The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 108 How you tricked us in the first place, we will try to trick you back! (1)

Gao Yuan saw the environmentally friendly girl Greta in the conference room. She had a big forehead, long sparse brown hair, a broad chin and shoulders. To be honest, this girl was so tall that it was hard to describe.

"Miss Greta, thank you for traveling all the way to China." Gao Yuan smiled slightly and said in English: "It's just a pity that the plane you took burned fossil fuels and increased a lot of greenhouse gas emissions out of thin air. It is really a sin. If I had known earlier, I should have prepared a sailboat for you. Although it is slower and there are typhoons and rapids, at least it is environmentally friendly. In terms of time, half a year should be about the same. Of course, it will take you half a year to return to Sweden."

Greta raised her eyebrows slightly and said very diplomatically: "Of course I don't want to fly, but as long as we achieve meaningful results today, we can offset the greenhouse gases emitted by flying. In the West, we call this atonement , if Mr. Gao Yuan believes in Christianity, he will understand the importance of atonement to God."

Gao Yuan was slightly startled. He really wanted to give the environmental protection girl a thumbs up, but he didn't expect that at such a young age, she was still a stickman...

Gao Yuan said seriously: "Miss Greta, you are right."

Greta, an environmental girl, raised her head even higher and said: "Those adults who don't pay attention to environmental protection have stolen our childhood and dreams with empty words. People are suffering, people are dying, and the entire ecosystem is collapsing!"

Gao Yuan: "You are right..."

Environmental protection girl Greta: "We must completely ban air conditioners because they contain Freon! Ban cars because they emit carbon dioxide emissions!"

Gao Yuan: "You are right..."

Environmental protection girl Greta: "Human beings have destroyed nature for too long. We should return to primitive society and return to the life of men farming and women weaving!"

Gao Yuan: "You are right..."

A female boxing organization said: "Why do men farm and women weave? That is discrimination against women. I think women should farm and men weave!"

Gao Yuan: "You are right..."

Animal Protection Organization: "All meat should be banned! Everyone should become vegetarian! Anyone who eats animals should be arrested and imprisoned!"

Gao Yuan: "You are right..."

Animal Protection Organization: "We must hold a confession involving all mankind, kneel on the ground sincerely, and atone for the sins of the animals that were brutally killed in the past!"

Gao Yuan: "Okay... you are still right..."

"In late July, Kunlun Company President Mr. Gao Yuan had in-depth and friendly exchanges with major global NGOs and reached a consensus."

"After this meeting, Gao Yuan solemnly promised that he would spend huge sums of money in the future to help the GNO organization launch massive protests in countries and regions outside China."

"These activities include, but are not limited to, helping refugees move to Europe, North America, and Oceania where they are more suitable for life."

“Reducing the use of fossil fuels globally.”

"Protect animals and plants and fight to the end the Brazilian authorities who are destroying the Amazon rainforest"

In the imperial capital, Ding Songlin held a newspaper and read the news reports. He couldn't help but laugh. He said to Han Chang beside him: "Look, Plateau wants to fund NGO organizations and send refugees to developed countries. This is different from raising food." What's the difference between Gu? He is working hard to contribute to the great cause of building Greater France!"

"A person who makes batteries and engages in new energy on the plateau is going to fund environmental organizations to carry out global protests? This is definitely a weasel paying New Year's greetings to the chicken, and it's not a good intention! Everyone knows that cars are the largest source of greenhouse gases, and engaging in environmental protection is tantamount to giving The auto giants are adding to the obstruction and slapping them in the face!”

"They say that men become bad when they have money. I think this kid Gao Yuan is very bad now!"

After Ding Songlin said this, he and Han Chang laughed.

Han Changxiao almost burst into tears. He wiped the corners of his eyes with his hand and said, "Let me tell you, Gao Yuan can't be called a bad person, but a wicked person! He has a warm smile on the surface, but in fact he is very vicious in his bones. Whoever bites him, he He will bite you back, he has the temper of a mad dog!"

Ding Songlin nodded slightly and said, "What you said makes sense. Gao Yuan has nothing to do with evil. His methods are just more vicious."

Han Chang said: "In China, there are not too many evil people like Gao Yuan, but too few."

"Compared to those grandsons who move their assets abroad after making money and whose whole family joins foreign citizenship, they actually have the nerve to say they are a national enterprise?"


"Those like Kunlun Company, which try their best to create obstacles for Angsa Group when they have money, are the real national enterprises!"

"We in China have never lacked all-round businessmen. Those guys who speak human words, talk nonsense, talk about benevolence and morality, and are full of male thieves and female prostitutes. It is completely useless to expect them. They have never been on the same front as the people. They are all representatives of capital.”

"What we lack is upright villains like Gao Yuan!"

"I'll make it clear that I don't like you, so I want to fuck you!"

Ding Songlin sighed, looked at the countless sand tables and strategic terrain maps in his office, and said with emotion: "I really envy the plateau now. A man who dares to act boldly and enjoys grudges with pleasure. I am an old man who is engaged in logistics." , I am afraid that I will never have the chance to go to the battlefield in this life, but Gao Yuan killed him in the shopping mall, which is so satisfying."

Han Chang said: "Back then, the West often used the name of NGO organizations to create obstacles for us. They said they were civil organizations and were for environmental protection and freedom. In fact, they were all business and camps."

"In my opinion, let Gao Yuan do it. The more lively it is, the better!"

"What does it mean to treat someone the way they want to be treated?"

"This is!"

This summer is destined to be uneventful. As the production capacity ramp-up of major car companies ends, a large number of electric vehicles equipped with super solid-state batteries begin to enter the market crazily.

For a time, there was a panic buying wave all over the country. People waved banknotes and spent heavily to buy cars. In order to get the car in advance, they did not hesitate to increase the price.

"Let me talk about three points." Gao Yuan frowned slightly during a video conference with partners and major Chinese automobile manufacturers, and said in a deep voice: "First of all, it is absolutely prohibited to sell cars at increased prices or to sell cars with optional equipment. "

"In the field of automobiles, we are already at a disadvantage. We have been suppressed by foreign brands for a long time in the past. Now with the blessing of Kunlun crystal technology, some people have begun to forget their roots, engage in hunger marketing, and make money from the consumers who support us. This is all It’s a very bad habit.”

"We cannot have a gambler's mentality of making a profit and running away. We must continue the business for a long time and build a century-old brand and a millennium brand."

Gao Yuan glanced at the video windows in front of him and said slowly: "Short-term business relies on speculation, while long-term business relies on credibility."

"The reason why our Kunlun company has not signed a strategic cooperation agreement with automobile companies is because the industry is too mixed and there are too many joint ventures, making it difficult for us to distinguish who is a friend and who is an enemy."

"Moreover, there are too many car brands. Even powerful car countries like Germany and Japan will only have a few brands left after the competition. We are not big in scale and have hundreds of brands."

"Anyway, I hope you can change as soon as possible. First confirm who you are and what you want to do, and then come to me to talk about strategic partners."

"No matter whether a person or a company exists in this world, it is important to understand who they are. Take PLA as an example. The reason why they have the word "liberation" in their name is because they have a sacred mission. .”

"As for negotiations or whatever, don't dream about it!"

"Do you really think we are the People's Negotiation Army?"

"The situation of domestic automobile companies is in chaos and changes need to be made."

"If you are unwilling to change, then we will change you!"

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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