The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 16


Gavin was countless, and Aaron came out after only showing up in the hall, and he just happened to be standing by the lawn and smoking!

At that moment Gavin’s mood was almost sad: Edna, did you see Aaron’s absence and let me know? Claire, do you have to date your little girlfriend behind the toilet? Admiral Aaron, you don’t obediently stay in the hall to accept the flattery. Which door is the wind blowing and which door is running? !!

More than a group of pig teammates, it is a group of pig teammates!

“Ya–” Claire snapped his salute, “Admiral Aaron!”

Aaron didn’t notice him, only stared at Gavin tightly: “… Have I seen you somewhere …” He said in a voice, “No, you are bt.”

He subconsciously sniffed his nose into Gavin’s neck and sniffed-lp’s identification was usually through the smell, which was almost standard sexual harassment. Gavin Han’s hair stood up, even Claire’s face completely changed.

“You’re a bit like the one I know … two people.” Aaron stared at Gavin thoughtfully, his voice lowered, as if to himself: “Strange, how can you be like two people at the same time?”

Gavin looked up at him, calming his innocence.

Aaron’s face was cloudy. For a moment, he almost thought that the cadet student was Silia’s soul, but then he felt that he was like the one who stole his mech on the planet Saturn. Strangely, the one who looked like Silia was completely different, but in front of him, the military academy student wonderfully integrated the features of the two people, giving him a sense of confusion and subversion.

Celia is dead, is that possible?

No, it’s impossible-Aaron directly denied this speculation.

He is not worried about the loss of the gryphon, because the 3s-class mech has a special spiritual connection with the master. Whenever the gryphon releases a full combat form, its mental system will leave a signal in his brain. According to the signal analysis, the last appearance of the griffin was around the snake snake galaxy, only six days ago.

The snake power galaxy’s current situation is very subtle-it has been occupied by the ** army, and recently established a reactionary regime called “post-alliance ** government”.

Heinrich was highly conscious of the regime, and according to spy satellite surveillance, the boy also showed signs of haunting the Serpent Galaxy.

This confirms the guess of Heinrich and Aaron: The teenager and the army are now mixed up, and the gryphon should be in their hands. The purpose of this group may be to develop s-class mechs or genetic experiments, but it is impossible to make any contact with a bt student at the Royal Military Academy on Egret.

“What’s your name?” Aaron frowned.

“…” Gavin remembered his character-dumb.

Although the disability caused by most causes in the world has been cured with the advancement of science and technology, there is always a part of acquired aphasia that is affected by both physical and psychological factors, and modern medicine is difficult to cure.

Besides, his voice didn’t change much, and Aaron could recognize it as soon as he spoke.

“Can’t speak?” Aaron saw his finger and shook his hand, and he couldn’t help but be surprised: “The institute now even has dumb ?!”

Gavin Zheng focused his head.

“…” Claire was barely scratching his head, with question marks on his head.

Aaron was speechless for a long time, subconsciously still unwilling to embarrass a young man who looked like Silia.

Gavin nodded humblely and turned away.

Aaron stared at his back and drew two cigarettes. The back of the boy in the night always gave him a sense of familiarity, and the nerves trained from countless crises pumped in his brain, making him inexplicably a little irritable.

Am I too sensitive?

No, being vigilant is not always a bad thing.

But he is obviously a bt …

Marshal Silia is also bt. To be honest, he smelled like Silia just now.

Aaron extinguished the smoke, followed the first two steps, and called tentatively, “Hey–”

Gavin just did not hear, the pace has accelerated.

Who knew that Aaron was born with a predator nature. You do n’t feel good if you stay still. You ca n’t help but want to go after him. Gavin’s pace was so fast, he immediately felt it, and he was a little confused and hurried forward a few steps: “Hey, wait a minute–”

Gavin walked to the side of the auditorium and twisted around the path.

This action seemed to pull the trigger, and both Gavin and Aaron ran!

“Hey, wait … stop me!” Aaron rushed to the path with lightning, and saw Gavin flashing towards the back door of the school. Instantly he couldn’t think much about it. A sharp turn rushed straight up, and the two ran across the narrow trail one after another in the cover of the night!

