The Sword Saint Also Has A Succubus Class

4. Foraging (POV: Suzi)

Brown cap with blue dots, white stalk, Suzi reminded herself. Brown cap with blue dots, white stalk.

A normal person wouldn't have to chant the description back to themselves, Suzi thought with amusement, since it was a rather distinct sort of mushroom. The dotted bluebell had potent healing qualities, though was only found in areas of high mana density. Naturally, that meant Suzi had been the single qualified candidate to go looking for one. Nobody else from Silverdale was prepared to go crawling through a green-rank adventuring zone, after all. Not safely.

Heck, Suzi wasn't sure how safe it was for her out here. She might have a Bestowal suited to combat, but she was only level four, and for the most part, she hadn't focused on the combat applications of her witchcraft. She knew the fundamentals—Mom had made sure of that—and she could call up a fireball if she needed to, but she didn't have the… the instinct, she guessed she'd call it, for fighting.

At least she wasn't going to be overconfident, then. To look on the bright side.

Brown cap with blue dots, white stalk, Suzi reminded herself. And look out for monsters.

The Caelvarn Forest was only a green zone, which meant the Adventuring Society had labeled it dangerous to those under level ten. It wasn't a place a person would step foot in and be assaulted by nightmares from their most twisted imaginations. Still, Suzi knew she was in danger. It was a weird feeling, the squirming in her stomach that accompanied her eyes darting around the seemingly-innocent woods. Didn't look much different here than where her cabin was situated. Who would've thought murderous beasts twisted by mana-corruption lived in such a serene looking forest?

"Brown cap with blue dots, white stalk," Suzi said aloud, though in a whisper, as to not draw undue attention. "Do it for Amber."

Her stomach tightened at the reminder. Amber. The latest of Silverdale to fall under the mysterious 'Affliction.' Suzi had been worried for everyone else who had grown sick, of course, but Amber was personal. They were… friends.

Just friends, to younger Suzi's dismay. She'd gotten over her crush by now, although a part of her did lament that literally none of the young women in Silverdale were gay. Just her! Poor old Suzi, without a chance in Heaven to ever get a girlfriend! The forever-virgin!

She chided herself for how her thoughts had run in that well-trodden direction once again. She had more serious things to be worrying about than her perpetual sexual loneliness.

The Affliction…

What was it, anyway?

Nobody knew, and that was the problem. There were murmurings that the sickness was caused by a monster in this very forest, since there'd been subtle scratches and even bite marks found on every victim, and when it came to supernatural happenings, blaming things on a monster was a safe bet… but nobody knew. If there were some unique threat lurking in the Caelvarn Forest, no one had laid eyes on hide or tail thus far.

Brown cap with blue dots, white stalk.

The Dotted Bluebell Mushroom had special healing qualities, magical healing qualities, thus its rarity and how it only grew in places of higher-than-average mana density. Since all natural remedies had failed, seeking supernatural ones was the obvious next step.

Mirabelle, the town [Apothecary]—one of only a few classed in the small village—thought she might be able to make something out of the mushroom, though she'd told Suzi that odds were lower than they were high that she'd find a cure. They'd had help come from outside the town already, after all, and even the higher-level [Healer] had been clueless.

Not that Crestridge was much better informed than Silverdale. When Suzi had been young, really young, she remembered living in a city, a real city, and neither Crestridge nor Silverdale could be considered that in the slightest. They barely qualified as villages. The quaint life out in the backwaters was… well, quaint, she guessed, but she would admit she missed the bustle she remembered as a kid. Wouldn't mind making a trip back, someday soon.

(A bigger city was basically her only hope for getting laid, too, she secretly admitted.)

But even if the odds weren't great that the bluebell would help, Suzi was going to do her best. For all of Silverdale, but especially for Amber. To who else could she complain about the woes of being a girl who liked other girls in a town as small as Silverdale?

And she didn't even live in town! She lived out in the woods! So she was super fucked!

Except in the one way she did want to be fucked!

Feeling her thoughts growing a little ridiculous, she reined her brain back in. It needed corralling pretty often.

Brown cap with blue dots, white stalk.

And look out for monsters.

Thing was, walking around for hours in the forest could get pretty boring. How was she supposed to stay focused for so long?

She had bumped into one weaker monster so far, which had been a heart-racing event, but even if she was only a level four [Witch], she'd come prepared. A bending of magic had left the beast a smoking husk. She'd gagged and retreated, the smell of burning flesh distinctly unpleasant.

On and on Suzi went, trudging through the forest, looking for the elusive mushroom that might—but probably wouldn't—save her friend.

Until she stumbled onto a scene that broke her brain.

From a distance, she didn't even fully understand what she was looking at. There was a woman fighting a monster. Except… she was fighting it with a stick.

And she was naked.

Those two facts, she didn't fully make out until she'd hurried closer, raising her gnarled wooden staff to cast a spell to help. The magic stifled on her lips as she was struck dumb by what was happening.

Yes, the woman was definitely naked.

Yes, she was fending off a level five [Crooked Elk] with a mere stick, and seeming unruffled while doing so.

But there were two even more interesting tidbits:

First, she had wolf ears and a fluffy tail.

She also had a cock.

Gaping from a distance, Suzi merely watched the fight take place. To be fair, she would have rushed in to help the assailed party should her hindbrain have recognized it as necessary. But no, this woman didn't need help. The reason the fight was dragging out was only because she was toying with her prey. And how unbelievable was that? She didn't display the speed or strength of an upper-level Bestowed; she moved with slow and deliberate movements, reading every violent intent of the monster like plain words set on a page. Like she was… warming up. Or getting a feel for the creature out of academic curiosity.

