The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 8


The Royal Military Academy is one of the most important military buildings in the empire, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers. It has advanced mech training grounds, extensive underground fortress facilities, and surrounding metal buildings staggered.

It is most commendable to have a high-fire mech team, which is not inferior to the formal army, and the driver is the best top elite student-and each mech is equipped with a special Armed technician.

This is hard to come by. Armed technicians are special resources for special forces, and no senior military academy can be extravagant enough to have one for each mech.

Its Mech Elite Class almost monopolized the new recruits of the Star Special Forces every year, for which countless people broke their heads and wanted to enter the Royal Military Academy. However, it is not so good. The number of candidates from each planet reaches a terrible 8-digit number every year, but it only admits 2,000 people a year.

The worst part of the Royal Military Academy is that it doesn’t recruit lps like many senior military schools do. Its Marine Department allows enrollment in BT, Research Department enrollment, and Institute Director Edna Conceitlin is even a rare woman.

This equality has caused protests from many high-level empires, but Principal Caroline explained:

“Historically recognized Marshal Gavin-Silla, the Alliance ’s goddess, has been proven to be bt, but his superior military talent has not been affected in any way. It is difficult for us to imagine that if the Marshal was born in the Empire, he would not even have been in the military school This is obviously very ridiculous. ”

“Gender is not a reason that hinders people from being educated. Every empire soldier on the battlefield should be a comrade in arms, regardless of bt or.”

Although Marshal Silia was a gold shield to the people of the Empire, the debate has not disappeared. Many people think that bt and should not enter the military school, even those lp students think so, the class fortress caused by gender has never disappeared inside the military school.

LP men occupy an absolute commanding position in military academies, followed by lp women, bt and almost at the bottom.

-Gavin, as an airborne force, knew nothing about this.

But on the first day after entering school, he felt deeply that something was wrong.

That day he went with many freshmen to pick up the **. When he was in line, the quartermaster paused, and dragged a large pair of pants from the table to him, “-next!”

Gavin didn’t move. “Please change it to a smaller one.”

“Without a trumpet, why don’t you go to a children’s clothing store to buy pants? Next!”

“I see you have it, give it to me.”


The back row started to riot slightly, with a sarcastic laughter looming. A strong lp freshman patted Gavin’s shoulder behind him: “Brother, which specialty are you?”

“Armed technician.”

“I advise you not to choose this one. Which driver will pick you as a technician like a white-cut chicken? You might as well go to the academy to study with them and adjust the solution, maybe one day you can I ran into great luck and touched the shell of the mech, haha ​​… ah- ”

The voice stopped abruptly, because Gavin suddenly reached out and pinched his hand resting on his shoulder, and the thumb and index finger joints were stuck in the protruding bones of the man’s thick wrist.

The boy snorted forcibly, but his slightly trembling arm exposed his pain.

A few seconds later Gavin turned back and smiled, “Thanks for your advice.”

He let go, calm, as if unaware of the sarcastic eyes and smirks around him.

Because the overalls were too large, Gavin had to roll up his legs and found a wider belt to prevent it from slipping down.

Of course he is not a white-cut chicken. In their teens, their body size is not much different from that of their peers. Only when they are fully mature will they prepare for gestation and reproduction, and they will gradually develop into a shapely softness. Injection of BT pheromone solutions will also delay this process.

Moreover, Gavin’s original material is good. Although the overall weight is thin, the muscles are tight but not exaggerated, which is a neat inverted triangle. His endurance and quality are not bad compared to those carefully selected LPs, with only fleshy muscles missing.

If he was an lp, people would only say that the child was a bit thin, just like the Marshal Celia thought that Marshal was thinner because of heavy military affairs. But once it was truly confirmed that he was bt, people had another idea.

Discrimination against **** was very obvious during the alliance period. In the empire period, this trend was even more extreme because of the revival of classism.

** The room was empty, and Gavin was wearing a black skinny vest. Suddenly he saw someone behind him in the mirror.

It was a senior LP military academy student, with a very tall body, with undisguised disgust, and somehow looked familiar.

“I don’t know what Edna told you, but you shouldn’t be here.”

Gavin, a flashlight, heard his voice-it was a military academy student who stopped a few estrus lp that day and tried to send him to the military doctor’s office!

Gavin turned instantly, looked directly into his eyes and asked, “What do you want to say?”

“Armed technicians need a very high level of technology. There is not necessarily a bt in one hundred people in this profession. The people in the mech team only look at the strength. It is impossible for anyone to pick you as a technician, so it ’s useless for you to learn this . ”

“Also you are a, I do n’t know why Dean Edna gave you inhibitors, and I do n’t want to question the decision of your superiors, but you better leave here quickly. It is a rare resource in society, and you stay at home safely for everyone all good.”

The military school student paused and said coldly: “And I must remind you that if the inhibitor fails on the training ground, you cannot imagine the consequences. Many people here are different from the ordinary lp outside, they are in estrus There is a heavy tendency to attack-you felt it that night, right? ”

This was a bit warning, and Gavin couldn’t help narrowing his eyes and staring at him: “You want to say that you are better than them?”

