and gradually opened her mouth, "Yes, what I just said was Latin! Mr. Gao actually understood it!?"

Song Yuewen: "Latin? The boss is awesome!"

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