The Superheroine Experience

Chapter 5: Power & Wonder Pt. 2

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For the second evening in a row, Veronica found her business affairs interrupted.

It started with the crack of thunder and a deep but faint tremble in the earth. She glanced towards her office window and saw that, oddly enough, it wasn't raining. Knowing the world she lived in, that should have sent alarm bells ringing in her head.

Alas, she didn't see the trouble until it walked right through her office door.

Trouble marched up to the front of her desk. And good God was he gorgeous.

Trouble was a man dressed in fine, dark clothes - a sharp, heavy coat fitted over a dress shirt, all pulled snug over his broad chest and thick, powerful arms. Down below, tree trunk legs were garbed in black trousers. Around his waist, a leather belt with its silver buckle gleaming. In each hand, Trouble held a large case of shiny, black metal. They were long and wide and looked damned heavy - but he held them with striking ease. Veronica could see no strain on his hands or his face. His handsome, handsome face.

Masculine, rugged even, but beautiful too. The line of his jaw was solid and heavy, like an anvil - yet his lips looked so full and soft and kissable. A strong, prominent nose set between brilliant eyes of shocking blue. And the hair, God the hair… Golden waves rolled down to his shoulders, framing the beauty of his face so immaculately that Veronica almost forgot how to speak. 

But that moment of stunned admiration was fleeting. It took only a split second for Veronica Sinclair to reclaim her focus. Her world was cutthroat. She didn't get this far by swooning over every pretty face.

Trouble stood before her desk, his blue eyes fixed upon hers. A second ticked by. Then another. Veronica was thinking of going for the gun under her desk when the man finally spoke.

"Veronica Sinclair." His voice was deep, powerful, masculine. Veronica found it fitting. "You own and operate the Mask & Cape."

A mix of emotions took space in her mind. Chief among them was curiosity towards the tall, handsome stranger - apprehension, too. Indeed, the man was large. Tall, broad, and visibly strong. As alluring as his looks were, he was still an intruder. He was a threat. But bubbling beneath all those feelings wasn't fear or even worry. Veronica Sinclair was annoyed.

Veronica adjusted her glasses, taking in a slow, steady breath.

"I am." She answered calmly. Her expression remained still, betraying nothing. She stared down the blond hunk with her sharp gaze. "And I do. Though I'm afraid I don't make time for those who lack manners… such as intruders. You can explain yourself to my guards - though they're much less polite than I am."

Veronica pressed the emergency call button under her desk. In a few seconds, a dozen of her hired henchmen would come barging in - and this stranger would be shit out of luck. As pretty as he was, Veronica knew she'd still get some satisfaction seeing her goons bloody his face.

…Except her henchmen never came. 

Seconds ticked by. Still nothing. Nobody. Veronica's eyes flickered towards the doors, her brow furrowed in confusion, annoyance. When she drew her gaze back towards the tall, burly blond, she found him grinning - and more than a little smug.

"Your guards won't be helping you." He told her plainly. "I didn't hurt them too much. I just needed them out of the way."

Again, Veronica took in a slow, steady breath. She swallowed.

"I see."

"My apologies for the lack of decorum, but this simply couldn't wait." "I've come to make you an offer."

"You're not even going to introduce yourself?" She asked, almost stumbling over her words.

"My name is Blake. Don Blake. And I promise you, this is worth your time."

Veronica narrowed her eyes. She scanned his face, searching for tells, for any sign of deceit. This Don Blake broke into her office, attacked her men - surely he was willing to lie. But Veronica found none. Being able to read people was a skill necessary to survive in her world - your instincts were attuned to bullshit and betrayal or you lived a very short life.

This man was telling the truth. At least as far as Veronica could tell.

"Alright, Don Blake." Veronica sat back in her chair, relaxing a tiny bit. "What exactly have you come to offer me?"

The stranger moved closer, and set down the two large, black cases. He lowered them gently but even still they landed with a heavy, audible thunk. Veronica eyed them, wondering what they could possibly be holding. 