“I was,” said the academy student indifferently. “But that’s not the point.”

His attitude was very cold, but the pride and discipline infiltrated from the bone marrow was enough to make people respectfully-but unfortunately, Gavin has been meeting with pretenders since he woke up, including taking the machine by his neck The imperial admiral of A, Aaron Sen, including his emperor, who had fled and bombarded his emperor; so now he does n’t feel much about ordinary clothes. He just said “Oh”, “Thank you Your reminder. ”

He grabbed his jacket over his shoulder and walked out of the room while wearing a black finger cot on his hand. The military academy student did not respond a bit: “Did you listen to me?”

“Listen, thank you.”


“What is your name?”

The cadet stunned and said, “… Dean.”

“Thank you, Dean.” Gavin said, “Thank you for protecting me that day–although it might just be your first-class pride–but I will definitely repay you.”

Dean frowned and refuted: “I don’t want you to repay …”

“But if you tell me what you are, this reward will be gone. I bet you will regret it.”

Gavin waved his hand freely and didn’t stay any longer, turning and walking towards the end of the corridor.

The figure was a bit hateful, and Dean frowned and tightened, eventually shaking his head in disgust.


Although Dean was annoying, he was right, the armed technician profession did not welcome bt.

This profession sounds like a cow fork, and actually does all the hard work. The intelligent mech below the s level does not achieve full mental control, and the armed technicians will assist the driver to complete high-definition actions during combat, including mech decomposition and deformation, firepower adjustment, and so on. In the event of an emergency failure of the mech during the battle, the technician will also be responsible for maintenance, sometimes even climbing to the outside of the mech for high-altitude operations.

So this profession is quite dangerous, and only a few particularly strong lps are capable.

The head of the department of armed technicians is a particularly weird middle-aged man named Gudrow. He is tall and sober, with a strict personality and few words. On the first day of class, Gavin was found by him and said sharply: “Although Dean Edna recommended you, I do not want you to be in my department. Armed technicians have very high intellectual and physical requirements. There are a lot of technicians who die in each battle because of a high altitude fall. Your innate conditions are not enough. ”

Gavin asked, “What do you want me to do?”

“Apply for a transfer. If you insist on staying, I can only ask you to do some theoretical research, so your good years in the past will be wasted. You don’t want this, right?”

Gavin actually has no special hobby for armed technicians. It’s all that Edna lets him do. He doesn’t care.

But Gavin is still young now, and the young man has a kind of rebellious blood in his heart. He’s been ridiculed for more these days. Dean’s advice and the director’s warning have had counter-effects. Instead, he has a temperament that he doesn’t want to give up.

“Thank you for your kindness, but I still want to give it a try. If you don’t give me any chance, how do you know that I will not be able to keep up?” Gavin bowed his head slightly, politely and firmly: “Maybe let me first Follow the class and wait for the assessment. If it really does n’t work, I will report it and apply for withdrawal. Can you see it? ”

Goodrow looked slightly impatient: “Is it necessary to waste time, anyway, you …”

Gavin firmly said: “Only after trying to know if it is a waste of time. If you are not wrong, Marshal Silia is also bt right? Although the lp gene is excellent, which lp has more achievements in mecha than bt marshal?”

Goodro: “…”

Gavin said sorry, Marshal, after so many years of death and dragged you out to block the gun-but you really are a gold shield, it is so easy to use!

“… Marshal Silia is a special case. I don’t think anyone else can reach that height.” Goodrow said with a stern face. “But in order to show justice, I still give you a chance to compete-start school The first technician test will be held in the following month, if your score is below 300 … ”

Goodro’s eyes rolled round his eyes and looked rather funny: “Don’t say it, you can report it yourself!”

Gavin replied that he was owed and politely turned to leave.

Although he kept his major, Gavin found that his life was not good after a week of class.

The first lesson of an armed technician is to recite theory. Mech below s level does not have nerve bands, basically rely on mechanical control, balance system, firepower output, alloy performance, proportional parameters … These knowledge are complex and complicated, and technicians must remember it in their minds, at least to the degree of backwardness .

Because the technicians had extremely high vision requirements, Gudrow printed out the recitation textbooks and sent them to the monitor, and then everyone went to the monitor to receive them individually. When Gavin passed, the lp squad leader didn’t even look at him, and took a thick book of nearly a thousand pages: “-yours.”

“When to check?”

“After seven days.”


Gavin cluttered and left the book.

Knowledge should not be accumulated from endorsement but from practice, which is Gavin’s long-held view.

However, the opinion of a bt student is clearly a waste of only five fighting forces in front of Gudrow.

In order to memorize this thick book, Gavin spent the whole night fighting for a whole week, and his concentration was so amazing that even his commander’s lp roommate. This roommate’s dad is the military ministry **, he is a standard second-generation. When he passed the study that day, he suddenly stopped and solemnly said, “——You are a hardworking student, and I respect the hardworking person!”

Gavin: “… oh.”

“Although you’re just a bt, I will cheer for you!” The roommate shook his fist, excitedly, “Come on!”

