The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 142 From cars to motorcycles, the era of flight is about to begin! (1)

So this is ah…

Gao Yuan nodded slightly and said to the camera: "Dear viewers, the poverty level of Laos is indeed beyond my expectation. As a sovereign country, they don't even have their own fighter jets. Mr. Lu Xun once said that weakness means weakness. It’s the original sin. If one day they are invaded by a foreign enemy, I’m afraid it will be difficult to withstand it.”

After saying this, Gao Yuan suddenly put on a serious face and said seriously: "In addition, in view of the increasing rise of dog-licking and feminism in China, some boys are increasingly unable to stand the tsundere culture of domestic girls. I have strong feelings for them. It is recommended to take a longer-term view.”

"The essence of love is romance, but the essence of marriage is the exchange of interests. In ancient times, productivity was low and life was difficult. One person often couldn't survive, so there was a situation where men farmed and women weaved, and two people lived together. This is marriage. The origin of."

"In Laos, the monthly salary of an ordinary girl is about 10,000 to 20,000 Lao dollars, equivalent to RMB 700 to 1,400 yuan. I believe that most domestic boys will become quite attractive when they arrive in Laos. , local girls are also proud to marry Chinese boys, and as China’s national power increases, this phenomenon will become more and more common.”

"Of course, I am not encouraging everyone to find foreign wives, but I am pointing out a choice. When you are hurt by love, feel discouraged, and your life is full of confusion, I suggest that you go for a walk around. Look at those girls who work hard to survive but only get a meager salary, talk to them about life, and taste what it feels like to be licked by others."

"Hahaha, Boss Gao just went to discuss life with the Lao girl, right?"

"I was really moved when someone licked me!"

"I often go to Laos. It's not that the girls there are not materialistic, but because of poor economic conditions, they have relatively low material requirements. They don't need a steak dinner. If you treat them to a bowl of chicken noodle, they will I feel very happy, very grateful to you, and dream about being with you and eating chicken rice noodles every day from now on."

"Is that so? Is it okay to eat rice noodles? I treated girls to Pizza Hut in China, and they were called poor people behind my back."

"I feel the same way. Why is it that when we eat together, it's always the boys who treat us, while the girls not only don't pay for it, but they pick and choose?"

"Laos doesn't do this. With a plate of barbecue, a plate of green mangoes, and a box of Laotian beer, you can have fun with a group of little girls all night long. Don't ask me how you know, just ask and you'll be in heaven!"

"This feeling is so happy!"

"It seems like I have it!"

"The last time I bought a small gift for a girl, she felt satisfied and excited. It was when she was in elementary school..."

"To be honest, instead of spending hundreds of thousands of yuan in bride price to marry a wife in China, it is better to find a girl from Laos, Khmer, or Myanmar as your wife. At least she will not dislike you for making less money."

"I heard that Vietnam is also good?"

"There are good ones everywhere, but the key is to work hard on your inner strength."

Plateau's small proposal sparked a huge response among young people.

China is essentially a competitive society. You have to fight for school, work, and reproductive rights. Young people often live a very tiring life, so everyone yearns for an easy love and marriage.

Gao Yuan's words were more like telling an interesting joke. Although most people may not have the courage to go to Laos to find a girl after hearing it, it is quite comfortable to secretly have sex in their hearts.

The flying car flew steadily over Laos. As far as the eye could see, the mountains were densely forested and sparsely populated. Occasionally it flew over some villages, which were also extremely poor. Most people lived in wooden stilt houses with bare walls, and few houses were built with masonry structures.

The live broadcast was shot using dual lenses. The screen was split in two from the center. On one side was the scenery passing by during the flight, and on the other side was the plateau talking.

"To a certain extent, plundering women of childbearing age from neighboring countries is also an inevitable part of social development."

"There is only so much wealth in the world. If all the Chinese people are allowed to eat beef and live in big houses, then the West will inevitably be driven into poverty. This is the ultimate contradiction between us and the West. It is completely impossible to reconcile, and it will never be possible. Can't coexist."

