The Supreme Realm of Fighting Break

Chapter 1039 Opening the Happy Treasure House (3)

Chapter 1039 Opening of Happy Treasure House ([-])
The elder nodded and said with a smile: "The seventeen seven-stars and above are more ruthless than us when they deal with the seven Xiaoyans who only have one seven-star. It shows how much Dan Dian hates Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan is dead this time." .”

"Never underestimate any opponent. Especially Xiao Yan!" The sub-rudder looked at the elder coldly and said, his tone was full of dissatisfied majesty. Xiao Yan is much stronger? Which time did we not fight more with less? Which time did we not think we were safe? But the result? The result is that Xiao Yan has humiliated us time and time again! Before seeing Xiao Yan's body or getting the exact news of Xiao Yan's death, we can't say that Xiao Yan is dead!"

Seeing the elder bowed his head in shame, the sub-ruler looked at the elder who came in to report the situation, and gave the order with murderous eyes——

"Immediately issue a heavenly killing order! Please send an eight-star powerhouse from the main hall. If the alchemy hall fails to assassinate Xiao Yan, we must make up for it! This time, I must avenge the shame of sharing the helm!"


Xiao Yan and his group traveled along the icy seashore day and night all the way to the north, the cold wind wrapped in ice shards and slapped their faces, causing burning pain.

Seven days later, when everyone looked at the endless ice peaks in front of them, they couldn't help but frown.The location of Xiaoyao Treasure House is just a small black dot on the map, but only when you arrive do you know how big the black dot is, so how can everyone find it?

We can only wait until the last three days at the end of the month when there is a vision of yin and yang being reversed.

On the first dusk of the three days at the end of the month, the vision of the sun and the moon turning upside down was only a flash in the pan and then returned to normal, as if everyone had just had a momentary hallucination.Xiao Yan and the others continued to wait, waiting for whether the vision would appear again.However, this night they did not see the vision they were looking forward to, but saw the magnificent and ever-changing aurora as the night fell.The aurora is as charming as fireworks, with colors ranging from light to dark, from green to red, and it is so beautiful that it soothes everyone's anxious mood in this lonely night.

At dusk the next day, the spectacle of the sun and the moon in the same sky and their positions reversed appeared again in the sky.This time, the spectacle lasted much longer than the first day.Looking at the cold moon where the sea and the sky were uniform, Xiao Yan and his group felt their hearts pounding, nervously waiting for any changes that might occur at any time.However, as the night deepened, until the reappearing aurora replaced the vision, there was no slight change between the heaven and the earth.

Only tomorrow is the last day.In the mood of loss, everyone excitedly looked forward to the arrival of the evening of the third day.

On the third day, the vision of the sun and the moon reappearing at dusk.This time, the sun was extraordinarily bright, the moon was extraordinarily bright, and the sky was extraordinarily clear, as if it was not dusk at this moment, but the morning of golden autumn, no, it was like noon in early spring.

Happy treasure house is about to open!Everyone is very excited.

After all, it was already dusk, and the clear sky was gradually darkening.But why is there no movement at all?The dazzling sun and the beautiful moon have begun to soften and fade. Could it be that the treasure house will only be opened when the wonder is completely gone?Everyone watched nervously as the sun and moon faded away bit by bit.

However, until the night completely swallowed everything, and after a while, except for the gorgeous aurora flashing up presumptuously, there was no movement of opening the imaginary treasure house.what happened?Could it be that when Xiaoyao Treasure House was opened last time, someone got there first?Or does it turn on silently?But in such a large area, if there is no movement, who can find out where the treasure house is?Disappointed, frustrated, everyone's hearts were so cold that they were about to freeze.

(End of this chapter)

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