The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 141 - Fan Wu 5


The stadium lights were bright and everyone stood and applauded. The host held up Heinrich’s hand and said loudly: “The highest evaluation value in history-! Congratulations to Captain Seth Heinrich from the Field Marshal Guard for winning this time. The champion of the all-arms mecha micro-fighting contest! Set the best record ever! “

The applause flooded the hall like a tide, and the brilliant lights made people dizzy. Heinrich narrowed his eyes, his eyes traversed the crowd, and saw Aaron beckoning with excitement, Kareyan clapping hard, teammates hug together, uncomfortable but helpless opponents, and complexion but It’s hard to hide the praise of the legions …

Then he stared at a point in the crowd.

Celia stood on the judges’ hands, applauding appallingly, his actions were neither too excited nor cold.

The young commander was wearing a pure white military uniform, and a silver military emblem symbolizing the highest authority of the three armed forces was pinned on the neckline. Probably the light was too shining, and the light reflected by the military emblem shook slightly, making it difficult to see the expression on his face.

Heinrich narrowed his eyes, but at that moment Silia turned around and walked off the judges’ head without looking back.


All the voices were swallowed into his throat without exiting, Heinrich looked at the scoreboard left by the Marshal–

He hit full marks.

“Do you have any guidance on my mech micro-operations?”

Floor-to-ceiling windows in the Marshal’s office have slits, and the breeze is mixed with the fragrance of plants unique to early summer. In the afternoon, the sunlight passed through the treetops, leaving a dazzling light and shadow on the floor. When the wind passed slightly, it made a rustling noise.

Celia looked up from the star chart, “What do you mean?”

Heinrich looked down at his feet, trying to make his voice as smooth and natural as possible: “After winning the championship that day, many teammates and other legionnaires came to ask for advice, but I felt very scared because my level was just that …”

“The championship is every year,” Silia’s eyes turned back to the star chart, “but the record-breaker has only one for half a century.”

Heinrich’s heart tightened slightly.

“You deserve it,” Silia continued, “I have nothing to teach you in this regard.”

Heinrich closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he heard the commander say, “Go out and go.”

The captain turned and left without seeing him. The commander’s expression on his face gradually disappeared, and he relaxed his tight shoulders, and sighed almost silently.

Aaron’s evaluation of the incident when eating that night was: “Ah, what, do you think the Marshal is unhappy? Don’t you think he will be unhappy because your mech micro-fuck broke his record and wear you shoes to give you face? See? Hahahaha– “

Lieutenant Anders Aaron laughed at the table. The last time Kaleyan yawned and swallowed the fly into his mouth, he didn’t laugh so hard: “Hahahaha! Kiss you so much Cola! One commander of the three armed forces It ’s a trivial matter to care about this pickled pickle with you? Is your bonus enough for a day of petrol, or if you have a championship, everyone really thinks that your mech micromanipulation is better than him? Dear! Excessive self-awareness You’re a little bit okay too! “

Heinrich exclaimed: “Small voice!”

Fortunately, there are not many people in the canteen, so Rao still has a few military officers looking back.

Aaron finally managed to stop laughing, and said, “If it’s all about you, Marshal don’t do anything all day, just think about you. What’s ‘I have nothing to teach you’-this Isn’t it a compliment? Or are you happy to force the Marshal’s egg to pick up a headache and applaud, you are m brother! “

“You are m,” Heinrich said.