“Stop me! Come on! Come on!”

Not long after Aaron had undergone genetic surgery, his body function was maintained in the heyday of his early twenties, and he ran like a sprinting cheetah. Gavin didn’t get rid of his chance at all, and he didn’t have time to look at the surrounding environment during the play of Lili. Fortunately, a griffin calmly reminded in his pocket: “Go left!” “Go right!” “Did you see the turn in front?” “There is a fire door behind the research building. Hurry in and hide!”

Gavin jumped over the railing and found a hidden black door not far away. At this time, he didn’t even think much about it. He just walked in and closed the door. He heard the footsteps pass by the door after a while, and Aaron yelled, “It’s around!” Another person agreed: “Quick search!” “Go there!” Go find it! ”

Gavin slammed the door and looked back: a long, narrow path leads into the dark, and the lights are suddenly on and off, and it looks like it has been in disrepair.

“The target disappeared after chasing here, they will search back and forth, let’s go inside.” Gryphon turned into a light brain floating out of his pocket, scanning around: “There seems to be a staircase below.”

Gavin suddenly felt a strange feeling, he glanced at the griffin.


“… Nothing.” Gavin took a few steps forward, only listening to his footsteps echoing in the empty martyrdom, and soon afterwards he saw a moving door under his feet.

He pulled open the dark door, and a slightly damp breeze blew towards his face, and Gavin immediately felt that the air was still fresh.

There really is another story underneath.

The Griffin didn’t know how much myelin was stored during this time, and the whole body emitted a dazzling light, and it automatically floated to the front as a light source. Gavin walked down the stairs for a full ten minutes, probably reaching the ground of hundreds of meters, and saw that the monotonous stairway around the stairs finally began to widen.

A corner appeared at the end, and Gavin turned round, his eyes suddenly opened up-turned out to be a heavy hemispherical metal door.

“Tungsten alloy,” Griffin scanned it. “That’s over 600 tons.”

“What is this, the underground fortress?”

“Maybe it is the underground laboratory of the research institute. There should be an elevator to the ground. We just walked through the emergency passageway-but having said that the tungsten alloy door on the emergency passageway is really rich.” Shaofei flew to the electronic lock, and pretended to shake it: “Well, although the password is very complicated, for my cosmic 3s optical brain, as long as it is complimented a little bit-”

Gavin turned and left.

“Don’t, don’t–! I can’t crack it yet!” Griffin said angrily: “Pitiful human!”

The stingy human was sitting on the steps and leisurely watching the 3s cosmic-level light brain busy for twenty minutes, drawing countless calculations and images in the air, and finally carefully entering a row of up to 40 digit passwords, and the electronic lock rang :

“The directive was passed and released.”

The floor made a dull bang, and the tungsten alloy door slowly cracked and cracked, and a soft white light was sprinkled inside.

A huge underground laboratory slowly appeared before Gavin.

Here the walls and floor are white, and the circular metal wall is leaned on by numerous silver experimental instruments, because the laboratory itself is too large to see the head. Gavin looked up, and it was difficult to see the ceiling, and he saw dazzling artificial light shining on the distant zenith.

In the middle of the hall, a broken silver mech was placed.

Gavin stepped forward like a demon, and the tungsten alloy door slammed behind him.

That mech is semi-complete, hundreds of meters high, titanium silver body, phoenix motif engraved on the whole body, wings spread wings behind.

It still has traces of war flames and gunpowder half a century ago, its wings shattered into pieces, and half of its body was fragmented. But when the complete form is still visible from the surviving outline, the mad, sharp, magnificent and spectacular overall form, even now standing quietly on the ground, gives people a strong evil spirit.

“… Phoenix,” Gavin murmured, “Phoenix …”

He stepped forward and reached out to touch the silver-white metal case, but before he even touched it, he listened to a dull shock coming from behind him, followed by a mechanical sound: “——The order passed and it was released.”

Someone is coming in!

