The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 119 Carbon materials! Kunlun Company’s new research direction! (2)

In the conference room, everyone showed gloating smiles. Lao Maozi himself refused to cooperate at the beginning, and now the large aircraft project has aborted, which can be considered a kind of retribution.

"Speaking of which, Lao Maozi's family background is really strong. A centipede will die without becoming stiff."

"Back then, they had built the Tu-160. You see now, they can only assemble parts from the unfinished body. In a few years, when the remaining parts from the previous model are used up, the legendary bomber Tu-160 will be ready. It’s completely relegated to history.”

"Hey, what a pity. It would be great if it could be sold to us."

"It's impossible. Strategic weapons can't be sold casually."

"Not necessarily, we sold Erkiji to a big dog back then."

"We are selling it just because we are a big dog. Anyway, even if we get two kicks, they can't do anything. Our current size is too big a threat to others and cannot be treated in the same way."

As soon as the big plane was mentioned, everyone seemed to have opened up their chat boxes and started a lively discussion, telling all kinds of gossip in history.

As for Gao Yuan's decision to develop carbon materials as the next step, everyone supports it with both hands and feet.

As the saying goes, the lower foundation determines the superstructure. Although carbon materials are dark and not attractive at all, as a powerful composite material, they are really important.

Carbon materials have a characteristic. The more high-tech they are, the more they need the support of carbon materials.

There is no need to even think about big aircraft projects, moon landing projects, or orbital space station projects without advanced carbon materials.

Gao Yuan said: "Currently, in the field of carbon fiber, the strongest one is Japan's Toray Group. They can produce T1200 or even higher grade carbon fiber filaments."

"As for our country, we can currently mass-produce T800 specifications in factories and T1200 specifications in laboratories."

"You also know that the cost of laboratory production is terrible, and the output is very small. So if we correctly evaluate my country's carbon fiber industry, it is that the mid- to low-end is very strong, and there is a huge vacancy in the high-end."

"Our carbon nanotube technology is obviously stronger than carbon fiber technology. Not only does it have a higher tensile strength, but its fracture resistance is also far from comparable to carbon fiber. But unfortunately, we currently have no way to make the nanotubes long enough."

“So how to extend the length of carbon nanotubes will be our main research direction at the moment. At the same time, we also need to explore the best way to integrate X-fiber and carbon nanotubes to make it a kind of material that has the characteristics of both materials. Super composite!”

The R\u0026D layout meeting was over, and the Eye of the Galaxy began to run wildly, heading towards the next scientific research highland.

Gao Yuan returned to the office, closed his eyes, and entered the future technology system.

"Sure enough, the mission progress is still 31%. It seems that developing carbon materials will not help occupy the battery market. We must find a way to speed up the mission."

Gao Yuan said to himself that because he accepted the solid-state battery task, Gao Yuan gained some knowledge about carbon nanotubes.

But I'm afraid the system didn't expect that Plateau would take out the carbon nanotubes and fuse them with the X-fiber to complement the advantages and disadvantages, making it a brand new composite carbon material.

Recalling the past carefully, the mission progress increased by 7% during the time of massacre at the Global Circuit.

Energy storage battery conference, task progress increased by 5%.

Even the live broadcast farming project in the wilderness has significantly increased the task progress by 3%.

This undoubtedly shows that large-scale publicity activities are of great help in accelerating the completion of tasks.

"After all, it is propaganda. People will not be eager to buy it until they understand the benefits of solid-state batteries. So in addition to launching products, publicity is also a way to occupy the market and speed up the completion of tasks."

Gao Yuan touched his chin and paced back and forth in the office.

The next live promotion will be on November 1st, which is still three weeks away. Gao Yuan plans to prepare carefully and make the momentum as big as possible.

"Publishing scientific research papers on solid-state batteries and carbon nanotubes is also a good publicity." Gao Yuan muttered to himself, "According to logic, the Nobel Prize should also be announced, right?"

"No, no, you have to stay calm and wait for the Nobel Prize results to come out before announcing it. That will have the best publicity effect."

