The Sword of Galaxy

chapter 14


Heinrich thought about how to let Edna surrender the Phoenix, Dana thought about how to win the Mecha League, and the military royalists thought about how to create a little princess with marshal blood.

The three parties reached a wonderful consensus: the Royal Military Academy must lose.

Caroline certainly didn’t want to lose.

On the second day, the Mecha team ranked in the top four. The principal, the academy, and the military academy attended collectively. Everyone paid close attention to the final three-that represented the final candidate to participate in the Mecha League one month later.

That morning, Gavin also stubbornly crawled out of the military doctor’s office and went to the airport to make a final repair to Luan Zhu. At that time, the sky was bright, and Dean thought he was the oldest. Who knew that when he entered the airport, he saw Gavin with his back to him, sitting in the shadow of the huge mech and concentrating on the computer.

Dean was a little surprised, and stopped for a moment.

“The neural wiring to the particle gun is not very stable. I’ll reconnect it for you.” Gavin didn’t look back, saying, “The fire start time has also been reduced by 0.039 seconds, and it has reached the limit of the class mech.”

“… Thank you. How did you do that?”

“Observation, thinking, combining experience, starting with caution … basically doing everything is a process.”

Dean smirked. “Oh? Do you have a lot of experience?”

Gavin subconsciously wanted to say that I have repaired more mechas than you have seen. This is not a problem; but he paused without saying anything.

“No, no,” he said softly, as if to himself: “… weird.”

Strange things are still behind.

In the morning, the quarter-finals started at nine o’clock in the first two groups. After the winner was determined, the loser challenged the winner of the opponent group. The two consecutive losers lost the top three qualifications.

Before the game, Gavin went to visit Mecha Chaozhu again, but found that Dean was talking to the instructor. I don’t know why both of them were very ugly. Gavin was not good enough to bother, so he quietly went out through the back door, wondering what was going on.

As a result, at the beginning of the game, he felt wrong-Chao Zhu’s moves were too uncoordinated!

Most of the mechs are giant, and the auditorium is located in a sheltered suspended corridor 100 meters above the ground. All of them wear special glasses to see every action of the giant mech combat clearly. Edna specially placed a good position for Gavin. Within one minute of the opening, he saw that Zhu’s right half of his body was moving slowly.

This slowness is hard to find, often a delay of a few tenths of a second-but in battle, a quarter of a second is the difference between life and death!

“Look, I said this little bunny is inferior to Admiral Aaron-tell you, Admiral Aaron has good physical strength and endurance, if you are tempted …”

Gavin grabbed the light ball a few seconds later, and the gryphon screamed out freely and plunged into his backpack.

The game did not last for a long time. After a few minutes, the opponent’s lightsaber made a sharp oblique cut, which ended the battle neatly.

The winner enjoyed the cheers of the whole school, and the loser hurriedly sent the mech to repair for the next game. Gavin walked out of the stands without notice, and found the door of the preparation room all the way, stopping Dean who was rushing in.

“What the **** is going wrong, something went wrong in Mech?”

Dean didn’t look mournful, instead he was very calm: “It’s not chaotic fault.”

“But your instructions did not go wrong, because the mech response was delayed.” Gavin seriously said: “Tell me what happened, it’s too late, maybe I can help you.”

Dean didn’t speak for a long time, and he looked very hesitant. Gavin gazed into his eyes, and after a moment a flash of light flashed: “–the technician you asked for?”


“Lan Zhu needs a technician to drive, but he didn’t come today?”

Dean’s look had it all.

Gavin turned and walked to the preparation room. Dean grabbed his hand: “No, you can’t be a co-driver! This game is too fierce, you’re just a weak body-”

“And defeated you.” Gavin said in good faith, “I will not add the adjective ‘ruthless’.”

Dean: “…”

The two eyes widened and narrowed in the corridor, and after a few tens of seconds, Gavin finally asked the question that had been hidden in his heart for a long time: “It’s so difficult to overcome lp’s ridiculous pride?”