“…” Gavin silently looked at the other’s encouraging smile, and said for a moment: “… Thank … Thank you.”

Everyone has used holographic computers these days. Armed technicians are one of the few people who need to endorse. Fortunately, Gavin has a natural familiarity with mecha. Those boring data and indicators flow in his mind as if there is life. Each number can be locked to a specific mecha, forming a coherent and logical consciousness.

He spent six days memorizing the complete book and another day to consolidate his memory; when the eighth day arrived, he was trembling, came to the classroom to report with the book, and saw the frosty squad leader: “Director Gudrow will check in person Your learning status. ”

… the director is too busy …

Gavin twitched his head, came to Gudrow’s office, and he was studying mechanical drawings with several teachers. Seeing Gavin coming in, he didn’t even raise his head, and said coldly, “Start memorizing, starting from Chapter 1.” After talking, he bowed his head and discussed the problem with his colleagues.

This contempt was very obvious, but Gavin was not very angry, and began to endorse when he stood. No one noticed that he was relaxed. From Chapter 1 to Chapter 5, he was thirsty and poured a glass of water proactively. He returned from Chapter 6 and continued to memorize.

Goodro gave him a slight surprise.

“… the pressure coefficient at the 390th axle of the Acker gun at the start of the year was 1.9025. At this moment, the pressure density of the pressure wheel is 4.0192 … what happened to you?”

“Nothing,” Goodrow coldly, “you continue.”

Gavin’s throat was a bit astringent, and he coughed and continued to carry his back. This time, he continued to Chapter 12 before pouring another glass of water.

When he came back, several teachers stood up and looked at him, strangely inexplicable.

Gavin was puzzled and immediately stopped holding the cup. Goodro motioned for him to come in and asked indifferently, “How much have you carried?”

“… remembered the entire book.”

“Have you seen it before?”

Gavin said that your discrimination was too obvious, and he looked a little hesitant: “I got the book with everyone.”

Several teachers showed distrust, and one of them asked, “You memorize the last chapter?”

This is not difficult: although the end chapter is the longest, it has the freshest memory and more textual things. Gavin opened his mouth and finished the whole chapter, without a beat in the middle; after the back, his throat became hot and irritated, he took a sip of the water glass.

There was silence in the office.

“… Can I go?” Gavin couldn’t wait for a long time to speak, and finally asked.

Goodro waved and said flatly, “Let’s go.”

A good young student, Gavin, with a sore throat, turned around and strode out of the office door with a smoky heart and an expressionless face.

As a result, the roommate returned home that night and asked him how well the book was memorized. He took the opportunity to read the theory of gender equality all night. The next day, my roommate was jealous of Venus, and when I walked, I saw my friend who was studying in the technician department, and immediately caught the other person and complained: “Your director is too **!”


“It’s not enough to ask people to memorize a complete book a week. I still suspect that others have read it before me! Since students are not equal, why can’t lp do it ?!”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying,” the other said confusedly. “That book was only completed at the end of the semester. Only the first five chapters will be checked this week.”


“Who finished the whole book? Hahaha, you’re kidding me, more than a thousand pages, how could someone finish it all … what happened to you? What’s your look?”

“… I’m sorry Director Gu …” The roommate turned his head and said, “I understand his mood now …” ——

The author has something to say:

It ’s time to brush up the military academy map. Let ’s take a plot first. It wo n’t be too long to meet and attack.

Today’s update was originally intended to write the next plot, but it was 12 o’clock immediately, it was really drowsy, so I sent it like this …

In fact, I really want to write more, but the code word is too slow, basically 600-700 words per hour, the fastest is 800, and sometimes I change it back, and I have to write three or four hours a day for half a chapter … … I ca n’t wait for the classmates to see it every other day, so there are more plots in the whole chapter, I ’m really sorry (rДq) ノ

Knees Xie Luo Yun’s two long comments! !! !! !! !! !!

Thanks for Personal Mathematics, ln2100, 荩 荩, xin, Zizi, Yanyu Chi (two mines), Xi Jian, xin, Xiao 衾 の dull receiving ~~ (This is dull receiving Ah 璞), tn, summer grass, spring breeze , Su Lan, Yao Cao Yi He Bi, White Cang Meow, Xi Jian, Smiling Wasteland, Cool Breeze, 12129323, Xie Shenyan, Nine Days, Sun and Moon, Spring Breeze, ln2100 (2 mines), Huwei, Xi Yeliang, Lilis , Snow str (2 mines), loneliness and prosperity reappear, fangs teeth love Huai attack (2 mines), Xi Jian, n, angels in white are all winged Austrian, tn, fish obediently (2 mines), Cang Meow in white, zz, Yao Bi, He Bi, Tang Xiaomu’s mines! !! !! !! !!

Thanks to Lilis and Xia Cao for their grenades! !! !! !!

Thanks to A 璞 の 内 内 攻 衾 (this is a slow attack by A 璞) and Xi Jian’s rocket launcher! !! !! !!

bow! !! !! !! !! !! !!

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