The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 130 If you want to fight, then fight! (1)

Time has arrived on December 2 in a blink of an eye, and the world's attention has shifted from North America to China.

At 9:30 in the morning, 30 minutes before the start of the press conference, all major live broadcast channels at home and abroad were launched on time.


"Front row!"

"Just wait for Kunlun Company's show to unfold!"

"Fire tongs Liu Ming!"

"Yesterday was really exciting. With high cost performance and autonomous driving, Western Automobile Alliance played two trump cards in a row."

"Isn't that right? Now it depends on how Boss Gao will fight back. Although solid-state battery vehicles are good, they are indeed a bit expensive and the price is not an advantage."

The number of people in the live broadcast room increased rapidly, and the audience took advantage of the opportunity to discuss before the live broadcast started. The focus of the topics was on the cost-effective strategy of the fuel vehicle group, autonomous driving technology, and the high price of solid-state batteries.

When the time came to ten o'clock in the morning, Gao Yuan finally appeared on the screen. He still chose to release new products at the Jiangnan Convention and Exhibition Center. As for the audience at the scene, it seemed that there were about 5,000 people.

"Good morning, dear viewers." This is not the first time Gao Yuan has broadcast live. He is already familiar with the routine. He faces the camera very relaxedly and says: "As a person who doesn't like nonsense, let's keep the story short and get straight to the point."

"Since the launch of Kunlun crystal technology, I have been racking my brains to solve the price problem of solid-state lithium batteries so that everyone can spend less money and use a new generation of high-performance electric vehicles."

"I have to admit that the price war launched by the Automobile Alliance made us very passive for a time. The Accord, which costs 100,000 units, and the Mercedes-Benz C-Class, which costs 180,000 units, are still very attractive. After all, who doesn't like cost-effectiveness? Woolen cloth."

“However, please don’t forget how the nickname of China’s developed country’s crusher came from!”

"A cost-effectiveness war? We have never been afraid of anyone!"

"Since you want to fight, then let's fight!"


As Gao Yuan raised his arms and shouted, the live broadcast room was filled with excitement and barrages exploded.

"It's on fire right from the start, do you want it to be so exciting?!"

“It seems like there’s going to be a price war!”

"I'm so excited. After enduring it for so long, Boss Gao finally takes action!"

"Boss Gao looks so handsome when he declares war!"

"Kunlun Company is awesome! Boss Gao is awesome!"

"Fight! Fight to your heart's content!"

Chinese netizens were affected by the majestic opening of the plateau, and all of them had their blood pumping and their hearts beating faster. At the same time, Western netizens made all kinds of cynicism.

"Tsk, the cost of solid-state lithium batteries is so high, why are you using them to start a price war?"

"Isn't this just a rant?"

"China is best at spiritual victory."

"If we fight for capital subsidies, Kunlun Company will go bankrupt sooner or later!"

"In the past, there were giants in the automotive field such as Toyota and Volkswagen, and later there were Wall Street super conglomerates such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan. What can China do to fight with us!?"

"Are we more afraid of the Chinese than burning money? What a joke!"

Although the language of Western netizens is harsh, it still hits the point. If it relies purely on price subsidies, Kunlun Company may not be able to survive for a few days. After all, its opponents are all the world's top giants and have very deep pockets.

Everyone held their breath and waited for Gao Yuan to make further moves. Everyone wanted to know what he was relying on for his aggressive start.

Scanning the audience, Gao Yuan paused for a moment and then said in a deep voice: "In the parking lot in the backyard of the Convention and Exhibition Center, we have prepared a unique contest for everyone. After everyone watches it, I believe you will find the answer in your heart."

"Now please follow me to the parking lot to see what's going on!"

The camera then began to move, with Gao Yuan walking off the podium and arriving at the back door of the convention and exhibition center.

The sun rarely shines in winter, but the huge parking lot is empty. There are three Wuling MINI electric cars parked, as well as a Passat, a Mercedes-Benz G500, and a Scania heavy truck known as the Pearl of Sweden.

There is nothing surprising about these cars, they are probably relatively rare in Scania.

But the key is the placement of these six cars, which is really thought-provoking. Three small Wuling MINIs and three obviously larger cars are facing each other, about five or six hundred meters apart, as if two armies are facing each other. .

"What the hell is this?"

"Wuling's lineup is too thin..."

"Three little ones against three Big Macs?"

"Isn't this the competition that Boss Gao is talking about?"

"Is this still a contest? It's just crushing, right?"

The barrage exploded instantly, and netizens questioned one after another, is this what Gao Yuan calls a competition?

Use three small Wulings to fight against three big guys?

This is not fair!

Very bullying!

At this time, Gao Yuan said very seriously: "Yes, the competition I am talking about is a vehicle collision test!"

"In 2019, China had 340 million motor vehicles, 422 million motor vehicle drivers, 200,114 car accidents, 52,388 deaths, and 275,125 injuries."

Gao Yuan reported a series of relevant data and said sadly: "The rapid increase in the number of motor vehicles is an inevitable result of the growing wealth of the whole society. However, the number of car accidents and casualties has also increased crazily, with hundreds of thousands of families affected every year. Therefore, His wife and children were separated and he became the victim of a car accident.”

“In my mind, vehicle safety is always the most important thing, bar none!”

"So, we will use a crazy experiment here to prove to the world what true safety is!"

"The six vehicles you see now are all equipped with remote control driving systems. They will undergo a collision test under the remote control of the staff later!"

"Are you crazy!?"

"Using Wuling MINI for collision experiments?"

"That Scania weighs dozens of tons at least, right?"

"Hahaha, stupid Chinese people, you are digging your own death!"

"I have never seen such a stupid experiment, and the plateau will be recorded in history for this!"

"Crazy, all Chinese people are crazy!"

The onlookers once again exploded. Who could have imagined that Gao Yuan would use a group of little guys to collide with a large car that was several times or even dozens of times bigger than itself!


However, just when everyone was surprised, Gao Yuan suddenly raised his right arm and gave the order to the staff hidden in the background to start the collision test!


The Passat and Wuling MINI started at the same time, perhaps because they were afraid of insufficient acceleration. They first drew a semicircle in the parking lot, and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

I saw the Passat shake suddenly and rush towards the Wuling car opposite. It was dressed in black and menacing, like a big black dog, trying to bite the little guy opposite.

The moment the two cars collided, many people covered their eyes, afraid to look at the tragic scene.


"How can Wuling MINI be the rival of Passat!"

"Boss Gao is a bad guy and harms the little guy!"


With a loud noise, the two cars collided violently. In an instant, the front of the Passat suddenly slammed in, while the Wuling MINI was like a solid heavy hammer. Apart from vibrations and shaking, the entire body did not deform at all.

"I'll go! What's going on!?"

"Am I dazzled?"

"Why is there only half of the Passat left?"

"Where is the Wuling mini?"

"Look clearly, the little guy jumped right in!"

"Get into the Passat's cab!"

“The entire car body is embedded in it!”

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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