The last table other than them also left, Aaron immediately comfortably put his feet on the edge of the table, took a cup of coffee and enjoyed a sip: “No, I said, man, you have been too sick recently. Last time, you told me that the Marshal did not want you to go to the military parade? Why did you say that he was unwilling to be too tall? Although you were a little taller, the entire pro-military team was not much shorter than him. Right. Last time you were blind to ask for a blind date-my elder brother might not be able to change me, okay, please leave for a blind date on the eve of the battle. Your brain is so stuffed with straw! “

“That was arranged by the Ninth Corps Commander, not me …”

“I think you are a cup of snakes. Just like meeting the Marshal last time, I think he is normal. Turn your head around and say that he sees your eyes with” hostility “! Why can you make people hostile to you? Ah dear! Last time he gave the newly issued Marshal Sabre to everyone and did n’t play it for you, was n’t it because you were n’t there when everyone was playing? Later, of course you do n’t want to give it, how strange! ”

“I just want to see …”

“What does it mean for you to run alone to see someone’s sabre, do you know that it is against the law to take a blade weapon in front of the marshal? And did the marshal scold you later?”

Heinrich: “…”

“You didn’t even scold you, what else is there to complain about. Like last time I was scolded by Kaleyan but I was scolded, and I was still punished four times downstairs in Kaleyan’s dormitory. Hours … “Aaron depressed.” Don’t really scold you? “

Heinrich hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

No scolding, but he couldn’t describe Aaron’s delicate and tense atmosphere at that moment.

After he finally found the courage to ask “Can you show me”, Marshal Silia did not show his usual closeness to others as he expected. If you have to find an adjective, the subtle expression and gaze changes of the marshal at that moment can be described by vigilance, alertness, and even hostility.

— But this is almost impossible.

When Heinrich suspected he was wrong, Silia turned his head and said, “It’s not the time yet.”


“It’s not time for you.”

It must be acknowledged that the tone of the sentence and the situation at the time gave Heinrich the illusion of “Can you give it to me later?”

——But for some young people, it is better not to give them the illusion.

Heinrich’s illusion was so real that he played back all the details of that moment in that day in his mind many times. For a long time later, he couldn’t help but understand Silia’s anomaly that day as the guardian’s protection of his current status, the monopoly of authority, and the unconscious jealousy of the younger generation.

——But will this surpassing guess be true?

It was so bold and exciting that Heinrich didn’t dare to think deeply. Even a little bit of shadow appearing indistinctly in his head made him feel a sense of vertigo.

He took a deep breath, and then slowly and thoroughly exhaled, as if by this breath all the outrageous ambitions were out of the body.

He didn’t look at Aaron anymore, just stared at the table in front of him quietly, and said quietly, “You’re right, I may just … think a little too much.”

I may just, a little displeased him.

In the Galactic Era, in 3254, Kaleyan made a long-distance surprise attack in the battle to protect Venus, winning more by less, winning an absolute textbook victory, once again adding a lot to his own merit book. After the war, the military announced that he would take back his position as the captain of the Guards, and appointed him as the eighth division commander of the Guangyao Army.

The later league deputy coach and chief think tank finally graduated from the first springboard of his professional military career. One of the most important legacy he has left is the position of Captain Marshal Guard.

——The Guard is equivalent to a Marshal’s student, and the importance of the captain’s position is naturally self-evident. For a while, the entire military attention was focused on the Guards, and news from all walks of life was circulating. Most of them thought that the most promising candidates were only two: Anders Allen, who was highly regarded by the Marshal. And Seth Heinrich with excellent qualities.

Is this a suspense? The entire army, and even Aaron himself felt that way.

However, Heinrich thinks no.

He is training, on duty, fighting, sailing in the attention of more and more people … he can’t see the slightest difference in words and deeds, as if he doesn’t have any feeling for the surrounding environment.

Everyone felt that he was calm and glorious, only he knew it, because he had no hope at all.

From the beginning, it was impossible for that position to fall on his head.

Aaron should have seen something, but he was silent and silent. Only before the ship sailed one day later, when the two were waiting under the battleship for boarding, he suddenly said in the wind: “Brother, I recently …”

“I know,” Heinrich said.

The two of them looked at each other, and after a while Aaron reached out and patted his shoulder, saying, “I’m sorry.”

After all, how many years of comrades-in-arms, who almost died together, everyone can see the sincerity in these words. They stood face to face like this, half a while, smiling at each other, relieved each other.

