The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 42

Chapter 41

The next morning, Hao Jian and Lian Ru-ning got up to wash, then changed their clothes, tied their hair, and met at the bridge.

Both An Minghui and Yi Gao are there, as well as a few volunteers who were recruited before.

Hao Jian asked: “Are you not going to start search and rescue work today?”

“Today’s search and rescue work is suspended. At noon, people from other shelters will come to discuss important matters.” Yi Gao said.

The guards of each evacuation area must be very busy and will face many challenges, but Hao Jian will leave here tomorrow, and it has nothing to do with her.

An Minghui first taught them the structure of the gun, and then used the gun’s precautions and postures and other theoretical knowledge, and then gave each of them a simulation-gun: “First practice with this gun, the real gun sound is a bit It’s big, but there are no earplugs here, and you have to get used to how to practice your head without earplugs.”

The target that An Minghui arranged for them to practice was the zombies gathered on the embankment that had to be cleaned every day.

But the bridge was blocked by the truck, and the zombies could only jump over the truck or climb over from under the truck. However, whether it is the height of the truck or the climbing action, it is somewhat difficult for these zombies. Occasionally, some zombies happened to climb from under the car, but they were killed before they got close to the guardrail.

An Minghui also didn’t want them to shoot on the embankment, so he could only find a position on the bridge.

The entire bridge is more than 80 meters long, and the outermost guardrail is also 15 or 6 meters away from the dam, so they have to shoot at a moving target with a distance of more than 15 meters there.

“There are very few bullets, so if more than three of the ten shots are missed, then you don’t have to learn. Those who pass will be replaced with real bullets and formal training.” An Minghui said solemnly.

Someone whispered: “This is too strict, we are not professional background!”

“If you were from a professional background, would you still be here?!” An Minghui’s eyes suddenly became terrifying, “You remember, learning marksmanship will give you one more self-defense skill. Don’t learn it well. Those who die will be you!”

Everyone was silent, Lian Ru Ning whispered to Hao Jian, “Adjutant An may have been an instructor.”

Hao Jian smiled and pointed his gun at the zombie on the shore. With a “bang”, a blue color appeared on the zombie’s belly.

When everyone saw her shooting, they looked for targets and shot them as they were worried about falling behind. Hao Jian was shot eight times, while Lian Ru-ning shot a lot because he took a lot of sights, and finally shot seven.

Three who had only been shot four or five shots were expelled mercilessly by An Minghui. They pointed at Lian Ru Ning without annoyance: “If we were to shoot like that slowly, it wouldn’t be like this!”

An Minghui glared at them: “There are just so many bullets. I started shooting indiscriminately before aiming at the target, resulting in not enough bullets. When facing zombies, they won’t provide you with bullets!”

The three people went back dissatisfied, and the rest continued to train, but An Minghui also said: “What you asked for is effective damage, so now you need speed. If your movements are slow, you may be bitten. Up!”

Lian Ru Ning Weizhi, she felt that An Minghui had been partial to her just now, but An Minghui would not be partial to her a second time. She had to work hard to give herself a chance to survive in such a society.


Until noon, the guards from other refuges arrived one after another, and the teaching called “devil training” stopped.

Lian Ru Ning felt that both arms were going to be useless, because she raised the gun for a long time and her arms began to sore. She was even more tired because of muscle soreness.

In addition to her, a few other people will also, so An Minghui simply asked them to hold their guns, hold them for an hour, rest for ten minutes, and start training again.

In those ten minutes, except for drinking water, they didn’t even go to the toilet because the water they drank turned into sweat and ran out.

Although Hao Jian’s marksmanship improved very quickly, she didn’t get any better. Taking advantage of the suspension of training, she went to the mall and bought some medicated oil to relax her muscles.

Lian Ru Ning sat next to her, she passed the medicated oil over, and Lian Ru Ning said, “I have no strength.”

“I’ll help you?”

Lian Ru Ning nodded, and when Hao Jian rolled up her sleeve, she suddenly got goose bumps and her ears were quietly red.

Upon seeing this, Hao Jian glanced at her, and suddenly showed a slight smile. She poured the medicated oil on her palm, and then rubbed the medicated oil on Lian Runing’s arm.

In her mind, she was communicating with the system: “Do we count as deep-soul communication like this?”

“Why didn’t I know that the host had a problem with your understanding before this?”

“Then you don’t understand. This massage and tuina are one of the traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods that have been passed down for thousands of years. The essence of it is that the pusher will infuse his spirit and soul into it, so that the pusher can enjoy it until he reaches it Pleasure in the depths of the soul. This push and pull must be exquisite, the strength must be moderate, and it must be ensured that it can work. Each acupuncture point must be accurate. Not only does it work hard, but it also works deep in my soul. Can you deny that this is not a deep soul communication?”

“…I have never seen such a brazen host.”

“Why, did you meet many hosts before me? Or, in fact, in this time and space, there are many systems and hosts?”

“So what did I mean?” The system continued to pretend to be silly.

Hao Jian sneered “Heh”. She always felt that this system was very ridiculous. At first, when she didn’t have the desire to turn on the system, it was rather anxious. Later, when she knew she had recognized it, she started to quarrel with her.