Gao Yuan thought, and then he got into intense work. Although the Eye of the Galaxy is extremely powerful, it also has an obvious characteristic. It requires a strong commander to have an overall overview and central control.

This commander is of course none other than Gao Yuan. Under his leadership, the team always moves in the right direction.

Time flies to October 29th. Gao Yuan has been so busy recently that he almost forgot about the Nobel Prize. Suddenly one night, Tan Qinggu burst into Gao Yuan's office, sweating profusely.


"The Nobel Prize list is out!"

"The Chemistry Prize is awarded to Masaki Haruta! It is awarded to Gold Catalysis Technology!"

Gao Yuan, who was immersed in work, was immediately startled. He quickly called Tan Qinggu to his side and brought him a bottle of mineral water.

"Don't worry, let's drink some water before talking." Gao Yuan said.

The company occupies a large area. Kunlun Wendo's editorial department and Gao Yuan's office are seven or eight hundred meters apart. Tan Qinggu must have been excited and sprinted all the way over at a speed of 100 meters.

After drinking some water, Tan Qinggu showed Gao Yuan the press release from Sweden.

It’s true, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Japan, not to the plateau, which has the highest reputation for winning the prize. This seems to be deliberately disgusting with the plateau.

Masaki Haruta can be said to be the founder of the field of gold catalysis. He began to prepare gold catalysts in 1982. His article on low-temperature oxidation of CO published in the Journal of Catalysis in 1989 caused a huge sensation and became famous in the academic world. This triggered a wave of research on gold catalysts.

In the 1990s, Masaki Haruta used experiments to prove that gold nanoparticles could catalyze the epoxidation of propylene. As a result, Professor Haruta firmly established himself as one of the top ten catalyst researchers in the world and ranked first in the field of gold catalysis.

Originally, it was not a problem to award the Nobel Prize to Professor Springfield, but the key point is that from last year to now, the materials empire created by Gao Yuan has risen crazily. X-fiber technology has swept the world, and its popularity is simply unimaginable.

Although the Nobel Prize has always had the habit of queuing up, and the award will not be awarded to the inventor immediately after the emergence of major research results, there are still many melon-eating people around the world who feel that the plateau should not be queued, because the invention of X-fiber is of great significance to all mankind. The significance is too great.

Material is strong or weak, structure is king!

What is this called?

This is called structural determinism!

The structural determinism deduced by Gao Yuan from X-fiber is simply a subversion and reinvention of traditional materials science!

"I'm so disappointed. It's not a plateau?"

"Of course Haruta Masaki is also a great person, but he has been running with him for many years. Now, if the Nobel Prize is suddenly awarded to Professor Haruta instead of Gao Yuan, is there any PY transaction behind it?"

"While I don't want to speculate in a malicious way, it's really weird."

"Japan and China have never been able to deal with each other. The story behind it makes people think a lot."

"Tch, we Chinese people have long understood the virtues of a Nobel Prize."

"It's like we're begging for it. Just go and have fun with it, and give the Nobel Prize to whoever you want!"

"In any case, congratulations to Professor Springfield for winning the award."

Gao Yuan checked the messages and found that the Chinese academic community was generally disappointed, but there were many cynicisms from Europe and the United States.

"These people are so outrageous, how can they question your academic integrity!?" Tan Qinggu said angrily after reading the message.

Gao Yuan didn't care at all. He smiled slightly and said, "If they want to say it, just say it. Now we just need to do a good job in product and promotion."

"Get ready. In three days, we will release an important branch of Kunlun meteorite technology. At that time, Kunlun Wendao will also publish a special issue to prove our technology and strength."

"When we can speak with our fists and strength, we shouldn't use our mouths."

Tan Qinggu nodded in agreement and left Gao Yuan's office.

In the following two days, the news that Gao Yuan was not selected for the Nobel Prize spread rapidly around the world, and people were talking about it.

Coupled with Kunlun Company's powerful publicity campaign, everyone's enthusiasm has finally reached its peak.

After much anticipation, the time finally came to November 1st.

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