Gavin suddenly turned back, and saw that the tungsten alloy door was slowly cracking a crack. At this moment, he couldn’t think much about it. After coming to the corner of the electronic instrument in a short stride, he ducked into the gap between the two huge computer terminals.

Speaking later, when he was squatting down, he just listened to the door banging, and then someone came in.

Gavin closed his breath and shrank his body into the corner. At least seven or eight people heard the footsteps coming in. They walked straight to Mecha Phoenix, and then a voice asked, “Did you just take out the cockpit, Your Majesty?”

–His Majesty!

It’s Heinrich!

Gavin’s pupils tightened and he quietly poked his head a moment later. Standing in front of the mech phoenix is ​​the emperor Seth Heinrich, followed by several heavily armed researchers, headed by the man kneeling on the ground to quickly assemble a mech cutting machine.

Suddenly Gavin understood Aaron’s uninvited purpose-to cover Heinrich. When all eyes were on the general, no one would notice that the emperor sneaked into the underground laboratory of the Royal Military Academy!

But what did he do? He wants to disassemble the mech?

“It doesn’t matter if you disrupt the main program, leave immediately after taking out the cockpit.” Heinrich stood under the light, but his expression seemed to be shrouded in shadow: “Remember that the cockpit is sealed, you must not let it break.”

Several people nodded and said, immediately rushed to the surrounding rows of instruments against the wall and began to operate skillfully.

This group of people didn’t know how many times the exercise was conducted, and they didn’t even talk to each other. The first step was to open the sound insulation layer covering the entire laboratory, and then set up an absolute defense cover centered on the mech-this is to prevent high IQ Mech suddenly ran away during disassembly.

Immediately after the formation of the cutting machine was completed, hundreds of sharp gears were lifted high and aimed at the heart of the mech phoenix from different angles.

The main researcher stood at the top of the cutting machine, swallowed his saliva immediately before his hand: “Your Majesty, in case the mech emergency mechanism is activated …”

“No,” Heinrich said indifferently. “It had no myelin. It started unexpectedly a few days ago and drained the last bit of energy. Now it is completely shut off.”

The main researcher nodded and slowly pushed the handle.

With the humming of numerous intertwined Xueliang gears, they flew in an instant and reached the broken breastplate of the Phoenix at the same time. The already cracked five-dimensional alloy was quickly unable to withstand it, and a rattling squeak sounded, and the first cut was cracked on the metal surface!

Instantly Gavin only felt that if his chest was severely hit, the electric light and flint almost screamed!

He grabbed his chest with his fingers, almost breaking with his fingers!

It didn’t feel like a split mech, but rather alive to cut himself. Each of his nerves was torn apart by serrations, as if the hundreds of gears were smashed into the flesh at the same time!

Sensory sharing can only be achieved when the driver and the mech are highly connected, but why is he connected to the shutdown Phoenix? !! The severe pain made Gavin unable to think. He forced his fist into his mouth to barely stop the screaming, but consciously hit his knee against the wall with a loud noise!

“Who is there?”

Heinrich’s hearing was as sharp as that of a hawk, and he immediately walked to where Gavin was hiding behind the instrument.

His shadow was cast on the wall, and Gavin’s eyes widened in fear. In the next second, the emperor’s wrist turned into a short knife, and he slashed down with one stroke!


The metal instrument was cut in half in an instant, and Gavin in the gap rolled out on the spot, and the knife light broke against his face!

He said slowly and quickly, Heinrich turned his wrist and turned his sword, and while Gavin was still up, he put the tip of the knife on his eyebrow accurately: “You–”

The emperor’s expression was frozen.

“… who the **** are you?” After a suffocating death, the emperor asked slowly and slowly–

The author has something to say:

Into the next chapter, thank you for your support. Our goal is to star and the sea, bow!

Because the code word is really slow, the basic speed is between 700 and 800, and the article is not saved.

After entering v, one more chapter at a time, guaranteed at least five more chapters a week.

There is also a severe hit recently, and the Janglang blog can’t put meat anymore. I want to find a safe place to put river crab chapters, which is a headache

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