But then Don Blake cleared his throat, taking the open seat in front of Veronica's desk. Even sitting, he was still taller than her.

"First, some clarification." He said, clasping his hands - his very large hands - together over his knee. "The Mask & Cape is a brothel."

It was closer to an accusation than a question. But Veronica found herself… somewhat distracted. With him sitting closer now, Veronica could see better the way his firm chest was straining against the fabric of his shirt. How valiant an effort those buttons were putting up… Veronica blinked, putting her focus back on the man's words.

Annoyance flickered faintly across Veronica's face, but she quickly returned to that practiced calm.

"The Mask & Cape offers all sorts of entertainment to those with enough to spend. Music, drinks, dancing-"

"And sex." Mr. Blake's voice was hard. Severe. Were she a decade younger and less attuned to his sort, Veronica might have flinched. "Your entertainment is women. Beautiful women. Powerful women. Specifically superheroines. Hence the club's name. Am I wrong?"

Veronica chewed on her tongue, considering her response. Something about this stranger, this Don Blake, had her wary - beyond his making short work of her guards, of course.

"Superheroes are a popular theme these days, aren't they?" She pointed out with feigned nonchalance. "I'd be a fool not to cash in on the craze."

"But it's more than just a theme here." Mr. Blake's focus was sharp, the blue of his eyes seemingly shining brighter now. His gaze hardened, becoming like steel. "You and I both know that."

Someone talked, Veronica guessed immediately. Maybe not one of her regulars, but definitely one of the new guys. Another rich asshole who couldn't help but brag to his idiot buddies. Veronica kept her face like stone, but inwardly she was cursing. Aside from the frustration, she also felt a spike of curiosity. Don Blake was becoming ever more mysterious. What was he after?

Her answer came when his deep voice rumbled again.

"I hear you've recently gained some new talent. High profile talent."

Veronica didn't say anything for a moment. No, she realized, it wasn't one of her customers. Nobody knew about the new additions to the roster yet. Nobody but her own people.

"Hm. Sounds like I have a leak problem." Veronica's face tightened, wanting so badly to sneer.

Don Blake, however, was only interested in business.

"Wonder Woman and Power Girl. Do you have them or not?"

His gaze remained steely but Veronica was undaunted. She hardened her own eyes in turn, staring him down. Scrutinizing this handsome stranger who knew too much. Far too much.

There was no point in lying to him. And still Veronica was curious.

"I have them both." She admitted.

There was a flicker across the man's face. Veronica only just barely caught it, that look in his eye. It was far more than mere interest… but then it was gone. Mr. Blake chewed on his tongue - Veronica watched how the muscles of his neck moved. Her eyes dropped lower again, down to his shoulders, his chest, seeing how his coat and shirt hugged the contours of his upper body.

"I also heard that they have… yet to perform." He spoke again, drawing her attention back to his face.

Veronica raised a brow.

"You want first crack at them?" The thought almost made her laugh. She wouldn't count out the possibility - men had done more for much less.

But Don Blake shook his head.

"Not quite. I want to take them off the market entirely."

This time Veronica had to laugh. It rose up in her throat, spilling from her lips, incredulous and mocking. When it finally died down she saw that Mr. Blake had not wavered. All she had for him in return was a cold, cutting smile.

"You said you weren't going to waste my time." She said sharply.

"Have I offended?"

It took much discipline for Veronica to hold back a scoff. She pursed her lips, taking an equal effort to keep her tone cool and level.

"Do you have any idea how much money just one of those women will bring me? There's not a man alive who hasn't dreamed of taking those two to bed. And now the Mask & Cape has them both. You think I'm just going to sell them off?"

"Yes." Mr. Blake's answer was blunt. His face softened, allowing for a faint grin. His eyes, however, remained piercing. "For the amount of money I'm offering, certainly."

Rather than more curiosity, it was tension that crawled up Veronica's back, rising alongside her flaring anger. Who the hell did this man think he was? Five minutes ago she might have been impressed with his audacity. But now? Now it was crystal clear that Don Blake simply didn't take Roulette seriously. With such an obvious bluff, too.