“… No, it’s not.”

“That is how the matter?”

Dean hesitated for a long time, and finally embarrassed: “I wonder … Did you help me because you said you would pay me back at the beginning of school?”

Gavin stared blankly at him, with a neat row of “…” symbols on his head.

He patted Dean’s shoulder for a while, and said gravely: “–maturity.”

Half an hour later, the game started again. Dean’s opponent was another set of winners. He was the same class of mech class elite student Claire.

These two people usually have a relationship with Wang Wang in the Mecha Team. Last semester it is said that they can still maintain their affection in the face. During this semester, for some reason, they became strangers who did not even say hello.

Claire’s mech is d-level in general, but the parameters are not very messy, and he has a very rare killer-electromagnetic orbital double-blade.

Compared to traditional railguns, this new type of hot and cold combined weapon was very popular during the first galactic war. As long as it can be done, it is basically a b-class. In military ranking competitions, this is equivalent to killing. .

Gavin was wrapped up in tight combat **, wearing goggles and sitting in the messy co-cockpit. The lower the mech level, the more complicated the console. At least there are thousands of mechanical buttons and colored handles in front of him. Dean’s voice came from the communicator, listening very dignifiedly:

“I have reset the keys. In case of an accident, you can push the red handle to death and it will pop up. Remember, your safety is first and nothing can match yours …”

“My safety,” Gavin interfaced. “Last week I took a look at the security guard. If I die, you have to go to jail for life.”

Dean: “…”

After ten seconds, the countdown ends and the game starts instantly.

The opponent did not hesitate for half a second. The first action was to pull the knife forward and slash down to the right side of Luan Zhu-his action was at least twice as fast as the opponent in the last game. Hit!

Dean and Gavin in the two cockpits yanked the handles at the same time, and the mech giant backed away, avoiding the electromagnetic double-knife when it was about to hit, and then fired out!

There was a sudden sound in the stands: “-OK!”

The particle gun hit the opponent’s arm, and the fire and black smoke rose at the same time. Communicator Rideen exclaimed: “Gavan!”


“What did I tell you! Don’t take the initiative to attack, it’s too dangerous for you!”

Gavin ignored it. On the screen, he saw his opponent step back ten meters, chasing his feet, and grabbing the injured arm with his bare hand. The steel giant’s close combat was simply shocking, with each collision triggering a strong airflow, shaking the air stand slightly.

Edna couldn’t help but stand up and whispered, “The shot just now was … his handwriting.”

“Normally, his mental threshold is several times higher than Dean. When the commander and co-driver are in contradiction, Mech will not listen to Dean.” Carolyn paused and said, “It’s not him who plays melee now. . ”

Edna nodded slightly.

Sitting in the co-cockpit, Gavin inadvertently teased a mech nerve ending. In the fierce hand-to-hand combat, Luan Zhu only assigned a little perception system to play with him, and felt very shy inside.

Dean and his opponents have a very academic style of play, very different from Gavin. However, it is undeniable that Dean is also very unique. Using the characteristics of the melee output of the level mech, he held the opponent’s mech in a violent storm and shook the world.

Gavin is only responsible for assisting-manipulating the nervous system and fine-tuning movements, more to ensure that the fist hits the opponent’s most vulnerable point.

The opponent’s technician was obviously inferior. He repeatedly tried to reach out and trip over the chaos, but the micro-operation was always inaccurate. Instead, Gavin returned a shot and penetrated the sole of his foot.

The opponent’s mech roared angrily, and finally pushed away the chaos in the gap, throwing away the destroyed electromagnetic sword. A giant knife nearly 100 meters long landed on the ground, making a loud noise, and then it swept another knife up and down, and cut half of the palm of the chaos between the electric light and flint!

The electric light burst out several meters, and Zhu Zhu lost his balance and fell backwards. The opponent’s mech roared, and at this moment, Gavin activated the magnetic shock gun.


