The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 134 Crazy automobile industry earthquake! (1)

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the six major state-owned banks have provided interest-free loans for solid-state battery vehicles for up to ten years. Behind such a big move, there must be the backing of the national team.

"Awesome! The national team went out in person to forcefully promote solid-state battery vehicles!"

"Will this cause a financial deficit?"

"You think too much. As long as the automobile industry is won, it will drive the development of the entire industrial chain. From the manufacturers of motors to the manufacturers of car seat cushions, they will all benefit from this!"

"The important thing is to seize the lead. Most of the key patents for fuel vehicles come from the West. Our promotion of electric vehicles is equivalent to overtaking in corners and opening up a second battlefield."

The audience was talking a lot. Most people understood the good intentions of the national team. The forced promotion of solid-state battery vehicles is a bit like industrial parks of various sizes, offering favorable conditions to attract manufacturers to settle in. As long as it can create jobs and In terms of taxes, even if the authorities provide factories for free, it is still cost-effective.

Solid-state electric vehicles are of great significance to China. Industry standards and patents are all in the hands of Kunlun Company. It is a completely independent industry.

Gao Yuan smiled and said: "I know that everyone must be cheering for the strong entry of the six major banks, but please don't be too happy too early. There are rules for everything. The interest-free loans of the six major banks are not casual. You can get it.”

"First of all, subsidized models are limited to mini cars, small cars, light commercial vehicles, heavy-duty trucks, all-electric barges, etc."

"Assuming that you can afford hundreds of thousands of dollars for a large car, it means that your financial situation is good. Isn't it too unkind for rich people to expect the state to subsidize you?"

"Suppose you are a member of the ordinary working class and need a car to transport your wife and children, buy groceries on daily basis, and occasionally go out for outings on weekends, then you are welcome to use the interest-free loan service."

"Suppose you want to start a small business, selling sausages, milk tea, and fried cold noodles on the street. You can also apply for an interest-free loan and buy a mobile stall truck."

"In short, this time's interest subsidy is targeted at people who really need it, as well as the shipping and logistics industry, which is crucial to economic development, and the physical manufacturing industry that has been working hard to persist in recent years."

"Another benefit of subsidizing small and micro cars is to alleviate the increasingly serious traffic pressure. Just like Japan has special discounts for K-class cars, China will also introduce similar policies in the future to encourage everyone to drive It’s a small car, don’t buy a big one just to save face.”

“In the past, people may have had concerns that small cars were unsafe, couldn’t drive on highways, and couldn’t travel long distances. But after the last few live broadcasts, I think everyone should have seen that the previous small cars may have shortcomings. But solid-state battery vehicles are not only very safe, but there is absolutely no problem running to Lhasa!”

Gao Yuan introduced some of the latest industrial policies, and everyone responded enthusiastically during the barrage.

"We should have encouraged small cars a long time ago. Traffic jams at work every day make me question my life!"

"Targeted subsidies for manufacturing are good, but we need to prevent further industrial outflows."

"That's right. Using people's money to subsidize Tesla is completely robbing the poor to give to the rich. People who can afford Tesla don't need subsidies at all, and raising taxes is almost enough."

Gao Yuan showed a helpless smile and said: "That's about it for interest-free loans. It's limited to China. We don't care about it abroad."

"I once told my strategic partners that the automobile industry is very involved and we must occupy the international market at all costs."

"As a result, everyone has seen that not only the West has established an automobile alliance and is desperately trying to cut prices to resist, but recently we have even heard rumors that Western countries are preparing to increase taxes on solid-state battery vehicles from China. Anyway, after all, they are trying to mess with us. mean."

"Forget it, I'm really tired." Gao Yuan shrugged and said, "Originally, I really wanted to recommend the solid-state battery car to consumers around the world, because it is indeed a good thing, with long battery life, low cost, and anti-manufacturing resistance. , is not easily damaged, has low maintenance costs, and its safety factor even exceeds that of tanks.”

"It's a pity that the situation does not allow it. The overseas market is full of difficulties. In this case, from now on, the China Electric Vehicle Alliance will focus on the domestic market. As for the foreign market, let's talk about it later. Of course, there is a modification to everything. I am eager to Foreign consumers of solid-state battery vehicles can choose to add money."

"That's all the content of today's live broadcast!" Gao Yuan said loudly: "We have launched the super carbon material, Kunlun Dark Star, and launched the solid-state battery vehicle discount loan business. By the way, we have also established the future development direction, based on domestic and overseas auxiliary."

"You may be wondering, the supply of solid-state battery vehicles exceeds the demand. How do you plan to solve this problem?"

"To be honest, I can't solve it. After all, I'm not a shareholder of one of those big manufacturers."

"But there are people who can solve the problems that I can't solve!"

"Please wait and see what happens in the next few days!"

"In addition, I would like to remind everyone that the launch of Kunlun Dark Star technology will not only manufacture electric vehicles, but also solve the big problems that have been plaguing us!"

"On New Year's Day one month later, that is, January 1, we will start the live broadcast again to bring you truly epoch-making super products!"

"Everyone is welcome to watch the live broadcast on time."

"Goodbye! Let's see you in the New Year!"

As Gao Yuan stepped down from the podium, this live broadcast came to an end.

But in the last few minutes, the amount of information Gao Yuan revealed was really huge, causing a storm among the audience.

"The production capacity problem is about to be solved? How to solve it!?"

"I don't know. Kunlun currently only has five partners, BYD, Changan, NIO, Geely, Great Wall, and Chery."

"It's not that I underestimate them. Just the Kunlun Company's partners have a combined production capacity of only three to four million. It is impossible to solve the shortage problem."

"Yes, even if we work around the clock and drive them all to death, we won't be able to sell enough."

"The largest production capacity is in the hands of factories like Qi Qi, Shangqi, and Guangqi."

"But damn, these big manufacturers just don't buy Boss Gao's account!"

"It's normal. Toyota, Volkswagen and countless other international giants are standing behind Yiqi. They have no friendship with Boss Gao, so why should they contribute? On the contrary, they have deep friendship with those international giants."

Netizens complained one after another, feeling that Gaoyuan’s current strength is simply not enough to solve the production capacity problem.

"You have all misunderstood the point. The highlight of today's press conference is actually Duke Kunlun's change of attitude!"

"Why has your attitude changed?"

"Didn't you hear what Boss Gao said? They will be based in China from now on."

"And he also said something else: foreign consumers who want solid-state battery vehicles have to pay more!"


During the discussion, netizens suddenly realized that the situation has reversed. Now it is no longer a question of China being eager to sell solid-state battery vehicles, but a question of whether Gaoyuan is starting to consider whether to sell them!

"Take electric trucks as an example. Once this becomes popular in the West, how much cost can it reduce for them?"

"It's absolutely true that logistics is also an important expenditure item in production costs."

"If we keep all electric trucks and freighters in China, it will reduce our costs to the extreme and improve China's overall competitiveness."

"That's right, even a roll of toilet paper still costs a few cents in transportation costs. Logistics is not just as simple as shipping goods, it has a lot to do with modern industry!"

Netizens suddenly realized that solid-state battery vehicles are not only a new type of transportation, but also an important strategic resource.

If China eliminates all fuel trucks and enters the electric era, the cost of the whole society will be greatly reduced. If a large number of solid-state battery vehicles are sold to the West, the industrial costs of the West will also be reduced.

"Boss Gao said that he will hold another live broadcast in the New Year and launch a product that is scarier than Kunlun Dark Star. What do you think it will be?"

"Not sure."

"I can't guess."

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