"Bullshit." Veronica sneered. She planted her hands on her desk, beginning to rise. "This meeting is over."

Wonder Woman and Power Girl were priceless. There was just no way this intruder had enough money on hand to even catch Veronica's eye.

But Don Blake was rising as well, reaching into his coat pocket. A jolt of cold fear shot through Veronica's body - was it a weapon? He had to have gotten through her guards somehow. His hand drew back out and there was the shining glint of metal… but not of gray steel.

Gold. Brilliant, gleaming gold. 

It was a solid bar the size of Veronica's forearm. Bigger, even. Don Blake didn't say a word as he set the bar on Veronica's desk. It landed with a deep, heavy thump.

Veronica stared at it, momentarily stunned by the gold's sheer perfection. The bar was smooth, impossibly so, and polished to a heavenly shine. Beautiful, certainly… but it was still only one gold bar. Veronica blinked, furrowing her brow. She drew her eyes up to meet Mr. Blake's, finding the man grinning. She opened her mouth to speak… only for the man to set down another gold bar.

It was the same size as the first with just as brilliant a shine. 

Thoughts began to storm and swirl in Veronica's head. She tried to speak but couldn't find the words. The sounds that came were nothing more than bits of gibberish.

While Veronica was speechless, Don Blake knelt beside his two black cases. The sound of the metal locks clicking open rang out, followed by the creak of the opening lid. The man rose up again with two more golden bars in hand. He set them down on her desk.

Thump. Thump.

Gold. He was offering gold.

Those two cases were full of gold.

The most brilliant gold Veronica Sinclair had ever seen.

"I must ask you to reconsider." Don Blake's deep voice hammered the woman back to focus.

She took in a deep, deep breath, wondering briefly if this was some sort of surreal dream. She could feel the beating of her heart, bu-bump, bu-bump, bu-bump. She could feel the prickling of her skin as excitement began to rise in her belly. 

No, she was not dreaming.

Don Blake was real. And so was his offer. His very tempting offer.

Slowly, slowly, Veronica eased herself back into her chair. Mr. Blake took that as an invitation to continue.

"These two cases are filled with dozens of bars just like these." He told her, gesturing to the four golden bars stacked on the desk. "Smelted from the purest - and strongest - gold to ever exist on Earth. Much more valuable than regular gold, I assure you. They're worth more than all of the money in your various bank accounts combined. All of them are yours. Plus another two cases once we have an agreement. Do we have a deal?"

Veronica had to shake her head. Not to answer no, but out of sheer astonishment.

"I… What are these women to you?" The question came of its own accord.

Don Blake was unfazed.

"Does it matter?"

Veronica narrowed her eyes again.

"It does if you want a deal."

At first, the handsome intruder said nothing, simply staring Veronica down with those cold, brilliant blue eyes. His jaw worked as he clicked his teeth together, his face hard with thought. He let out a deep exhale, his nostrils flaring.

"Diana and Karen are very close friends of mine." He answered with sincerity.

This time it was Veronica's turn to grin. A short, dry laugh rose up in her throat.

"Close enough for you to spend a fortune on them." She noted. Then she frowned. "I can't offer you their freedom. You know that, right? The control placed over their minds is-"

"Quite strong, yes. I am aware. This gold is in exchange for ceding that control to me."

Veronica's smirk grew. The picture was clearer now. Much clearer. Her perception of Don Blake had shifted now, from intruder to customer.

"Ah. Now I see." She hummed as she crossed her legs. "You were never after their freedom."

That brought about another flicker across Mr. Blake's face. Standing at his full height, he loomed over the desk and the still-seated Veronica. He didn't shout nor did his face twist into a sneer. He didn't need to. His icy gaze was enough. 

"I want to ensure their safety." His voice was cold, hard. "You think I'd allow any of your usual customers to put their hands on them?"

Even as his look darkened, Veronica was undaunted.

"Of course not. Only you deserve that privilege." She eyed the golden bars again, dazzled by the way they shined. "Being such a good friend and all."