——However, Heinrich did not expect that the Military Department issued the appointment letter of Captain Marshal Guard the next day, and the name written on the document was his Seth Heinrich!

At the time of the appointment, Heinrich was still on the battleship and saw that the screen didn’t respond for a long time. The teammates around him thought he was happy, and all came to push him to make fun of him, and congratulations to him for a treat. Heinrich finally reacted in the loud voice. The first reaction was to go back to Aaron. I saw Aaron standing not far away with his chin in his face, and his expression was very regretful.

“In the end I couldn’t win you … is this a victory for strength?”

Heinrich froze, and Aaron gave a hard hammer on his back, and laughed.

Aaron didn’t care, but Heinrich had a dreamlike imprecision.

During the half-month on the battleship, people were congratulated constantly. Even many colleagues in other legions sent congratulatory messages. Every day when the mailbox was opened, a pile of new mail came in like a tide. Heinrich’s attitude towards this was very cautious-before his promotion came down, his words and deeds were as usual, and after a successful promotion, he was more cautious, calling it like walking on thin ice.

Of course, this attitude won him a lot of praise, but Heinrich didn’t have the energy to care about this.

why me? He kept thinking this every day-why did I choose the last one?

The duty period finally came to an end. On the day when the warship returned to land, Heinrich returned to the dormitory and gently placed his military luggage on the sun-drenched ground. The sound of teammates laughing and clamoring outside the window, and the noise of the midsummer cicadas, contrasted the quiet and emptyness of this single dormitory. Heinrich stood at the window, suddenly remembering that he had just left the lower military academy, received the letter of appointment from the Marshal’s pro-signature, and came to the day when the Guardsman reported on … the eighteen-year-old he was awkward and unclear When he stood in front of the window nervously and looking forward to looking at this dormitory, did he think that one day he could climb to the height he is today?

Heinrich closed his eyes in meditation, feeling that the sun was penetrating the eyelids, and the world was golden. After being promoted, he was cautiously hidden from the excitement, finally leaking a trace of edge from the bottom of his heart, crawling over the nerve endings like a current.

Where will I climb in the future?

I’m still so young. If I work hard, I might end up as a general like previous captains, right?

Heinrich took a deep breath and spit it out slowly, as if to completely calm the surging tide with this action. He opened his eyes and glanced at the glorious sunlight in the afternoon, then turned back to pack his luggage, and then turned around and stopped.

Celia leaned on the door frame and looked at him with his arms folded.

“…” A moment of awkward silence, Heinrich asked: “You … why are you here?”

“I passed by, and the door to your dorm was open,” Silia said concisely. “I think you’re very melancholy, so I didn’t bother.”

Heinrich had an instant feeling of incomprehension, and conditional reflection denied: “I didn’t—”

“I thought you would come to me as soon as you landed. It seems to be overly concerned.” Silia was wearing a white shirt and black military pants, her sleeves were stretched to her elbows, her arms were thin, and there was no extra decoration. Out of any marshal characteristics. He walked around in the dormitory and sat on the single bed.

“I heard people say that you are so low-key that you can’t even quit the celebration party for the Guard, is it true?”

“…” Heinrich said, “I just feel like there is nothing to celebrate, and I haven’t done much yet …”

“Do not want to be noticeable?”

“Also … okay.”

“Afraid I think you’re public?”

“No I–“

Heinrich knotted his tongue and stared at Silia. It took a few seconds for the latter to show a smile that didn’t make any sense.

“My cold treatment …” Silia asked slowly, “Is it leaving you so … at a loss?”

The dormitory suddenly fell into a solidified atmosphere, as if there was an invisible hand constantly pulling the air out, and the low pressure hit Heinrich’s chest. He could even clearly hear the sound of his heart beating–plop, plop Plop, plop.

“Deny,” said the voice in his head. “Have no time, say no, and say that everything is fine.”