"At the same time, as long as any society reaches a moderate level of development or above, the fertility rate will inevitably decline, especially in East Asia under the influence of Confucian culture. Didn't you see that the fertility rate in South Korea has dropped to 0.9? A few years ago, we were still talking about Japan's fertility rate. The plummeting birth rate may be a pill, but from a statistical point of view, South Korea is a real pill. If the fertility rate of 0.9 is reversed, even gods cannot save it if we don't find a way to reverse it."

"Similarly, our country is also experiencing the problem of plummeting fertility rates. There are only two solutions. One is to introduce immigrants on a large scale. France and Germany in Europe adopt this strategy. The former introduces a large number of African immigrants, and the latter introduces Turkish immigrants. So fond of it.”

“Another strategy is to reward childbearing, directly pay families with children, provide socialized support, and reduce the burden of childcare. At the same time, domestic men are encouraged to expand outward and plunder women of childbearing age from neighboring countries. "

"I know that the word plunder sounds cruel and uncivilized, but sometimes cruelty is the essence of how the world works. Compared with the disastrous consequences of population collapse, is it just and right to plunder women from neighboring countries? Cruelty, does it really matter?”

"Dear viewers, if it were you, would you like to introduce labor immigrants, or would you like to introduce women of working age from surrounding areas?"

Gao Yuan's live broadcast today was full of strong ideological overtones and destined to bring huge controversy. As soon as he finished speaking, the barrage began to explode crazily.

“Absolutely no immigrants can be introduced!”

"Whoever dares to bring Uncle Black into China will be a sinner for the ages!"

"Not even Ah San!"

"When Boss Gao said this, I felt that the problem seemed very serious. China's fertility rate has plummeted to 1.4!"

"No need to laugh at South Korea. In fact, we are really no better than South Korea."

"There's nothing I can do about it. The commonality among Confucian civilizations is that even Vietnam has dropped to 1.9. If you have anything to do with East Asian culture, there is no one with a high fertility rate."

Gao Yuan led everyone along the way, and time passed quickly.

Soon after, the two test pilots in front said: "Mr. Gao Yuan, we are about to enter Khmer, that is, Cambodia. In about seven minutes, we will land. Please be ready."

So fast! ?

Gao Yuan was surprised, as were the other people on the flying car, and the netizens watching the live broadcast were also surprised.

Smiling slightly, Gao Yuan faced the camera and said: "The best way to fly in the world is to arrive at your destination before you even feel anything."

"Unlike traditional airplanes, all-electric flying cars are quieter and more stable. And because we use polymer composite materials for the body structure, the sound insulation and anti-shake are also very good. Everyone says that the high-speed train is quiet and the handrails can Hold the coin, I think we are actually not much worse than the high-speed rail."


"Really, I flew for an hour and a half without realizing it!"

“It’s such a quiet flying experience!”

"With flying cars, who would want to fly? I really can't stand the loud noise on the plane. I get tinnitus every time."

"The main thing is that Boss Gao knows how to talk and knows too much. With him leading us to chat, we won't feel bored at all."

"Indeed, my mind follows Boss Gao, and it's like I'm wandering in the sky. Just now, my mind was full of scramjet engines, but now I'm thinking of all the ladies from Laos."

"Hahaha! I'm going to be laughed to death by the people upstairs!"

"Is it ridiculous? After Boss Gao said this, I suddenly felt that marrying a foreign girl is my unshirkable responsibility as a member of Chinese civilization!"

"Leave it to me to save the Vietnamese girl!"

As the barrage was being refreshed like crazy, Cao Feiyu held his forehead in the background and sighed. He really couldn't let Gao Yuan play freely. A good live broadcast was completely distorted by him. What's all this and what?


The flying car began to land after entering Khmer territory, and finally landed on a piece of red soil beside the Mekong River.

When Gao Yuan and others walked out of the cabin, they suddenly felt the sun was dazzling and the temperature was hot.

"Look, everyone, this is our destination!" Gao Yuan's eyes lit up and he pointed forward.

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please recommend!

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