The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 74

Chapter 72

Outside the door, Lin Fubiao and Pan Yaoting watched the sundries filled with gasoline and the fire burning on the door of Shi Gongdui’s house, followed by the thick smoke, the expressions on their faces were hideous and happy, as if they were revengeful. : “You don’t let us live, you don’t want to live, either!”

After being driven to the house next door, they looked at the pitiful food and thought about what to do.

However, Lin Fubiao’s mother’s wound only stopped bleeding, but there was no doctor to treat or perform surgery. He developed a high fever at night, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. It happened that a small half barrel of gasoline was found in that family’s house, so they planned to let them burn them to death while Hao Jian and others were still asleep before dawn.

But they never thought that Hao Jian and others would wake up so early because of the biological clock. They had packed a lot of things, but the fire spread quickly and it had burned to the wooden door inside the house.

The fire extinguishers were all outside. Peng Mao went to the kitchen to fetch water to put out the fire. However, as soon as he approached, the smoke almost choked him to breathe.

They soaked all their clothes in water and tied them to their faces, but even then, the only exit was invaded by the fire. What can they do?

At this time, Hao Jian thought of the “Spider-Man” safety suit for level rewards. She quickly ran to the balcony. It happened that Shi Gongdi’s family was relying on a high floor and had not installed an anti-theft net. Below the balcony is the entrance and exit of this building. There is just a ceiling on it. Even if you fall on it, you don’t have to worry about the zombies. Climbed up to besiege them in a short time.

After a little thought, she took out her safety suit. This safety rope is based on the standards of high-rise buildings, so it is more than enough for a place as high as sixteenth floor.

“What’s this?” Lian Ru Ning walked over during the fire fighting.

Hao Jian said: “The safety suit for high-altitude operations was turned over from Shi Gongdu’s house.”

The others also came over: “Can we escape from the balcony?!”

Shi Gongdi was a little confused: “When did I buy these things… don’t care, anyway, I bought so many messy things, it may not be the case that I actually bought them.”

At this juncture, escape is the most important thing. If they don’t have these things, they are afraid they will be smoked alive.

After installing the safety device, Hao Jian looked around at the crowd, then tied the seat belt to Lian Ru Ning’s body, then buckled the main safety rope and the secondary rope, and said to her: “You go down first.”

Lian Ru Ning’s eyes flashed with a hint of panic, she was holding Hao Jian’s hand, choking in her heart a thousand words and not knowing what to say.

“Stop the ink, go!” Shi Gongtu hung up his backpack in front of her, “You take this part of the equipment first!”

Lian Ru Ning did not hesitate anymore, climbed over the railing, then stepped on the wall and went downstairs.

Except for Shi Gongdu’s house, other people have installed anti-theft nets, and some people have become zombies trapped in the house. When Lian Ru Ning passed by, they grabbed the anti-theft nets to attack her.

Lian Ru Ning was almost caught in her leg, but she had already tied her trousers tightly, and now the zombies only caught her pants. She grabbed the machete and chopped off the arms of the zombies, but then she was more cautious, and every time she encountered the balcony, she would speed up the descent.

After she landed safely, she lifted the ropes on her body and asked Hao Jian and the others to pull them up, and then arrange for someone to get down.

The second one came down Xin Ting, then Shi Gongdui, Peng Mao, and finally Hao Jian.

By the time Peng Mao arrived, the fire in the house was already burning badly, so Lian Ru Ning saw that Hao Jian hadn’t come down for a long time, so she couldn’t wait to go up and look for her again.

When the thick smoke came out of the balcony, Hao Jian finally came down, and everyone sighed in relief.

“Why are you so late?” Lian Ru Ning burst into tears. The fire is not a trivial matter, and people who have never encountered a fire don’t understand how fast the fire can spread. If they hesitated for a few minutes, they might not be able to get off in the end.

“Suddenly I remembered that there was still something I didn’t take.” Hao Jian’s clean face had been blackened after getting up, and only the snout and nose were still white, which looked very funny. However, from this point of view, she was very close to the **** of death.

“What important thing?”

