The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 136 Things are starting to change, there is no Europe and North America! (1)

According to the schedule, the next morning, Plateau held a video conference with six major strategic partners in the automotive field.

Because the relationship was so important, Kunlun Company's other strategic partners also came to watch, and it turned into a plenary meeting of strategic partners.

Sitting in his office, Gao Yuan said with a smile: "Everyone should know the important news announced by the national team yesterday, right?"

Scanning his eyes, Gao Yuan saw that everyone was nodding. Mr. Zhu of Changan Group had successfully pocketed the fortune and transformed into the boss of China's automobile industry. At this moment, he looked even more heroic and excited.

Gao Yuan said: "Then let us warmly welcome our new strategic partner in the automotive field, Mr. Chen of Wuling Group!"

The screen flickered a few times, and a new window popped up. In the window was a middle-aged man with thinning hair and black-rimmed glasses.

"Hello, Mr. Chen!"

“Welcome to the Solid State Battery Vehicle Alliance!”

"My wife likes your car best."

Everyone greeted them warmly, and Mr. Chen said a few polite words in a very humble manner. This group of CEOs from all walks of life chatted with each other, and the topic was naturally inseparable from the major reshuffle in the automobile industry.

"How can there be so many inside stories?" Chang'an Group CEO Zhu said with a smile when facing everyone's questions: "It's nothing more than taking himself too seriously, and at the same time not taking Boss Gao too seriously, which led to tragedy. "

"In the recent period, Boss Gao came to Beijing four times in a month and discussed the issue very clearly with the superiors. However, he couldn't see the situation clearly, and he worked with the foreign companies to force the palace. The foreign companies cut prices and made trouble, and they also followed suit. Isn’t this an obvious sign of elbows turning outwards? The higher-ups were anxious at that time! Forget about others, you are the first group! Even you are doing this nonsense, do you still want to lead this team in the future!? "

So this is ah…

Everyone nodded repeatedly and secretly made up their minds to learn from this in the future.

"Okay, we'll talk about other things later. Since everyone can gather here today, we will be partners who support each other from now on." Gao Yuan said solemnly: "It was originally just a meeting for the automobile industry, but I think there are some things we still need to talk about. It was clear, so I called everyone.”

After hearing what Gao Yuan said, everyone became serious.

Geely's boss Li asked curiously: "Will we really give up overseas markets and shift our focus back to China in the future?"

Geely's Volvo brand has huge sales overseas. If the alliance really decides to abandon the overseas market, it will obviously have a huge impact on it.

Gao Yuan smiled and said: "Boss Li misunderstood. It is not that we give up the overseas market, but that we actively choose a new strategic direction."

New strategic direction?

Everyone was suspicious.

Gao Yuan adjusted the camera to focus on the huge world map in his office. "Look, there are more than two hundred countries and regions in this world. The West is only a part of the world, not the whole world."

"Take solid-state battery cars as an example. It is not a separate project. Just selling cars is not enough. Our ultimate goal is to sell energy and photovoltaic power stations!"

"The problem now is that when we marched to the west, we encountered strong resistance. Let alone buying photovoltaic power stations from us, they didn't even want solid-state battery vehicles."

"The West is strictly guarding against us, for fear of impacting their market. In this case, why should we put our hot face on others' cold buttocks? They don't want to buy, and we don't want to sell yet!"

"So I plan to put it aside first and focus on domestic construction. If there is still some spare capacity, I will focus on the Asian and African markets and strive to bring cars and photovoltaic power plants to overseas markets together!"

Everyone was silent. The decision to leave the Western market was not easy. Everyone was hesitant.

But they were finally convinced by Gao Yuan. The world is big and the West is not the whole world.

"One more thing, when are you going to liquidate your joint venture shares?" Gao Yuan asked.

Mr. Chen from Wuling Group said sternly: "On April 19, 2018, the state announced that overseas automobile companies will be allowed to operate sole proprietorships in China."

"Subsequently, on May 13, 2020, BAIC Group officially withdrew from BAIC Deben. At this point, Mercedes-Benz became the first wholly foreign-owned automobile company in China."

"The case of Beijing Gas and Mercedes-Benz breaking up can be used as a reference for us. The separation is inevitable, but it will take some time. I believe it should be completed in half a year at most."

North America, Western Automobile Alliance.

"We are very embarrassed now." A representative of the Volkswagen Group said very annoyed at the meeting: "We pushed the price to the bottom in one fell swoop, guarded against it, and waited for Huaxia Electric Vehicles to attack, but now they are not coming!"

"What should we do? If we raise the price back, consumers will definitely not agree. If we don't raise the price, there will be no profit at all. Such a large group operates day and night, and the profit is not enough to buy a hamburger. What are we trying to do?"


Everyone sighed, life is hard these days, and the landlord's family has no food left.

Volkswagen has already calculated that French Citroen, Italian Fiat and other companies have fallen into huge losses and have to resort to layoffs to save the crisis.

"Have you noticed?" The Toyota Group representative tapped the table with his fingers. "Any industry in which Chinese people participate will eventually become very tragic. As far as I know, before our Automobile Alliance, the chemical fiber and tire industries also entered In a state of half-death."

Everyone smiled bitterly. They also knew what happened in the field of chemical fiber and tires. Take the tire giant Goodyear as an example. They finally retained part of the market share with their low-price strategy, but at the same time, they lost all their market share. profit.

As a result, the situation becomes more embarrassing. If you continue to make tires, you will not make money, and you may even lose money. Not making tires is equivalent to voluntarily giving up the market.

This is really a dilemma.

In the first round of the war, Gao Yuan did not kill all his opponents, but he also made their lives worse than death.

News of the great integration of China's automobile industry quickly spread around the world.

This is of course a big event. After this round of strong industrial restructuring and the withdrawal of foreign capital, China’s annual production capacity of 28 million vehicles, of which about 20 million vehicles, will eventually belong to the solid-state battery vehicles led by Kunlun Company. alliance.

Of the 8 million units of production capacity allocated, some foreign investors are determined not to withdraw their shares, and some have backward production capacity and need to be eliminated immediately.

In short, China now has a production capacity of 20 million, which is of high quality and has real combat effectiveness. Sixty percent of it belongs to the national team and 40% to private enterprises.

However, for Western melon-eating people, what they talk about most is not industrial integration, but Gao Yuan’s 180-degree change in attitude towards the West during the live broadcast.

"What's so cool about it? It's just a solid-state battery car. Since my grandfather's grandfather, our family has been a loyal customer of Ford."

"In our area of ​​Ohio, electric cars don't work very well, so tough guys should drive pickup trucks! The eight-cylinder kind!"

"If those Chinese guys don't sell solid-state battery cars to the West, who are they trying to scare? I don't even want that junk!"

"Long live German quality!"

"Germany is the king of machinery!"

In general, both the rednecks in North America and the Angsa in continental Europe find the plateau annoying.

Gao Yuan said that he would not sell solid-state battery vehicles to the West unless more money was added. This was undoubtedly a provocation and seriously hurt the pride of Westerners.

However, within a few days, things started to go wrong.

With the arrival of severe cold, Kunlun Company launched the second generation of super thermal fiber on December 5th, and named this fiber, Kunlun Fireworks.

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