But I don’t know why, this answer to disguise Taiping seems to be suppressed by another inexplicable emotion. He looked at Silia’s eyes. These calm black eyes were looking at him from the bottom up because of the sitting position, and his eyes were slightly wide, giving a feeling of expectation.

Heinrich opened his mouth, and he heard his voice say, “… Yes.”

The sound seemed to come out of his mouth and echoed a few times in the room before falling slowly from the air into his own ear.

Silia was silent for a while and said, “I guess so.”

They sat and stood, and suddenly the sound of the playground and the cicadas of the summer were all clear, like a sound echoing in their ears. Heinrich suddenly felt very hot. He wanted to unbutton the second button on his shirt, and turned to open the window to let the wind blow to his red face, but he stopped immediately with one hand.

Every minute, every second, is like time reverberating in the deep and deep water, shaking slowly ripples.

“… I didn’t treat you with the right attitude from the beginning …” Silia slowly said, “I took you out of the military academy with Aaron, but I didn’t treat you with equal eyes …”

He paused and said, “But I have great expectations for you, I hope you learn more from me, and I hope you don’t care about my personal trivial likes and dislikes, and become more independent and strong …”

Heinrich’s pupils widened with surprise and surprise.

“Like the previous Mowen and Kareyan, they are the students I value most, and they have implemented my opinions into their own rules of conduct … This of course can ensure that they are not wrong, just like today’s Ya It’s the same as Lun … but I still hope to see more from the students, because my personal actions and thoughts will eventually be left in the past, I want to see from you, the way to continue in the future … “

Silia’s deep voice stopped.

He slid his throat up and down and took a deep breath:

“I educated a student like this for the first time, so I’m also learning from you.’

A kind of recovery-like sensation slowly opened from Heinrich’s heart, just like the frozen ground in winter finally ushered in the first warm sun, and the undercurrent of the ice layer burst out from the crack.


Celia stood up and reached out to Heinrich.

The well-known Marshal of the Alliance and the new Captain Captain, in this ordinary single dormitory, solemnly and seriously shook hands.

This is their first handshake. Different from the previous marshal’s embrace when the captain took office, different from the high-level interviews during the military parade, and the salute in the smoke of battlefields … this is a handshake under the equal view of two people, not so much as the marshal and soldier, student and teacher It is better to say that they are equal partners and comrades in arms.

The palm of the young captain was still slightly sweaty, but firm and firm.

“Why me?” He finally asked the question.

Celia smiled slightly:

“I don’t know, I’m betting.”

The galactic era is 3254, in midsummer, the Union Capital Blue Tiara.

Heinrich, who was born in the family of low-ranking officers and a junior low-ranking military academy, was under the age of thirty. He had just reached the rank of captain, and his life once again took a dramatic turn.

The wheel of history crushes the past, and in the future, a glorious journey full of thorns is rolled out.

That afternoon’s handshake that afternoon, solidified into yellowish light and shadows many years later, was completely obscured in the fragment of history. If anyone can see through the history for hundreds of years, they will find out how wonderful and ironic destiny is, just like the invisible giant hands, they set off personal secret love and twisted hatred, overturning the prosperity of the country and changing times.

In 3,400 years of the Galactic Era, Marshal Gaelia Silia killed Red Saturn, and the alliance fell apart.

In the same year, Seth Heinrich became emperor, creating a great era for the Gemini Empire.

As predicted, one’s thoughts and actions are ultimately left in the past, while another leads his followers towards the future of the empire. The brief handshake in that long history is like taking on a certain mission in the meditation, taking history to an unpredictable distance.

“I didn’t treat you with the right attitude from the beginning …”

——All the obscure and secret feelings were wiped out in the centuries of change, and eventually buried in the constellation of snakes, Wanli Shahai.

In the new Versailles Palace, which has only the Gemini star, the mint flowers bloom under the pale red bimonthly.

“Your Majesty, the mint flower was considered a precursor to reunion in the ancient earth era. Its flower language is-“

“May I come back eventually.”

“——Wish to meet you again.” 2k novel reading network

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