Hao Jian took out an electric drill and said, “This.”

Seeing that the zombies underneath are all around, as long as they dare to go down, there must be a dead end.

With this electric drill, the anti-theft net for the balcony of the house on the fourth floor can be removed, and then a group of people walk through here to the corridor. Then pulled the extra safety rope to the window of the corridor, and a few people grabbed the safety rope, and then slowly descended to the first floor, which is the parking lot behind the community.

After meeting downstairs, everyone looked at what they were carrying. Except for the food in everyone’s backpack, they didn’t take much, but the weapons and clothing were still there.

After evading another catastrophe, Peng Mao heaved a sigh of relief, and then patted Shi Gongtai: “Yes, even these supplies are prepared. If it weren’t for you, we would have died on it!”

Shi Gongdu really couldn’t remember that he had bought these things, but he didn’t bother to worry about it anymore, and said, “I don’t know if there are people living on other floors.”

Regarding the fire source, they didn’t think it was caused by the aging of the circuit. After all, they still smelled the smell of gasoline. It was clear that someone deliberately set fire. And whoever hates them so much, you don’t need to think about it or know that there is only Lin Fubiao and his party.

Shi Gongdui also thought about it, he didn’t say anything, and said, “Let’s go!”

There was news soon in the community, because it was the 16th floor that was on fire. However, this building has 23 floors and some people lived on it. They also fled one after another, and then met a lot of zombies in the corridor on the 16th floor.

The people downstairs are also afraid of the spread of the fire. After all, there are no fire trucks to extinguish the fire. They also brought their things and prepared to escape. Some people who were unwilling to leave grabbed fire extinguishers to put out the fire…

Shi Gongdi picked up a motorcycle on the side of the road, and then said to Hao Jian and others: “You send a signal to the guards to come over, I’m leaving.”

Hao Jian nodded. She knew that Shi Gongdui didn’t want to go with the guards, because the guards would inevitably search his body, and then his equipment would be exposed. He had been in contact with ShangLian last night, and ShangLian gave him an address. As long as he can get there, he will be safe.

The address was not far from here, but out of consideration that he didn’t want to harass other people, he chose to go there alone.

Before leaving, he gave Hao Jian a USB flash drive: “Labor fees.”

Hao Jian threw the U disk into the system package. Firstly, she thought it was very important and it was easy to lose when she put it on her body. Secondly, she wanted to try this package.

After Shi Gongdu left, Hao Jian fired the flare gun, and then soon waited for the guards who came nearby to patrol and clean up the zombies. This group of guards drove off-road vehicles with pickups. The pickups cleared the road and the off-road vehicles were behind. After all, the pickups had machine guns on them, which looked the same as in wartime.

After confirming Hao Jian’s identity, they were taken back to the city government building in Xiangshi, a place they did not expect.

The city government building was built earlier, but it has been renovated over the years. Not only is it magnificent, but more importantly, it is well located:

There is a central square in front of the government building. On the left and right are dozens of acres of well-maintained flowerbeds. In addition to the road on the ground, there are also two viaducts that pass straight through.

Officials built a power grid under the viaduct, and then the viaduct was used as an observation deck and long-range attacks on approaching zombies.

From the defense to the vehicles and personnel entering and exiting, it can be seen that the government building is used as the work headquarters of the city to garrison.

There is no function of receiving ordinary survivors, so Hao Jian and others did not come here as survivors. The commander of Longwan Island had contacted them yesterday. They knew that Hao Jian and the others had important information, so they brought them here.

It is not easy to enter the government building. They have to be inspected in the building on the left side of the central square.

This original exhibition hall has now been transformed into a monitoring point, inspection station, and isolation room. Each of them must be checked first to confirm that there are no dangerous goods or interference signals, bugs, etc., before they go to check whether they are infected with zombies. virus.

This point does not need to be locked up for 48 hours for observation. They took half a tube of blood for everyone and sent it to a room. After waiting for nearly two hours, they were told that they were not infected and could enter the government building. .

Hao Jian asked the system: “A method has been developed to confirm that there is no zombie virus? Doesn’t it mean that the zombie virus cannot be transmitted once it leaves the human body and is exposed to the air? In this case, it can be removed from the blood Check it out?”