A close-range electromagnetic confrontation blasted the two steel giants into chaos, and saw that the other party had fallen tens of meters away. At the same time, it held up its sword to the sky, aimed, and issued a dazzling electromagnetic cannon. Light.

That moment was too late to communicate, Dean’s first reaction was to hide!

Gavin pushed the impact handle to the top with one hand: “Chaos Zhu!”

If you stretch this moment infinitely, you will find that Dean and Gavin both gave instructions at the same time. The former requires mech avoidance, while the latter requires forward rushing, and the route just forms a perfect 180 ° flat angle.

Luan Zhu stood still in the air strangely for a moment.

Immediately following Gavin’s instructions, the mech leaped forward, Dean madly pulled back and backed off. The opposite operation caused the mech to take a few steps and fell to the oncoming electromagnetic cannon.

There was a loud noise, the co-cockpit flashed red, and then the life-guard door “snapped!” A missile opened!

At this critical moment, Dean did not save himself, but expelled the technician!

Gavin could not imagine that someone would do this, which refreshed his three views. No driver in the entire history of the galaxy has done so. He didn’t have time to untie the mech’s nerve band on his feet. Then, a huge force rushed in, and he was ejected from the cabin instantly, and the wind whispered in his ear.

A terrified scream erupted in the stands.

Gavin flew a half circle in the air, and the parachute slid out from his back. The centrifugal force caused him to hit the mech’s shell quickly, and he reached out and held his head for the first time, but to no avail.

“The coin spring is loud.

He was repeatedly photographed on the whole metal, only to feel his head hum, and his eyes, ears, nose and nose were instantly filled with blood.


The audience stood up, and many even covered their eyes subconsciously. Caroline turned back abruptly and yelled, “Notify the referee! Stop the game!”

Just as she spoke, Gavin’s body bounced back, swinging a graceful arc in the air, and then hitting the metal shell a second time.

Unlike the panicked auditorium, Gavin was very calm at that moment. He quickly threw away the goggles to prevent fragments from getting into his eyes, suppressed the griffon earrings that were about to be automatically deformed, and then switched on the chaotic spiritual plug, and issued a rescue instruction.

The mech’s nerve band tightly gripping his ankle broke down instantly, and Zhuan Zhu raised his hand to support his falling body. However, it was said that time and time soon, the opponent’s mech bombarded, and the general was shocked by the shock. Luan Zhu’s arm exploded into countless fragments!

Gavin: “… == |||||||||||”

Gavin was sandwiched between two steel mechs, like a young bird with folded wings falling from a staggered high-rise building, quickly passing heavy artillery fire, black smoke, and flying metal fragments, falling from the sky to the ground.

The two mechas roared over his head, and the electromagnetic muzzle suddenly emitted a dazzling snow light, aiming at each other’s heart!

This must be a decisive blow.

If the time is still at this moment, it will be a very spectacular picture: the war is sweeping through the sky, the steel giant roars and roars, the metal fragments explode, and the cannon emits a scorching light of infinite power. Seeing that everything in front will be blown up 殆Exhausted.

Gavin was facing the huge muzzle above his head, turned to look at the auditorium, and tried to reach out his hand.

It was stretched infinitely for a second until the earth suddenly shook liè-


It feels like something on the ground suddenly bumped upwards, the amplitude even shocked the audience on the air corridor **; the two mechas on the arena were unstable in their centers of gravity, and at the same time they were stunned!

Countless people fell to the ground and asked, “What’s going on, is there an earthquake?”

Only Edna thought of something, her face suddenly turned pale.