The marketer is only a superficial statement. What she wants to say is that as long as it is a question that helps her use the system more actively, it answers quickly and has a very correct attitude. And for all such issues that will involve its origin, it is silent.

“The child’s wings are stiff.” The system replied to Hao Jian.

“Are you not afraid of my wings being folded for you?”

The system suddenly replied without thinking: “Host, you can, come on!” Then it fell silent.

Hao Jian thought it was a little inexplicable, but after returning to his senses, he realized that Lian Ru Ning was looking at her with strange eyes. She withdrew her hand without changing her face, and she couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled. Why did her single-minded and double-use skills disappear?

When she was talking to the system, she helped Lian Ru Ning rubbed and moved to her upper arm.

The system jumped out and retorted: “It’s clearly the host that you want to take the opportunity to wipe oil.”

“Shut up, I’m not a pervert!”

Hao Jian looked at Lian Runing: “Little Junior Sister’s arm is too slippery.”

“Thank you, I thought you would say that the medicated oil is too slippery.”

Hao Jian “lighted up” and said, “So that’s it!”

“…” Lian Ru Ning didn’t think badly about her, but said, “There is something in your mind? Otherwise, why are you absent-minded?”

This is very strange!

Hao Jian pretended to be deep: “I was thinking, what should I do if my child’s wings are stiff?”

“…???” Lian Ru Ning realized that she didn’t know Hao Jian at all, and this person became more and more confused.

But she thought for a moment, and said seriously: “Pull out the feathers of the wings, even if they are hard, they can’t fly.”

“Good way!” Hao Jian said, and at the same time said to the system, “Look, the love you chose is trying to teach me a way to prevent you from flying!”


Just when the system was about to ask “What should the host Taipi do”, someone found Hao Jian and Lian Runing who were about to have lunch.

Hao Jian looked at Chen Jin in a guard uniform, and said in surprise: “I thought you were there!”

Chen Yan twitched the corners of his mouth: “Why, the mouth is so damaged, you are avenging me for taking your gun?”

“It’s good for you to be self-aware.”

Lian Runing looked at Chen Zhen, and quickly remembered that she was the one who asked Hao Jian to take her to the bathroom. Hao Jian had already told her about Chen Zhen, so she stretched out her hand: “Miss Chen, look up to your name for a long time!”

Chen Zhen respected Lian Ru Ning, who helped the guards so much, and shook hands with her. As for Hao Jian, she took out a hand-gun and threw it over: “Although you owe it, you pay it back. I heard that you trained today, so if you give it to you, it’s not a waste.”

Hao Jian lifted his eyebrow peak and took a look at the magazine, which was full of fifteen bullets.

“This is a great gift.”

Chen Zhen knew that Hao Jian was just polite to her. She didn’t speak up, but said: “I heard you are going to Southern City?”

“Why do you all know?”

“After we got out of the conference center, our various shelters have strengthened contact and exchanges, and kept abreast of the movements of the “blameless” remaining party. In addition, I originally wanted to recruit you… you guys to join, but Chief Yi told me, you guys. There are other things.”

“You care about our going back to Southern City, not just to recruit us?” Hao Jian said.

“I want to ask you to find someone for me, but you don’t need to spend time and thoughts specially, but if you meet the guards, just inquire about it by the way.”


“His name is Huang Sheng, and he was on duty in the commando in Southern City before the crisis broke out.”

“Don’t you have official contact information?”

Chen Zhen said: “That is for business purposes, not for finding people for us. There are so many members of the security team, everyone is thousands of miles away from home and cannot go back. If the official communication can be used to find relatives, the line is early. It was squeezed.”

Hao Jian thought about it, that’s right.

Chen Zhen took out another ring: “If you can find him, help me return this ring to him.”

“Why?” Lian Ru Ning was puzzled instead.

“He is a dedicated person…” Chen Jin’s expression was a little bit sad, but soon became determined: “He will understand what I mean.”

“Don’t you worry about us losing it?”

“If you lose it, that’s also an answer.”

After Chen Jin left, Lian Ru-ning was still a little puzzled: “Since she knows that the other party is a dedicated person, and I don’t think she is empathizing, then there is no problem of relationship breakdown. Why should she Do this?”

Hao Jian looked at the ring for a long time before saying: “They haven’t been in contact for a long time, and no one knows the other party’s life or death. Instead of always worrying about each other’s safety, it is better to make a decision in your heart as early as possible. Even if both parties are still alive, But as long as they fail to let go of this important task, they will not have a chance to meet again. Maybe she did it to avoid something, or maybe she wanted the other person to give up on her so that she could find another loved one.”

“I think she is someone who values ​​love and righteousness, not like someone who will escape.”

“Emotions, who can tell you exactly! Especially in this troubled world, when feelings conflict with their burdens, how many feelings have to be tested and tortured.”

“Can you see it so thoroughly, is there any emotional experience?” Lian Ruli asked seemingly inadvertently.

Hao Jian grinned: “My experience does not come from me. It is my parents.”

This was the first time Hao Jian mentioned her father, and Lian Runing couldn’t help but **** her ears.

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