The sound of thunder split through the air, flashing just outside the office window. Veronica jumped in her seat, letting out a girlish, reflexive yelp. Mr. Blake, however, hadn't so much as flinched.

Veronica's eyes darted from the man to the window then back again. Shocked - almost literally - and momentarily speechless, the crime boss-turned-madam felt the tension return, tightening up her back, her neck, her shoulders. 

There's no way he could have… Could he…?

It took a moment for her to find her voice again.

"I can't remove the influence over their minds." Veronica finally clarified. "They've been conditioned into adopting certain personas during their "shifts", just like all the other talent working at the Mask & Cape. For your friends, it was becoming pretty, bubbly housewives. Eager to please, eager to serve."

Mr. Blake gave a snort. Veronica heard and felt the faint rumbling of thunder just outside.

"You must have found that amusing." He said icily.

"I felt it would make me money." Veronica shot back. She lifted her chin, unrepentant. "And it has."

Mr. Blake eyed the golden bars with a frown. His grimace told her he had no comeback. This world was brutal. Competition was cutthroat. Why should she apologize for coming out ahead?

"The influence - and the housewife personas - will need to work its way out of their systems. You'll just have to endure playing house with your friends every so often until that happens. Though I'm sure you'll survive. A man so strapping as you…" 

Veronica did not like Don Blake or his judging eyes. Nor did she like how small she felt when he glowered at her. She did, however, like the way he looked. She drew her eyes over him again, silently admiring how his clothes molded so perfectly to that towering body. Those big shoulders, those massive arms, and the faint glimpse at his broad chest. Oh, how tantalizing a single undone button could be…

When her eyes reached his face again, she found the man visibly unimpressed.

"Do we have a deal?" He asked.

The golden bars on her desk seemed to gleam and shine that much brighter. Veronica felt a satisfied smile stretch across her face as she pulled open one of her desk drawers. She rummaged for a moment and drew out two devices each the size of a cell phone- control devices reverse engineered from Blackfire's invaluable alien tech. Veronica set them on the desk and slid them over to Mr. Blake's side.

"Wonder Woman and Power Girl are now yours to play with. Or not play with. However noble you wish to be or not to be is entirely up to you." Veronica saw the annoyance dance across his handsome features and felt some wicked glee. "Possession of those devices means they answer to you - or whoever you tell them to answer to. Turning on their housewife personas requires an activation phrase. The phrase is the same for both: Bosom, Beauty, Bakery."

Mr. Blake nodded as he collected the two devices and pocketed them. He knelt and closed the open case, then slid them both closer to her desk. 

"I will return with the other two cases soon. You have my word." He told her, rising to his full height.

Good God, he's tall…

As Don Blake turned to leave, words rose up in Veronica's throat. Words that just wanted to come out.

"You're not Justice League, that much is obvious." She mused aloud, eyeing the man with calm scrutiny now. "I would have recognized you if you were. And yet you're close friends with Power Girl and Wonder Woman. Or at least you claim to be. Who are you really?"

He gave a half-hearted shrug.

"Like I said, I'm a close friend."

Veronica chewed on her tongue, trying to read him. When she realized that was all she was getting, she waved him off.

"Very well. Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Blake."

"I wish I could say the same."

Veronica had to scoff. He may not have been Justice League, but he was as obnoxiously righteous as any of them.

"Oh, please. This time tomorrow you'll be calling up to thank me. Those two supersluts will treat you like a god."

Again, there was a flicker across his face. But it was different this time. Not a flare of annoyance or frustration or outrage. This was something else. In his shocking blue eyes… a glimmer of silent laughter. And on his lips, the faintest of grins. Veronica could still only wonder… just who was this man?

"Have a good evening, Ms. Sinclair." He said.

Don Blake turned and left, closing the office door behind him.

Outside her window, there was the rumble of thunder. But the villainess Roulette paid it no mind. Her hungry gaze was focused on her desk… and the bars of gold stacked upon it.

Who said crime didn't pay?

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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