From this moment, all the subsequent scenes occur simultaneously. If you use the code table to calculate, it may be accurate to the millisecond to fully reproduce all the details at the time-

At the same time as the earthquake, Caroline fell forward, and the red crystal chain broke free from her chest, turning into a red light and breaking through the ceiling of the stand;

On the playing field, the two mech muzzles slammed together, and the gun light converged in the terrible electromagnetic sound waves, soaring into a huge light ball with a diameter of several meters;

On the stands, Caroline looked up suddenly, and saw that Red Crystal quickly disintegrated into the light, assembled into countless large pieces of red lights, rushed into the sky, and took the fall to catch Gavin;

In the next second, the electromagnetic light ball poured down and made a terrifying explosion!

Edna lost her voice: “Silla-”

With a blast, the red giant fell to his knees on one knee, and instantly raised the giant shield waiting for him!

The electromagnetic cannon pours at this moment, and a huge explosion is caused by the collision with the giant shield. The high-speed impacting particle stream forms a transverse film, which immediately covers the entire sky to death!

“This, what’s going on!”

“Look at mech!”

“Flaming fox, it is flaming fox-!”

Exclaiming in the stands, the Red Giant stood up in black smoke, closed his shield, and pulled out his sword.

In the next second, the lightsaber slashed his opponent, the brilliant arc of light spread out in a fan shape at high altitude, and the metal fragments came out with numerous jets of Mars, as if a bright fireworks festival in the sky.

This scene is the most spectacular spectacle since the establishment of the Royal Military Academy.

The flaming fox reached out and grabbed the missile from the shard of metal, and dropped it on the ground. The cockpit was mostly destroyed, Claire jumped out first, and immediately turned back to help pull out the trembling technician, and the two looked up panting.

Firefox stood up slowly, and the system mechanically said, “The command is completed and the shutdown procedure is started.”

The red giant’s eyes flickered a few times, and then suddenly went out. A cockpit with a red pattern on a white background pops up automatically, landing lightly under the action of anti-gravity, and a click of the cabin door opens.

Gavin’s face was full of blood, and before he stood still, Claire rushed forward with a stride, exclaiming: “Are you a Dean’s armed technician ?!”


“How much? I’m out! Team up with me to the league!”

Gavin wiped his blood and looked up: “You–”

Immediately afterwards, the two eyes stared at each other, and they froze.

“You are …” Claire stunned in the strong, sweet pheromone scent, then found that the taste was still familiar, and the voice immediately trembled: “You are … that …”

“You’re the lp who hit me by hand,” Gavin narrowed his eyes and determined after two seconds. “It’s you.”

New hatred and old hatred rushed into Gavin’s mind: lp was attracted by the estrus odor, and then developed a strong passion | desire to mate | mating, these are easy to understand, the question is what do you hit?

Even if cadets have a tendency to be violent and have an urge to attack during estrus, what are you doing like hitting the enemy with the enemy? !!

Claire immediately realized that it was not good, and took a step back, saying in vain: “I–”

When the words didn’t fall, Gavin grabbed his collar, and a heavy and heavy right uppercut punched him with blood. The technician on the side was stunned, and before he could scream, he saw Gavin slap his chest and thumped Claire to the ground with a bang!

“You **** stop, I just … ah!”

Claire screamed, because Gavin knelt down to his abdomen with one knee, raised his collar with one hand, and asked arrogantly, “Just what?”

“…” Any lp stunned by a body full of blood and pheromone scent within such a short distance will be faintly confused between the northeast and southeast.

Claire just felt like he was falling in the clouds, and he opened his mouth in futility several times, and couldn’t make a sound, and for a long while, he was weak and said, “I’m just … passive …

Gavin’s face didn’t fall, and he nearly punched his teeth.

“–So you are being beaten passively now.”

Gavin hurriedly threw him to the ground, turned and walked away–

The author has something to say:

Years later, Marshal wrote the book :; Subtitle:

Comrades have come to advertise again. The new article by Comrade Luo Ye three years later and the previous rebirth article are a series, which will be a separate article and a big push!

I promise to transcribe the list of overlords tomorrow! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

All students who write longer reviews remember to log in! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Points will be given one by one after entering v! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! bow! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

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