The Tale of the Devil Sword

Chapter 59: A Flash From The Past-17 (Pub)

(Author Note:- 100 power stones in a week for 1st bonus chapter.

175 power stones in a week for 2nd bonus chapter.

230 power stones in a week for 3rd bonus chapter.)


"Good morning, milady." Kylo said in a slightly teasing tone.

And this made her more embarassed. Because she remembered he also called her the same last night many times.

"G-good morning." She, with a little stutter, greeted Kylo.

"Hmmm? Are you not coming out of bed?? Or do you want to enjoy a little more??" Kylo asked in a joking voice after noticing she was still covering herself on bed..

She became red with shame and a little anger.

"Y-you go out first!" She exclaimed. Anger was just a cover for her embarassment though it seemed.

"Huh?? We already opened everything to each other last night. Literally everything...." Kylo chucked while walking towards the bed.

"No, no you go out first... please..?" She panicked and at the end she begged a little with puppy eyes.

And the cuteness got the best out of Kylo. He did not expect her to behave like this.

"Oh... Ok. Get ready soon Milady." Though he did not forget to tease her once again before leaving the room.

[I truly miss Ana's eyes.] Kylo thought sadly.


"Ughh..." Rosalyn groaned. She seemed to be in a little pain.

[Just how many times did he do me.] Rosalyn slowly got up from the bed walking towards the bathroom.

It seemed she conveniently forgot, she was also the one who asked for it when she was complaining.

[But seriously, what was I even thinking?!] Rosalyn blushed once more while thinking about the events.

She entered the bathroom.

[It still pains... that bastard really did not care about me.] Rosalyn cursed while putting hands below her belly.

"I have to completely clean myself." She muttered while looking at the hickeys on her body.

"Anyways..." [He does not know my background] she squinted her eyes while thinking.

(Author Note:- Guys please remember she is alone so she sometimes speaks and sometimes think.)

"It's good that I kept my mouth shut." She heaved a sigh of relief.

Then she once again looked at her body filled with hickeys and her snatch filled with his cum.

"No, Nothing is good!!!" she exclaimed.

After 15 minutes she cleaned herself and now she was standing in front of a mirror.

"Hmmm.. how beautiful." She looked slightly mesmerized while looking at her body curves and assets.

Then she remembered the night she spent with Kylo.

[I cannnot really blame him. After all anyone would be attracted with this beautiful face and body of mine.] She thought while smiling ear to ear.

"Even though he treated me roughly like that...."

[I somehow can't hate it...] her face went red again when she was thinking how she could enjoy last night's casual sex.

"Am I really that type of woman..." she muttered to herself in a slightly confused and fearful voice, knowing a side of herself she herself did not knew.

True her husband became a scum but she wasn't the same as him.

[But he was better than him... Agh... This is not a good news. Calm down, calm down Rosa.] She continued thinking to herself for more reasons.

Yes she might have been a little emotional the previous night, but after all she was a Queen. And an intelligent one at that.

She looked back at her entire life. She remembered how many males chased her because of her background.

She remembered her youth when she was flattered all the time she met people of various statuses. She was always treated special.

Because of her background.

Because of her beauty.

Because of her talent.

"But he didn't treat me specially..." Rosalyn muttered to herself while looking at herself in mirror.

[He treated me just like any other girl.] She was rubbing her hair with the towel with eyes closed.

"Is that the reason..." She mumbled to herself while a beautiful smile formed on her lips. She did not knew.

Was that really the reason she enjoyed? Or was that just convincing herself to think she was not that kind of lady who enjoyed casual flings??

She somehow wanted to know about herself more. She remembered Kylo handsome face then.

[Maybe he can help me] She thought, subconsciously depending on Kylo.

And this was when she heard a knock on the door.

"Can I come in now??" The voice was naturally Kylo's.

"Not yet..." Rosalyn responded in a little hurry.

She quickly put on a bathrobe before opening the door.


Rosalyn took a deep breath. Right now Rosalyn was sitting on the bed while Kylo was sitting on a chair near the window.

Needless to say this was Rosalyn's arrangements.

Kylo broke the silence. "Say Rosalyn..."

"What?" She asked with no expression on her face.

"Are you seducing me right now?" Kylo asked with a big smile on his face.

And immediately her face flushed a little. Flushed with anger or embarassment? She did not knew, and she did not want to know... atleast not now.

"What do you mean?!" Kylo could not discern whether that was a question or just a little protest.

In fact had it been some other guy, she would not have even bothered. Heck she would have even killed him.

But she spent entire night with Kylo. And if that was not enough, after she thought of the reason in the bathroom, she became concious of Kylo.

"Don't you know how bewitching you are looking right now...." Kylo complimented her with a a grin

Indeed her hair was still wet since Kylo knocked the door before she could even dry herself.

She was now sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing a bathrobe where rays of sunlight directly shone on her. With her dark blue hair and similarly dark blue eyes that complimented with the orange sunlight she seemed someone directly out of a portrait.

She blushed a little and tried to speak in a nonchalant tone "Do not talk nonsense."

"I am not." Kylo said while shaking his head.

Looking at his 'honest' eyes she thought [I already know I am beautiful so this type of mild flattery won't work on me..]

Even though she thought this, even Evian would say she is fooling herself had he known her thoughts.

(Author Note:- In case you forgot, Evian is Rosalyn's husband name.)

"Hey Rosalyn..." Kylo asked with a hopeful expression on his face.

"What?" Rosalyn asked a little absent mindedly.

"How about how about coming with me?" Kylo seemingly, out of blue threw out a unexpected question.

"Impossible!" Without any hesitation she rejected.

If possible she also would not love to be with Evian, but things were not as simple as that.

Fleeing with Kylo meant putting ber family in danger, which she would not do just because of a night's passion.

"Why?" Kylo asked with a disappointed face.

"Things are not as simple as you think. You do not even know my background." Seeing his disappointed expression she could not help but say with a soft expression on her face.

After that they were silent for five minutes. Kylo was not thinking anything, just putting pressure on the atmosphere with an awkward silence.

Meanwhile Rosalyn's mind was full of thoughts about Kylo's proposal.

She remembered her past.

Her past with her parents.

Her past with her friends.

Her past with her husband.

And now she was thinking about Kylo. She closed her eyes while biting her lower lips.

"So?" Seeing no reply from her, Kylo asked with a sigh.

"?" her mind was not working properly so instead of speaking and making a fool of herself she just showed a confused expression.

"You have something to talk right?" Seeing her confused expression Kylo already knew what was going on her mind. So he just made himself clearer.

After hearing Kylo's question as if she woke from a trance she took a deep breath. After a minute of doing this and calming herself down she looked straight into Kylo's eyes and said

"Indeed, I have something to talk about. It is related to you, your life."


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