The more Suzi watched, the more surreal the situation became.

Why was there a naked wolfgirl fighting monsters out in Caelvarn Forest?

With a stick?

Why did she have a cock?

And why was she the most fluid combatant Suzi had ever seen?

The way she moved… Suzi couldn't tear her eyes away, and not even because there was a gorgeous naked girl in front of her. It wasn't difficult to recognize a master in any field: fifteen seconds with a brush, and a master artist could be identified. Fifteen seconds with a fiddle, and a musician.

And the same, for this woman who had made killing her lifelong pursuit.

A handful of exchanges later, and she stabbed the stick through the monster's neck, seeming almost disappointed as she withdrew to let the beast go through its death-throes. She had wanted a better fight, clearly. She had moved slower and with less strength than her opponent all throughout, and yet it hadn't been remotely a competition.

Then those tall white wolf ears twitched, as if alerting to something. Piercing golden eyes pivoted, locking onto Suzi.

She squeaked, a primal response to that gaze, and in a mortifying moment that would be forever engraved onto her memories, she dropped her only weapon: her staff clattered to the floor, her entire body seizing under the attention of those gold eyes.

There was long, interminable moment in which they held each other's gazes across the distance. The wolfgirl seemed confused, perplexed at having run into another person—expression indicating non-comprehension.

Then she looked down at herself. At those full breasts, her wide hips, and her exposed privates. Her… cock.

Her huge cock!

Why was it so big?

Suzi might only like girls, but she still knew how big cocks were supposed to be!

Why was a girl packing the most heat she'd ever heard of?

She wasn't even hard…

Those rather crude thoughts raced through her mind, before the wolfgirl's confusion broke, replaced with another emotion:

Burning embarrassment.

The woman had understood what she was seeing, finally. That she had company. Hands shot to both her chest and crotch, covering herself in the most nominal sense imaginable—her breasts, she at least could cover up, but one hand did little to hide the very impressive equipment lower down. And heck, Suzi wasn't sure how much the woman was securing her modesty up top either. There was too much; her breasts spilled over her hand, and in a way, just made the sight even lewder.

Some girls had all the luck!

Suzi continued to gape, her brain a little too melted-down by what she was seeing to respond like a proper functioning human being.

"W-Who goes there! Name yourself!"

The wolfgirl's voice was soft and feminine, though with a clear streak of authority. Another jolt went through Suzi, hearing the words, and to her complete and utter shame, it was a rather hot jolt.

Yes, please, Miss Wolfgirl. Order me around more.

Pervert, she scolded herself immediately. She blamed it on a distinct lack of partners in Silverdale, though a more honest appraisal admitted that maybe she was just a little eager by nature.

"S-S-Suzi," she called out, with an impressive triple-stutter, which even for her was a record. "Suzi Clearwater. I'm, um, from Silverdale! I saw you fighting, and I ran over to help, but you, ah, you had it in hand, clearly! You really know how to use that weapon of yours! T-The one in your hand, I mean, the stick, not—"

Wait, why was she clarifying that again? No reasonable person would've assumed Suzi meant weapon in the euphemistic sense. Most people weren't utter perverts like her. Though, was this wolfgirl skilled with her other weapon? For being interested in women, the shuddering wash of heat that went through her was surprising. It told Suzi that she'd very much like to find out. Maybe it wasn't a preference for what was below the waist that she cared so much about, as much as the soft curves and feminine charms.

"You're very skilled, Miss!" Suzi squeaked, her face probably the color of a rose. "What are you doing out here?"

Naked, she silently added. What are you doing out here naked?

Still holding her very generous chest in with one hand, and failing to fully conceal her cock and balls—her cock and balls? Oh, dear, what a phrase—the woman somehow managed to keep a stoic expression, clearly forcing the calm.

"I've… had an interesting day," the wolfgirl said. "It would be hard to explain. I wasn't expecting to run into someone so quickly. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."


Well, maybe in a sense. She was definitely outside of her comfort zone, right about now. But in a bad way? Yeah… no. As far as Suzi was concerned, she'd been blessed by the heavens themselves. Even a glimpse of this woman's naked body would fuel her imagination for weeks to—


Wildly inappropriate, she scolded herself. You shouldn't fantasize about strangers.

Suzi swallowed, then, practically jumping in embarrassment, she realized what she should be doing. Hastily, she unclasped her cloak and thrust it out in offering.

"You can cover yourself with this, if you want."

As much of a tragedy as it would be, she internally wailed.

The wolfgirl froze, and Suzi wondered if she'd said something wrong.

"Is that fine?"

"Of course!" What was this girl talking about? If she didn't mean to be naked, of course Suzi would help her out. Suzi liked her cloak, but this woman needed it a lot more than her, right about now.

"Then, yes, please, I would like that," the wolfgirl said.

The woman hurried forward, and Suzi tried not to watch the way her curves bounced as she padded over. Gods, she was so plush. And cute! Look at those ears, that tail!

Down girl, Suzi told herself.

As surprising, and in some ways pleasant, this development was, she did need to be careful. This woman was a total stranger, and they were out in the middle of an isolated, dangerous forest together. Who knew what could happen?

Thanks for reading!

For those interested, I generated some images to help visualize the characters, roughly (Some are NSFW!!)

Vale, NSFW:



Suzi, SFW:



I think going forward, I'll generate more (nsfw) images when they're "unlocked" by Vale successfully lewding a girl :P Is that something people are interested in?

Additionally, there are now glossary entries with (height, eye color, hair, etc) for the two named characters! Will be updated as I go.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.