“Although experts are trying to use common features in arthropods to study and detect Q virus, it is a pity that whether it is segmentation, secondary body cavity, bristles and warty feet, closed tube circulatory system, metanephric tube type excretion system or cable Nothing is found in the nervous system. So the only way you can use it is to send your blood to the arthropods to see if they will avoid or die. This process usually takes 1 to 2 hours.”

“…” It’s so simple and rude!

Although Hao Jian is a little disappointed that scientists have not yet studied what the Q virus is all about, but after all, there are many viruses that are very troublesome, such as the Ebola virus.

In 2004, some domestic researchers began to develop a vaccine for Ebola virus, but because the pathogen of Ebola virus was not available, it took eight years to research. Then, when the Ebola epidemic broke out in 2014, the vaccine was developed. After clinical trials, the vaccine was finally confirmed to be effective.

It took ten years before and after, and the road of research can be seen long and arduous.

This is true for Ebola virus, let alone Q virus.


The one who received Hao Jian and others was a secretary. She introduced herself as the secretary of the director of the Security Department of the Violent Organization Command Center, named Wang Zishao.

Wang Zishao is not very old, he is only in his thirties. She has a crisp, short hair with ears, and her uniform looks very heroic because of her straight waist, but she is very peaceful and decent in dealing with others, making people feel less bureaucratic.

She took Hao Jian and others to a conference room on the second floor, and there were no other people in it.

Wang Zishao said, “Sit down for a while, and I’ll get people to bring tea.”

There are sofas, coffee tables, etc. inside. Peng Mao fell carelessly on the sofa after Wang Zishao went out, and then shouted: “It’s been a long time since I lie down so comfortably. Sure enough, it still gives me a sense of security.”

The four of them knew that there must be surveillance and bugs here, but they were used to such a life for a long time, but they were not so restrained.

“You want to go back to Yang City, then find an opportunity to ask if there is any way to go to sea.” Hao Jian said.

You must know that this is one of the five major regions in the southern region. The official focus is on the development of maritime power. If Xin Ting and Peng Mao want to go to sea, they must obtain official approval. Since they are all here, it’s better to ask.

After a few people talked for a while, Wang Zishao came in with tea, and Hao Jian was surprised: “I didn’t expect there to be tea to drink!”

Wang Zishao smiled and said, “It’s not any expensive tea, it’s all brought by the previous people to work.”

Several people answered Wang Zishao’s questions while drinking tea. She was afraid that several people would feel uncomfortable, so she specifically explained: “Because you know the current situation, we need to investigate everyone who comes here. Be clear about your identity and make corresponding arrangements. I hope you understand.”

They naturally understood. After she finished her question, Hao Jian remembered something, and then asked: “Do you have a guard named Huang Sheng here? Although your organization is different, you still have the same responsibility for safety. Maybe you Know him as a person.”

“If it’s a escort, I don’t remember every member’s name very much, but you can tell me his information, the name and number of the unit he belongs to, and I can check it out for help.”

Hao Jian thanked him, and Wang Zishao went out again.

At noon, Hao Jian was received by the director of the Security Department. Hao Jian told him about what Hu Dan asked her to tell her, and said some other information.

Because he obtained some useful information from Hao Jian, the director finally said: “Do you want to become a full member of the’Special Response Team’?”

Hao Jian did not reply immediately, and the director added: “Although joining us sometimes requires you to perform some more dangerous tasks, you can also get some rights accordingly.”

Hao Jian said, “I’m just an ordinary person.”

“We already have unusual people, the guards, the intelligence section, the technology section, the security prevention and control department, the criminal investigation team, the patrol team… everyone here is ordinary and unusual. But the’special response team’ Most people are not selected from these people, for the reason you know.”

Hao Jian said: “I can’t decide this matter alone.”

The director said: “As far as I know, you seem to be alone…” she almost bluntly said that she is an orphan.

Hao Jian thought of Lian Ru Ning, her eyes and expression became gentle: “Not anymore.”

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